Library of the

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Library of the

Library of the Stars Ski Lodge 

This is everyone’s favorite tour guide, Cato - short for Cat o’ All Worlds, of course. I don’t come into this ski lodge, but I’m from the original book and all, so really. why wouldn’t I enlighten you on this amazing, amazing destination? Welcome to the Library of the Stars! It’s ready for you, whether you are or not. 

The Library is fully-stocked with all sorts of amenities. The kitchen is stuffed full of comfort foods - yes, even yours! The vending machine can make anything you ask for, a bakery case is full of items chosen for you personally by the cosmos, and sprinkles of the stars are included for all of your cupcake needs. Not, of course, that you're limited to cupcakes. Oh, and it truly has the best tuna milk i’ve ever tasted… *purring*

<Reshinerr: that’s not in the script Cato that’s not in the script why are you saying that that’s not in the script->

...Correct. Apologies. Well, surely you’ll all enjoy the recreation room! From beanbags made from the highest-quality fabric of the cosmos to the bookshelves with carefully-chosen library books and even a catch the fish game, you’ll be sure to enjoy yourself. And guess what? If you catch enough fish you get a treat!

<Reshinerr: It only has that for you.>

Don’t be rude, Reshinerr. 

<Reshinerr: Rude?>

Our feline visitors want to be entertained as well. And you’re a human and all -

<Reshinerr: Not really.>

-so naturally your interests are tasteless and dull. Anyway, back to the script. You even get your own room, designed specifically for you by the cosmos themselves! Do note that once you’re here, you may not be able to leave, and disappearances into clouds of smoke, puddles of ink, black holes, etc are frequently reported. But really, from the endless shelves to the ever-changing other rooms, it’s a truly magical destination. Fill out the form today! 

Welcome to the Library of the Stars! my character (Reshinerr) is the main character and will have the viewpoint in most scenes. Because of this, most of your characters will primarily be side characters. In addition, I may have to make minor changes to characters as necessary. I will try to keep as much the same as possible, especially for actual AEs and CBers. CAPTCHAs are not allowed, but if desired a few can have animal companions.

While designing your character, please make sure they’re not super similar to another! Similarities are fine - just make sure there’s something different. And if you have the same problem as someone else, you or i can give it a new nuance. Eccentricity is highly appreciated but not necessary. Fantasy and star-themed stuff is best, but one or two can be completely different for fun :P 

I will allow up to 10 characters. Please note some will be very superficial. The depth i give each character is only related to what the story needs. One character per person; if there’s not enough, then you can make another.

Please note that this will almost certainly be a dark ski lodge. While there will be little or no graphic violence, there will definitely be themes of mental health issues. I will add a trigger warning for anything major; if anyone has anything in particular they would need that for let me know, but if it’s too much in the ski lodge this might just not be the right one for you.

I will have a few weeks before I post anything to flesh out the most important scenes. But don’t think that means it’ll be weeks of nothing! I might post playlists, art, and unimportant rambles and side quests >:D …or nothing. We’ll see.

I’ll post the intro in a bit! 


Name: (if you want I can name your character!!)

Pronouns (the weirder the better heh!):


Age (anything from like 6 or 7 to maybe 20 is okay):

Species they are now (note: all characters will start out as humans from the real world for simplicity)



What is the main or most influential problem they struggle with? (Any problem is okay really. It doesn’t have to be deep, but it can be. A mix preffered):

Are you okay with your character being portrayed in a negative manor (I need at least a few who can be):

Backstory (can be as simple or complex as you want, but nothing that wouldn’t be at least pretty CB appropriate if i go into depth)

What is your character’s outlook on life? Cynical? Optimistic? 

Things they like, comfort items, hobbies, etc:

Anything they need to have with them/luggage:

Comfort/liked foods:

Things they dislike:

How much are you okay with me changing them?

Would they like an animal companion?

What is their opinion on stars and books?

Did they like their old life? 



BB, please remember that Admins will not post anything considered too dark for Chatterbox.


submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat, age it's Odile, DON'T TRUST HER *sobs*
(May 4, 2024 - 1:53 pm)

Everyone - thank you for the pigeon info! I’m going with “irrational hatred”! And just so you lizards, cats, ghosts, viperfish, and other creatures know, i’m going to be opening up like 2 more character slots, but i’m going to be asking for people who aren’t already in the ski lodge first :D the next part will probably be ready by tomorrow if all goes well 

Silver - i adore rats though… :((( rats with wings would be super cool!! i guess they could have diseases if they’re wild though. Also what does “going through it” mean in that context/what is he doing/what is “it”? And yessss i adore Reshinerr and Hideto too :D honestly i hadn’t even thought of that being foreshadowing it’s just that Hideto’s suspicious of everything XD but it could be ig. I won’t say if it makes sense or not. 

Hawkstar - first off thank you so much!! And is it okay if I keep Echo Rose as 12? Maybe 13 or 14 if necessary? I’m sorry i really need a slightly younger character because of another character who hasn’t been introduced yet. She can definitely be a selkie :D

Arlo - same as previous comment, if you could give Rell a personality that'd be great! if not at some point i'll have to  

Celine - saved the best for last :D like what do i say??? like how am i supposed to respond to that?? i can’t - like thank you so so so much like what do i say to that?! Like - “better than a lot of published work I've seen”?????? I’ve been thinking of this randomly throughout the day and like bursting into laughter and stuff. Thank youuuuuuu ^_^ I give Hei Bai (the raccoon) a pumpkin beret >:D it’ll fit any of your stuffies though because it’s magic. Also i’m really looking forward to writing Ascella :D comet’s really fun. I kind of imagine comet having an energy a lot like you :D Also there’s much more of Speckle next installment!!! i adore them too :P (Their main pronouns are she/they by the way) and i'm glad you like the characters :D 

I honestly don’t think i could get traditionally published. like i just don’t think my books would. This would probably be YA but it’s so drastically different from the “super dark and gritty but unrealistically happy ending” YA that is so common today (especially because Reshinerr is pretty much removed from his old life, like he’s forgotten most of it), and I’m not sure people would like Reshinerr that much honestly. Like i think they’d just get tired of him? especially because people in reviews frequently get tired of or dislike people whose anxiety is much less prevalent, and Reshinerr's is much less “soft anxiety” in the way people seem to find relatable and much more “everything’s going to go poorly anyway so why does anything matter i’m going to hole up in my room and draw and then rip up what i draw because it’s awful (even though it isn’t but i did it anyway so it probably should be destroyed regardless)”. Not to mention that i’m not sure how people would feel about a 17-year-old who plays with stuffies especially in the “has to bring Speckle everywhere and will meltdown if he doesn’t have her” and “not as a collector” ways. also i don’t think you can choose cover art and what if it was bad??? I’m not good enough for cover art XD anyway though thank you!! it'd be nice, but i think it's really hard to get anything published regardless

submitted by Bobcat@all, age Swanhilda, and Franz XD, ~Coppelia!~
(May 21, 2024 - 5:27 pm)

Yess rats are amazing and pigeons are amazing!!!!! @Silver, my dad calls them "rats with wings" too :/

Hei Bai says thank youuuu and now I want to sew everyone pumpkin berets because that is too cute not to :DD and also yeah definitely because your writing really is amazing and I think Peri brings up a good point too!! But again I know like nothing about the publishing industry/self-publishing too (so like you could just publish whatever book and it's that easy???) but yeah! :D and I'm really looking forward to reading Ascella!!

oh but also I see what you're saying about people getting annoyed... I can definitely see that... hmph. Well. I love Reshinerr at least. And :( why is there that thing about how older people can't like stuffed animals? I'm partly scared of growing up because then I feel like my family (they love me but think my interests are too kid-like and that I'm gonna have to grow up if I want to like... be a grown-up :/ which Ig is sorta true. But.) is gonna be like "you're too old to keep playing with stuffed animals" (actually they say that right now) but oh well I'm glad my irl friends at least are still "weird" like me and bring their stuffies over to have playdates so we can all wage stuffie war on each other >:) and then tuck them in when we have sleepovers. That turned into a sorta-rant. Oops.

okay I have to go study now but bye and thank you and I will have to make pumpkin berets once it's summer and I'm done studying for tests!!! 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, pumpkin berets!!!
(May 22, 2024 - 2:23 pm)

I haven't had time to catch up with this and I'll write something once I finally have but thought I should pop in to say that you don't actually know if you can get published if you don't try! I've read some pretty dark YA books that don't end happily or even hopefully. I think that it'd just have to be one of those stories where it's not written for you if you don't understand it. And I think that what makes it so great is that it's different from other YA stuff out there today; that's what makes a story stand out. In a genre like YA especially, going a bit off the beaten path can change the game for books in general. It's been done in the past.

So anyway, yes, it's hard to get published, but it's impossible if you don't try it, so if you want to try it you should! I don't say this to push you to try to publish something if you really just don't want to, it's just that I think you have great ideas and the world could benefit from hearing them, so if you want to be published you shouldn't give up before you can even try!

submitted by Periwinkle, age 14, Somewhere in the stars
(May 21, 2024 - 8:58 pm)

@Peri - thanks! I think the issue is more that it’s kind of dark without being gritty or gory or detailing a lot of horrible things happening; a lot of YA books that I’ve read are very gritty and then often don’t really take anything that isn’t like that seriously. Whereas in this, the main issue is Reshinerr being lonely. Like there’s all the stuff in the past, not all of which i’m going to go into, but it’s removed from the actual stuff that happened. I definitely can’t get anything published right now (certainly not something like this), but it would be really cool if i could at some point and it’s not like i could do an actual job anyway, so i really appreciate it. also how did you manage to make the best possible characters for the ski lodge without knowing the plot??? they're both exactly what i needed :D

Celine, i’m glad you like Reshinerr! I do too (obviously XD) And yes the stuffie thing is awful. I think you can definitely be a grown-up even if your interests are like stuffies and such, and i hope your family will see that :D 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(May 22, 2024 - 5:43 pm)

This part is really long so i'll be posting it in two parts. Author’s note: all of the asterisks are just like pointless jokes, they will never add anything to the story so you don’t have to interrupt your reading for them. Also i promise this is a ski lodge, we’re just not that far into it yet and the acutal ski lodge part requires more setup 


I sigh and open the door and step into a huge ornate hall that feels insignificant after the library. The floor is dark wood knotted with constellations, and the midnight blue carpet from the library spills out onto some of it. The walls are the color of lilacs mixed with smoke, scattered with paintings; the beams holding up the domed ceiling are gold. A model of a solar system hangs like a chandelier from the height of the dome, and like a chandelier its sun lights the hall just enough to cast long shadows on everything. The permanent rooms lie here.

The first room on the right is the common room. That’s where I’m going - or at least, where I should be going. But my sketchbook calls. I head further back, where the rooms can change but usually don’t. where my room is.

I remember when I first got here. I was panicked and had no idea where I was and had just came out of a big meltdown. But a star caught my eye, stopped my crying. Something about the flutter the light had to it, the way it danced on the nonexistent breeze, thawed the frost that was seeping into me enough for me to move again.

I followed it here. It crashed into the door and a sound like chimes or birdsong rang. The light melded into the door, carving words from the wood, leaving shavings to float to the floor and turn to clouds. “Room for the Guest," it said. "Please draw your own sign.” 

I did, once: a painstakingly realistic colored pencil drawing of Speckle, their name scrawled illegibly under it. It's one of the better things I've done. I like it enough that after Hideto got here and I took it down, i cut it out and taped it in my sketchbook.

I can’t let anyone else see it. If i do, i know what’ll happen. i’ll realize how bad the drawing is. and i just don’t want to ruin it, even if nobody cares about one mediocre drawing of my cat, even if it's Speckle. even if i don't get how you can't like Speckle, even if people never like her.

I tug the door open. Usually when I come into the room it feels special: like lying under an abandoned willow tree on a cloudy day and drawing with Speckle, or like imagining the world Speckle lives in so intently it feels like I’m there. Today it’s mostly a vague relief. For some reason I feel like nobody could disturb me in here. 

I collapse onto the bed and grab my backpack from next to it and hug it and stare at the pale blue wall that's painted with clouds and stars and a moon. When I got here the bedsheets were the same color. But I can change whatever I want about this place, so now they’re green: a forest floor with salamanders scurrying around rocks covered in moss. Soft lace is sewn around the edges of the blanket, and more lace snakes through the grass like tiny rivers of thread. There’s a lot of lace in my room - the patterns are mesmerizing, and when it isn’t scratchy, i can run my fingers over it for a long time. i am now.

In my head, Speckle leaps onto the backpack and meows. (In reality, she doesn’t move.) “The other stuffies have been in there all day. You never have them out anymore, and i know you want to. And I doubt Hideto and Onyx could even get in here.”

I push her over with one hand, keep fiddling with the lace with the other. even though she wants to be on the backpack, i leave her next to me. 

“I know.” I say it out loud, for some reason, and for some reason I don’t care enough to check if the walls are soundproof. I almost want someone to hear me. For someone to knock and come in - but then what? Why would I want that? 

Hideto was nice, and i can’t start wanting that. That’s when things start hurting worse, and something always ruins it anyway, and I’m tired of it. And i just want to be alone, because i was happy. 

At the very least, i wasn’t miserable. And that’s never happened before.

I’m being dramatic again.

Speckle nudges me. “Let them out!”

I shrug, swatting her away, but open the bag. It’s always a bit of a struggle. i closed the bag all the way, and zippers and me don’t get along. In my head, Speckle paws it open in one swipe. In reality, I struggle like a mouse met with a rock just too high to leap on.

I finally get it open. Inside the thick khaki fabric resides everything valuable I own. There’s all my stuffies, my current sketchbook and pens and colored pencils, a few of the little animal dolls this place has on the table*, and several books about forests. I want everything I have to be easy to grab, in case I have to get out of here. I keep it under the bed, mostly.

From the bag, Helianthus the silver and black fox clears ner throat. I grab nem and my stuffie brush. Ne protests, and in my head ne scurries onto the pillow. (In reality, I set nem there.) “We have far more pressing matters than grooming, I’m afraid.” 

*they're basically Calico Critters XD 

part 2 of part 5 will come soon probably! 

submitted by Bobcat - part 1 of 5, age Odette, at the window
(May 22, 2024 - 6:01 pm)

So good!!! And, yayy, Speckle! :DD And. Again. Your descriptions! "the color of lilacs mixed with smoke", "a mouse met with a rock just too high to leap on", the whole bedsheets description... hm, I wonder what "more pressing matters" Helianthus is talking about? Or wait Ig Reshinerr is talking about? Excited for part 2!! And I forgot that this was supposed to be a ski lodge haha. I actually don't care either way. The Library sorta feels like the Wood between the Worlds in Narnia; I'm content to just stay here with nothing much really happening but daily life. But now that you've reminded me, I'm also super excited for when things start getting ski-lodge-y!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age Speckle!!, pigeons & rats oh my!
(May 23, 2024 - 3:45 pm)

just popping in to say I’m still here and reading along with every part, while waiting eagerly for the next installment.

submitted by Sempreverde
(May 23, 2024 - 2:07 pm)

this one's kind of boring on its own, but the next one should be out soon. i just need some heavy editing. i promise the whole ski lodge won't just be Reshinerr playing with his stuffies XD

but that being said - more stuffies yayyyy!! so maybe I should specify that with the stuffies it’s kind of in between them being real or not; they can’t move by themselves, but they certainly have their own minds, whether it’s Reshinerr making it up or not. Still, they can mostly only know what Reshinerr knows. Though the Library might add a bit to that, but not that much.


Someone squeaks. “Pressing matters?” In my head, the tiny rat Viridios scurries out of the bag. (In reality, I hear them and take them out.) “What are they? Can I help?”

Helianthus sighs, licking ner paw. “Perhaps. We’re trying to remove the other people from the library, if I’m correct. So instead of hiding here and talking to us, how about you take me to the common room? I can help.”

Viridios hops up and down. “And me! What if you need someone to go into tiny corners?”

“I’m sure," Helianthus says, "that we won’t.”

Viridios’s ears and whiskers droop. “But three heads must be better than one.”

“Not if one of them is defunct, such as yours.”

I flinch. “Mine,” I correct ner.

Helianthus shrugs, cleaning aer ears now. “You made us up. Your head can’t be that bad.”

I leap off of the bed, falling into the closet door* and scrambling up. “You’re not made up!” My voice is far too loud but I can’t control it. They’re realer than I am. I say that over and over in my head. It’s not a big challenge to be realer than i am, considering I’m barely real.

Helianthus’s ears flick in annoyance. “Not to most. But anyway, what say we just head to the common room? We have research to do. You want those people to get out of here, if i’m correct. So let’s do something about it.”

Sudden anger takes over my arms and makes me throw Speckle against the wall. I freeze, arms too stiff and tense to do what i ask them to, and stare down at her before scrambling to grab her. 

She never minds getting thrown around, in anger or not. I wonder if she’s pretending, if she can choose what emotions of hers I get to feel. I hope not. 

I zip up the backpack and put it under the bed and start to leave the room, Speckle under my arm and Helianthus in my hand. But before I turn the doorknob, I run back and I grab the backpack. If something happens to it, it’ll just make it clear that i should stay in here, that I should stop risking stuff and annoying people. 

But I almost want something to happen, as much as the thought pours dread over me like a syrup made of strawberries and wolfsbane. things have been so quiet lately, and there are people here, and things shouldn’t be quiet. And i shouldn’t still feel like this.

Besides, having the backpack on is calming. The weight makes the world feel less floaty, and i know that everything i need is in there. And besides, nobody will see me, not if I do this right. 

And i’m still the only person who cares.

I slam forward into the door and stumble out into the hall. 


*we should find another word for closet so i don’t have to resist the urge to make queer jokes every time i say it 

submitted by Bobcat - part 2 of 5
(May 24, 2024 - 9:17 am)

Wonderful part! Of course, Echo can definitely be 12 if that better suits story purposes

submitted by Hawkstar, age ON, Seoul or NewYork or Paris
(May 24, 2024 - 1:20 pm)

nooo don't do something to get rid of us!! But at the same time yeah I'd be so super mad if I had the Library to myself and other people came... ://. Btw how do you pronounce Reshinerr? But ack don't want to repeat myself but it's so trueee I love your descriptionsss (that backpack description is why I like to wear my jackets with pockets stuffed full of random survival/just-for-fun stuff. The weight and closeness is reassuring)!!!! And your dialogue!!!!! And your writing in general!! Oh and your stuffie names :D also yes the closet thing XD. Also find another phrase for "coming out". My mom's always like "come out when you're ready" or "I'm in the car line you can come out now" or "tell me when you come out" when she's picking me up from school and my internal monologue (wait I think the phrase is dialogue?? But wouldn't it be monologue?? Though Ig sometimes I argue with myself...) is just like: AHHHHHHHHHHHH XD

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, dogbat
(May 25, 2024 - 12:01 pm)

Small drawing of Helianthus and Viridios because I was ~struck with inspiration~ (also because I didn't want to clean my room. But.) I'm actually kinda proud of it because it actually looks somewhat like what I was imagining!! Sorry if that's not how you imagine them though, or if like Helianthus isn't one to frolic midst sunflowers or whatever. All the black and silver foxes I know (well, one of the two I know) are super playful like that so... couldn't resist. :P

noo the photo thingy isn't working again!! But the lighting is so good right now!! Ok I'll do it later

submitted by Celine@Bobcat, Ok cleaning now yep
(May 25, 2024 - 6:08 pm)

Also sorry Viridios looks like a mouse idk how to draw the difference

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, Library of the Stars
(May 26, 2024 - 3:21 pm)

i love it!!!!! i can't believe you actually drew this *sobs* I adore it and Viridios is so cute!!!! and the way you drew the sunflowers looks really good. thank you for drawing this it's amazing :D

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(May 26, 2024 - 5:27 pm)

whoa, it's so good so far!! very intriguing and I'm excited to see what happens next :D I love Reshinerr and Speckle and all the other stuffies, plus the interactions with Hideto! the way you portray Reshinerr is really compelling~ (that wasn't the right word idk)

submitted by Hex
(May 25, 2024 - 4:28 pm)

oh also forgot to respond (and just saw it today) but the drawing of Izar is super cool, totally keep him that way! it wasn't what I initially pictured but I like it anyway and it's really good

submitted by Hex
(May 25, 2024 - 4:29 pm)