
Chatterbox: Inkwell

New theme: You

New theme: You are from a different planet, and you have just arrived onto Earth. The first thing you see is a human.

You can make yourself any age, and/or gender. The human may be any age, race, and gender you want. You may put your adventure into a diary, dialouges, or scenes.

submitted by Choco, age here, 12
(January 25, 2011 - 3:51 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

There once was

There once was a cello made of jello that said hello my good fellow. I was scared, so I ate a pear, then saw a bear that made a glare from the sun, then it melted my honeybun. It wasn't fun at all.  It also made me fall into dirt, someone made a blirt that I had to take a bath, but I already did a half hour ago, so I said no, then he said go, and called the cops, they made me stop running away, and made me bathe...It was not a good day for me.



submitted by Chad, age 10, St. Louis
(January 22, 2011 - 1:20 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Round Robin:

Round Robin:


A mood ring is something that people think is directed by heat.(That was a weird sentence but I didn't know how I should put it) Those people are wrong. My story is about me: a normal thirteen year old girl and a mood ring. Yes, a mood ring. And if you are reading this right now then you are probably getting the feeling that a mood ring is not what you think it is. Well, enough for now... Let the story begin!


I hope that was good. You guys can go on! 

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany
(January 21, 2011 - 8:39 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Dialogue Problems.

Dialogue Problems.

Does anyone else have trouble with certain parts of dialogue? My writing always slows down when it comes time to give a tangible explanation of the events that have happened to the MC.

Take my latest story, for instance. A kidnapper is telling his captives about why he did it, what he is going to do, etc. and I just get so... slow. Eventually I am gong to get bored ad forget about it, therefore leaving another story unsatifyingly unfinished.

Does anyone else have a similar problem? If so, how do you fix it? Help! 

submitted by Katie, age 13, outside looking
(January 20, 2011 - 1:29 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Five Seconds On

Five Seconds On Qwerlos Street (that's the title)

I am beginning to write a story, and I just wanted you guys to say if you liked the sound of it or not!

Summary: Thirteen-year-old Nayomo Ellicx is sent to live with her mother's friend's family. There Nayomo meets a girl named Mikorly, and they end up becoming best friends. In the room Nayomo is staying in she finds a pendant with the words "five seconds" imprinted into the side. She does not know it now but she will have to save the world one second at a time.

submitted by Choco, age 12, here
(January 16, 2011 - 1:42 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Be someone you

Be someone you aren't for a week!

I just got this idea that every other week we could be someone else. Such as, being a person who travels a lot or a nerd or someone superdy duperdy spoiled! I will post who you are supposed to act like at the beginning of every other week.

This week: Act like someone who loves to act and sing. Your person has to travel to Hollywood or Broadway (or both places!) during this week. Your person can be any gender or any age. Put up your posts like diary entries this week. Also remember your character can be mean or good.

submitted by Choco, age 12, here
(January 16, 2011 - 1:14 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell




Hey everyone! I'm looking for someone to help me finish a book idea about a group of scientists who create a software program that thinks like a human.  

submitted by Ann, age 11, Chicago, IL
(January 10, 2011 - 7:12 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Does anyone here

Does anyone here use Scrivener? I'm thinking of buying (er, asking) for it. Right now, I use Word '07 and '03. And before I buy (ask) for Scrivener, I want to make sure it's good. So does anyone use it? (My post probably sounds out of order and rambly, sorry.) And if anyone here does use it, what do you think about it? And do you recommend it?

submitted by Olive
(January 9, 2011 - 6:08 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Feeling the power,

Feeling the power, from eating a flower, that didn't taste well, it made me tell my brother my mother.  They made me go to the dungen in a tower.  Random poem.




submitted by Chad, age 10, St.Louis
(January 9, 2011 - 4:03 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I'm going to

I'm going to tell you a strange, weird, and adventurous (kinda) story about
my trip to the grocery store.  So there I was,only a block away from
the Schwegels market.I could see the red letters over the front door.  I
had my shopping bag on my back and said. "Let's do this". I walked
in, suddenly there was a voice coming from behind me that said. "How are
you today?" I looked back to see who was disturbing me; it was someone

submitted by Chad, age 10, St. Louis
(January 8, 2011 - 8:55 pm)
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