Welcome, fellow Choklitcl
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Welcome, fellow Choklitcl...
Welcome, fellow Choklitclan cats. If you have followed the signs, then you will know this is the place for parodying 'Warriors' Roleplay threads though stupid senseless smiley stories, false roleplays, and anything else you can think of! This isn't the place for vranting about Warriors, just for a little fun at Erin Hunter's expense. Whee! I'll do one:
Yo, I'm a cat with a home! My name is Rusty! I want to leave my perfectly comfortable and happy home for the forest where I could die!
And I am that evil cat dude who wants to kill you!
-> Oh my.
->Anyway, I will train to become a warrior! *becomes warrior* Whee!!!
*is exiled*
Dearie me, it appears I have won and summarized most of the Warriors series!
submitted by Pirocks/Enceladus
(May 13, 2009 - 4:17 pm)
(May 13, 2009 - 4:17 pm)
I'm thinking of creating a new Warriors name for myself. How 'bout....
I found this!
(June 7, 2009 - 4:44 pm)
Let's all make Chocklitclan names! I'll be SlightlyDementedFur. All right, Chocklitstar. You've got to pick a deputy (or partner-in-rants, whatever). No, you don't really have to. Hey, ya'll, pick your anti-warrior names!
-Reuben (aka SlightlyDementedFur)
(June 8, 2009 - 6:48 am)
Wait, who are you? I'll pick whoever TNO is!
(June 8, 2009 - 12:48 pm)
Hmm, names... anything element-related, I suppose... I'll think about that one.
(June 8, 2009 - 4:27 pm)
Oh, oh, can I be....RandomCatThatDiesForNoApparentReason?
(June 9, 2009 - 6:34 pm)
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
*sucks in breath, pompously*
I am Phlebotinumfur! (Google "applied plebotinum", click the tv tropes link)). I am essential to the workings of the Clan! I am science! I am magic! I am a strange creature unknown to both magic and science!
(June 9, 2009 - 10:16 pm)
@ HLTP whatever other letters you have in your name: Actually, I was sort of being sarcastic. Sorry...
What is "TV tropes"? (I'm not allowed to Google without my parents' permission, which is a very wise rule, in my opinion.)
(June 10, 2009 - 4:24 pm)
sweet, dude...
hee hee hee
(June 10, 2009 - 8:22 pm)
Sarcastic? Noooooo... just kidding! Don't worry, M.W, I was being sarcastic too! Don't worry everybody, Honeylovetootsiepop here does NOT (NOT) like Warriors! That is why Honeylovetootsiepop is Honeylovetootsiepop and not a name like "Earthstar" (if anybody is actually named that, no offense!).
Virtual Hugs,
(June 10, 2009 - 8:59 pm)
TV Tropes is a site cataloging tropes, which are commonly used devices in fiction (not just TV). They are not cliches, they are fun ideas that can be played with, subverted (Joss Whedon does this a lot, with great success), inverted (i.e., Colour-Coded For Your Convenience, where villains where black and heros wear white; the inverted trope would have the villains in white and the heros where black; the trope could be subverted by having the villain wear, say, pink), or played straight. Tropes can be lampshaded, or pointed out by the characters (i.e., Wash, having been informed that River is psychic, says, "That sounds like something out of science fiction." His wife Zoë replies, "We live on a spaceship, dear." Wash retorts, "So?". Firefly was a science fiction show, so it both lampshaded itself, then subverted the lampshade, then subverted the subversion. As I said, JW is a genius for this kind of thing.)
Applied Phlebotinum is a trope in which a substance, usually either magical, technologically advanced, or a strange thing unknown to science, which acts as a plot device. E.g., Dr. Horrible's Wonderflonium. Superman's kryptonite. X-Men's adamantium. Basically all fantasy and science fiction has Phlebotinum somewhere.
Other tropes include Deliberately Monochrome and Dark is Not Evil (Tim Burton is KING of those two), Right Hand Cat (many villains often carry around a cat, often in some shade of white), Kick the Dog (when a villain attacks or threatens a helpless, loveable character (not necessarily a dog) for no reason, thus establishing that they are evil). The Moral Event Horizon is an action that puts a character, hero or villain, forever past the point of (most) audiences liking them. Ear Worms are songs that stick in your head (Ballad of Jayne! Firefly theme! Every Dr. Horrible song! A Little Priest!), and Lyrical Dissonance is when the lyrics do not fit the tone of the music (Stephen Sondheim's A Little Priest from Sweeney Todd wins this one forever).
TV Tropes are fun. :)
(June 11, 2009 - 2:11 am)
I see. Thank you for the explanation. :)
HLTPthingy: If you don't like Warriors, why did you say that you tried to join the clans?
(June 11, 2009 - 3:45 pm)
Hey, can I be the healy thingy ma-ba-ber?
(June 11, 2009 - 7:54 pm)
ok, im not coolcat, im shadow!
(June 12, 2009 - 3:24 pm)
I was *gulp* trolling. But really, I didn't know it was wrong, and then I saw TNO's "no trolling on warriors threads" thread and then I knew it was wrong! But really, I haven't trolled since I saw that thread, and I will never do it again! Please, don't take this against me!
Super saturated sighs,
(June 12, 2009 - 5:32 pm)
Okay, well, now you know! It's okay - you didn't know before. :)
(June 13, 2009 - 6:59 am)