Regular poetry thread

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Regular poetry thread

Regular poetry thread (because I'm tired of not editing my poems)

This is exactly what it sounds like! A thread to post poetry. I'm excited to read all of your work!

submitted by Bluebird
(April 30, 2017 - 8:51 pm)
Sometimes I wonder,

what happend,

without opinions

stearing us down

paths that we

go down unknowingly?

How do you tell a

story without putting

your thoughts in the mix

of ingredients that you have

hand picked to fit your needs?

You try, and even fool yourself

into thinking you know the truth,

Here's a little secret;

You don't.

You might think you have

clear separations between

fact and fiction.

If you look closely;

the lines blur too much.

Sometimes I wonder,

how I would see

something if I had no emotions,

if I couldn't lean towards one side.

Through this whole new lens,

our own crafted world

would look alien. 

submitted by Peregrine Falcon
(August 29, 2024 - 8:23 pm)
I try to write
but my words
are meaningless
as dust. 
How many times 
have I told you?
Posions are the best
I like to not make
sense. Though 
I am not sure whether
I am the sphinx or the


submitted by Peregrine Falcon
(August 29, 2024 - 8:50 pm)
The blanket of snow
with the gray of the
clouds riding on the wind,
Tail spread out wide,
wings cutting the ground
like knives.
Cashing the folk
trickster, the sleek
orange flame doesn't
submitted by Peregrine Falcon
(August 29, 2024 - 8:51 pm)
isnt necessarily about anything
I'll be your pearl fish---
die in your grasp, 
and turn lustrous,
like a treasure,
once it's all over.

I'll shine brighter than stardust.
And you'll love me after.
And you'll polish me after,


You won't let me get any smudges?
You won't let me rot,


You have your whole life ahead of you,
but you'll still turn me over once in a while,
let my iridescent scales shine in the sun,


Say something. 

I'll be your treasure after.

submitted by unfinishedfawn , alchemizing
(August 31, 2024 - 5:53 am)

For some reason, this connects with me in a way that is very hard to explain. It feels like one of those Chinese fairytails, but also a desperate letter of wanting to be needed and cared for, even if it requires sacrifice. And then the repetition of "Right?" after every assertion just makes it more and more relatable. Like, maybe it's just me, but I'm the kind of person who does that constantly and will have so many ideas, but will immediately doubt myself and question anyone who says they will care about me in that so-obviously desperate way.

I like this poem.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(September 1, 2024 - 4:29 pm)

sorry for the late reply- I geniunely thought no one would reply to this!! thanks for being cool and giving me some feedback!!! I like to repeat phrases in my poems a lot, glad someone relates!!



pearl fishes are awesome, anyone who sees this should go look them up <3

submitted by unfinishedfawn , buzzing
(September 10, 2024 - 12:43 am)

I remain trapped

in a moment that

never happened.


As the cold creeps

up my spine,

standing on the bluff.

My eyes trace the drop. 

A blanket of snow covers

the world I see.

I turn around. 

The woods faces me.

A predator waiting to


A mother seeing her


A secret waiting to be


I enter without thought,

what is waiting can chose

to show. 

submitted by Peregrine Falcon
(August 31, 2024 - 4:17 pm)

My words are so often pointed

Cold and hard like the sculpted corner of a block of cement

I can't cut out the edge,

The biting sting each line weaves.

I only really know how to write anger, fear, sadness

The pounding physicality of pain

And the all-encompassing feeling of longing 

While knowing your target is unreachable. 

The only time my words come alive, evoke emotion

Are when they are tinted through a lense of fierceness

That is too ugly for the average person to want to look at.

But how do I remove my righteous fury?

The pain of a lifetime condensed into a single poem?

How can I not overflow with anxiety, pour it into writing

And inject into into the views of the world's eye? 

How could I ever water down the acid I feel tumbling in my stomach,

When the world is crumbling down around us at this very moment? 

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(September 1, 2024 - 9:02 pm)

I see pieces of her face

Every time I look in mirror

When I smile

I feel my cheeks morph into hers

When the world melts around me

Her voice is the one in my mind 

Drowning out my own

I see her cardigan on my shoulders

Even when it's not 

And when I cut my hair

Her curls slip from the scissors

In a crowd I feel her height

In my crooked steps

Eye-level at other people's necks 

When I rock

I feel her fingers dig into my shoulders

Even when I'm alone 

My body is an echo of hers, 

And I do my best to strap it in

Tie up my chest

Squeeze the air from my lungs

Slap the smile off my face

Crush the mirror

And scratch the scars on my arms off.

I don't want to be her

But I still am. 

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(September 1, 2024 - 9:15 pm)

mood. actually, both this and your last poem are bizarrely relatable (and really well written!)

submitted by Woodwind
(September 2, 2024 - 12:13 pm)

Thank you! (And I'm sorry they're relatable :/)

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(September 3, 2024 - 10:06 am)

Idk I don't really like this one, but was considering posting it for the theme of "kids" in the poetry contest.


The ball hits our racquets

Back and forth

Back and forth

And there's silence

Except for the ball bouncing

Against the empty court,

Against our racquets;

That's the way it is with me.

Heat drips down my shoulders

Liquid sun pooling at my brown

And just because it's September doesn't mean it's cooler 

Just like I read in that Ask magazine as a kid.

On the walk home you say you like Summer best

I say my favourite has always been Winter

And we debate whether freezing to death or dying in the desert would be better;

That's the way it is with us.

Summer has always been a symbol of youth for me:

I used to want to outgrow it,

Now I don't want to look, lest I be reminded of my age. 

Summer is an era of summer-camp and sports and heat

When I'd rather be reading in the cool cellar at home

That's what we share in common.

Precociousness is what they call it,

A curse is what I call it.

We think we're all grown up and mature and try to outrun it

Until its too late and gone for good. 

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, idk where
(September 1, 2024 - 9:39 pm)

All right, here's one of my poems about Alexander the Great that I posted about on Random Thoughts :) The other one's much longer, but I kind of like this one.


alexander the great


1+1=2, they tell you

but i know the exception to that:

one prince and one stallion and one heart

submitted by Amethyst, 1 horse+1 prince=1 heart
(September 2, 2024 - 10:21 am)

And here's another one~


a young prince

proud, quick, the spark of the court

with a loved one who loved him and the orange trees and now this quick fiery spirit dark and powerful under his hand

fire leaps to fire, and in the marble courtyard where the white orange blossoms were fluttering down to give way to actual oranges,

ringed by people who were proud and uncertain of their princeling,

with the immortalized rememberances of his forefathers scarcely more important than this present in his hands and the future he was claiming,

he made possible the impossible, sprang onto the black flame of stallion and laughed into the wind as they turned and were one,

and laughed into the wind because he knew he was alexander the great.

submitted by Amethyst, parchment by candlelight
(September 2, 2024 - 10:24 am)

How many promises do I have to break

Before you realise I'm not the One?

I'd love to be the One, it would make me happier than anything else

But deep down I know

I'm not the One.

How could someone as imperfect as me

Ever make you happy forever?

How could someone so broken

Not tear holes in your heart over time?

I've tried to sand down my rough edges,

Cover them in cushioning

But I've done too well and now you think I'm safe.

I know I'm not as put-together as I seem.

I'm always breaking, then glueing, then breaking in a different way.

I know you could find someone better,

I promise, and sadly that's not one that will break.

You say you don't want anyone else, and I'm flattered,

But I know that could change in a blink. 

You fell on first sight (that's a red flag in my book)

And I know you could fall out just as fast

As soon as you see the real me.

After all, I show you glimpses every time I break down in front of you

And you don't seem to like it.

I don't think you realise that falling apart is me.

I think you think the mask I glue to my face is me.

I'm sorry, but that me is only a figment of our imaginations. 

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, the Broken Place
(September 4, 2024 - 7:19 pm)