Music ClubSo

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Music ClubSo

Music Club

So for my CBversary a few people said they wanted to do this. I am working on a Little Lost Library revival but that will probably take a while. In the meantime, here's the music club!

This is for anyone who loves music and wants to discover new artists. To join, just comment saying you want to join. Next Friday, we'll start rotating, starting with me and then in order of who commented. Anyone can join the rotation at any time! If you comment saying you want to join, you'll be added to the end of the rotation.

The way it will work is each week, the next person in the rotation picks an album to reccomend, and everyone listens to it. Once you've listened to the album, say a little about what you thought of it! Doesn't have to be too much, just something like, "I enjoyed it" or "It wasn't really for me" and maybe something like "___ was my favorite song" or whatever. 

I think that's it! We'll start on the 26th :D

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(January 19, 2024 - 7:38 am)

I'm listening to it as I type this! "Alewife," to be exact :)

Okay, I'll be honest - I have a hard time making out the words, but I like the music! It's very quiet and peaceful somehow, and Clairo has a pretty voice. I feel like it would be a good song to listen to when you just need to space out. I like those soaring undertones in the music and the overall wistfulness. 

And I just skipped ahead to "Sofia" to see what it's like. It's actually kind of like I had imagined it to be. It feels like a mix between rock and pop with its own vibe thrown in. If I had to assign a color to it, it would be turqoise blue. Hmm, I would actually kind of like to see this song incorporated into a movie as background music. (Don't mind me, I'm always thinking about how to incorporate music in movies :) )

Anyway, overall it's a little too pop-sounding for me personally, and (again, just for me personally) it doesn't have as much energy as I would like, but those are just my thoughts! I might give "Sofia" a listen again at some point, I think it was my favorite song on the album :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(January 26, 2024 - 10:42 pm)

will give it a listen and post my thoughts!

submitted by Lord Entropy
(January 25, 2024 - 10:22 pm)

Will listen to it when I can! But also yes I know I say this a lot too but I ~loveeeeeeee~ Sofia tysm (yes, again, for like the millionth time) for recommending!! It's really big in my life right now, and so-

but yes! Excited to listen to all the other songs!! :D


Feiya says WIYZN. Wise and? Why's and? Or will listen? :) Hopefully that's a good sign I'll be able to find some time this week! :)

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age ~Sofia~, I<3uw/urhairdown
(January 25, 2024 - 11:22 pm)

I just listened to the album Immunity, and I thought it was pretty good. I wrote poems to each song for fun lol

My favorite song is probably Impossible. 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(January 25, 2024 - 11:33 pm)

i love Immunity! i think you were the one who first introduced me to Clairo years ago, Peri, and i'm always grateful for an excuse to listen to her some more lol! i love how earnest and emotional the lyrics are, and all the songs feel so soft and pretty. i love the variety of sounds and subject matter, and it's all just so masterfully done. this album honestly makes me so nostalgic because i listened to it so much in late 2021, and yeah, like you said, Peri, it was such a pivotal album in the development of my music taste :]

special shout out to my mother who pronounces clairo like "claire-ee-oh" no matter how many times i correct her lol

some of my favorite songs are "Sinking," "North," "I Wouldn't Ask You," and "Bags," though, honestly, i love all of them!

never seen a face like yours / i got it together but my breath feels short / i don't wanna close the door / maybe i should just go up north~

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, 30 minutes from Alewife
(January 26, 2024 - 1:39 pm)

Just started to listen to it. Pretty good so far!

submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep dark woods
(January 26, 2024 - 1:47 pm)

I finished it! :D 

My favourite songs were Bags, Sofia, and I Wouldn't Ask You. Becuase Sofia and Bags are the ones that are a little more upbeat, I guess? And I Wouldn't Ask You because... it literally gave me goosebumps. What a beautiful song. And I liked how it changed. (that's one of my 'things' with music haha I get kinda bored when it doesn't have a big change). 

Overall, I'd give this album a 9/10. It's really, really good!! Tysm for recommending this!!!

Oh and this is totally unrelated but he first few bars of 'cardigan' by Taylor Swift also gives me goosebumps, cause I've heard it so many times. 

submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep dark woods
(January 26, 2024 - 7:41 pm)

I listened to it! She has a gorgeous voice, but I don't think it's really my type of music. But it was good, I'd give it 6/10. Sofia and Softly was probably my favorite :)

submitted by Hawkstar, age ARMY-ing, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
(January 26, 2024 - 8:50 pm)

i actually really liked immunity! i have mixed feelings about the whole "bedroom pop genre, it's cool, but not entirely for me, i guess? but i've never listened to clairo, and let me just say, her voice is absolutely gorgeous! the whole album built on one cohesive ambiance, which was really cool, it was so soft and restrained and subtle... not usually stuff i seek out in music, i'm much more into... harsh, over-the-top, emotional overload stuff, but it's cool to listen to things outside of the norm of what you generally listen to! my favorite song was Bags, and i'd overall give the album a 7.5, probably!

submitted by Lord Entropy
(January 26, 2024 - 10:53 pm)

Listening to it right now :) I like some of the songs more than the others - in general, they're not quite my style, but I like the album more than I do a lot of pop music. Her voice is nice, and the basic melody is also good, but the instrumental isn't quite what I generally like. "North" reminds me somehow of pangolin (which is interesting since you do like it, @pangolin), and "Sofia" is nice (listening to it in particular at the moment). It's probably a bit livelier than the others. Not my favorite music ever, but interesting to give it a try :)

submitted by Amethyst
(January 27, 2024 - 10:12 am)

Posting a quick song-by-song comment without read-through sorry, these are my opinions while listening-

alewife - lovelovelove, the beats and voice and start on "and" and everything

impossible - also like wow love sm, love that chorus or whatever sm ("and I know...")

closer to you - love that start too, and ok the tune that's great wow, ok wow love love love
north - also so awesome.. "and Ik that we got some potential" that's great, love how with all these the voice and the melody and the tune and that repetitive beat or whatever it all adds so much of its own thing and fits together and everything feels so thought out but simple... it's like she doesn't even need to try and you don't really notice either but you do??
bags - wow wow wow ok yeah love this album wow
softly - love those little scales or whatever at the beginning, the beats and melodies are always so good and unexpected and different while still being familiar in these!! and oc Clairo has such a nice voice! and the lyrics are absolutely aweing too
white flag - these all have the best startings ever!! seriously. every. single. one of them. the best. ever. these ones may be my favorite lyrics actually I think... I love that first verse! love those offbeat-beat-drops whatever they're called ahh they also sorta feel like heartbeats in sounds but also make me feel like my heart is thumping too wow
feel something - nostalgia~  <3
sinking - ok actually love these lyrics (love all the lyrics) but these are so my thoughts every night and morning and when I'm just walking around at school... like every single word I relate sm with... wow actually
I wouldn't ask you - oh this hits pretty hard ahh maybe this one's my favorite? no wait seriously they're all my - oh woah wait thought it was done it's getting more hopeful/upbeat now w/ same lyrics ok this is awesome soo awesome ok scratch what I was gonna say before this-
no. I still can't say that. bc whatever song I'm listening to atm is my favorite XD. so they're still all my favorites. every single one, a favorite in its own way. tysm @peri for suggesting and @everyone else for giving your opinions too!!! this was... wow. 
oh and now doing sofia karaoke, haha, bc I have extra time (you see it isn't on here cuz Ik the whole thing by heart and limited timeeee) and um actually this one's my favorite. Oldies are goodies or whatever they say! :)
and ok bye (I already know this is gonna be a weird format sorry)
submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age Sofia~, Dancing w/ my squish
(January 29, 2024 - 9:10 pm)

Ok sorry that was a lie, there wasn't limited time...

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age XD, Suddenly <3 jean jackets
(January 29, 2024 - 9:33 pm)

Ok...So. I liked some of the songs for sure, but I guess it just wasn't exaclty my genre? She has a gorge voice, and the lyrics are awesome, I just prefer more upbeat things i suppose? Although I did add a couple of the songs to my 'sad' playlist lol.

But overall, it was good, just not exactly the genre I prefer. I actually really like the song 'flaming hot cheetos' by clairo, but that isn't from the album.  

submitted by amari
(January 30, 2024 - 4:38 pm)

Hi! So tomorrow (and the next day) I'll be traveling (moving) so I'm not really sure if I'll be able to come on here, so I'm posting the album today, if that's fine. WHELP, I'm assuming it is... 

Don't worry! I'm not going to shove a K-Pop album on y'all- save the best for later :P SO! I'm suggesting *drumroll*

My head is an animal by Of Monsters And Men. They are an Icelandic indie folk/ rock band, and I really love this album. My favorite song is probably... all of them? Heh, I suppose I have to choose... mm, probably a tie between Slow and Steady, or King and Lionheart. Or Dirty Paws. Or Mountain Sound. Or... You get the idea. Well, hope y'all enjoy it!

submitted by Hawkstar, age Music that, makes my heart soar
(January 31, 2024 - 5:00 pm)

oooo yessss of monsters and men so good

submitted by amari
(January 31, 2024 - 6:22 pm)