Be someone you
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Be someone you
Be someone you aren't for a week!
I just got this idea that every other week we could be someone else. Such as, being a person who travels a lot or a nerd or someone superdy duperdy spoiled! I will post who you are supposed to act like at the beginning of every other week.
This week: Act like someone who loves to act and sing. Your person has to travel to Hollywood or Broadway (or both places!) during this week. Your person can be any gender or any age. Put up your posts like diary entries this week. Also remember your character can be mean or good.
If you have any questions, feel free to state them!
Also Admins can do this only if they want to!
Great idea, Choco! It sounds like fun, but I'm not sure I should take the time to participate.
(January 16, 2011 - 1:14 pm)
This is a great idea, Choco! Can I start?
You could call me a dreamer, but guess what, Consuar? Today I made that dream a reality! I was walking through the streets and a music producer came up to me and was like, "Um, miss? Do you happen to know where The Globe is? I am supposed to produce a play ther but I have lost my way. I'm still not used to the street layout here in England." Yes, Consuar, I'm not kidding! A producer came up to me! And asked me for directions to get to his play! Of course I gave him the directions and offered to drive him. He accepted, because it was starting to rain. While I was driving him, he got a call from his main actor, saying that she was sick and couldn't act for a week. He started to get frustrated, and I told him that I was an actress who had studied Shakespeare in college. His face blew up in surprise. "Would you act for me?" he asked. I said yes, and now he's giving me first-class tickets to Broadway! Can you believe it? BROADWAY!! Wait, I have to go! Mummy's coming, and I haven't told her yet!
How was that?
(January 16, 2011 - 7:56 pm)
Wow that is really good ZB! I love the idea that you are English! You know you can make up new threads also for only your character. Also don't use your real name in submitted by- use a fake name, fake age (only if you want to), and fake place. That way at the end of the week you can unmask who you really are!
(January 17, 2011 - 8:28 am)
Come, little thread! Come, SEE THE LIGHT!!!
(January 16, 2011 - 9:16 pm)
Yes, please people reply!
(January 17, 2011 - 8:29 am)
Today something amazing happened!! I was up on the little stage in the Krannert Theater as I sang my last note and danced across the stage. A swirl of applause erupted from the crowd. Flowers soared. I was backstage when the manager James came up to me. "We have someone you should meet," he said. I walked into my dressing room and couldn't believe my eyes! There sitting in front of me was someone I'd seen so many times in the Broadway musicals, Josephine Winston! I could hardly talk. We exchanged a few words and then she told me that she thought I should join their Theater Troup. She gave me her card and I'm supposed to call her tomorrow! Oh! I already know my answer.
(January 17, 2011 - 10:12 am)
Elizabeth M, that is really great! But remember you can make your own thread about your character. Also you can go under a fake name, fake age, and fake place.( only if you want to) That way at the end of the week you can unmask who you really are!
(January 17, 2011 - 2:27 pm)
Yay, it has come to the LIGHT!!! *dramatic hand gestures*
(January 17, 2011 - 10:56 am)
1/17/2011; In the New York Airport!!
Consuar, I really did it! I had to, though I miss mum and da. I wish that I hadn't run away like that, but it was the only way that I could come here, to New York! Consuar, this is really happening, it's not one of those games that I would play as a youngun', this is real! I'm so happy I could sing! Whoops, not that, people are starting to look. The plane ride was fantastic, so much better than when da rented a plane and took us flying over the lake, I still can't feel my bum! Mr. Conescentii said that I was amazing as Juliet; he never told me that I would be in Romeo and Juliet! I'd better go now. I've just found out that there's a limo waiting for me. I think that I'll stay in New York for a while; how about you, Consuar?
CAPTCHA says eatu. Yes, I do eat.
(January 17, 2011 - 11:06 am)
1.17.2011: Travel Bus
I am sitting here reading over a script from the musical Wicked. Josephine gave it to me. And as you have probably guessed I said yes. I am now leaving my small little apartment in Illinois and going to New York City. Oh! I've dreamed of big cities. What if I become big?! Oh this all seems so unreal! I am so lucky! I'm looking at the directions which Josephine gave me. I get off in New York and will catch a taxi to her place. Oh I feel like shouting for joy! (Even though I can't do that here.) We're in Pennsylvania right now and it'll still be a long haul. I hardly know what to say. Me, a 20-year-old girl on Broadway. And I'll sing and dance the nights away...!!! I guess that is all for now.
PS Thank You for making this thread it's so cool!
(January 17, 2011 - 1:54 pm)
1/17/2011; NYC
I had a bit of extra time in the limo, so I decided to add in another letter to you, dear uncle. I think that I love America, especially these little drinks that they serve in the limosuine. They have pink umbrellas, and the drink is blood red. I wish that I could explain it to you, but it's nothing like the drinks we have in England. I have to go, I'm sorry that I couldn't write much more, life goes by much faster than in cozy little England. Watch out for mum and da for me, will you?
(January 17, 2011 - 6:03 pm)
So there I was, just an average girl, cleaning up the theatre for minimum wage, singing and dancing while sweeping up the aisles. Then the next thing I know, the director of Les Miserables (sigh, I wish I could make accents) walks in and I end up with a lead as Eponine! I get to tour with a marvelous company all over the world! Of course, there will be plenty of training, but I don't care! Now I wonder what my parents will think.
(January 17, 2011 - 8:48 pm)
I got off the bus today and caught a Taxi to Josephine's penthouse in New York City. Oh! I tell you what a beautiful place! The shelves were filled with trophies and souvenirs from all over the world. Josephine then brought me and a few of her friends to a small Bistro. There a jazz band was playing. How I wish I could've been on that stage! But Josephine says I have a calling in theater and music. I will be in the Broadway theater tomorrow! I'm imagining what the bright lights will be like. I've dreamed of this! Oh truly dreamed and now it's all coming true! Oh. I can hardly contain myself from excitement! Well good night Journal. Till tomorrow!
(January 18, 2011 - 7:28 am)
1/18/2011 NYC
Oh, Consuar, I so mad right now! I was exploring the theatre that I was performing in and a loose rock fell from the ceiling and hit me in the air. I think that I have a black eye, so I won't be able to perform with a face full of makeup! Curse my curiosity! You always said that it would take a turn for the worse, and you're right! Ergh! I wish that I could rewind life. I won't be able to preform as Juliet, only an ensemble. Wish me luck, Consuar.
P.S. I actually might have a black eye, I got hit in the eye with a softball today :D
(January 18, 2011 - 10:17 pm)
So I got a bit... er... carried away and wrote two weeks worth of (brief) "journal entries" for this prompt (heh heh... *actually is an aspiring actor*). Probably not exactly what the promptee intended but these things never are, somehow. Still. I'm rather fond of it so I'll post it. Be warned: it is full of exaggerated character tics from the various people I know (though "Father" is basically identical to dad, because dad is a good character without my help), and also probably wishful thinking on my part.
Landed an hour ago. Terrible flight. Delayed in Vegas for four hours. Food substandard even for airplanes. Taxi driver irritible, nearly crashed into a bus. Very vexing.
Phone died. Mother will be displeased.
Hotel is nice. Showerhead slightly rusty, but otherwise clean and doesn't smell too much. Complimentary breakfast, hopefully it won't be too greasy.
Tired. Very tired. Too tired to think. It is now 3:00 am NY time. Ungodly hour.
Woke up with sawdust in mouth. Felt considerably better after breakfast and shower. Nice, hot shower. Mmm.
Walked around for a while. Central Park, etc. Considerably colder than Washington. Non-frigid-ness of Washington has weakened me. Very vexing.
Humidity levels vexing as well. A thousand curses upon water vapour.
Mother called. Twice. Very upset about failure to call last night, at 3:00 am and with dead phone if you will recall. Most vexing.
Sister called. Also vexing. She still desires to be come a vet, take over local practice. Don't know why, NYC much more preferable location.
Father called. Discussed quantum physics for a time. Discussed coming ice age.
Note to self: Find apartment, preferably with lenient pet policies. Neighbors are useless if they are temporary.
Addendum: Also preferably with roof access; zombies are not good climbers and rooftops provide good vantage points.
Note to self: Find therapist to help re: paranoia.
Walked to Nick's, had lunch. Mmm pasta.
Why is there rust on the showerhead? Need own apartment stat.
Mother called. Again. Inquired after eating habits. Vexing.
Took taxi to Times Square. Walked around. Crass commercialism very vexing. Walked past SS theatre. Warm fuzzy feelings inside. How peculiar.
Audition tomorrow. Low level panic beginning to surface. Why did I pick this career. Should have spent more time in stock. Should have gone to a more prestigious school. ...Should have been brought up outside of rural area.
Drank tea. Tea is good.
Got back from audition ten minutes ago. Terrible. Voice cracked on high D#. Curse high D. Curse the entire key of B. Curse all sharps.
Mother called. Told her audition was great.
Sister called. Whined for hour and a half. Was told to grow up.
Father called. Discussed morality of dropping bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Practiced scales for two hours. Resisted urge not to scream when voice cracked on D# again. Patience. Will reach it eventually.
Had some more tea. Mmm tea.
Received call re: apartment. Will look tomorrow.
Note to self: Calculate whether hotel or aparment more expensive in long run. Would hate to be unemployed AND homeless within a week of arriving in NYC.
More scales. More tea.
Forgot about dinner. Ordered Thai takeout. Remembered dislike for Thai food. Ate anyway; too hungry to care.
Job searching. Need flexible hours on off chance of getting part in show. Would rather not work at gas station if at all possible. Museums might be worth looking into.
Toured apartment. Nice. Very small. Roof access. Floors all scuffy. Better deal than hotel. Will move in soonish.
Mother called. Inquired about furniture situation. Pointed out that furniture dependent on steady income. Food is more important.
Sister called to complain about student debt. Advised her to get a real job and work night shifts and develop coffee habit. She said she doesn't like coffee. Neither do I. It smells funny. But caffeine is good.
Father did not call. Odd. Breaking pattern of telephone conversations. Perhaps mother has not been coordinating after all.
Shane called. Playing Harold in community production of MM. Whined about audition a little. Received sympathies.
Practiced scales for two hours. Frantic with worry over audition; stupid, it has been less than 24 hours. D# still elusive, but slightly better.
Move into apartment tomorrow. Should be easy, two suitcases, keyboard is not very heavy, no other furniture.
Stood in front of the Met for an hour after job interview, watching street performer. Nice vibrato. Gave him a dollar. Stingy because of money issues.
Starting to conform to Broke Starving Artist stereotype. Very vexing.
Moved into apartment. Took two trips. Poked around on Internet looking for good deals on air mattresses.
Father called. Warned against Bohemian lifestyle. Pointed out air mattresses do not equate to Bohemians. Correlation does not imply causation. Matter settled. Discussed pi.
Practiced scales, quietly in case neighbor is tempermental. Will wait and see.
Showerhead is nice and non rusty. Very pleased.
Walked around, acclimatized to area. Still stupidly cold.
Note to self: Invest in fingerless gloves. They are practical because they can be used inside while playing scales, thus saving on heating.
Addendum: Re-adjust to cold weather. Washington has weakened me.
Wooo got the part wooo!!!
Director needs to go curl up in a hole. Producers can join him if they want. Leading man is a diva. Fellow comic relief ALSO a diva. Rehearsal exhausting. Resisted urge to berate fellow actors for idiocy, arrogance, etc. Lyrical phrasing all over the place, impossible to sing.
Switched to decaf tea to avoid undue dehydration.
Note to self: Readjust sleep patterns to compensate for lack of caffeine.
Mother called. Elated at perceived success. Didn't have heart to tell her part in question has maybe seventeen lines total and some ensemble choruses.
Sister called. Did poorly on some test. Very downtrodden. Regressed to claiming she is fat and ugly. Reassured her that vets don't need to be pretty anyway. She will get over it.
Father called. Discussed implications of government spending. At this rate we will belong to China within the decade.
Wasted time on Facebook.
Practiced scales.
Realized how late it was, hastened to bed before more damage could be done.
Director is a pig.
Too tired to think. Going to bed.
Air mattress arrived. Hooray. Will be infinitely more comfortable than floor.
Director is still a pig. Hopefully will continue to resist urge to bash him over head with a sandbag. Fellow comic relief becoming increasingly troublesome too. He graduated some prestigious school last year, feels entitled. Stupid boy. Should have toured in stock for a while. It would help his ego.
Growing accustomed to noise pollution and re-accustomed to cold. Good.
Sister called. Panicking because of some social problem. A boy? Can't be bothered to care. Advised her to focus more on studies.
Museum called. Offered job. Flexible hours, miniscule pay. Stable enough. Not expecting any promotions. Accepted. Start next week. Grocery bills taken care of. Yay.
Practiced scales.
Mother called. Very worried about failure to communicate yesterday. Explained. Very vexing.
Should have gone to NASA. Less pressure.
Director demanded hair be dyed platinum blonde at first opportunity. Will have to eat neighbor's dog after all. Why did I choose this career, it is nothing but glorified slavery.
Potential new friend? Name Vince, minor ensemble role. Spent half hour bemoaning divahood of leading man. Seemed nice, reasonably intelligent.
Father called. Discussed bread and circus policy of ancient Rome. Amused by entirely coincidental correlation to current situation.
Practiced scales. D# almost within reach. Only crack occasionally now. Victory in sight.
Need caffeine.
Found cinder-blocks. Windfall! Keyboard no longer on floor, makeshift bookcase begining to take shape.
Director is the most pigheaded person of any pig ever to walk the earth.
Vince inquired about dinner. He is paying.
Emailed old teacher, thanked profusely for lecture(s) about importance of humility to the aspiring actor. Fellow comic relief insufferable.
Taking nap before dinner. Must invest in proper alarm clock. Later. When money is available.
Scheduled hair appointment in three days. Director will be mollified, for now. Hopefully.
Mother called. Bemoaned impending loss of natural hair colour.
Sister called. Boy is very sweet and shy, apparently. Qualified previous advise, she should focus on academic studies, not social ones.
Dinner was nice. Vince is no good at small talk either, so evening was spent in awkward silence. Still, any free dinner is a good dinner.
Why did I choose this career why why why?
Director is a piggy little pighead.
Rehearsals still exhausting. Fellow comic relief still an idiot. Things starting to pick up a little. Excitement, anticipation. Woo.
Practiced scales.
Mother called. Sister is distraught over boy and failed two assignments. Typical.
Father called. Voiced reluctance to come see play, due to perceived likelihood of singing in elevators. Assured him play is devoid of elevator scenes. Will have to speak with him face-to-face about his strange fixation on elevators in musicals.
Sister called. Raved about boy's "cute nose". Lectured her about pursuit of veterinary aspirations and detrimental effects of dating, i.e. failing and becoming a bum because you were too wrapped up in your hubby to notice you had an exam the next morning.
Shane called. MM is doing very well. Good for him.
Remembered why I chose this career. It is fun when it is not infuriating.
Hi ho, the glamorous life.
Hope it isn't too long. D:
(January 18, 2011 - 10:49 pm)
Wow great TNO!
(January 19, 2011 - 3:58 pm)