Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

Thank the gods* I'm finally home. New York was fun, though. But less so on New Jersey (no offense to anyone who lives there, ofc). In New York, I got Cut Loose!!!!!!!!! AAAAAA I read it super fast and oh my gosh it is so goooooodddddd. EEEE
I, alas, did not get to 'geek out on Ancient Greek at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art'. Next time, I guess... 

But we saw an off-Broadway production of 'I Can Get It For You Wholesale', which was the musical where Barbra Streisand got discovered way back in the original production. It was very good. And the costumes were awesome (and pretty much historically accurate!). AND we talked to one of the acotrs afterwards!!! She was so cool! And my sister, while being dramaturg for Little Shop, had seen her in a bootleg video as Audrey in the 2019 production (which is my sister's favorite production). 

We also went to FIT, and saw the Food Fashion exhibit. There were two dresses I loved the most. One was a light ash of roses color, with a floor-length skirt and GORGEOUS poofy sleeves. The other was from 1955, I think. It was a dress thata the top part kinda looked like a cropped shirt was it was connected, it had a color and buttons, and the skirt went down to the knees, and it was purple with grape designs and a belt and I'd totally wear it and so would one of my charries. Actually, I'd wear both...

Oh and I made some art! That was fun. And my grandfather gave me a hat. 

Oh and we just got our costumes for the play in a week (wait what)!! B/c I have freaking 7 characters to play, I have about 5 different costumes (and at least two peices per costume)... And I'll be changing between every single scene... yay. *sarcastic eyeroll*

aaaand yeah I think that's about it?  


*yay book words

submitted by Rainbow, age teen, Serenading the moon
(November 26, 2023 - 5:17 pm)
submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age prevbtw, Feiya said KVAHU
(November 26, 2023 - 6:28 pm)

*Actors, not acotrs

*that, not thata

*collar, not color

*pieces not peices  

(Sorry I was typing fast)

submitted by Rainbow, age ack typos , CORRECT THEM ALLLLLLL
(November 26, 2023 - 6:28 pm)

Whoa your trip sounds so cool!! I've been to New York a couple times and even though it's grimy and full of rats and too hot in summer and too cold in winter, and overwhelming all year round, I love it! Wow, those dresses sound gorgeous... And the production... I hope you get to go the Metropolitan sometime, though, it's pretty much a must-see of NYC (that's what I think, anyway) :) Ooh, and you made some more art??  I'd love to see it if you want to post it (no pressure, though :) )

submitted by Poinsettia, a sea of crystal waters
(November 26, 2023 - 7:15 pm)

As someone who lives in New Jersey, I can confirm everyone likes New York better than us lol. I bet you'd like Princeton; while it's a college, it's also a lovely town with a five-star library, a famous record store, one of my favorite bookstores I've ever been to, great food, and a whole bunch of cute shops. Don't give up on Jersey yet; we may not be New York, but we've got good stuff too!

I absolutely love NYC, though. I've been to the Met many times, and it's amazing. I've actually been to a number of museums there, because my family loves to visit the city. It sounds like you had fun on your trip! I hope the play goes well - break a leg!

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in New Jersey
(November 26, 2023 - 7:50 pm)

I just found out that there's a Lucas the Spider show. I know it's for little kids but I LOVE IT

submitted by Darkvine
(November 26, 2023 - 6:13 pm)

I was typing a story (not a common practice for me) and was writing a conversation between two boys. I wrote that one of them said "Don't want to push myself in, but", and then I hit enter, but evidently the computer had been suggesting a word because I looked again and it was "Don't want to push myself in, butterfly" XD Like Boy 1 was calling Boy 2 a butterfly. That made me laugh lol

submitted by Amethyst, orchards of gold
(November 26, 2023 - 6:32 pm)

Random MHA headcannon:

Does anyone else think that Bakugo ever goes back to his dorm or back home and questions his career path or cries because everyone's always telling him that he's not acting like a hero? He quite literally needs to stay angry all the time or his heart will stop (Nitroglycerine slows down the heart, so if he didn't stay angry, his heart rate would slow down, and he would pass out/ die unless his heart rate was always being forced up). 

submitted by Phoenix, age 12, Rising from the Ashes
(November 26, 2023 - 7:46 pm)

Asthma is awful. I'm leaving spanish class rn.

submitted by Phoenix, age 12, Rising from the Ashes
(November 27, 2023 - 1:56 pm)

It's so strange that we are defined to others by things we hardly are. Whether it was never us, or isn't who we are anymore.


A 'painter' who paints less than 4 canvasses in a burst of inspiration in one night once a month, if ever. 

A 'poet' who has never put words in print to be sold.

An 'anime-enthusiast' who is critical of everything that pops up in their recommended feed, views the whole field as mostly vapid entertainment and hardly watches anything but their comfort show a couple times a year. Can name dozens of popular ones, but has watched less an amount that can be counted on a couple hands.

A 'smart kid' who regularly fails to get 90 even 85's anymore, ever since junior high.

A 'girl' who cut their hair, wear masculine clothes, and endulges in more masculine interests. 

An 'artist' who hasn't drawn truly inspired, original work in years, much less anything actually considsered 'good.'

A 'screen-addict' who has no social media and is always terribly out of the loop on world events and Internet drama alike.

An 'avid reader' who struggles to complete books for English class, and can barely finish a book from the library anymore, even with a two-week renewal or two.

A 'quiet kid' who is berated for speaking too much every other day at home.

A 'mature teen' who feels like an oversized child and is constantly judged for seeing things too simply, being too childish, acting too immature. 

A 'lazy person' who constantly pushes through emmense pain every day despite struggling with even the most basic of actions.

A 'role-model' who, despite all the pills and thoughts of self-doubt and layers of scars and emptiness inside is surviving, but not exactly thriving.

A 'musician' who was only ever proficient at a couple of instruments, and now only can play basics on one due to muscle memory. 

A 'writer' who cannot write more than a page over the span of hours and is unable to continue. Someone who reads their own words and cringes, knowing despite all the time poured into this, they are still not enough.

A 'gay' who has never actually had a serious relationship, much less figured out how they actually feel about their own jumbled soup of apparently queer attributes.

A 'normal person' who is neurodivergent and singled out for being weird, yet told constantly to act 'appropriately' instead of 'acting up,' or told to 'pick up the slack' and behave 'properly.'

A 'straight' who is expected to exress interest in, date, and ultimately marry the opposite of their own designated-at-birth gender, despite having no inclination to do so for various reasons. 

A 'sheltered white' who grew up in the slums of a diverse, bustling urban world and somehow is considered 'proper' most of the time.

A 'singer' who can hardly sing through parched lips and a chronically sore throat, who never received a single singing lesson and knows none of the terminology. Someone who only records silly little snippets of made-up songs as voice-memos, or as videos with the phone-camera covered.

A 'mixed-race peacekeeper' who is not accepted fully by either culture and feels foreign in either setting, much less as someone who could serve as a 'diplomat' of sorts between them.

An 'actor' who has passion and flare, but also stage fright, could not speak publicly to save their life and is usually crew instead of cast when it comes to theatre.

A 'gamer' who has played only enough video games to be counted on one hand (Minecraft, a couple Zelda and BOF titles, Genshin Impact and a Pokemon game), practically ever, but is super passionate about that particular genre of adventure.


It's strange, isn't it? 

submitted by Jaybells, Lost in Thought
(November 27, 2023 - 3:24 pm)

Hmmmm.... it certaintly is. I can see where you're coming from.

submitted by Hawkstar, age Barefoot, Dandelion roar
(November 27, 2023 - 8:42 pm)

i've kind of thought about this before but whoa you put it into words :0

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(November 27, 2023 - 9:27 pm)

I am sad. One of my favorite characters in a book died.

submitted by SwallowPoint, age 14, The Air
(November 27, 2023 - 3:37 pm)


submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age 1st ep, Secretly watching TOH
(November 27, 2023 - 10:05 pm)



thank you lizards 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age :DDD, The Owl House
(November 27, 2023 - 10:32 pm)