Welcome, fellow Choklitcl

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Welcome, fellow Choklitcl...

Welcome, fellow Choklitclan cats. If you have followed the signs, then you will know this is the place for parodying 'Warriors' Roleplay threads though stupid senseless smiley stories, false roleplays, and anything else you can think of! This isn't the place for vranting about Warriors, just for a little fun at Erin Hunter's expense. Whee! I'll do one:

Laughing Yo, I'm a cat with a home! My name is Rusty! I want to leave my perfectly comfortable and happy home for the forest where I could die!

YellAnd I am that evil cat dude who wants to kill you!

Laughing->Surprised Oh my.


Surprised->SmileAnyway, I will train to become a warrior! *becomes warrior* Whee!!!

Yell*is exiled*

SmileDearie me, it appears I have won and summarized most of the Warriors series!

submitted by Pirocks/Enceladus
(May 13, 2009 - 4:17 pm)

Just joking!!! I don't worship Erin Hunter or her books. I like them, but they aren't that good. I was just being annoying!! Oh, and the "meany" thing was just to be weird. I would never really say that!! I actually think this whole thing is pretty funny!

submitted by A cat
(May 17, 2009 - 5:44 pm)

Ah, so it was lulz!sarcasm. Well, not so rude but you could have made it more obvious, like for example,


at the end of your post. It's hard to tell tone over teh Internetz, unfortunately. :) 

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(May 17, 2009 - 10:59 pm)

That was hilarios, Willa. Now, for Power of 3, the movie! With only prefixes.

Jay: I'm a blind kit, but I'm gonna fight a fox

Leaf: You will never be a warrior! 

Jay: Waaa

Grey: *comes back*

Lion: I'm gonna sneak out of camp to play with my girlfriend from Windclan!

Holly: *stalks*

Jay: I got power!

Tiger: Join me, Lionpaw.

Lion: OK!

Ash: *tries to kill Lionpaw*

Night: Help!

Holly: *worries*

Lion: *wins battle*

Jaw: Do you want to know a secret?

Lion, Holly, Jay: We got power!

Bramble: Greedy prey-theives!!!

All other clans: Attack!

Sol: The sun will vanish *sun vanishes*

Holly, Lion: We are warriors!

All: *get greencough, but the only death is someone with n lives.*

Shadowclan: Starclan means nothing!

Shadowclan: jk

Ash: Hey Squirrilflight, I'm gonna kill your kids because you dissed me 6 books ago.

Squirril: They're not my kits!

Holly: *gets real annoyed* *kills*

Ash: *dies*

Holly:*ruins everyone's lives*

Lion, Jay: No!

Leaf, Squiril: Our lives are ruined!

Holly: *runs away and dies*

Jay: I don't care.

The End

Admin, please post that!





submitted by Reuben K
(May 18, 2009 - 6:57 am)

Willa, Reuben- hysterical. :) :) Absolutely hilarious. :) *laughing still* I laughed out loud!

submitted by Mary W., age 11.35, NJ
(May 18, 2009 - 5:48 pm)

If you want to laugh at the expense of others, read the Stormclan thread. I'm Duskshadow. There have been some uppity apprentices who are the worst typeists I've ever seen. They are APPRENTICES and hae had kits and are now declaring their eternal love for Laughingstar (our leader, of the same gender). Maybe I shouldn't have admitted I participate in those threads, but it will amuse you. You'll see me ranting.Yell

submitted by Reuben K
(May 19, 2009 - 2:23 pm)

Reuben: For all it matters, I'm in Stormclan, too... occasionally...

You seemed to be one of the intelligent ones! No offense, everybuggy! Stormclans all pretty good!

submitted by Willa
(May 19, 2009 - 6:57 pm)

In response to Reuben... I am dreadfully confused. :/ Sorry. That just sort of lost me... but I'm not in my most coherent state of mind, so maybe tomorrow it'll maybe more sense. That and how skewered candy will diminish twi-fangirls... *shakes head*

submitted by Mary W., age 11.35, NJ
(May 19, 2009 - 7:09 pm)

@ Mary W-It didn't matter. Nobody gets TROS. The people in my school get freaked out by me.

@ Willa- Really? Who are you?

submitted by Reuben K
(May 20, 2009 - 6:23 am)

I hate to tell you I don't get it either.

submitted by Lena
(May 20, 2009 - 10:23 am)

I mean, maybe if you elaborated on the theory... then it might make slightly more sense, and you wouldn't come off as... a bit... you know... touched, for want of a better word?

;) If you know what I mean...?

submitted by Mary W., age 11.35, NJ
(May 20, 2009 - 7:10 pm)

Ummm... Hate to say it, because I've been keeping my identities a secret, but I was... Copperpelt. A rather loyal warrior in the beginning who has somewhat disappeared lately. (Much like our great leader)

Speaking of which, I think I'll go check out the Firewhatsit (?) professing love to Laughingstar saga...  

submitted by Willa
(May 20, 2009 - 9:29 pm)

Oh yes, Reuben. Remember Rivepelit? (I think they meant to say Riverpelt, poor thing.) Well, I looked both of those up in the dictionary, Rive and Pelit. Surprisingly, they are both words! 

Rive: Verb. To be torn, split or cracked apart violently

Pelit: Noun. a very fine grained sediment or sedimentary rock composed of clay or mud particles


(Rivepelit, please do not be offended if you see this. Sorry) 

submitted by Willa, age 12 & 23/12, GENERAL LOCATIO
(May 20, 2009 - 10:06 pm)

I'm thinking of joining one of the threads, and throwing some wrenches in to their works.... >D

submitted by Pirocks/Enceladus
(May 22, 2009 - 6:03 am)

@ Willa: Read their most recent post, if you can.

@ All: 73% of page 1 threads have something to do with warriors. What will bring this scourge down? Tros!

submitted by Reuben K
(May 22, 2009 - 6:27 am)







submitted by TOP, age TOP, TOP
(May 22, 2009 - 5:51 am)