Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
On this thread, post random quotes that family and friends said TODAY! They can be dialogue.
I'll start...
(we started trigonometry today)
Me: Trig is scary...
Classmate: No, trig is only scary if you don't know what you're doing. Therefore, yes, trig is terrifying.
submitted by Tiffany W.
(February 23, 2012 - 9:03 pm)
(February 23, 2012 - 9:03 pm)
Ru-kun: Some people ship their favorite series, but I ship my friends.
Me: Does that include me?
Ru-kn: Why yes, you are a part of ImaginaryShipping, a shipping between you and Jem Louise Margaret's alternate personality.
Me: I vaguely recall such a conversation, but I am wondering how I ended up in a relationship with an imaginary girl.
(February 23, 2013 - 11:44 pm)
Einstein: Would you like part of a crushed cookie?
Me: Okay. *pause* I always like homemade gifts.
Spamster in his spamster cage says drbo. Dr. Bo?
(February 25, 2013 - 5:35 pm)
Hey it's me Maggie. Yeah I'm back. I LOVE Doctor Who (go David Tennant). I am a middle schooler now. I'm taking Latin (only middle school in Charlotte).
QUOTE: My cashews taste like French fries. (they did)
(February 27, 2013 - 8:46 pm)
I mean only middle school that has Latin. I am at an IB middle school. My sister who is at private school dissected a starfish and got starfish on her notebook. There is a guy in my class named Stone and that is actually his name. There is a guy in my sister's class named Monk. My friend recited The Raven in front of his class it was this project we had to do and he messed up at the end (haha).
Spammy says NCDT. No I do not take dance at North Carolina Dance Theater Spammy. I used to though.
(February 28, 2013 - 5:12 pm)
My friend Brikena said if the zombie apocalypse doesn't come by the time she's 25 (she is my age-11/almost 12) she will infect a muffin with the zombie virus and give it to a random person. Then she will get the heck out of there and call us- her zombie fighting group-and say.....
QUOTE: The muffin has been sent.
On the first day of school a guy in my class asked teachers if they would date Dora/Diego in a life or death situation.
My Humanities class is full of awesome insane wierd people and once we were working on something with partners and Will (who is awesomely weird) and Micah (who is just weird) were talking and then everyone was at the front of the room singing and dancing George of the Jungle. Another time we had a dance party and Ms L. did Gangnam Style and it was HILARIOUS.
(February 28, 2013 - 5:28 pm)
Wild and Crazy and a Bit of Physics Class... You have owned.
Captain Hook: *staring at a marker with eyes all glazed over* What would happen if I stuck this up my nose?
Me: It would hurt.
Captain Hook: Yeah, but would my nose get all purple inside? That would be gross.
(February 28, 2013 - 6:56 pm)
Note to all, never allow your friends to talk you into Just Dance.
Friend: Come do it! You'd be great!
Me: No. You ain't gettin me up there!
Friend: Come on!
Me: I'll consider it the day he *indicates guy who also won't do it* does it.
Guy: So, when bacon falls from the sky.
(February 28, 2013 - 10:16 pm)
Never ever. That's a truth.
In math class! Rocky I wasn't sure if you were ever going to say something about this but it totally needs to be said because that was the epic-est pwn I have ever witnessed.
Teacher: Blah blah blah arcs blah secant blah blah radians blah 2 pi--
Rocky: *raises hand innocently* Why not just use tau?
Teacher: Yeah but tau is two pi--
Rocky: No it isn't.
Teacher: Yes it is.
Rocky: Not exactly.
Teacher: Yeah but for all intents and purposes it--
Rocky: *laces fingers together, sits up tall and looks over glasses in a kinda-condescending-but-also-pretty-innocent way* We get further from the truth when we obscure what we say. Use tau.
Class: *sits there staring*
(For those who were wondering, that things that she said about truth and tau didn't come from her - it's from a Vihart video about tau that I totally have stuck in my head right now.)
(March 1, 2013 - 4:06 pm)
I love Vihart. Numberphile made a Tau vs. Pi smackdown. It was interesting. If you search 'Tau vs. Pi smackdown numberphile' you should get it.
(March 2, 2013 - 8:10 pm)
Yee! Math joy time. I'll definitely check that out.
(March 3, 2013 - 5:49 pm)
@L: what do you mean Wild and crazy and a little bit of physics class? Who was that directed at anyway? My friend said 2+2 is purple (she was kidding). One of the 6th grade math teachers (this was a few days ago and it had been raining a lot so it was muddy out) near the end of lunch stood up and said in this scary nice voice (usually she's mean and when she tries to sound nice it's scary): "Do not step in the MUUD (say mud with a Southern accent) or the WOODER." And my Social Studies teacher Ms L. was laughing at her and then everyone was laughing and it was funny.
(March 2, 2013 - 8:06 am)
It's just something I use to categorize things. Because nothing ever happens in my Physics class that we really will ever need later in life and the teacher is totally okay with us doing random things. Once she brought in a static electricity generator thing and my friend Frodo tried doing the thing where you stand on something plastic and touch the ball while it's running and your hair stands up. She has a LOT of hair. It was epic. She went around shocking people for the rest of the class period.
Also, the fact that my teacher feels the need to show us Bill Nye videos even though we're sophomores and are quite past that already doesn't hurt.
Except she did show Apollo 13 once and I had to be subdued because I love space just that much.
(March 2, 2013 - 12:59 pm)
Sounds exactly like my seventh grade science class. All we did was watch Bill Nye, and once we watched Apollo 13. One time, we even got to watch Mythbusters.
(March 4, 2013 - 4:09 pm)
We watch Mythbusters in Tech. It's pretty amazing because Doc has us do this unit on crazy stuffs and then we watch the Mythbusters do it.
(March 4, 2013 - 7:17 pm)
In Social Studies yesterday we didn't do ANYTHING and it was awesome. Everyone who had finished their rough drafts (all 6 of us) went out in the hall and edited our rough drafts with a partner. I edited my friend's essay (2+2=purple) and I was just correcting her spelling the whole time and she cannot spell intelligent. She spells it like this: intellegent. My Language Arts teacher was watching us and he said, "It's the dork squad. And these two (indicates Stone and Alvin) are senior dorks." When we went back into the classroom those of us who were done with our rough drafts read an article about Ancient Greece. Everyone was loud and Ms L. yelled at us to sit down and my 2+2 friend sat on the floor and Ms L. said, "Thank you Abby J. (there's 2 Abbys in that class) for sitting on the floor." Terry was sitting under his desk and it was funny. We sat on the floor and talked for the rest of the class and I showed Abigail my cello sheet music and looked at her trumpet music and in Band they can't even play sheet music yet.
if you want to hear a song we're playing in Orchestra go on YouTube and type in "Nightrider theme orchestra" and click on the one that has Meyer in the title. It isn't my school orchestra but it is a song we're playing.
Spammy says aktz. Acts of what, Spammy?
- Maggie {]
(March 2, 2013 - 8:47 am)