I just finished

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I just finished

I just finished reading Tuck Everlasting, and I decided to make up a little story about what if the Tucks hadn't been able to rescue Mae from the jail. Here it is:

Tuck Everlasting: Mae Goes to the Gallows

“Winnie, keep watch!” Miles whispered in the silent night. They were trying to rescue Mae from the jail. “Winnie go wait by the…” All of a sudden someone was asking what they were doing there. Miles gasped as Winnie turned around.  The constable was standing behind them, ordering Winnie to go home to her folks, and the Tucks to shoo. He said he didn’t want them messing with the prisoner. The next day Winnie and her parents went into town to watch Mae get hanged. Winnie was nervous about watching Mae not be able to die. All the Tucks, dressed in black, were jittery. The constable said a few words and Mae stepped up to be hanged.  The constable hanged Mae. Winnie closed her eyes; she just couldn’t bear to watch. Winnie opened one eye and… MAE WAS DEAD? Winnie and the Tucks looked at each other in disbelief. The crowd watching Mae dispersed. The constable took Mae off the gallows and carried her to the Tucks. The Tucks took Mae and left the area. Winnie was wondering what had really happened to Mae, so she snuck out again that night. Winnie ran all the way to the Tucks' cottage. She opened the door. Jesse came up to Winnie and hugged her. He asked her if she wanted to see Mae. Winnie rushed up to where Mae was lying. Mae opened her eyes and sat up. She hugged Winnie. Mae told Winnie that she had faked being dead. Mae then told her that the Tucks had to leave so no one would find out that Mae hadn’t really died. The Tucks said goodbye to Winnie.

                Winnie raced back to her house and ran upstairs to her room. Luckily she wasn’t caught by her parents. In her bedroom she grabbed the bottle Jesse had given her with the water in it. At least the constable didn’t catch us tonight, Winnie thought. Winnie lay with the bottle enclosed in her hand. To remember the Tucks forever, Winnie thought. Even if I don’t drink the water when I am seventeen, I will still remember the Tucks for the rest of my life and the great adventure we had!     


submitted by Choco, age 12, here
(March 6, 2011 - 6:02 pm)

I love Tuck Everlasting. I read it a while ago so I don't remember the scene very well but this was good. 

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany: stuck
(March 7, 2011 - 11:57 am)


submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany: stuck
(March 7, 2011 - 11:58 am)


submitted by Topper
(March 16, 2011 - 2:50 pm)

Top! Top! Top! Topper! Top! Top! Tippity Tip! Top! Top! Top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Top! Top! Top! Topper! Top! Top! Tippity Tip! Top! Top! Top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Top! Top! Top! Top! Top!!!!!!!!!!! TOP!!!!!!!!! Top! Top! Top!

Okay, you get the point. But if not...


submitted by Topper
(March 16, 2011 - 2:53 pm)