Chatterbox: Inkwell
Theme Week #1
Theme Week #1
To me the Inkwell seems slightly (just slightly!) slow. So, I'm going to make a contribution. The theme week was started by Choco. To those of you who don't know what it is I give you a theme(which you will get in a second) and you post under a different name, age, place. You can make your posts into diary entries, scenes, dialogues...etc. Oh, and the theme changes every week. ;)
This week's theme: Pretend that you live during the time of the french revolution.
(March 8, 2011 - 9:14 am)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Jasmine is a
Jasmine is a student of GenkuSuh Boarding School in the desert kingdom of Kyriah. They have uniforms and lots of rules, that Jasmine breaks most of. Her and her friends have many adventures within, and without the walls of her school. This is an RP for it, enjoy!
(March 7, 2011 - 5:41 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
NEW STORY! Okay, I havn't been on CB in a while, but I thougt I might as well try and make a story with a few people. I have no idea what it's about or any of the characters, plot, setting, exc. So I really need some help. Would someone please write this story with me?!
Spamy says oi ow- Oh no Spamy! Are you hurt?!
~~~ NAME signing off ~~~
(March 7, 2011 - 5:37 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
I just finished
I just finished reading Tuck Everlasting, and I decided to make up a little story about what if the Tucks hadn't been able to rescue Mae from the jail. Here it is:
Tuck Everlasting: Mae Goes to the Gallows
(March 6, 2011 - 6:02 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Does anybody else
Does anybody else have really, really cruel villians in their stories? I mean, villians beyond the normal evil, like Voldemort? I'm just wondering-'cause my cruelest villian is in my imaginary world, and he is CRUEL. Frighteningly ruthless, as a matter of fact. So I'm wondering if anyone else has really evil villians, or is it just me? Sometimes it makes me worry about myself...:S
If you'd like an example to compare your villian to, I'll be happy to give you one. Be warned, though-sometimes he even frightens me a little bit.
(March 6, 2011 - 2:09 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
So, I just
So, I just had a RAI (Really Awesome Idea. New abbreviation. Maybe all of the CB will start using it!) for a fantasy Round Robin. (For those of you who don't know, a Round Robin is a story that one person starts, another person continues, and so on.) There will be some rules:
1. If you are joining or posting again, make sure the newest post has shown up before you add your contribution. Otherwise we end up with a bunch of conflicting posts and it gets very confusing.
(March 5, 2011 - 9:37 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
I was just
I was just wondering (for those of you who write novels) what is your longest work? I suppose this includes NaNoWriMo. I just wanted to know because I have only reached around ninety pages (font 13) and feel rather unaccomplished, so I wanted to know what you buggies average most times.
(March 5, 2011 - 10:51 am)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
For school today,
For school today, I wrote a poem containing perfect rhymes, near rhymes, end rhymes, and internal rhymes. Tell me what you think of it, okay? It isn't my best poem ever. I wrote it in about two minutes, but it'll do. :) If you want a challenge, try to identify the perfect rhymes, near rhymes, end rhymes, and internal rhymes.
The cat sat on the man's hat
While the mice stood by.
The man came back
And saw his hat flat
While the mice stood by.
(March 4, 2011 - 3:40 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
((For the ignorant: Worldbuilding = creating a fictitious world))
(February 27, 2011 - 7:48 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
This thread is about your stories. So you can post things like: prologues, chapters, exerpts, summaries... etc. And people can criticize or give tips. That's basically it. :)
(February 27, 2011 - 12:53 pm)