
Chatterbox: Inkwell

Who will rule

Who will rule the CB?


Battle for the CB! No guns (Danie and blaster are an exception).

Whoever is the last to post/ does something amazingly awesome is that month's CB ruler and can make one decree that other CBers must follow (nothing too crazy, ruler.)

SO rules:

Ask at the beginning of the month to participate. 

Whoever is the last to post that month wins.

Unless: If someone is voted for the most (like a lot of people say they want a certain person to be the ruler) they win. 

submitted by Brookeira
(January 12, 2015 - 2:44 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Detective RP!!

Detective RP!!
I posted this one a couple days ago, and I think it may have been lost or something (I hope I'm not being pushy ;-) )
I feel like this is reallysuperuberlamelikereallylame, so bare with me . . .
submitted by Alias S., age immortal,, etc,etc.
(January 12, 2015 - 2:29 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Superhero SCHOOL RP!

Superhero SCHOOL RP!

Okay, this is a superhero RP, but we're in a school instead of normal plots.

Please don't use previous superhero charries.

Name: Rivana Llyr


Does he/she know what her power is?: Yes (if the answer is no, you're automatically a sidekick.)

Power: Telekinesis

Group she is sorted into (hero or sidekick) : Hero

Personality: A genius, loves to read. Very clever but can be a bit bossy at times.


Name: Tara Tahoe

submitted by Brookeira
(January 12, 2015 - 8:57 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

"New" RP!!

"New" RP!!

Okay, so I know there are quite a few new people on the CB, so if you consider yourself new, please join this RP! (Hope this will farmilurize you with the CB!!)

Here's my plot idea (We don't have to use it, it's just an idea):

These people are one of three 'classes': Creator, Destroyer or Loner.

Creators make new parts of the world and are very powerful (you could call them the "good" side, though not always...).

submitted by Little Sister, age 11, New Hampshire
(January 11, 2015 - 4:59 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Admin- I think

Admin- I think that there's something wrong with my Hunger Games RP because it says I've commented a while ago but my comment never showed up.


It's possible it might be on a back page. Other than that, I don't know. Unless it was too violent or inappropriate in some other way.


submitted by Young Writer
(January 11, 2015 - 3:44 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Shadow RP S

Shadow RP 

So... This probably looks familiar. And you have probably guessed.


The last one died.... Real badly. It was the first rp I made... *sniff sniff*

Anyways, the rp is going to be fresh. Fresh characters... Almost. I'm not going to get rid of Thero, cause he is amazing. I love him way too much.

There are two packs, the silver and the black. You can also be a loner.

submitted by Danie
(January 10, 2015 - 10:37 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Five Nights at

Five Nights at Freddy's RP!

So, how bout it? We're all security guards/janitors/robbers trying NOT to get caught by the animatronics! 

Name: Jenevieve Kreh

Age: 15

Why you're there: Investigating the disappearance of five children that happened a long time ago. So basically security.

Personality: Cool-headed, suspicious, quiet, smart.

So the plot is that we have to survive "five nights" and some of us will be caught. My Charrie is expendable, so are yours.

submitted by FNAF!
(January 10, 2015 - 5:17 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Detective RP! 

Detective RP! 

I'm a little nervous. Tell me if it's a good idea or not. =)

The scene is set in a diner,  on the Oregon coast. (For our purposes here: cold, mist, mysterious-feeling.) It is actually DUM DUM DUM . . . .

submitted by Alias S., age Immortal, etc, etc.
(January 10, 2015 - 4:59 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell



Hey! I was wondering if any of you have a blog and if you do, we could maybe put the links of our blogs down under comments! So that maybe we could comment on each other's blog and/or give each other feed back for each other's blogs. And here we can give each other blogging tips. 

And even if you don't have a blog, comment down here so we can help you set one up (if you want).



Admin: Does a blog count as social media!? Can we put the links down here to share? Would that be ok with you?

submitted by Verso
(January 10, 2015 - 11:30 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

So I was

So I was playing around with buttons and it took me to the threads with the most posts. Ski Lodge Mystery (the last one) had the most in PP, but in Blab about Books' thread with the most had 1000 something posts and 71 pages. Can you guess what the thread was???? A made-up Warriors clan. I know at least a few of you read Warriors, so why don't we make a clan like that.....

submitted by SAVVY44x
(January 10, 2015 - 10:38 am)
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