I know there's

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Triwizard Tournament RP!
I know there's...

I know there's already another HPRP going on, but this idea has been spinning around in my head for a while, and it's time to put it into action.

So this is somewhere between the time the Tournament started and the time 'the death toll mounted so high that they canceled it'. We're going to need to do a lot of inventing, since I don't think Rowling gives that much information on it. Time to get out the old copy of The Lexicon and try to look up anything related to it.

But anyway, this is before you had to be of age to enter, so you can be any age. Hogwarts is the host school since we know the most about it. 

A downside is that we can only have three champions, but we can be friends, supporters, etc. We'll decide which school wins later.  

submitted by Tiffany W., age undefined , wanted dead or alive
(May 12, 2012 - 10:26 am)

Okay I didn't see much of Olives post about Durmstag coming in because my computer was acting out, so ignore my post.

submitted by Gigi
(May 22, 2012 - 1:16 pm)



"Bouffées de rouge à lèvres et de la poudre? Quelle insulte!" I muttered to Colette, who was sitting next to me, batting her eyes at some Durmstang idiot. She laughed and glared at the girl who said that. Colette reached under her sweater and pulled out her wand, lazily pointing it in the girl's direction, she breathed out "Feu," and small sparks appeared on the girl's head. She jumped up in her seat and her friend poured the weird drink that these students drink, some juice from a vegetable of some sorts, and the sparks vanished. "And oo cannot use zee wand?" Colette remarked, and the girl glared at us. "More barbaric than the Durstrang students, those Frenchies." Colette looked like she was going to hex her, so I calmed her down. "Pas maintenant, Colette. Pendant le tournoi, alors nous allons les battre." She nodded and returned to looking at the Durmstrang students. I turned to their headmaster but could still see one of the students looking towards us. He was a bit older than we were, and he was wearing green robes, and was probably the best looking out of all the English here. "Colette, regardez ce garçon, il est toujours en nous regardant." "And, as long as you follow these rules, you shall prosper here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" The headmaster finished and everyone started standing up. Madam Albina stood up and gestured to all of the Beauxbaton students. "Allons, tout le monde, nous avons été offert un dortoir dans les cachots, allons-y, suivez-moi tous, et s'il vous plaît ne soyez pas perdu!" Colette and I stand up and I glance to the boy again, he's walking out of the hall and down some staircases. "Dungeons? And zey 'ave zee guts to call us 'barbariic', zey set us in zee dungeons!" Colette gestured wildly with her hands in complaint. "Il ne peut pas être si mal que ça, et nous sommes seulement ici pour un seul mandat, nous serons de retour dans notre chaleureux, chauffée, le français, le château de barbare non avant que vous savez!"



Sorry that Ann only speaks in French, but she's self-conscious about  her accent so she doesn't want others to hear it. And I was using google translate, so if I got a bunch of stuff wrong then you can blame google :D

submitted by ZB ☮
(May 22, 2012 - 7:03 pm)

Oh and when I talk to you, Ann, I normally speak French. I was just too lazy to translate all the stuff in my post. :) So I'm only putting in phrases, okay? 



Our corridors were situated in the dungeons. How dare they put us Beauxbatons in the dungeon when we could be upstairs! I already missed our bright palace in France. 

"Coco! Stop staring! Ce n'est pas bon pour tes yeux!" Leila scolded me, rolling her eyes. 

"She's so annoying." I whispered to Ann.

"Oui, mais je suis contente que ma soeur n'est pas venue." She sighed. "Look at this place. It seems like something from the play that those people once showed us." 

"It's ugly." The walls were made from stone and not a single bit of light could seep through the cracks. It was cold and I hated to think how cold it would get when it snowed. 

"Voilà! Here it is girls!" Madame Albina opened a door to a large room with a fire already burning and huge tapestries covering the walls. There were two doors on the opposite wall, one for the bathing area (18th century!) and another for the bedrooms. 

"Your things have already been brought in."

I must admit that the fire lit and warmed the room so that you thought youn were in a cozy cottage and that the tapestries were beautiful works of art.

"Coco!" Leila pinched me in exasperation. What had I done now? "What have I told you about your posture?"

I slapped her hand. "Leave me alone!"

Ann and I walked into the big sleeping area. It also had a fire burning and little beds lined the walls for the students. 

"Finally! Sleep!" Ann flung herself onto the bed, which made many of the older girls eye her.

"Oh là là, someone's mad." I muttered, flinging myself onto the bed next to her. "I'm excited!" I turned onto my side to face her. 

"Me too. What if one of us became a champ? Il serait génial."

"It's impossible though." I whispered before I drifted off to sleep. I should've known how wrong I was.  

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(May 23, 2012 - 10:21 am)

Yay! I was able to understand most of the French sans Google Translate! :D

And I'm not putting accents. That takes too long. ;) 


Complete and utter chaos seemed entirely plausible at the moment, to Saya. 

Some of the Beauxbatons girls were at war with a smattering of Ravenclaws and Durmstrang students combined.

"So, Spara," Saya began, "do you thi-"

Then a pie landed on her head.

"Oh, desolee desolee!" a Beauxbatons girls shrieked. "Sorry sorry!" Saya turned and glared at her. The girl had curly brown hair and bright brown eyes that didn't seem sorry at all. The girl's mouth was unsuccessfully trying to keep from laughing.

"What happened to your hair, Saya?" Finnigan Flaharty cried, laughing loudly.

"Avez-vous une probleme avec moi?" Saya asked slowly, like she was talking to a baby. "Do you have a problem with me?" Saya made a little pouty face.

"Oui," the girl said. "Ton visage. Your face."

"Voici une suggestion," Saya said. "Tu doit trouve son cerveau et utilise-il! Here's a suggestion. You could find your brain and use it!"

"Saya," someone said slowly. It was Brielle, one of Saya's friends. "Did you just..."

"That's right," Saya said, satisfied. "I switched from vous to tu." Brielle snorted.

"Soooo disrespectful," Brielle said dryly. She grabbed Saya's hand and pulled her out of her seat. "Let's go before I get pie on my head, mademoiselle debutante." 

submitted by Olive
(May 23, 2012 - 4:25 pm)


"I'm so sorry!" I said innocently to the Beauxbaton girl who has set my hair on fire. I had just "accidentally" tripped her. "You Ogwarts students are tres disrespectful!" I smirked. "Wer're politer than French barbarians who set our hair on fire." She sputtered and glared at me. "You..."

"Let me tell you something right now, Miss Frenchie," I said, getting in her face. "When this tournament is over, you'll be sent packing back to France." She smoothed her blond hair and gave me an evil glare. "We'll see." 

submitted by Gigi
(May 23, 2012 - 8:50 pm)

Hi, I'm Mr. Top, and I'm here to top this thread! Bye!

submitted by Mr. Top
(May 28, 2012 - 4:33 pm)


I found out soon enough that the kids at Hogwarts weren't what I thought they would be.

"They called us barbarians! Des barbares!" I complained to Ann who seemed just as miserable as me. She'd gotten so mad that she'd tried to turn a girl's head into a pie, but instead the girl had been hit with a pie. 

"Je les déteste. I hate them." 

We walked into the Great Hall, which was buzzing with voices. The girls from some tables looked at us angrilly while the boys directed their gazes at us.

"It looks like zey're drooling," I whispered to Ann. She giggled.

We seated ourselves at a table where most of the girls from our school were also seated. Sadly my sister was there too. She was flirting with an older boy with almost golden hair.

"Oh! And 'ere iz my idiot sister!" She pointed at me and I glared back.

"Shut up, Leila!"

The boy appeared to be amused.  

Suddenly there was a tinkling of a glass and the hall went quiet. An old man was standing on a pedestal. "Good morning, children! I just wanted to remind you that you can put your name in the cup today after courses! Have fun."


Short and not good writing, but I don't want this to die! 


submitted by Elizabeth M., age 13, Germany
(May 29, 2012 - 3:16 am)


"Allez-vous mettre votre nom dans la tasse?" (1) I ask Colette earnestly. "Peut-être, et vous?" (2) "Mais bien sûr! Je veux dire, c'est le Tournoi des Trois Sorciers!" (3) Everyone begins to eat and so Colette and I pick up our utensils and look at the food. "Quelle fourchette utilisons-nous? Et qu'est-ce que c'est? Où est le caviar?" (4) Colette asks angrily, holding her fork straight up. And they call us barbarians! A nice-looking Hogwarts boy sits in front of me. "Pardon, but what is theez, theez food?" He laughes and points to a disgusting piece of meat. "Roasted hippogriff, delicious with some cold pumpkin juice. If you'd prefer butterbeer, that kid with the red hair over there, he's got some from the kitchens." "Bootebeer? I zot zere were ze little kids around 'ere? And zoo are serving alchohol?" He laughes again, how insulting. "No, no, it's non-alcoholic, a weird honey/butter/pop mixture, it's pretty good." He pauses before adding, "I'm Troy." He reached his hand across the table and I frowned. "Vat am I supposed to do wit zis hand?" "Well, you shake it, I guess." I reached out my hand and grabbed his finger tips, shaking them awkwardly. "Antonette." "Are you putting your name in the goblet?" Before I could answer there was a slight screeching noise of metal rubbing against metal, and arising in the center of the platform where the professors sat was a golden goblet, about three feet tall, with a teeming crown of bright blue fire. "La Coupe de Feu ..." (5) Almost instantly everyone starts standing up, trampling over each other to put their names in. I rip a piece of paper out of Colette's bag and scrible "Antoinette Dubois - Beauxbatons - 14" Colette hands me her paper and tells me to get up there, so I follow Leila, she's the only familiar face in the sea of students. "Leila! Mettez nos noms dans, d'accord?" (6) She grabs the papers from my hands and nods. "Oui!" (7) I stand on a table and watch her fight through the people, and see the three peices of paper drop into the blue fire, and the fire ripples up even higher.
1 - Are you going to put your name in the goblet?
2 - Perhaps, and yourself?
3 - Well of course! I mean, it's the Triwizard Tournament!
4 - Which fork are we using? And what is this? Where is the caviar?
5 - The Goblet of Fire...
6 - Leila! Put our names in, alright?
7 - Yes!




submitted by ZB ☮
(May 29, 2012 - 8:10 pm)

By the way, when I don't put on the accent and everything on the English then I'm (or Ann is) speaking French. 


"Notre noms sont au gobelet! Our names are in ze goblet!" I cried as I saw my sister drop in the little blue papers. "I hope she doesn't win."

Ann laughed. "Moi aussi. Me too."

The boy named Troy came back, his face flushed with excitement. "I'm really hoping that I'll win!"

"Ve are too!" I told him. Ann looked at her hands with embarrassment. She thought her English wasn't good.

He smiled at both of us, but suddenly his eyes roamed somewhere else. I turned around and saw a group of dark-haired students with fur coats walking through the hall.

"Durmstrang." Troy breathed. 

"Trés jolis, les garçons." Ann whispered. And they were handsome. Each of them had tan skin, dark eyes, dark hair and strong arms and legs. Behind them were girls who also were dressed the same. A very tall girl led the way. 

I turned back to Troy but he was gone. 


"And now it is time for the choosing of the Triwizard tournament participents!" the Hogwarts' headmaster cried. 

I was squished up against a wall and was having a hard time seeing over all the heads of the students. 

"J'ai peur. I'm scared," Ann murmured in my ear. I nodded in agreement, but didn't say anything. 

The fire of the cup turned black and a name flew out. "The Durmstrang champion is... SPARA PETROVA!" There was loud cheering from where the Durmstrang students sat. I noticed the tall girl from yesterday, walking up to the headmaster. She took her slip of paper and made her way down the isle. 

The fire turned golden and a white note flew into the air. "The Hogwarts champion is... ERICA FOSTER!" The hall roared and rumbled as people cheered and screamed. Erica, a blue-eyed, black-haired girl, took her parchment paper and grinned. Then she too disappeared. 

Now the fire turned pink and a little blue piece of parchment fell into the man's hands. "The Beauxbatons champion is..." It was going to be Leila. I knew it. "COLETTE LUCIFERÉ!" I stared at Ann, my eyes bulging out of my hand. 

"Did he say?" 

"Yes! Go!" 

I pranced to the man, not even feeling my sister glaring at my back, took my name paper and went to a little back room where the others were waiting. 


submitted by Elizabeth M., age 13, Germany
(May 30, 2012 - 4:33 am)

yes! Finally found time to post! Sorry Spara's accent isn't that good, but I have no acces to the fourth book. 


Evan slightly pushes me and I stumble down the aisle. Grabbing the piece of parchment, but hardly feeling it against my shaking fingers, I make my way into the side room. I'm soon joined by the Hogwarts and Beauxbatons champions. 

Leaning forward toward the latter, I mutter, "Must say, I'm surprized. I'd thought your pet bunny rabbit would be chosen; he most certainly has more brains than you."

She looks shocked and really annoyed. "You Durmstrang--"

Then the headmasters of our schools walk in. "So, congratulations!" begins the old grandpa from Hogwarts. "Now, now, no arguing!" he adds quickly, seeing our sullen glares toward each other. "Remember, this tournament is all about international magical cooperation!"

International, magical cooperation, blah, blah, blah. He'd said the same thing while welcoming us. "Are ve going to find out vot our first task vill be?" I ask icily. The girl from Beauxbatons giggles. What's wrong with with them?! Their accent is three times as affected as mine!

The headmaster speaks again. "No," he replies. "No, the first tournament depends on thinking fast in unexpected situations. Therefore, you will have no warning about what it will be. This is traditional." 

I really hate that headmaster. Glancing at Professor Ivanof, I can see that he agrees. We join the others in the Great Hall and head back toward the dungeons they'd offered us for sleeping.

"Vell, congratulations." Evan smiles. "I told you this vos not an exam."

I can't find anything to say to that, especially since we'd just run into the Beauxbatons lot. "So, what spells are you practicing?!" I call. "Folding socks and polishing fingernails?" 

"And you? Dark magic?" the champion's friend retorts.

"So much for international magical cooperation," Evan later muttered in the dormitories. "I don't know who that headmaster thinks he's kidding." 

submitted by Tiffany W.
(May 30, 2012 - 7:59 pm)


When I entered the Ravenclaw common room, I was welcomed with a loud roar. My whole house was gathered, yelling and cheering. David Colmister, a great artist, had made a Congratulations Erica! poster. Elizabeth was beaming, yelling, "I knew you'd make it Erica! I knew it!" I laughed as everyone started chanting "Speech! Speech!"

"Well, first off, thanks so much for the amazing party!" Everyone cheered and raised their butterbeers. "I'm not much of a champion, but I can promise you this. When this event is through, Beaxbaton and Durmstrang are going DOWN!" The room filled with roars of approval. "Those Frenchies are going home with with their painted fingernails in chips and lipstick all over their face!" Everyone laughed. "And Durmstang will definitely cut the whole tough school act after they see us!" Everyone cheered. "It's not about brawn or looks, its about brains. So let's show them what we Ravenclaws are MADE OF!" The screams and cheers nearly broke my eardrums. The room soon filled with the chant of "Erica! Erica!"

All I could hope for was that I would keep my promise. 

submitted by Gigi
(May 30, 2012 - 8:55 pm)



"What am I going to do, Ann?" Colette whispered to me through the darkness of our dormitories. "What do you mean?" I ask groggily, rubbing my eye and stretching. "What am I going to do? What if they're all right, about us?" "What about us, Colette?" "About how we're so...French, you know? How all we do is paint our nails and go shopping? What if I can't win?" I sit up and look to her bed, she's staring up at the ceiling, wide awake. "Colette, you'll do fine, you'll win this thing. You're my best friend, and if you can escape Madame Albina after exploding the powder rooms, you can tackle anything these old bats can throw at you." "But don't people, like, die in this sort of stuff?" "Colette! Anntoinette! Be quiet and go to sleep!" "Shut it, Leila." We both say to the object further off in the room. She sighs and goes back to sleep. "But think about how stupid that Erica's and Spara's faces will look when the little Frenchies when the tourny." She pauses for a second. "Yeah, that would look pretty great." We laugh. "Now get to sleep, alright?" I don't hear anything and realize that she's asleep, so I lie down and fall asleep.


After a few grueling hours of getting ready for the public eye, us 'Frenchies' left for the Great Hall for breakfast. On one of their weird staircases we saw a swarm of people in hideous blue robes cheering "Erica! Erica! Erica!" and the black-haired girl trying not to look nervous in the midst of them. I laughed and walked into the hall. We see the Durmstrang students already sitting at their table, suddenly looking stronger and tougher than yesterday. The Hogwarts students are using their wands to levitate their friends. We look around to some of our own students, who are either slicking their hair back or reapplying their makeup. "Oh la bonté ... Oh my goodness." You could see everyone stifling laughs at us, while we're stumbling over our feet paying attention to our mirrors. "Honestly, you look at it once, you don't have to look at your lipsticks again, put the mirrors down, Frenchies!" Comes from pretty much everyone. "Colette, no, I know you're mad, but don't act on it, please, in the name of Merlin, do not act on it." She reaches into her blouse and grabs her wand, gripping it tightly. "Colette..." She takes it out and steps up to one of the students who were mocking us. "Vous cochon ingrat! Vous osez nous parler comme ça? Comment osez-vous! Nous sommes vos invités, et je ne suis pas sûr de savoir comment vous traitez vos invités ici au Royaume-Uni, mais d'où nous venons, nous traitons nos clients avec gentillesse et respect de leurs coutumes! Vous ne pouvez pas prendre soin de la beauté, et je peux Seet que c'est assez évident, mais nous faisons, mais ce n'est pas tout nous nous soucions! Vous n'avez qu'à attendre pour cette compétition, parce que je vais gagner, pas parce que je suis jolie, parce que j'ai le cerveau et le stregnth, pour gagner." (1) The girl looks stunned, not because she understood it but the tone of her voice was menancing. Those who could understand French looked intimidated, and all of our students were beaming, shoving their combs and mirrors into their handbags and looking at Colette. "Nice going, Coco." Leila said, non saracastically. "Good job, Colette." I said, sitting down with her. She didn't say much during breakfast, and really for the beginning of morning.


1 - You ungrateful pig! You dare speak to us like that? How dare you! We are your guests, and I'm not sure how you treat your guests here in the UK, but where we are from, we treat our guests with kindness and respect for their customs! You may not care about beauty, and I can seet that that's rather obvious, but we do, but that's not all we care about! You just wait for this competition, because I'm going to win it, not because I'm pretty, because I have the brains, and the stregnth, to win.

submitted by ZB ☮
(May 30, 2012 - 10:49 pm)


"You are never going to believe this, Erica." Elizabeth slid into the seat next to me. "One of those Frenchie's actually got into my face this morning! According to Monica, who knows French, she called me an ungrateful pig!" She shook her head. "Stupid jerks." I shrugged. "Well, at least we know that they can do more than look in a mirror." She snorted. "I doubt it. When's the first challenge?" "Tomorrow." Well, first, you get your interviews done with the Prophet!" Elizabeth squealed. "That's so exciting!" I looked down at my porridge. I didn't want to think about an interview, where I have to open up about having a muggle father who didn't even know I was a witch. Actually, father didn't know much about me at all. He was too busy working at the royal court to pay me much attention.

"Oh! Owls!" Elizabeth said, trying to get my mind away from my thoughts. She knew me well enough to know what I was thinking about. My mothers snowy owl, Herbert, dropped down next to me and nudged a letter into my hand. "Hello Herbert." I said, stroking his feathers. "Give mum a peck for me, all right?" He hooted and soared out the window. I turned my attention to the letter, which had mums handwriting on it.

Dear Erica,

I just heard about the Triwizard Tournament! Congratulations, darling! You will make a great champion, and will put the Foster name in the history books! I am completely confident that you will succeed. Your father sends his love, and is very busy working with the court. But if he knew about this, I'm sure he'd be proud of you too. Good luck, darling!

Love, Mother 

I couldn't help but snort at the part about father sending his love. He probably didn't even know that mum had sent me a letter.

I suddenly felt a tap on the shoulder. I quickly stuffed my letter into my pocket and spun around. To my surprise, the Beauxbaton and Durmstang girl were standing behind me. "Thee professur asked me to to tell you to pleeze come upstairs for our eenterview." Frenchie said stiffly. I nodded and got up to follow her. This was going to be a total nightmare.

submitted by Gigi
(June 1, 2012 - 6:03 pm)

One question, what have we decided is going to be the first task? 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 13, Germany
(June 2, 2012 - 2:45 am)

I think it was the one with the Hypogriff

submitted by Gigi
(June 2, 2012 - 5:15 pm)