Chatterbox: Inkwell


WINGS OF FIRE RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We need one of these again! Wings of Fire is such an awesome series! Btw, I'm Shadowmoon, and I go to school with Moonshadow. She told me about the CB, and I sort of adopted her name! Anywho, down to business. One thing I think I should probably mention is that we should try not to have spoilers in this, for people ( including me ) who haven't read the whole series yet. I think for this rp I'm not going to use a lot from the book. Let's pretend that this is YEARS ahead of the books. Like, centuries. Let's also pretend that the land is at peace. For now. 
It is a time of prosperity for all dragon kind. All of the seven tribes are at peace. Almost every dragon is content and happy. Almost. For there is one, a Nightwing, who is bitter with hatred. He loathes all who are happy, all who love peace, with a hatred beyond understanding. His bitterness has pierced his heart and made him evil. He wishes for a surperior ribs of Nightwings, all with the abilities of the other tribes. He wants them to be water breathing, poison-tailed, big-winged, poison spitting, camouflaged, and deadly. So he works by night. He captures young dragon eggs and attempts to imprint their powers on to young Nightwings. He experiments with his monsters, and he works. And he waits. And he prepares. There is only a handful of dragons who fear Nightheart. They try to talk to the leaders, but they have gone soft from an easy life. So this small group of dragons take matters into their own claws. They form a group, the Lightbringers. They, too, steal dragon eggs, but this time for a good cause. They are preparing an army, to fight when Nightheart should return. 
How about we try to have only 2-3 types of dragons. This is just a preference. Anyone may join at any time, and an organized person could make a character sheet. I will post my charrie sheet later.
submitted by Shadowmoon, age 13, Eclipse
(April 15, 2016 - 1:44 pm)


submitted by Topper
(May 25, 2016 - 11:19 am)


submitted by Last...*cough*...One
(May 25, 2016 - 11:20 am)

Hey, I have a way to have you meet us (in the Rp)! How about this:


Before Glacia could do anything, a Skywing came in. Her bright orange scales glittered in the setting sun. "It's Glare," Thorn whispered in my ear. She knows that I barely know anyone here. "I'm not in the same wing as her, but my friend Sapodilla is. She says that she talks about how proud her parents were of her, how amazing she was at fighting the practice fights, et cetera. It's unnatural for a Skywing. I thought they usually were grumpy because they prefer fighting. I'm unsure that what Sapodilla said was true though. She can be extremely forgetful and likes to change stories up a bit." I look at Glare in envy. I was a fellow Skywing as well, but Glare had the life of a regular Skywing, not pointed at because of her scale color, not wanted to be touched because they thought she was cursed, and definitely not kicked out of the Skywing community. (Small note: I never knew Glare before, probably because I am older (I decided my age: 8 moons!) and left pretty early. [Flashback] A small group of Skywings walk by as we head to the training arena. I watch them whisper to each other about me. "I heard that he will be kicked out as a birthday present from Queen Magenta," one whispered loudly, and boldly. They knew I would be angered by this, but I kept myself under control. "Mother said that he will be killed before his first hatching day if there were signs that he might succeed living in the wild," the leader of the group, Princess Auburn said. Auburn was a very bright red, making the ruby and Garnet necklaces shine even brighter, making Auburn so dazzling that she is hard to look at. I hissed in anger at them. Auburn and her friends just laughed. "Race you to the training arena!" Auburn roared, speeding off. She knew I was faster than her, so she tried to get ahead of me only to impress our trainer. I sped after her. Auburn's older sister, eldest of the royal princesses, named Princess Oxblood, raced after her. I flew alongside them, but they avoided touching me, not wanting to have my "curse" passed on to them. I swiftly sped past Oxblood and Auburn, and landed in the center of the training arena. When Auburn and Oxblood caught up a minute later, Auburn's eyes burned like miniature flames in anger. She flicked her ear, swishing her tail back and forth. Oxblood launched herself at me. I dodged her. Oxblood didn't think the curse will touch her, she believes her amber charm will keep it out. Oxblood launched herself at me again. [End of Flashback] I kept my eyes on Glare and her partner, entering the dorm, and sat down in the empty space. 

Now that we mentioned dorms, we should have wing(let) groups. What do you guys think? I think we should have like two dragonets from each tribe in each wing(let) group. 

I hope I didn't control other characters as much. Hope this is ok with you guys.... 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 25, 2016 - 6:35 pm)

Thanks for merging me into the story, Storm! So, if I'm not mistaken, the night tests are coming soon. I assume they are for the dragons who will be sneaking around?...? Glare would prefer to be in a wing that fights a lot.

Glare~(Hey, if I get anything wrong here just tell me! :) Beware! Glare is extremely prideful, a lot of stuff!)

I see a black dragon and what seems to be its friend staring at me. Is that a NightWing? I peer closer, and pull back in disgust. That black thing is a SkyWing! Talons and tails! What a disgrace to the SkyWing name!

I stop to admire my glistening orange scales, enormous wings, and perfect tail. Unscarred even though I've been through many battles. Then I glance back at the black SkyWing, who, I hate to admit, has perfect posture, and feel extremely glad I was born a proper SkyWing. If I hadn't been sent here, I might have joined the queen's royal guard! Just think! Maybe I will, after I help defeat that evil NightWing who wants to steal the SkyWings amazing wings! I turn around and avert my eyes from the two rudey-pants who are still watching me. I go off to find the rest of my wing and ask them about the strange dragon I just discovered.

submitted by Micearenice
(May 26, 2016 - 8:56 pm)


"So," I started. "I agree to the team thing. So, I made an idea on what we could do." Sardine shuffled his claws nervously. "We should beware Seawings and Nightwings who can see in the dark. Nightwings camoflage well, but Rainwings could probably camoflage just as well, and Seawings can glow their scales to communicate, confuse, and light the way." I glanced at Sardine. He lit some of his stripes up, clearly proud of the compliments. "I think you two should lure the enemy to where me and Thorn will be hiding. We then can attack them, but make them confused by constantly moving and hiding, like flashing for a few moments, then dodge if they charge or lunge at you." 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 27, 2016 - 6:45 pm)
After hearing Shade's idea, I grin, pleased. Sardine is obviously happy with the plan as well, because he flashed the signal for "Yes, I am amazing." I roll my eyes and whisper, "You know I speak Seawing just as well as you do, right?" He whispers back, "I know." I roll my eyes. "Shade," I say, patting him on the back, "if you weren't such a good flier, you could have a career as a tactition. He grunts and says, "I think we all could." Sardine speaks up. "Yeah, you should see Glacia swim. She's almost as good as a Seawing." Oh. My. Icicles. Did Sardine just.... Compliment me? That's new. I turn to Glare, who is sitting with her snout tilted up slightly. "So, are you a princess or something?" I joke, hoping to melt the ice. She winces, and looks at me with annoyance. "No. I would be an eligible Skywing guard, I if I hadn't decided to sacrifice my career for the Lightbringers." I flinch, and decide that maybe melting ice is not so much an Icewing thing. We hear the alarms announcing the night tests sounding, and we hurry off towards the arena. The half moon shines ahead, casting an eery glow across the starless sky, and slightly illuminating the dark, forbidding areana. Glop makes sure we are in pairs, and gives the signal to begin. This time, instead of a loud alarm counting down the seconds, a single flare shoots into the sky. The croud of dragonets surges forwards without a sound. We have made the plan ahead of time. I will pair up with Glare, and we will be ambushing dragonets separately from the others. While Sardine does the luring and the Thorn and Shade attack, Glare and I wait in the bushes for some unsuspecting passerby. I feel at home in this dark, forbidding landscape, and I take deep breaths of the clear night air, matching my breathing to the noises of the night. I had expected my scales to reflect any bit of light, but for some reason that's not the case. Instead they seem to absorb the light, making me nearly invisible. After what I guess to be about twenty-five minutes, I hear a rustling noise in the underbrush. I sneak forwards, my small size meaning that nearly no sound is made when I walk. I suddenly have an idea, and I decide that the pair of approaching dragonets are far enough away that they will not see or hear anything. I breathe a large, long patch of ice onto the area in between our hiding spots, and sit back in my hiding place to wait. Five minutes later, the other contestants come crashing towards us. They slip on the ice, exposing themselves to the attacks of Glare and myself. We struggle for a minute, but the fight is as good as won. The pair runs away into the night, and I high-five Glare. She seems slightly stunned for an instant, but then she grins. "Let's set up camp for the night. It'll be morning soon, and the others are sure to be tired." Glare nods in agreement, and we sneak of toward the others. They are already sitting around a campfire. Apparently the plan went wonderfully, and three dragonets fell for the trap. I tell about our trap, and Glare and I are praised for our hard work. Glare doesn't look quite accustomed to being complemented so warmly like this, and I pat her on the back. "Come on, Thorn, let's take first watch. I think that Glare could use some sleep." The others are soon snoring away, and Thorn and I sit in comfortable silence. Finally, Thorn says "You do know that he likes you, right?" I am startled by this, and ask "Who are you talking about?" "Sardine. Duh." She replys, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. This statement takes me so off guard that all I can say is "WHAT!" "Shhhhhhh!" Thorn chides, and I try again. "Sorry, I meant what???? Sardine hated my guts until, like, yesterday!" Thorn shakes her head. "That's what you think. I think I'll get some sleep now." I poke her, trying to prod an answer from her, but she's already laid down and fallen asleep. I sit up until Shade relieves me off my watch, and only half fall asleep, my thought filled with the impossible and ridiculous thing that Thorn has said.
submitted by Shadowmoon
(May 28, 2016 - 4:31 pm)


As I lay down beside Thorn, realizing that her twitching claws makes me a bit unconfortable. Not like i am scared she will attack me, but the fact that having a backscratcher scratch your back constantly would not let me go to sleep. I rolled over to the side a bit, out of Thorn's claws' reach. I stretch and fell asleep, knowing that the day after tomorrow was the day we will receive our positions.


The next day, I woke up, hearing the call to wake up and come back to the camp in the center of the island. Glacia and Glare were already up. I nudged the others awake, and we headed to the camp. "Your data is being analyzed. Today is the day you pack up and prepare to move into the caves with your force, but you won't move until tommorow. Enjoy a free day." Thoughtstealer growled. 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 28, 2016 - 8:40 pm)

So guys, can I write the post where the positions are announced? I have plans for Glacia. You can go ahead and tell me what force you would like to be in.

submitted by Shadowmoon
(May 29, 2016 - 7:05 am)

Go ahead on writing the position's announcement! Thoughtstealer obviously should be there because he's basically leader of the Lightbringers.

I'm unsure what force I should be on. Tactnitian or Skyforce. Both seem suited for me, but probably more on the tactnitian side. 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 29, 2016 - 10:00 am)

Would you like me to choose for you?

submitted by Shadowmoon
(May 30, 2016 - 10:36 am)

Sure, surprise me.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(May 30, 2016 - 10:22 pm)
Hey guys! I first just wanted to thank you so much for being in this rp. Storm, you stuck with this until the end, and Micearenice, you helped keep this rp alive with your amazing writing. I appreciate you guys so much. Unfourtunitly, I just don't think that we can take down Nightheart's army with just three people. I think that I'm going to have to let this rp fade. But, never fear! I have plans for the future! When the time is right, I will make a sequel thread. I will bring back the Lightbringers, and I hope that you will be there with me when I do! Until then, here is the finale. I hope you like it, and thanks so much for sticking with this! 
submitted by Shadowmoon
(June 1, 2016 - 5:24 pm)

I will be looking forward to the time I find the new thread. I will continuously keeping my eyes peeled and I had bookmarked this page (that's how I found this). And thanks, but I wasn't EXACTLY there from the beggining, but pretty close anyways. :)


Mia, my hen CAPTCHA says pcam. EWW! You're going to see people do stuff you shouldn't see from a SECURITY CAMERA? You are very disturbing today Mia.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(June 1, 2016 - 9:23 pm)
The sun is shining brightly on the croud of anxious, excited dragonets. Everyone is waiting with claws crossed for Thoughtstealer to step up to the stage and make the opening statement. I am standing next to Sardine, Shade, Thorn, and Glare, and hoping desperately that Thoughtstealer will speak soon, because by now it's the middle of the summer, and the tropical sun is extremely annoying. The sun is the only thing that's bothering me right now, because I feel completely comfortable with these dragonets. Throughout the tests I've grown to appreciate them more and more, and I realize with pleasure that these are my friends. My pleasure is quickly dissipated as I realize that I may never really see any of them, because we will most likely be separately into different groups. Thoughtstealer finally steps forwards and begins to speak, and after a while his voice seems to blend into the background. I am vaguely aware that he is droning on about bravery, Nightheart, Lightbringers, the usual stuff. I focus on the small details, the way that many dragonets are nervously shifting about, the subtle tapping of claws, the way that one dragonet has fallen asleep and is being nudged awake by his partner. Finally, Thoughtstealer finishes and gestures to Glop to announce the positions of each dragonet. He reads though each list, and I listen carefully for my name or the names of my friends, but they don't come. As he reaches the last category, the Night Force, I'm becoming anxious that we've been forgotten. Glop finally finishes, and our names have not been mentioned. Our small group shoots glances at each other, and I can see worry in everybody's eyes, even Glare's, though she's trying to conceal it. I expect Glop to step down after announcing, but he doesn't. He starts speaking, and this time I pay attention. "Ahem. Now, I'm sure some of you have noticed that your names have not been called. You should be happy about this." I should? Really? "You should be happy because you have been chosen to be in a small, elite force of dragonets. This force will go on special missions, and you will be the best of the best." My heart starts beating faster. Is it possible..... It can't be. "Each force will be represented in this group. The two dragonets that performed the best in the tactition, Sky Force, Sea Force, Land Force, and Night Force will be present for the team. You will come up to the stage when your name is called." I think I'm hyperventilating. Is it possible that I'm...... Special? "For the Sky Force..... Shade and Glare!" Shade and Glare step forwards, broad grins plastered on their faces. Glop says "Young dragons, you have showed incredible skill and bravery. You deserve the rank of the Elite Force." Glop calls forwards two tactitions and one Sea Force. My heart sinks at this, becuase Sardine will obviously be the next Sea Force. I am correct. He is awarded the honor with a broad smile across his face. I try to feel  

happy for him, but I am just honestly disappointed. Finally he reaches the Night Force. He calls out two names....... "Thorn and Glacia!" My heart leaps so far out of my chest that I think I might explode. I remember the exhilarating experience of the Night Force test, the thrill of being silent, and the fact that Night Force agent are trained to be silent in all terrains, including the ocean. I step forwards with Thorn, and stand beside my friends. This feels so right, and I feel so happy that I might explode. Glop says "These are the dragonets of the future! I know that they will give their lives for our cause, and so will you!" This simple statement sets the crowd wild, and, as I stand on the stage staring at the cheering crowd, I know that Glop is right. I would gladly give my life for this cause, for these dragons, and for my friends. I somehow find myself staring at Sardine, and one thought crosses my mind. It's going to be a long year. And I'm OK with that.

I sit on my throne, in my palace of black marble, grinning evilly. E1, the spy currently located on the Lightbringer's precious "secret" island is standing before me with his report. He is one of the only unmutilated Dragons left on this stinking island. According to him, the Lightbringer's stupid tests are over. Good. I wave my talons, and he scuttles out of the room. Briar, my head scientist, scuttles into the room. He was once an ordinary Nightwing, but now his tail has a poisoned barb at its tip. "Briar," I say in my smoothest and most dangerous voice. "How are the preparations coming along? "Very well, my lord. We have had two implants today." "How many lived?' Briar smiles, the expression looking out of place on his malevolent face. "One did, my lord. We are making progress. Soon, we will have our secret weapon complete, and we will be able to give you more power than any dragon has ever wielded before." I smile. "You may go, Briar. Good work for today." I watch him leave, and brood in silence. Obviously, once the project is complete, I will have to kill him. He knows too much. Then again, he won't be the only one to die. First, I will take care of those pesky Lightbringers. Then, I will take over the world. With my army of mutant dragons, nothing can stand in my way. Of course, there is the prophecy of the Great Beast, the most powerful dragon alive, but that is probably just an old dragon tale. Meanwhile, I will watch, and I will prepare, waiting for the day when I can crush the Lightbringers.
submitted by Shadowmoon
(June 1, 2016 - 5:26 pm)

Ooo. This is getting interesting, but I just noticed that this forum is on the FRONT PAGE of the Inkwell. Hopefully it starts up again, but I have doubts. Anyways, I will KEEP the bookmark until it is CONFIRMED (by having us gone for more than a month, I am willing to wait the WHOLE SUMMER for another post about this RP [not tops, I hate those]). 

May the stars guide your path through real and virtual life! 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(June 1, 2016 - 9:31 pm)