Chatterbox: Inkwell


WINGS OF FIRE RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We need one of these again! Wings of Fire is such an awesome series! Btw, I'm Shadowmoon, and I go to school with Moonshadow. She told me about the CB, and I sort of adopted her name! Anywho, down to business. One thing I think I should probably mention is that we should try not to have spoilers in this, for people ( including me ) who haven't read the whole series yet. I think for this rp I'm not going to use a lot from the book. Let's pretend that this is YEARS ahead of the books. Like, centuries. Let's also pretend that the land is at peace. For now. 
It is a time of prosperity for all dragon kind. All of the seven tribes are at peace. Almost every dragon is content and happy. Almost. For there is one, a Nightwing, who is bitter with hatred. He loathes all who are happy, all who love peace, with a hatred beyond understanding. His bitterness has pierced his heart and made him evil. He wishes for a surperior ribs of Nightwings, all with the abilities of the other tribes. He wants them to be water breathing, poison-tailed, big-winged, poison spitting, camouflaged, and deadly. So he works by night. He captures young dragon eggs and attempts to imprint their powers on to young Nightwings. He experiments with his monsters, and he works. And he waits. And he prepares. There is only a handful of dragons who fear Nightheart. They try to talk to the leaders, but they have gone soft from an easy life. So this small group of dragons take matters into their own claws. They form a group, the Lightbringers. They, too, steal dragon eggs, but this time for a good cause. They are preparing an army, to fight when Nightheart should return. 
How about we try to have only 2-3 types of dragons. This is just a preference. Anyone may join at any time, and an organized person could make a character sheet. I will post my charrie sheet later.
submitted by Shadowmoon, age 13, Eclipse
(April 15, 2016 - 1:44 pm)


I decided to take the test, and join the Lightbringers for a while. Maybe they will provide me a home and be working for a good cause. I am slightly unsure though. I flew up to get a better view of my surroundings. I was paired with a Rainwing named Thorn. She was strartled when I was paired with her. "I thought you were a Nightwing for a moment!" she cried, turning bright yellow. I looked around the new terrain. It was foresty on one side, and almost like a desert on another. I was determined to be a Skyforce or a tactician. "READY? GO!" a dragon shouted. I ran over to the open area with Thorn on my side. "Thorn, I want you to look like as if you aren't there. I want you to prepare to bite someone," I tell her. Thorn lazily lies on the ground and disappears. Some flattened grass marked her spot. I glided over to another group (not RPing, I think) and say "HEY THERE, WORM-BRAINS! WAIT, WORMS DON"T HAVE BRAINS!". As planned, the pair got angry, and as they got closer, I noticed one was a Mudwing, and another was a Sandwing. I made a funny face, and led them to where Thorn was like a cobra, ready to attack. I made a circle of fire around them, trapping them, and I landed behind Thorn. The mudwing charged, I dodged, and Thorn revealed herself as a bright blue. The foot landed right next to her, and she bit her teeth into the mudwing's leg. No poison. The sandwing lashed its tail. I skillfully dodged, and I flew up. The sandwing dragged his tail around in circles, spraying dust on the fire, extinguishing it quickly. I had my chance, and dove at the sandwing, and pinned him down. "Gotcha." I growled. The sandwing's tail curled around, but I was covering the sandwing's snout with my tail, and held the tail down with my claws. Thorn had taken the mudwing by surprise, and was sort of constricting the mudwing in a way. The sun had fallen quickly, and was already dinner time. A loud roar announced the end of the fighting and to report back to the place where they met up. A few minutes later, everyone gathered around Thoughtstealer with a large scroll. "I had received the results from watchers. The results will be posted tommorrow here on this post. While we examine the reports, have a good day." 

For you guys, it could be longer, for me, it took a while to find another group. ;) 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 7, 2016 - 12:12 am)

I had already been around the island a day before the tests, so Shade knew where to go. The cow was rather tasty, so Shade was rather liking the place. When Shade lay down on the nest, Shade was starting to like the place. 


"ATTENTION!" Glop shouts the next morning at the testing place. "TODAY WE WILL BE TESTING YOU ON THE SEAFORCE. FOLLOW ME TO THE BEACH!" Geez Glop. I thought. You don't really need to shout at us. We headed to the beach. It was sandy like any other beach, but the sand was not pale like normal beaches. It was in diffrent colors, scattered together. "The rules are the same as the landforce test," Thoughtstealer announced. "But you must stay within the boundries we set with the floaties. We don't want any of you or your watchers to get lost." "ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO!" Glop shouted. The seawings dived into the waters, swimming gracefully and leaping up to grab others in flight. Some mudwings also joined the seawings, but they didn't swim as fast or gracefully. I flew above them, well out of reach of the seawings. Thorn flew next to me. "What do we do?" she asks. I think for a moment. "Let's spin in a circle near the edge of the water when they get close, then rise higher and higher as we spin more rapidly. That way, we can make a torpedo to trap enemies," I told her. Thorn turned blue, making it hard to see her, but her shading was slightly different, so I could pinpoint her location. My black scales attract a lot of attention, because they may think I'm a nightwing, but I'm a skywing. 


Somebody could be our victims if they want. Some people don't appreciate their characters being controled, so I'm being nicey nicey.  

Also, I think there should be four rounds: landforce, seaforce, airforce, and night attack (when it's nighttime and we can travel to any part of the island to fight, but there are borders at sea so they don't get lost.). What do you think? 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 7, 2016 - 2:51 pm)

I'm not the creator, but I like the night attack. Also, Frostfire could get trapped.

submitted by BumbleBuddy, age Ageless, Nowhere
(May 7, 2016 - 7:41 pm)
Good idea on the night attack, Storm. (Is it okay if I call you that?) It can be one of the main ways that tactitions are chosen, or even better, we could make a group called the commandos who work in stealth, kinda like super awesome dragon ninjas. 
My entire body is fizzing with excited energy as I cut through the water. This is what I have been dreaming of my entire life! A chance to swim with the Sea Force! I know I'm not a Seawing, but Mudwings have been know to be accepted occasionally. Of course, I'm not a Mudwing either, but I have the lung capacity of one. One thing's for certain, I'm not going to make Land Force. Once everybody had done with ripping us to shreds, I fell into a pit of quicksand. Sardine was actually kind of nice. He helped me out, when he could have just left and pretended it was just an accident. He made up for it later by being a jerk, but I'm starting to get the suspicion that he's not so bad after all. I glance over at Sardine. Most of the other dragons are flying, but some Seawings and Mudwings are swimming. I see a Skywing with black scales flying in a circle around some other dragons. Smart. I swim over to Sardine and say "It's time we took the offensive." He nods, and I can see that he's surprised that I'm even keeping up with him at all. I spot a pair of Mudwings, and signal to Sardine. Targets sighted. We move around their backs, slipping under the ocean's surface so as to remain unseen. Then we swim under their legs and yank them under. We've discussed this before hand. Once we have our opponants underwater, we deal several quick wounds, and are away before they can retalliate. This is great! Then I do something that surprises Sardine as much as it surprises me. I swim up to him, and say "You were great!" Then I dive under the waves again, and wonder what I was thinking.
submitted by Shadowmoon , age 13, Moon
(May 7, 2016 - 5:14 pm)

I guess you could call me Storm when you are referring to me, but if we interact in the RP, call me Shade. Maybe the dragon ninjas should be a part of each force, like a fighter group and a spy group for each force. I'm just gonna have a random pair in my RP.



I lure in an Icewing, a Nightwing, and a Rainwing. I keep a safe distance away from their jaws and breaths. I lure them in, Thorn and I rapidly spun around them according to plan, closer to the sea at first, then rising up, bringing up a thin layer of water. This move not only confuses the enemy where we are, it traps them. We would swoop in to attack occasionaly, but the enemy will be confused, and we would have continued raising water. When I lowered myself closer to the water to bring up more water while Thorn was bringing it higher and about to dip down, i noticed flashes of light from below, directed at the Nightwing. I suddenly realised the Nightwing's partner must've been a Seawing. Before I could raise the water, the flashes stopped, and a Seawing lept out of the water to grab me in it's jaws. I opened my wings up and tried flapping my way up to the surface. 1) Mudwings, Icewings, and Skywings do not have a layer of wing material connecting the wing to the side of the body(in the art, all the other ones have their wings raised, showing the wing material connecting to their sides), so water escapes through there. Skywing wings luckily are larger than most, and I escaped the jaws of the Rainwing. I better be more careful nexttime. I brought up water again, and this time, more watchful of the water. When Thorn was caught in the Rainwing's jaws, i swooped in to help. I thrashed my sharp wingtips at the seawing, and we rose out of the water. We suprised the enemy because the wall had suddenly stopped, and the icewing and rainwing started fighting the nightwing. We flew up, and I attacked the icewing unaware. They all looked very suprised. I looked up at the sun while i lept out. The sun was about noon. Since all of us knew how to catch cows which were easy, they stopped us. But now, we had to catch our own lunch. The seawing flew out of the water with fish in it's mouth, and tossed some to the nightwing to eat. Smart. I made decided that we beat the enemies enough, so we fled to shore. Winds were strong at sea due to the fact that it's hot, but catching fish was impossible for a rainwing and a skywing. I scoured the beaches. I found some sandcrabs that were rather crunchy, and a whole dungunuss crab. We continued our fight, and we had to hide some sandcrabs under our tongues for later. This time, Thorn went out to get our next victims. She found an icewing and seawing, diving under the water. It was rather strange to see an icewing though. They were also searching and Thorn recognised them. "It's Glacia the Icewing and Sardine the Rainwing." she explained. She was here a moon before the test, while i arrived just a few days ago.


I'm afraid this is very long you decide what happens Shadowmoon. 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 8, 2016 - 12:15 am)

Don't worry, that's not too long! You're a really good writer! I will write the next post as soon as possible! Thanks!

Luna says xkay. What are you saying OK about, Luna?

*um, nothing that you need to know.*


submitted by Shadowmoon
(May 8, 2016 - 3:12 pm)

Thanks! The typing part starting scrolling, and on Memorial Day, May 30, i will probably be active. I love RPing here!

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 8, 2016 - 3:34 pm)
Ooh! A challenge! I may stink at Land Force skills, but I'm in my element out here. Thorn and the black skywing, who I later learn is named Shade, is on a sandbar hidden by a pile of boulders, and I think that they've spotted us. I nudge Sardine, and he flashes, "I know." I've spent a lot of my time in the library, and a lot of that time has been spent learning Seawing. After all, if I'm going to be on the Sea Force, I'm going to have to be able to communicate with my comrade, even if the communication is only one way. "We need a plan," I whisper to Sardine. "The skywing's a good flier, and very intelligent. I've seen them fight. We can't outfly them, but if we can lure them out over the ocean then we can outswim them." "Got it," Sardine replies. "Wait, but how are we going to get them out over the water?" "I've got it covered. I can act as bait, then when I'm chased you can leap up and grab one of them." "But what about y- I mean, as long as I'm not the bait." I lift myself into the air. I could've sworn that Sardine was about to be worried about my well-being..... it's almost like we're becoming friends. I shake my head, as if pushing away the possibility. Sardine's always acted like a jerk, and that's not going to change just because of some tests. Right?
I fly towards the shore of the beach, as if I'm going to cross it. Shade and Thorn are behind some boulders, and I have the advantage of them not knowing I've seen them. I fly over their heads, then pretend to spot them for the first time. I let a look of panic cross my face, then I race across the beach to the water where Sardine is waiting. Shade comes after me, and I'm struggling to stay ahead of her, even with my headstart. That dragon is a fast flyer. Finally, when my heart feels like it's about to explode, I reach Sardine. He leaps out of the water, pulling Shade under. I look down and barely have time to register the struggle that's happening below me when Thorn barrels into me. I let out a muffled "oof" before hitting the water, and Thorn and I wrestle in a flurry of teeth and claws. By this time, Shade has broken free of Sardine, and she says, "Thorn, let's go." Then they fly away. After floating in the ocean for a moment, I only have one thing to say. "When it's time for the Air Force tests, we are SO dead." "Yeah," Sardine replies. "That Skywing is probably going to want payback. We ARE dead."
Sorry that I haven't posted in so long. Also, I'm really sorry if I controlled your person too much, Storm.  
Luna says "czcv". Crazy cave? I don't even want to know. 
submitted by Shadowmoon, age 13, Moon
(May 11, 2016 - 5:38 pm)

It's ok. Very acturate anyways. Thorn is tougher than she looks. ;)

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 11, 2016 - 6:12 pm)


submitted by Shadowmoon
(May 11, 2016 - 5:42 pm)

I entered the wrong CAPTCHA and I accidentaly deleted it! NOOOOOOOO!


Thorn and I ate the rest of our sandcrabs, and we fought another pair of another Skywing and a Mudwing. We fought them, but before we could finish, the dinner call rang out. When we gathered on the beach, Thoughtstealer just said to have a nice dinner and sleep. When I made it to my nest, I couldn't sleep. It was my specialty run tommorrow! I eventualy went to sleep, listening to the moos of the domestic cows and the chirps of the evening birds. 


My hen CAPTCHA named Mia says ruin. I might be in, unless you are asking me about an old place. I've never been to a ruin Mia. 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 11, 2016 - 9:10 pm)

I will post as soon as possible! Is anyone else still doing this?

submitted by Shadowmoon
(May 15, 2016 - 7:18 pm)

I don't know. The others haven't been on for like (checks the dates on their last posts) a little more than a week ago.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 15, 2016 - 9:59 pm)


The day of the third test dawns bright and clear with strong winds. I roll out of bed and groan. I'm SO not looking forward to this. Sardine is already up, and I stumble over to him where he's standing at the washing pool inside our dorm. I groggily lean over to splash water on my face, but Sardine shoves my head completely in. I bolt upright, spraying water everywhere. I playfully shove Sardine. "Thanks for the wake-up call. So what's the plan?" Sardine shrugs. "Let's just try to fly low and play it by ear. This isn't really our strongpoint." I nod in agreement. "And don't forget Shade. She'll probably be after us." Sardine nods grimly, and we head off to breakfast together.


submitted by Shadowmoon
(May 15, 2016 - 9:36 pm)

Sorry guys, but I have to quit this. I'm in too many other RPs. :(

submitted by Cho Chang
(May 16, 2016 - 11:05 am)