Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

I wouldn't say I'm uncomfortable, really, at all. I think it's fine if I listen to her music, and she makes money, because she is the artist. Logically, it just makes sense to me for a person to make money off their work, regardless of how much they already have. Though she doesn't need any more at all, I am okay if she is still making money because I specifically listened to her music. I don't even listen to her music as often as some people, really, at least on my own. I could see why some people could be, and I will not argue about that because I don't really care what you do if you're happy. I am just alright with it.

I would not like it to be perceived that I am saying Taylor Swift is a bad person, because I think people are much more complicated than such black and white thinking as that. There are things she should be doing that she isn't and things she shouldn't be doing that she is, but I think she does good things too. I don't believe I could call myself neutral here as I actually see both sides. I find the argument quite interesting but don't believe I can call myself a firm believer in either side.

Hmm, I wonder what you'd think of vinyl. Have you ever had the experience of listening to music on a record player? It is a wonderful experience.

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(January 23, 2024 - 9:54 pm)

Yes, thank you for adding on BB! I completely agree. All billionaires are morally dubious (in my opinion). Also it lowkey annoys me when people tout Taylor Swift as a #girlboss self-made billionaire, as if she wasn't always rich and the only reason she got her first record deal was because her dad spent something like a couple hundred thousand dollars buying stock in the record company. Not to say that she isn't talented and didn't work hard, but still. The United States spends too much money altogether on their military- what's the point of protecting a country if the people living there are suffering so much in so many ways? The money could be moved towards much better, more important things. Not to mention the carbon output... yikes. 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, milky way
(January 23, 2024 - 2:19 pm)

I agree with everything you said so much :)

submitted by Poinsettia, age clapping, begone, military
(January 23, 2024 - 8:59 pm)

Yessss I love y'all so much (/p)... I honestly think you're some of the most interesting, intelligent, fun-to-be-around people in the whole US. I agree with what you're saying; there are so incredibly many things that you could do if you were a billionaire and an enormous celebrity and adored by probably thousands of people. There are so few people who have that sort of power, and practically none of them actually do anything with it. (Positive note: the soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo did make Coca-Cola's shares go down I think a billion dollars in 2021, which was wonderful [down with multi-millionaire corporations!!!] but I'd still like him to buy an electric car :/)

submitted by Amethyst
(January 23, 2024 - 5:01 pm)

Ok, but how bout this. We're all talking about what Taylor Swift could do rn, but couldn't we do something too? I mean, we could probably, like, idk, petition or something, or like... well, Taylor Swift I feel is so popular partly bc she's so good to all her fans. So if, like, all of us (and we could all ppl we know irl too) wrote her letters asking her to do these things we're talking about, do you think she would listen? Worth a shot, right? :)

my thoughts aren't totally coherent right now cuz I'm itching to go write this story idea and have like no space for anything else in my brain, but you get the gist? And not just Taylor Swift oc. But yup anyways :)

also I just like skimmed through all your posts, but yess, agree with everything!! :DD 

submitted by Celine@everyone, age Just smth, 2 think abt :)
(January 23, 2024 - 7:43 pm)

Hmm, that's a good idea, actually.

We seem to have a lot of environmentalists on here! I'm in my school's Earth Club irl. Maybe we could start one here…? I think it'd be cool and we could have more discussions about the environment and what we can do for it. If I made a thread for that, would anybody be interested?

submitted by Peri@all, age Pi, Earth Club?
(January 23, 2024 - 9:02 pm)

yes definitely!! i'd be interested in an earth club :DD

also, that's a brilliant idea, Celine!! :D if i recall correctly, she started advocating for queer rights because a gay friend of hers said she wasn't doing enough to support the cause - who's to say a group of concerned yet determined adolescents won't be make a change? :D 

submitted by pangolin@Peri&Celine, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(January 24, 2024 - 5:53 am)

Wow, you raised so many good points! I didn't know much about a lot of what you mentioned. I wish more kids were as informed as you are :)

submitted by Poinsettia, jacaranda & bougainvillea
(January 23, 2024 - 8:57 pm)


...sorry 'bout that, it's just I haven't seen S in so long, and now some kid INSULTED my crush! That's just-- argh.

submitted by Thunder, age 15, Lightnin' City
(January 23, 2024 - 12:39 pm)

Briefly changing the topic from Taylor Swift, I think Fluffernutter Nutterbutters should be a thing. Not because I think they'd be very good, but it would just make me happy.

submitted by Scuttles
(January 23, 2024 - 2:16 pm)

and for the name if nothing else. yes. i agree

submitted by Lord Entropy
(January 23, 2024 - 8:52 pm)

Hi so I just listened to "seven" and... you were right! I like it a lot - the music, the lyrics... it's much more my style than the songs I first listened to, and I'm very glad I tried it out. I'll probably be listening to it more in future! Thanks so much for recommending it <3

submitted by Poinsettia@Peri
(January 23, 2024 - 9:08 pm)

Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! I really thought you would. It reminded me of you and Amythest!

submitted by Peri@Poinsettia, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(January 23, 2024 - 9:56 pm)

A friend of mine and I just started laughing hysterically over nothing :D I love it when that happens.

submitted by Amethyst, lost in a sea of Nutella
(January 23, 2024 - 9:47 pm)

Into the unknown! Into the unkno-own! Into the unkno-o-o-own! (aH-aAh, aH-aAAH)

submitted by Scuttles
(January 24, 2024 - 11:27 am)