
Chatterbox: Inkwell

SmileHi. I'm new on Cricket. It is nice 2 meet every buggy. I luv 2 read.

submitted by Toffee, age ?, YUM
(July 3, 2011 - 6:36 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The Ms' Thread.

The Ms' Thread. (Christina and Elizabeth) 


Okay, so let's see what we come up with! 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(July 3, 2011 - 8:10 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Seman RP (Formerly the FB Group RP)


This thread is being moved from the This Month forum.

An RP that meets the high non-boring standards of the awsomesause Cricket Chatterboxers. Anyone is welcome to join.


submitted by ~Kat~, age 13, WishThisBoxWasLonger
(July 2, 2011 - 2:59 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I'm starting a

I'm starting a new clan called FireClan. Please join.

RoseStar, please do this on Pudding's Place, not Inkwell. Thanks.


submitted by RoseStar, age 13 moons, FireClan Camp
(June 30, 2011 - 12:39 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

(('Ello people, I&#39

(('Ello people, I'm just randomly writing a story becuase I can't find anything better to do pfff. It focuses on some of my random characters that I've RPed with some. But um. Yep. Enjoy reading whatever my crazed brain comes up with.))


submitted by Allie M., age 56,745(13), Austin, TX
(June 29, 2011 - 9:36 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Camp NaNoWriMo!

Camp NaNoWriMo!

Camp NaNo is coming out in a week or so. It's basically a NaNoWriMo except you can now do it any month you want, instead of just November. And it's run by the official NaNo company (OLL) and the single screenshot I've seen looks awesome so... is anyone planning on doing this? I definitely am. :)

submitted by Olive
(June 25, 2011 - 7:43 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

In which I

In which I DESPERATELY NEED someone to talk me out of this madness.


I was attacked by plot bunnies. They demanded that I write a (serious, well-thought-out) Doctor Who/Twilight crossover. I DON'T KNOW.

This is what I have so far. It... will probably not make much sense if you don't watch Doctor Who and/or haven't seen The Doctor's Wife (which is the best. episode. ever. by the way). Since I'm not sure how many of you are even familiar with the show, basically you need to know that:

submitted by TNÖ, age 17, Deep Space
(June 22, 2011 - 2:52 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Round Robin!

Round Robin!


I'd like to do a Historical Fiction round robin! I just don't know which time period... Does anyone want to join? 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(June 21, 2011 - 9:58 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I'm writing a

I'm writing a new story [I have like 8!] so I was wondering if you guys could critiqe it and help me! It's a romance. I'm really into it!


I haven't titled it yet:


Chapter One

"I thought you were different!" I said through tears. "I thought maybe, just maybe you liked me for me, not my fame and money."

"Come on Baby, I am different, I love you, that's how I'm differnent." Carson said grabbing my arm.

submitted by Vida, age 11
(June 16, 2011 - 10:29 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Writing Help Thread!!!!!!

Writing Help Thread!!!!!!!


So, a lot of people have in the past written to the Inkwell saying "Help, I'm stuck!" or something like that.  This thread is for writing help, like any kind you need - writer's block cures, names, characters, plots, whatever.  And of course, once a problem is solved, the solution is a resource for others who are in the same predicament.  (You can call me AAA for short - I'll top this as it needs it.)

submitted by AnAspiringAuthor, age 13
(June 14, 2011 - 10:08 am)
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