
Chatterbox: Inkwell




This thread is about your stories. So you can post things like: prologues, chapters, exerpts, summaries... etc. And people can criticize or give tips. That's basically it. :) 

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany
(February 27, 2011 - 12:53 pm)

Right! Oh yeah, I have planty of stories 'cept I don't have time to post em right now! I'll be back later, thos ;)

submitted by Mattie
(March 1, 2011 - 1:15 pm)


submitted by TOP!!!!
(March 1, 2011 - 1:15 pm)

Top! *poke* Ok, Mattie!!

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany: stuck
(March 2, 2011 - 7:37 am)

Sorry that you've got a cold, Elizabeth... *synpathizes*

submitted by Mattie
(March 2, 2011 - 4:10 pm)

It's my first time on here. Just I supposed to know what "Top!!!" means???

submitted by Princess P.
(March 3, 2011 - 2:07 pm)

Great thread idea. I will  post an exerpt from my book in a bit, don't have time right now...

submitted by Emily J., age 12, Maple Valley, W
(March 2, 2011 - 8:47 pm)

@ Mattie-- Thank you?

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany: stuck
(March 3, 2011 - 10:50 am)

Hi everyone howz it?Smile

submitted by Miya, age 15, Hawaii
(March 3, 2011 - 3:45 pm)

Hi ppl, any of you read owls of ga'hoole?


submitted by Miya, age 15, Hawaii
(March 3, 2011 - 3:46 pm)

I wrote this three or four years ago for a Cricket contest. I couldn't enter it because my story was too long. As you can see if you read it writing is not my forte. I even began writing a following story with the help of my friends but we never finished it.

Melzey's Escape

Once, there was a girl called Melzey and she lived in a forest. The forest was by a town with a mine. When the men from the town went down into the mine they always carried sun lanterns with them because evil earthsprites lived in the mine and the sun would destroy the earthsprites if they came out into it. Melzey was a nyad and was the wildest nyad in the forest. Most of her friends were nyads and dryads that lived in the River Beam and in the trees. The night of the summer solstice, Melzey was swimming in the river with her friend Diana when Echo came with news about an attack on the town. The three ran to the town where they found utter chaos. The earthsprites were everywhere collecting gold and jewels. They tried to help as best they could to get rid of the earthsprites. Melzey had an idea! Echo created a distraction and Diana ran to collect the sunrays from the River Beam. Upon Diana’s return with the rays she released them and destroyed the earthsprites. But what they did not know was that not all of the earthsprites went up to get the jewels; some stayed down in the mine.The next day the men did not bring sun lanterns because they thought that all the earthsprites were gone.They did not come back. The people of the town told Melzey and her friends that the men hadn’t returned that day. So Melzey, Echo, and Diana went bravely into the cave to try and rescue the men. But, the three of them were attacked and captured by the earthsprites because Melzey had forgotten her sunlantern. They were brought before the king and sorcerer of all the earthsprites and were sentenced to 500 years in prison. They were heavily guarded so that there was no way out. Melzey had another idea! All of them cast a spell that gave them the power to control one of the guards long enough to get the keys. When they got the keys, they opened the door and all ran for their lives, which was as fast as any wolf hound. They went to the cage where the men were and unlocked it and all ran as fast as their legs would go. They were madly pursued by the earthsprites until all came out into the open. The bright afternoon shriveled all the earthsprites into nothing. The men, Melzey and her friends were so suprised to see the whole crowd of earthsprites that had lived in the mine gone. So all were saved from the earthsprites but that was definitely not the end of Melzey’s adventures.
The End

So what did you think of it? 

submitted by Elizabeth D., age 14, Texas
(March 3, 2011 - 11:17 pm)

@ Princess P.-- Top means that we want it to get to the top of the list of posts. 

@Miya-- Umm... This is where you post your stories and stuff... 

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany: stuck
(March 4, 2011 - 8:07 am)

Hey great story! Do you mind if I take it and edit and tweak it a bit? *Wimpers and does the big cute eye thing*

submitted by Kat, age my b-day!!, Party'n it up
(March 4, 2011 - 6:38 pm)

Of coure you can. :D

submitted by Elizabeth D., age 14, Texas
(March 4, 2011 - 9:35 pm)

It was good... I liked it. It was a little like a fairy tale. :)

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany: stuck
(March 5, 2011 - 1:47 am)

This is my Prologue! What do you think?

 (Title Unknown) 



Thephone rang through the dark and silent house. Minutes later a woman in a lightblue nightgown came hurriedly downstairs. “Hello?” Her voice was tired andhoarse. A short pause. “Yes, that’s me.” The room was silent but was suddenlypierced by a shriek. “NO! I—“ Tears ran from the woman’s eyes and she coveredher mouth with her hand. “Coming? Yes. 15 minutes.” The woman said throughchoking sobs. She let the phone drop and slumped against the wall. A small girlappeared at the doorway to the small kitchen. Her face was full of worry andconfusion. “Mommy?” She asked quietly. Her mother looked up from her place atthe wall. “Come here, baby.” The woman held out her arms invitingly and thesmall child stepped cautiously towards her mother. “Honey, we’re going to gosomewhere, OK?” The little girl yawned and nodded. The mother picked her up andbrought her out to the car.

Aftera short drive they arrived at the hospital. The woman picked up the nowsleeping girl and hurried inside. A circular reception desk met them as theygot inside. “Ma’am? Who are you visiting?” The woman at the reception desklooked up at the sad pair with dull bored eyes. “Brookes. The emergency room.”The lady at the desk typed a few things in her computer and picked up a smallphone. “Doc? Yes, Brookes, they’re here.” The woman hung up and beckoned to aseat. “Doc will be right with you. You can wait there.” The woman sat downexhausted. In a few minutes a man with dark brown hair and a small mustache walkedout to meet them. “You must be Mrs. Brookes.” He held out his large hand whilethe woman stood up shaking it. The little girl in her arms sighed contentedlyand nestled even more into her arms. The man told them to follow. They strodeoff until they got to a door. Muffled voices could be heard from behind thedoor. “Will he—“ The woman’s voice choked and didn’t say the last word. “We’redoing all we can… All you can do is hope.”



submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany: stuck
(March 9, 2011 - 11:03 am)