Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

Ya know when like you share something you made/wrote with people, something you worked hard on and really proud of, and you're hoping people will comment on it and like talk about how good it is, but then they kinda just ...don't say anything? and you can't really be like "guys please say good stuff about this" b/c that's weird and you feel like you'd be trying too hard? but then it makes you feel bad, like other people's stuff is getting complimented why not mine and like is my art bad, why don't people like it what did I do wring and then you feel bad about yourself? It's great isn't it. Okay so now i feel bad bout writing this AUGH stupid me im just gonna go hide in a corner now

submitted by Rainbow, age [Lost], YouWalkedIn&My<3WentBOOM!
(April 17, 2023 - 7:21 pm)

Well, I like the art you put on the art posting thread, if that's what you're talking about. I'm looking over it now and you did a really nice job on Maria's outfit, and I'd love to see a few more pictures from that animatic of Burn.

And yes, that happens to me all the time. … Most of the time I share stuff with anyone, really. Not on here too much, but sometimes (the CB is a busy place, nobody does it on purpose, I'm sure). Though I'm more confident in my writing than my art, so most of the time when nobody had much to say about my writing, it doesn't do much to my confidence, but a bit to my ego XD 

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(April 18, 2023 - 5:46 am)

*Inhales deeply*



*Fails and starts hyperventilating*


Words cannot describe how much I can relate to this feeling, Rainbow... I totally feel for that type of dissapointment one gets when no one notices! No comments. No feedback. No - nothing! Hoping for some recognition is normal, and not getting too worked up over it is my best suggestion here. I've been through stuff like this a whole lot of times, trust me. It's hard, and I hope you find your confidence in writing back soon.

If it makes you feel better, I'm here if you need to rant or something, we all need something like that every once in a while.

*stuffs a digital dumpling through the screen*

submitted by Zealatom
(April 18, 2023 - 9:20 am)

Oh, and to be more clear about my above post (because I realized it was kinda insensitive considering all the love and support my writing has gotten on here), I'm only so confident about my writing because people, especially you guys, have helped me get there. A big part of the reason I've gotten so far (both in my ski-lodge and my confidence) is because I had people supporting me. So I guess it's not really fair for me to say I can't relate to it hurting my confidence ever (it still does occasionally, just less often). I just mean, you kind of have to learn stay proud of your work even if others aren't saying much about it, because it doesn't mean anything about you. And I hope you keep sharing your work on here. I'll keep an eye out for it.

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(April 18, 2023 - 6:09 am)

I'm goin' to the movie theater for the first time in literal YEARS to see The Super Mario Movie!! Yay! :)





...Warner Bros. REALLY need to get that Minecraft Movie out NOW, and it better have my fave YouTubers in in, 'cause if it doesn't, I'm sendin' 'em a SUPER long letter 'bout how they should've done that.




I need coffee.

submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 14, Kitten Kingdom
(April 18, 2023 - 10:37 am)

today... isn't going too good. Ugh I just want to go home I'm so tired and I was panicing earlier and people are annoying and I just want to be able to draw an watch somehting and relax :[[[  And i have lunch next bell that's going to be horrible i just- *curls into a ball* *agressive stimming*

submitted by Writing_in_the_Dark, age 13, School, lol
(April 18, 2023 - 10:47 am)

Ahhh I'm sorry Writing :[ I hope you're doing better now, and I'm always here to talk if you need <33

Oh! Unrelated but I actually have a TV show reccomendation for you, maybe it'll cheer you up - it's called We Bare Bears. It's a cartoon (I like a lot of cartoons, most of which I discovered at least partially because of you, so I thought I'd reccomend one in return). The main characters are all bears (hence the name of the show), which I know sounds ridiculous but just stay with me for a minute. They're all bears, one's a grizzly, one's a panda, and one's a polar bear, and they are adopted brothers. They walk and talk like humans but still struggle to fit in to human society. Grizz, the oldest, is upbeat and social and tends to drag the others on crazy adventures, Panda, the middle, is the shy, socially awkward, and unlucky one, and Ice Bear, the youngest (and my favorite) is quiet, stoic, and serious. They go on adventures together, and there's no particular "plot" to the entire show, instead it just has a different plot every episode. But each episode is really funny, I think, and I kinda wanna see what you'd think of it. 

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(April 18, 2023 - 2:49 pm)

:(( i'm sorry, Writing. that sucks. i totally get that school can be really overwhelming and the annoying and seemingly insensitive people there are no help :( I struggle with feeling this way about school too, so I can't really think of much advice to offer -- but if you're panicking or on the verge of a panic/anxiety attack, you should tell someone, like a teacher, school counselor, or other trusted adult, and they hopefully will help you find a safe space away from other ppl -- my school counselor is really helpful when i have panick attacks in school. and maybe you can bring a sketchbook or something to school (if you're allowed) and draw during lunch, if that helps? and when you get home, definitely listen to music and watch something to help you relax. i don't know how much this will help, but just know that i'll be here if you ever want to talk or just vent <3

submitted by pangolin, age she | they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(April 18, 2023 - 3:54 pm)

Yeah, what she said- I kinda didn't have advice for you so I used cartoons, which I do know XD But I know a girl who brings her sketchbook to lunch and draws, maybe that could help? I don't see why they wouldn't let you so long as you weren't drawing in class, right?

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(April 18, 2023 - 4:50 pm)

I agree about what you said about people being annoying. Today in Japanese class two of the students were talking about me BEHIND MY BACK. Ughhhhhhhh. I don't know what they said about me, but I think that's the point of talking about someone behind their back. On a remotely related note, why does my calculator have + as the long button instead of =? And WHY do people use x for times when it looks so much like the variable x? Uggh calculators are so annoying...

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(April 18, 2023 - 8:33 pm)

What. The. FROG? Admins, that was super quick, thank you. It took literally 7 minutes to post.

Also, on the Japanese class notes, I really would like some advice on this, my parents are dismissing it as something like "ignore them, you're there to learn", or "of course they are talking about you, you are 10 years old and in a junior college". How am I supposed to deal with this? Ignoring is not working anymore, I am facing relentless teasing every single day of class now!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(April 18, 2023 - 8:46 pm)

alright so I know from personal experience that the ignoring strategy (which seems to be the go-to advice from adults) rarely works. If you're being teased everyday, try talking to the people who are teasing you (though this probably won't work either) or telling a teacher or other trusted adult at school about it. They may be able to discipline the people who are teasing you, or at least give you a seat away from them. You could also try to stand up for yourself (in a non-physical way, ofc!) by addressing their teasing directly. If nothing else, just remember that you are above their teasing -- you are smart and kind and creative and wonderfully talented and don't deserve this. good luck <3

submitted by pangolin, age she | they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(April 19, 2023 - 6:27 am)

Thanks for the advice pangolin! Talking to them totally worked. So here is the episode with me and person L:

*both of us are working on writing "kinyoubi" in Japanese (Friday)*

L: I wrote it three times, so I'm better than you.

Me: Well, that...I mean, when that..When you do that, it doesn't feel good. 

L: Ok, my bad.

Me: *beams with pride*


So yeah that worked! 

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(April 20, 2023 - 4:45 pm)

I really am probably not going to be super helpful with this bc i don't really know but whoever is making fun of you is SO immature.  i guess i would recommend joining an extracurricular activity that you previously weren't doing so you could maybe find some people maybe closer in age to yourself to be around?  it might feel good

(also how's japanese class going study-wise?) 

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(April 19, 2023 - 7:26 am)

Thanks for the tips. Also with studying, I am doing really well, so far I have a 96.95% average grade. With talking to them, I think I haven't mustered up the courage yet, and I dont really know what to say to make it effective. 

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(April 19, 2023 - 12:56 pm)