Writing Help Thread!!!!!!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Writing Help Thread!!!!!!
Writing Help Thread!!!!!!!
So, a lot of people have in the past written to the Inkwell saying "Help, I'm stuck!" or something like that. This thread is for writing help, like any kind you need - writer's block cures, names, characters, plots, whatever. And of course, once a problem is solved, the solution is a resource for others who are in the same predicament. (You can call me AAA for short - I'll top this as it needs it.)
submitted by AnAspiringAuthor, age 13
(June 14, 2011 - 10:08 am)
(June 14, 2011 - 10:08 am)
I'm just going to top this thing twice, and then it will be semi-permanently at the top. 'K? Please post on this great thread, if I do say so myself!!!
(June 14, 2011 - 4:18 pm)
(June 14, 2011 - 5:53 pm)
TOP!!! Why??? WHY!
(June 14, 2011 - 7:49 pm)
Here's a NaNoWriMo tip from a (first-time) participant of 2010 (and winner!): If you have writer's block, just describe a plant or a person's clothes very descriptively until you think of something. I did that. Except it was someone's face. :P
(June 14, 2011 - 7:58 pm)
Hey, Oregano, I thought you weren't allowed on here anymore.
(June 15, 2011 - 2:32 pm)
Well, so, since no one's posting, I will. Tip for coming up with names: I shut my eyes and stab at the keyboard. Say I come up with *stabs*:
I can have Kevin, or Kyle, or Ken, for a boy, and I can have Kim or Katherine (or however you want to spell that, plus all the nicknames) or Kelly for a girl, or Killer or Klondike or Kermit or Kokopelli for a pet, and last names are easy: Kohler, Kramer, Karente (either a name you know or a name you made up). And fantasy/sci-fi names are really easy. Kirithin, Klonudibar, and Katinerella, and Kith, and Kronipo! So, so, so easy. Plus with names, I like a lot of names, and I'll usually just pick one. Katherine/Catherine/[other spelling] is a favorite, because it has a lot of nicknames, so you can use it in a lot of stories with different variants and nicknames and people won't necessarily think that you're being unoriginal. ;)
This method (the stabbing method) works for towns, planets, cities, etc too. When I need a name that isn't a normal Earth English name, I'll just tack on letters to any random letter, until it sounds good. For example - Eridonia, Turneosi, Laproden, Vorilern. Sometimes I really like these inventions... ;)
If you like some of these names, that is the ones I made up, go ahead and take them. No copyright. Heh heh heh.
(June 15, 2011 - 2:42 pm)
Another tip for coming up with names:
If you need a unique name, start with a regular name and take away or add letters until it sounds cool. e.g.: Hannah becomes Anab
(June 15, 2011 - 6:05 pm)
Another way to come up with names is to let Spammy help you. Sometimes, rarely, Spammy will come up with a combination of letters that actually sounds like it could be a name! Like (these are just examples) Mari, Leda, Tero, something like that. If not, just use the letters that you get and change it around to make a name. For instance, this time I got *scrolls down* gwek! Gwek would be a pretty good name for a monster or an alien or something, but for a normal Earth name I could make it Gwen, for a prettier-sounding fantasy name I could make it Gwerra or Gekka or anything else that would sound good. Sometimes you just get something like "wzks" though, so you can use each letter to start a name and choose the one you like best. Wendy, Zara, Katherine, and Sophia could be choices for a girl on Earth.
(June 16, 2011 - 11:59 am)
Right! I did that once! Or twice. Of course, I don't usually need to come up with names. Usually I'll have one in mind that I like. :) My main problem with writing is non-fiction. I only ever write fiction and when I have to write NF I get writer's block. That's about the only time I ever get writer's block. Good thing there's a huge market out there for kids/YA fiction. Do you have any tips for writing NF?
Spammy says aiia. Oooh! Inspiration strikes!!
Tirentiria hurled the javelin into the target. "Aiia!" she cried.
Hmm! 'Nother novel begins to blossom! Heh heh heh.
(June 16, 2011 - 1:23 pm)
Oh, I hate writing NF. You can't really let your imagination roam. :( I only write it for school but some tips are:
1. Try to sound enthusiastic
2. If you're writing about an animal you could look for interesting facts.
3. Write about what you know, unless you were assigned something. :)
(June 16, 2011 - 6:39 pm)
I hate nonfiction! The only advice I have is to get all of your information down in an outline or rough draft first, then write out the final and make it sound good.
Anyway, I just thought of something I need a little help with. I've had this story idea for a long time, about a girl named Axa who comes from some magical land/dimension and gets stuck on the nonmagical Earth. (Either it's accidental or she's there doing research or something.) Her story is that she's from a previously undiscovered Native American tribe living in the wild. She meets this boy named Jeffrey, and the two become close enough friends that she reveals her magic to him. After that... I can't think of a problem. I'm not good at coming up with problems for stories. :(
(June 16, 2011 - 7:47 pm)
Orgeno, you said you couldn't come on anymore!!! Are you back? *crosses fingers*
(June 17, 2011 - 12:46 pm)
No. I'm trying not to be. If any of you can say something rude enough that I leave now, though, that would be great. Really.
Oh, no, we don't want to give you a reason for leaving, Oregano. We want you to stay!
(June 17, 2011 - 2:49 pm)
:):) Now I understand. :D NO, I will not! You're funny, though. :)
(June 19, 2011 - 7:22 pm)
I'm actually serious.
(June 20, 2011 - 6:37 am)