Round Robin!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Round Robin!

Round Robin!


I'd like to do a Historical Fiction round robin! I just don't know which time period... Does anyone want to join? 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(June 21, 2011 - 9:58 am)

I'll join!

submitted by Princess P.
(June 21, 2011 - 4:31 pm)

Thanks! Sorry, I didn't get back sooner! Which time would you like to do? 

I had a few ideas: French Revolution, Civil War, Revolutionary War, World War 2 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(June 28, 2011 - 10:26 am)

No, that's fine. I'm glad you're back! We've missed you!

Civil War and WW II sound good to me! Not that I like writing about wars (I think it was just a coincidence that I picked those two!), it's just that those are the two time periods I know the most about.

If you want them, here are some more ideas--The Great Depression and Pioneer times.

Which one do we pick?

Also, I was wondering, two out of the four time periods you picked were from the USA (unless you are talking about a civil war or a revolutionary war in a different country!). Not that I mind writing about American history, but I was just wondering if you wanted to do something from German history, since you live there. I don't know much about German history, but I thought it would be fun to learn more about it! What do you think?

submitted by Princess P., USA
(June 28, 2011 - 4:32 pm)

Oops... I just picked wars. The bloodiest times in history. Oh well!


I think the Great Depression would be interesting and I've always been addicted to Pioneer Times. :) I guess we can make a list of the Historical Periods and then keep crossing out certain ones until we find one. Here's our list so far (I guess): Civil War, World War II (More to that in the next paragraph), pioneer times, Great Depression and (if you're okay with it) the early nineteen hundreds where all the people were traveling to New York City. What do you think?


First of all I put the four most interesting time periods (okay, okay W-A-R-S) I could think of. I'm American so I know quite a lot about American history, too. World War II strikes me as interesting because I've never written, RP-d or RR-d anything on it. It also seems like a very interesting (scary, bloody... Use the adjectives you want) time to write about. I wasn't thinking about me living in Germany but I would be just as interested as you to learn more about Germany! There is another interesting but more modern time in Germany's history. I don't know much about but it's kind of a National Holiday here. Have you heard of the DDR? If it sounds interesting, you should look it up on wikipedia. :) I can't explain much, though the Berlin Wall might ring a bell. Anyway, what are you thinking after my ramblings? 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(June 30, 2011 - 10:43 am)

First of all, just to let you know, I was sort of joking about the "wars" thing. :-)  I just noticed that you picked almost all wars, and thought I'd point it out. :-)

Secondly, I like your list of what we have so far. I've always been addicted to pioneer times, too! :-)  *goes off topic* Do you like to watch/read Little House on the Prairie? *goes back on topic* Anyways, I haven't heard much about DDR. I googled it, and all that came up was some things about "Dance, Dance Revolution"! :-)  Oops! I also haven't heard much about the early nineteen hundreds where lots of people moved to New York City. I'll see if I can find out more about those two time periods. If I can't, maybe we should cross it out since it's hard to write about something you don't know much about!

Also, about you being American, did you use to live in America, and then move to Germany? If so, how old were you when you moved? I live in the USA, and I've lived here all my life. :-)

Anyways, I liked your ramblings; what do you think about mine? :-)

submitted by Princess P.
(July 1, 2011 - 11:04 am)

:-) Oh! :-) 

Oh! I love the little house series! They're so amazingly written and good for anyone. I own all the books and I really should read them over again, as I finished the series last year! Laura's personality is so innocent, funny and sweet! I just love her! :-) I've watched the show a few times. It doesn't really go with the books but it's still good! Have you seen the movie?

Okay, I am now back on topic! Dance, dance revolutions isn't what I meant... Sorry! :-) XD You could look up the Berlin Wall on Wikipedia but I highly believe that we won't choose that topic! I think you are right, we should try to use a topic we know a lot about so we can cross the immigration time off our list. *Goes slightly off topic* I highly recommend the Dear America books (or My America (another similar series)) to read. They cover almost all the time periods we're talking about and more! Highly interesting. *Gets back on topic* Okay, now we have: Civil War, Revolutionary War, World War II, Pioneer Times and umm... ah The Great Depression. I can't think of the next one to cross out... :-) [*off topic* I love that smiley!]

Yes, I come from Illinois and then (a year or so ago) I moved to Germany (maybe it was a year and a half). I was ten when I moved so I started fifth grade here! :-) You should visit Germany sometime! :-)

Oh I'm glad you liked my ramblings Lady P! And I must admit, I do enjoy yours! :-) 


Greetings from Illinois, Elizabeth! It's hot here now, too.


submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(July 1, 2011 - 1:01 pm)

Ancient Egypt? Ancient Japan? Rome? Tenochtitlan? I like Rome. But yeah you can go beyond modern-times... What about Rennaisance-era Italy?

submitted by Emily L., age 16, WA
(July 4, 2011 - 12:14 am)

I'll join in! How about ancient Greece? i know all the mythology, and this would be an excuse to learn more history about it. :)

submitted by Kim A., age 12
(July 4, 2011 - 1:39 pm)

Before I say anything, I really liked reading your ramblings, too, Elizabeth! Anyways, yes, I have seen the movie. Actually my family has quite a few of the DVDs in the series. I think we have up to year four or five. :-)   Have you seen them? I probably should read them again since I haven't read them in a while…I also like the Dear America series! I have read quite a few of them. We haven't been to the library in a while, though, so I haven't read any of them lately. I really wish I could visit Germany to visit you! Do you have a room for me to stay when I come? :-)  [I love that smiley, too!]

Everyone, so…here is our current list (Elizabeth, Emily, Kim, and my ideas):

Tenochtitlan (Emily, could you please explain what that time period is about? I don't know much about it…)

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Rome

Ancient Greece

Ancient Japan

Civil War

Revolutionary War


Pioneer Times

Great Depression

Which to cross out next? Do any of you not know much about any of these topics? If so, we should probably cross it out. We (Elizabeth and I) were thinking that we should probably stick with something that we already know lots about. It would be easier to write about. :-)

Anyways, what are all of your thoughts?

submitted by Princess P.
(July 5, 2011 - 2:39 pm)

I don't know which season I've seen, but in one of them Mary gets glasses. What's your favorite book? Mine is Plum Creek. Yes, I have a big room for you to stay in with a big comfortable bed!:-) From the Dear Americas you've read, which one did you like most? 

Okay, so from our list: I've learned quite a lot about Rome and Egypt in school, but I'm not sure how good I am on the subject (though, I just got an A on my history test...)   I don't know anything or what the Tenochitalan is and Ancient Japan... Hm... I don't know much about that either... 

What are all of you thinking? 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(July 6, 2011 - 11:20 am)

I like Plum Creek, too! And Little House in the Big Woods. Actually, I like all of them. :-)  That's also my answer for my favorite Dear America book. :-) 


I agree with Elizabeth. I don't know all that much about the ancient civilizations, either, and I think that we should pick a subject that we all know a lot about and that we will be able to write about easily. Is that okay with you all? So far, here's our list:

Civil War

Revolutionary War


Pioneer Times

Great Depression


Which ones do you all not know a lot about? I think I'm the most familiar with everything but WWII. And maybe the Revolutionary War. What about you?

submitted by Princess P.
(July 8, 2011 - 1:48 pm)

Well what that means is like the Aztecs and stuff. Their main city, Tenochtitlan, was in the middle of a lake, in what is now Mexico City.

submitted by Emily L., age 16, WA
(July 9, 2011 - 1:43 pm)

Oh, I've read about that before! Hm... I don't know a lot about it but we could try...

@Princess P.- Yes, I guess you're right! I do love every single Dear America book I've read! :-) And, we could do Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. I do know quite a lot about those but if you don't... 

submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(July 10, 2011 - 9:22 am)

I'm fine with doing any time period. I like ancient countries like Greece, Rome, Egypt, or Japan, but I don't know much about Ancient Japan.....I might like to do that if anybuggy wants to tell me a little about it. :)

submitted by Kim A., age 12
(July 13, 2011 - 6:20 pm)

I'm back! Sorry I was gone for a little bit longer than I said I would be...:-) doesn't look like we're getting anywhere with this. :-)  Admin, do you have any ideas about how we should choose a subject?

Spammy says "goto". Sounds something like "goat" or "go to" as in "go to the ball!" in soccer. :-)


This is the original list of suggestions:


Ancient Egypt

Ancient Rome

Ancient Greece

Ancient Japan

Civil War

Revolutionary War


Pioneer Times

Great Depression


I suggest you pick time period somewhat known to most of you. Therefore, I'd rule out ancient Japan. Many of you study US history. Maybe Pioneer Times? Or ancient Egypt, Rome, or Greece, because mythology and those civilizations are popular with many of you, too. Does that help?


Another idea is for someone to put all the names in a hat and just pick one!



submitted by Princess P.
(July 14, 2011 - 10:39 am)