
Chatterbox: Inkwell

March 31st's Poem:

March 31st's Poem: Limerick

Today's poem is a limerick. A limerick is a poem with only five lines. The first, second, and last line rhyme and have around 8 syllables. The fourth and fifth lines rhyme and have around 5 syllables. Here is one example:

I have a big brother named Drew,
Who decided to get a new do.
He took my big book,
And took a long look.
That's how he got his new hairdo.

Another example is:

submitted by Choco, age 12, here
(March 31, 2011 - 3:02 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Today's Poem: Nursery

Today's Poem: Nursery Rhymes

(Attention all Chatterboxers who did not see my earlier post: I decided that for the next few weeks we should celebrate poetry. Each day I will post a new type of poem for you to write.)


Nursery Rhymes are poems that are usually focused to young children. They are normally stories in a poem form. Some famous nursery rhymes are Humpty Dumpty; Rain, Rain, Go Away; and Lullaby.


Try writing your own Nurery Rhyme. An example is:

submitted by Choco, age 12, here
(March 30, 2011 - 3:52 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I think that

I think that for the next couple weeks that we should honor poetry, so each day I will post a different poem of the day!

Today's Poem: Acrostic

An acrostic poem is a poem where you use a name and you write something for each letter that has to do with the person/ thing.


Chocolate lover

Hates delli meat (except Roast Beef)

Observant like a spy



submitted by Choco, age 12, here
(March 29, 2011 - 3:06 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

New Round Robin!!!!

New Round Robin!!!!


Aurore flung herself onto her bed. Tears fell from her face.Why? She thought. Why must I marry?

She heard her father’s footsteps coming up the stairs andflew to the door. She took the key and locked it.

“Open up! Aurore! Open the door! Now!” Her father shook thedoor trying to get in. Aurore covered her face and cried more.

Tears fell onto her velvet dress.

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany
(March 28, 2011 - 11:21 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I wrote this

I wrote this for Creative Writing and I just want to know what you guys think of it. Critique would be nice too. :)

His walk and balance on his tiptoes could rival a ballerina’s but his posture cannot. He wears -600 prescription glasses and his hair is neatly cut. His lips are extremely chapped.

submitted by Olive
(March 26, 2011 - 10:28 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Who else here

Who else here writes fanfic???? I do, all the time.  To date, I have about 26 stories that I'm either working on, have finished, or have discarded.  I write mostly Lord of the Rings fanfic, and Silmarillion fanfic, but I started a Redwall one too, which didn't really work out.  Oh, and HP too. 

I seem to be going insane witth one shot vignettes.  That's all I write these days!!!!! I did come up with a awesome plot though (nothing will induce me to tell you what it is until I perfect it!!!)

Who else writes fanfic???

submitted by Mattie
(March 23, 2011 - 1:40 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell



Has anyone heard of this? Anyone have an account? ANYONE!?!?!?

submitted by Clair, age 13, Here
(March 19, 2011 - 8:51 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Rules of Writingdom

Rules of Writingdom

The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White has long been considered the writer's bible, and is taught in colleges everywere. I was wondering if anybody here has read it, are planning on reading it, are not planning on reading it, or have thier own personal set of writerly rules that they follow.

My personal writerly rules, in no particular order:

1. Stay away from strings of adjectives.

submitted by Adina, age 14
(March 16, 2011 - 4:03 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Script Frenzy

Script Frenzy

Is anyone planning on doing this? I am. It'll be my second try. (the first time, I failed to grasp the understanding of Screnzy, in other words, I actual edited my script) I'm planning on writing a screenplay based on my (first and only!) NaNovel. So...  

submitted by Olive
(March 14, 2011 - 11:25 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

New Fiction Story!

New Fiction Story!


submitted by Emma O., age 14, Oregon
(March 9, 2011 - 8:27 pm)
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