Poetry Competition III 

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Poetry Competition III 

Poetry Competition III 

Someone, I think it was Rosebud, made the first two, and now they're dead, so I'll make a new one. I think I won that last one, so I'll post the topic. You write a poem on that topic then the winner gets to chose the next topic! And please don't let this die!

Okay, the topic is: Write about magic. Write about something magical, or some faraway magical land. Write about witches and dragons, fairies and talking animals. Write about real-life magic, or sad-cursing magic, or maybe even everyday-unnoticed magic. Write your best poem about magic, whatever you think it is! 

submitted by Alexandra
(September 13, 2016 - 6:23 pm)
submitted by Congratulations to t, he winners!!! Good job!!!
(September 27, 2016 - 10:14 pm)

The next topic is: water's many personalities. Be creative y'all! I'll post results in October-ish after I've written up all the schedules and stuff for the Griffinfeather school. Speaking of that, join the RP! It may look like just an eccentric school at first, but there is much more there than meets the eye...

submitted by Rose bud
(September 28, 2016 - 11:38 am)

Unless I'm very confused and mistaken, Poetic Panda is Ashlee. :)

submitted by @Moonlight
(September 28, 2016 - 12:51 pm)

But I thought Ashlee left...?

submitted by Alexandra
(September 28, 2016 - 6:03 pm)

Water's many forms? Like ice, water, and gas? 

~The Cycle~

Crystal clear

Beams of sunlight bouncing off

Sparkling and pure

I want to sink into it, yet it's hard, not soft.


Sun shining bright

Warm enough to unfreeze a fountain

Water by night

Trickling slowly down the mountain.  


Down the waterfall

Drawn out by women from the lakes

Still and small

Drops of water to put in pots and make cakes.


Heating up

Water vaporizing, out the chimney and into the air

Remainders in the cup

And the vapor turned to clouds; but still there.


Heavy with the droplets

The clouds let them fall onto animals like the winter wren

Snow like white chocolate

As it turns to ice, and the cycle... repeats... again.  




submitted by Alexandra
(September 28, 2016 - 6:27 pm)

That's one interpretation. Like I said, I LOVE creativity.

submitted by Rose bud
(September 28, 2016 - 7:58 pm)

1.  Ashlee is a weekender, I believe. 

2.  Beautiful poem! I really loved that.

3. Bolton wants to say Hi to Anna.

HI, Anna, my looooveeeees!!!!!!! 

submitted by Daisy
(September 28, 2016 - 8:31 pm)

Ashlee is a weekender, right. I'm pretty darn sure that she said that when she was first on CB, quite a while ago, she sometimes posted under the alias "PandaGirl". Poetic Panda is, I'm pretty sure, a totally different person.

submitted by Abigail S., age 12, Nose In a Book
(September 29, 2016 - 12:08 am)

Hey Admins, can you please please please keep the spaces, thanks!




My friend said

That water

As a power

Matches me.


We played

Role playing games.


I don't know 

Why water

Matches me.




It does. 


And I 

Will never 

Know why.


Because there 

Is no more

Time to play

Role playing games.


No more 



And I can't 




At lunch

My friend

Reads so

I can't



And water


Have a





I don't

Have a



And it all 

Cycles back to

Who am I?


Which I

Always ask myself.


And if water 

Is me


Who am I?


It all

Cycles back



Water cycle.


My cycle. 


That cycle

Of mine.



All of mine are horrible. I will never even get a honorable mention. I know, if it was rated, I would get last. But, I try to express my feelings through my poems and use something from real life. I don't know, I try to make it real, you know what I mean? So, please just read it and think about it. Thanks.

submitted by Moonlight, age 11, Ellesmera
(September 28, 2016 - 9:01 pm)

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me just clear some things up here. I'm Poetic Panda! I have one pseudonym and one pseudonym only, and that's Poetic Panda. Ashlee is an AMAZING CBer, but she's not me!

~Poetic Panda 

submitted by Poetic Panda, age 14!
(September 29, 2016 - 11:12 am)

Here's my poem! I think this one works very well, and I tried to throw in a lesson too. 


The Calmest Tempest

A young man I once knew sat down by my knee,

And with great trepidation he said, to me,

“My teacher, my mentor, my source of my skill,

I fear I’m involved in a trouble that could kill.

You see, I’ve been told that I’ll duel at midday

With a young girl named Lenore who’s as lovely as the day.

I fear if I strike her, she’ll wilt away,

For how can such a small thing fight in such a fray?”

I smiled at him, for I knew that young girl

With baby-blue eyes and yellow hair in a curl.

But how to tell my student the lesson he’ll learn

And find that a small flame can cause quite a burn?

And listen now, dear wonderer, for what I did do,

Hear and repeat this lesson that grew.

I said “Young one, please listen, and hear of my thoughts.

Imagine a leaf, with a tiny water drop.

If you saw that small leaf, you’d brush it aside.

You’d think no more than a fluttering fly.

But imagine, now will you, of a thundering storm.

With waves quite terrific and towering form.

Water is both great and it’s small.

It’s a tiny raindrop, it’s a looming, wet wall.

And it can freeze you and warm you,

And drench you and storm you.

And don’t forget we use it to live!

For our precious water many thanks we should give.

Yet at the same time it caused death and heartache.

In a torrential flood with strong claws that take.

So think, my dear pupil, don’t judge her

Don’t cause your foresight to blur.

If you find yourself judging and presuming this daughter

Remember that destroying, life-giving changing water.” 

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(September 29, 2016 - 11:26 am)

Wow, your poems are all so good!

submitted by Alexandra
(September 29, 2016 - 7:09 pm)

Aw, thank you!

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(September 29, 2016 - 9:54 pm)

The droplet falls

From the shower head
You watch it swirl
Down, down, down
Into the pipes
Where it collects in
A larger pool of water
Much, much larger
It is lost
The tiny drop
The last remnant
Of your shower
But is it really
Can you spot it? 
As it moves
Through the piping
Out, away, 
Far away
Too far to find it
But maybe
Just maybe
you spot it again
Through a water
treatment plant
After so long 
It is pure
Are you still watching? 
As your tiny, 
of water 
leaves? Finally
free in the expanse
of the ocean
Did you forget?
About the minuscule drip
from your shower
Or did you remember, watching 
the sun shine
Knowing that the droplet had 
e v a p o r a t e d 
Into a mist
That floated up into 
the clouds?
Waiting for the perfect moment?
When the raindrops fell, 
Did you think? 
About the sprinkle
you caught on your tongue? 
Did you recognize it? 
From all those weeks ago?
Perhaps you did
Hello, friend. 
Back quite so soon? 
submitted by September
(September 29, 2016 - 8:17 pm)



is making a list.

His name is Andrew and

he is trying to assign


roleplay powers

for everyone in our grade.

This is obviously not

an easy task, so

he beigns with our

English class.

My friend Georgia

and I

are trying to help,

sitting on the blue plastic

of the lunch tables, legs swinging

as we watch him tap his pencil

on his chin in thought. 

"How about G here?"

I elbow my friend.

"Yeah," Georgia chimes,

"What power would I have?" 

Andrew tilts his head.

"Maybe... water."

"Water?" Georgia sighs,

disappointed. "I would rather

have something fun

like invisibility."

I see 

where he is coming from.

"You're kind of like a geyser." I explain.

"Warm and bubbly, but

now and then

you erupt."

Andrew writes this down.


"How about me?" I question.

Georgia taps her temple

in mock concentration. "Hmm, maybe you're

water too."

Andrew nods. "It makes


You're kind of like

the ocean— 

You can be calm and levelheaded,

but also intense (you know you you get

super determined)


"Seriously?" I shrug.


water powers?"

Georgia and Andrew

shrug back.

He writes it down.

"Hey, let's do you now." Georgia points

at Andrew.

"Me?" He says

in mock shock. "Okay.

This should be


There is

a pause.

"I know!" I say.

"You make me think

of the water in a glass.

Refreshingly serene and

always good

when you need it."

Georgia flops back onto the bench dramatically.

"Ah, where will these water powers end!"

"I see no reason

for them to." Andrew scribbles

his own power down.

"Water fits

a lot of people."

He gestures to

Ben, who is fooling around

with his friends.

"Splashing, playful and sometimes annoying,"

His pencil directs itself to Ashley,

animatedly telling a story

to a group of people,

"Water in a

bubble bath,

constantly warm

and cheerful."

I laugh.

"I guess we don't need

this list anymore

if everyone

is water."

Georgia brightens.

"So if we're not doing the list

can I have invisibility?"

"You're still water." I smile.

"One side 

of its many personalities." 

submitted by Abigail S., age 12, Nose In a Book
(September 29, 2016 - 11:15 pm)