Chatterbox: Inkwell
WINGS OF FIRE RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We need one of these again! Wings of Fire is such an awesome series! Btw, I'm Shadowmoon, and I go to school with Moonshadow. She told me about the CB, and I sort of adopted her name! Anywho, down to business. One thing I think I should probably mention is that we should try not to have spoilers in this, for people ( including me ) who haven't read the whole series yet. I think for this rp I'm not going to use a lot from the book. Let's pretend that this is YEARS ahead of the books. Like, centuries. Let's also pretend that the land is at peace. For now.
It is a time of prosperity for all dragon kind. All of the seven tribes are at peace. Almost every dragon is content and happy. Almost. For there is one, a Nightwing, who is bitter with hatred. He loathes all who are happy, all who love peace, with a hatred beyond understanding. His bitterness has pierced his heart and made him evil. He wishes for a surperior ribs of Nightwings, all with the abilities of the other tribes. He wants them to be water breathing, poison-tailed, big-winged, poison spitting, camouflaged, and deadly. So he works by night. He captures young dragon eggs and attempts to imprint their powers on to young Nightwings. He experiments with his monsters, and he works. And he waits. And he prepares. There is only a handful of dragons who fear Nightheart. They try to talk to the leaders, but they have gone soft from an easy life. So this small group of dragons take matters into their own claws. They form a group, the Lightbringers. They, too, steal dragon eggs, but this time for a good cause. They are preparing an army, to fight when Nightheart should return.
How about we try to have only 2-3 types of dragons. This is just a preference. Anyone may join at any time, and an organized person could make a character sheet. I will post my charrie sheet later.
submitted by Shadowmoon, age 13, Eclipse
(April 15, 2016 - 1:44 pm)
(April 15, 2016 - 1:44 pm)
Don't worry, when I restart this, I will make a whole new thread. And it wil be awesome. I hope to see you there when I do! I'm hoping to maybe do it around this fall, when my rp schedule (and my real one, too) has cleared. Until then, may the stars guide your path as well!
Tara: May you follow the knight's code!
Luna: And may your feet be swift!
Saphira: And may the wind be ever at your back.
(June 2, 2016 - 8:26 pm)
Shadowmoon! DO NOT GIVE UP! If you do I may have to set Shadow on to you, trust me you won't like it. (When she gets back from boarding school that is).
Also I am going to join, here's my charrie sheets. (If I can only have 1 just tell me).
Name: Fallingstar (or Star for short)
Speices: Nightwing
Side: Lightbringers
Age: 7 moons
Gender: female
Backstory: She was hachted on Nightheart's island? Cave? Palace? His camp. She was hachted on the brightest night (with three moons in the sky) and has the gifts of mind reading and phrophosy, the strongest kind. After her sister was killed during an experament she left and joined the Lightbringers (she was 5 moons old at the time). That's it! (I think?)
Apperance: normal Nightwing look.
Personality: loud, stubborn, fierce, good at telling tall tales, but if you can become her friend she is quite nice.
Is that OK Shadowmoon, too have her with the Nightwings' gifts?
Here's my other one!
Name: He doesn't have a name. Fallingstar calls him Wierd Dragon (only she is allouded too call him that, WD for short) He's been called Freak, Wierdo, and Fish (due too his unatral liking to fish). At the Lightbringer's camp they call him Sandcrab.
Speices: Sea/Sandwing mix
Side: Lightbringers
Age: 5 moons
Gender: male
Backstory: He was hachted in the dessert. His parents were killed when Nightheart tried to steal him as an egg. He hachted shortly after, he taught himself how to serviv. He thought all Sandwings looked like him. When Fallingstar fled she found him and took him with her he was 3 moons at the time and wasn't a very strong flyer.
Apperance: He is pale yellow, with glowing scales like a seawing, though his scales DO NOT give off the natral warmth that all true Sandwings have. He has gills and webed feet. His tail is slightly paddle shaped, but is more like a Sandwing. He has the piosonus barb all Sandwings have. He is a good swimmer (better than a Sandwing slightly weaker than a Seawing). He doesn't mind being cold or wet. Deep black eyes, but on closer look they are dark blue
Personality: Quite, truthfull (he never tells a lie), and confusing. You ask him his name and he says " Freak." "Ok Freak what do you want?" you ask. "My name's not Freak." he says. "But you JUST told me that was your name!" you cry. "It's Fish." he says. ect,ect...
That's it! I'll start later.
(June 3, 2016 - 2:41 pm)
OK, how about this. One of my role-plays is on the brink of death. If it dies, I will start this up again.
(June 5, 2016 - 6:51 pm)
Yeah, so I have decided to start this up again. I will be writing the post, but I will be on vacation so I will not be able to post it. Could you guys keep it off of the third page for me while I'm gone?
(June 6, 2016 - 7:49 am)
Sure, how's life?
(June 6, 2016 - 5:38 pm)
I just found out it is on the first page! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Anyways, whoever finds the second wings of fire thread, please post it on here so i can find it if it is hard to find. If on first page, nvm.
(June 6, 2016 - 5:40 pm)
TOP? I am only doing this to keep it on the first few pages, so you can completely ignore this message if you wish. I wonder how Nightheart would even accomplish such a task. I guess if he was an animus, that would be pretty easy, unless he already lost his soul enough and was smart enough to not go cray cray.
(June 7, 2016 - 6:53 pm)
(June 9, 2016 - 1:13 pm)
Also, Storm, Nightheart has a group of scientists who inject the DNA of other types of dragons into dragon eggs. Eventually, they will perfect the technology and he will be able to inject himself with the abilities of other dragons.
(June 9, 2016 - 1:16 pm)
Woof woof! Dog train coming through! chugachugachugachugachugachugachugachugachugachugachugachugachugachugachuga
(June 15, 2016 - 5:21 pm)