Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

OMG, y'all.... 

I saw a license plate that was custom made on a car today... it said CHTRBX... I was like.... ACK WHAT IF IT MEANS CHATTERBOX AND THE PEOPLE DRIVING IT ARE OLD CBERS 

The possiblilty is driving me up the wall 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Stars , My thoughts in Korea
(November 21, 2023 - 4:01 pm)

I'm so sorry you feel that way Peri!! Yeah, I can relate (except Ig it's different for me cuz I'm basically interested in EVERYTHING!!). I S-T-I-L-L can't find that piece of writing I did I KNOW it's in here somewhere sorry it's taking me so long... but I'm always here if you ever want to talk to me!

- eek yess Star Wars!! Porgs! Ack! Have you ever watched the Bad Batch? It's been a while since I've watched it, but it was pretty good!

- Spider-Man!!! I think there's a show called The Amazing Spider-man or whatever? It's SOO good!! One of my favorite shows!! Who's your favorite spider-man/spider? Spider-man movie (SOOOOO GOOD!!)? Spider-man villain (am I the only who's noticed that your-friendly-neighberhood-Spider-man has like a thousand enemies who all want revenge on him for something or other while the actual adult Marvel heroes have like only one? It's awesome! And some of them are so absurd too! :D)? Spider-man show? I've never played the Spider-man video game, though I may know of it... which one do you mean? And WHAT is the deal with "spooder-man"?? Spider man ACKK!! :)

- Comics!! Do you mean like MCU comics (which I have less experience with), or graphic novels/comix (yes I still love love love Dog Man and Cat Kid Comic Club and occasionally even Captain Underpants the humor never grows old but they're also surprisingly beautiful and poetic and deep too, also Mellybean), or graphic novels like On A Sunbeam, Nimona, The Girl From the Sea, etc., or comic strips (CALVIN. AND. HOBBES!!!! AND ALLIE BROSH!! And Sandra Boynton and Charlie Brown and Garfield and The Daily Farside are cool too!), or something entirely different?

- High fantasy stuff!! Yess!!! Favorite books/movies/TV shows/games/other? Do you play D&D? I SOOO want to but right when I joined the club the DM got sick or something and, welp, yeah. That went nowhere.

- Theater!! You mean acting, plays, singing, dancing, musical theater, tech/stage crew, props, improv, theater games, or something else? Or everything? I LOVEE theater!! What are some of your favorite plays/musicals/stuff? Have you been in any productions yourself?

- Music!!!! Music Is My Life (book title)!! Thank you SO SO SO SO SO much again for sharing your song recommendations, I love them all!! If I had to choose a favoritest favoriteing favorite though, I'll have to go with i guess that was goodbye. So awesome! Favorite bands (I think you like Pamelo??), artists, songs, genres, anything? Music's awesome!! :)

- Ninja Turtles!! The new movie was ABSOLUTELY amazing!! The art and characters and humor and stuff (even my dad loved it too! For some reason I'm always scared he won't, but he kept on repeating the... well, have you watched it yet? And, yayy, Jackie Chan!!)!! I also love noticing small who knows if they even matter but I like to think they do details! Like when Leonardo was in the sewers and he looked back up at the human band outside, the bars on the sewer hatch cast a shadow over his face, like he was in jail/imprisoned/trapped if that makes sense? I thought that was cool! I was a big fan of the TMNT show way back when and it was great to revisit all the characters again!

(oc, if you just mean ninja turtles, those are pretty awesome too, as are ninjas and turtles separately, XD)

- Animated TV shows!! Any favorites?

- BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOOKKKKSSSSS!!! Hehe, yeah. Books are kinda my trademark at school. "Oh, yeah, (Celine)? Yeah, I know her. She's that girl who always has a book in her hand." In class, at lunch, walking down the stairs (don't try this at home, I only can cuz I'm a master), after school, on break, in morning meetings, while talking to people, walking to class, you name it, the book's there! :) Been like that since I was 4 and learned to read (actually I think even before, we have video and picture evidence)! AnyWAYS! Yup. Books. I'm excited. What are some of your favorite books? Genres? Authors? Eek!!

So yup as I said I'm basically interested in everything :) :/

and you don't have to reply to this if you don't want to btw! :) 

submitted by Celine@Peri, age :D, Sending love <333
(November 21, 2023 - 7:11 pm)

It's okay that you can't find it! Let me know if you do :]

- I haven't watched the Bad Batch yet, but I do plan to! I'm watching some other shows first.

- I like Peter Parker (Spider-Man), Gwen Stacy (Ghost Spider, Spider-Woman or Spider-Gwen) and Miles Morales (Spider-Man). I like a lot of the movies but Into the Spider-Verse may be my favorite! Doc Ock is a pretty cool villain. I don't really watch the shows. I'm talking about the one that came out in 2018 for PlayStation! It's really awesome! 

- I like some Marvel comics (the Kamala Khan a.k.a Ms. Marvel comics are AMAZING) and graphic novels like Nimona and The Girl From the Sea! 

- My favorite high fantasy game is Skyrim and my favorite TV show is Willow! I want to play D&D but it's hard to find a party. One day!

- I mean most of what you listed! Acting, singing, musical theater, theater games, ect. I love Wicked and Aladdin. I've been in many productions, yes! Have you?

- Yes, I do like Pamelo! I also like Clairo, girl in red, Wallows, Cavetown, Phoneboy, the list goes on. I think rn my favorite song is Meteor Shower by Cavetown. I really like indie music, especially indie rock, and 80s-90s rock.

-  Yess the new movie was soo good!! The animation was amazing!!

- I like The Owl House, Amphibia, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Wars: Rebels, and Star Wars: Visions a lot!

- I like all kinds of books! One favorite I talk about a lot because it's great and underrated is The Missing Piece of Charlie O'Riely by Rebecca K.S. Ansari. I also love The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton! 

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(November 22, 2023 - 9:33 pm)

Ooh, what 80s/90s rock do you like? That's my main non-classical musical style. I kind of misjudged your musical taste when I was giving you music recs hehe. I still really like Cavetown though. And I still know nothing about pop-type music compared to classical XD  

submitted by @Peri, Blackfooted Bobcat
(November 24, 2023 - 2:10 pm)

I like some of the classics - Bon Jovi (Especially "You Give Love a Bad Name," but a lot of them), Whitesnake ("Here I Go '87"), that sort of thing, and I like Weezer a lot ("Say It Ain't So" blew my mind). I've been trying to get into riot grrrl music, too! 

I'm sorry I never replied to your music recs! I listened to all the Cavetown ones (they were really good too!) and while I like to listen to classical on occasion I don't have much experience with it so it was hard for me to find the songs you mentioned. I'm not too in touch with pop music but I know a bit about it; mostly I stick to indie. If you like Cavetown, actually, you might like the song "Little Moth" by chloe moriondo, which is a big comfort song for me. And I actually feel like you'd really appreciate Clairo's album Immunity. That album is very special to me. I think you'd particularly enjoy "Alewife" and "Bags." Ooh, and "Sinking," maybe, if not for the music, for the lyrics and meaning. My music taste has a lot of range, though - I usually stick to stuff under the alternative umbrella (whether that be something sort of soft indie like Clairo or indie rock like Phoneboy) since it's what I know (my parents like indie music so grew up listening to it) but I like instrumental music for when I'm writing or doing schoolwork, and a little pop here and there. 
submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(November 24, 2023 - 6:13 pm)

I am convinced that American and British are separate languages and I have looked everywhere for proof. 

submitted by Sinusoidal
(November 21, 2023 - 7:55 pm)

Silver!! Hi :D

Random Thoughts/Things? ... 10905 4 min 38 sec ago
by Silver Crystal


submitted by @Silver Crystal, this is Amethyst
(November 21, 2023 - 9:09 pm)

Hi Amethyst!!! Have I ever told you how much I love your name?? It's soo pretty!

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(November 21, 2023 - 10:36 pm)

Aw tysm :D I've always loved your name too, it gives off such a lovely vibe :)

submitted by Amethyst, crimson-touched forests
(November 22, 2023 - 9:57 pm)

Happy Thanksgivin', y'all!!

submitted by Thunder, age 15, Lightnin' City
(November 23, 2023 - 10:33 am)

Happy Thanksgiving! :D

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age Family, Autumn Leaves Pile
(November 23, 2023 - 12:13 pm)

happy thanksgiving!! :D

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(November 23, 2023 - 1:35 pm)

Happy Thanksgiving! :D

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunaryears, Thankful
(November 23, 2023 - 12:26 pm)

hApPy ThAnKsGiViNg~~~

submitted by Hawkstar, age Stars , My thoughts in Korea
(November 23, 2023 - 3:22 pm)

Happy Thanksgiving!!! <333

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(November 23, 2023 - 6:20 pm)