Superhero RP.

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Superhero RP.

Superhero RP.

So. Superheroes. Pretty awesome people, especially when they can do stuff like fly and control things with their minds. And beat the bad guys. The plot could be a bunch of kids who go to this everyday school and learn about each others powers. Then they beat up some bad guy. Anyone interested?

Name: Pepper Collins

Super power: Invisibility and sometimes forcefields

Age: 14

Appearence: Shoulder length black hair, extremely green eyes, about 5'7, tan.

Personality: Nice, cares about others, and is generally friendly, but if need be, will rip you to shreads.

Other: Lives with her father, stepmother and two stepsisters. Her mother died when she was 10, and she misses her alot. Her stepmother is like the one from Cinderella, especially when she brags about her daughters and tells Pepper every five minutes what a worthless thing she is. she is secretly scared of her powers, and claims Pepper is a freak. Her dad travels, so she never see's him.

If anyone has suggestions on the plot, feel free to change it.

submitted by Gigi
(July 10, 2012 - 4:49 pm)


I walked into the room, the woman stood there and spoke the same words she had probably spoken to everyone else then I sat down. I don't really have that many really "bad" memories, like the others probably do. I felt her begin to reach for my head, thats strange, I have never been able to feel things like that before, then she was in it, looking for a painful memory. Ouch, that hurts I said aloud, she was going through all the times I had fallen when I was practicing my power. I relived my worst crashes, the time I fell off a  cliff(I had saved myself of course). I began to try to fight her, I took my most "painful" memories, and shoved them at her, not the memories, the pain. As I did this I thought, maybe my power isn't just hair, it's control over my own head! She retreated, I couldn't reach her outside my own head, that wasn't my territory, but now I knew, I could push her out of mine. She then spoke "You pass" then she fell back in her chair, she had a black eye coming, probably from Danni's punch. "How did it go" Danni whispered to me, "I discovered a part of my power, I never knew, I answered back."

Jasper says hmph, I don't think she approves of me giving Rin more power.

submitted by Listening Daisy/Rin, A garden somewhere
(July 21, 2012 - 12:02 pm)

Finally posting, now that I have Internet! Back from camp! Where I didn't go to sleep until at least 2 am! Yay! I'm hyper!

Actually, Legion did not have to take the test, which I will explain in my post.


I have an extreme dislike for Meridan. Extreme dislike. Really extreme dislike.

Part of it is that she's a mindreader. I don't want her in my head. I don't know if she can change what's in my head, but she really better not try. One of my guys invented a helmet that could potentially block her out, but it also blocks my psychic link, so it's a no can do.

The other part of it is that sometimes, the way she acts, I'm not totally sure that she's a good guy. I'm not saying that I get warm and fuzzy feelings from defeating evil and all that, but the looks on their faces after they finish the little "test" don't really help her cause. She's got one of the greatest powers, and I kind of feel like she's abusing it a little.

I never had to take this test. Both my parents are or were in government. Really high up and all that. I used to live in DC, and their version of the Protectorate is called Satellite. It's a pretty elite thing, and you have to be totally committed to get in. Because the leader of Satellite, Ignition, who's one of the most powerful superhero or supervillian I've ever seen, because Ignition knew who my parents were and what they did, he decided that I could join, at the age of fourteen, as a junior member. Satellite is really elite because it covers DC and all the politics and everything there. So when I moved here, to Richalian, after the Bray Incident, I got in to the Protectorate without having to have my brain picked to pieces by Meridan. All my credentials were transferred.

I think it's one of the stupidest things ever. Meridan digs up old, ugly memories that really shouldn't be dug up. I just think that the Protectorate shouldn't do it.

Everyone's gone except Noliam. Dale isn't looking so good, and nobody else is either. Noliam opens the door to the room, and...


...stuff goes flying. Not just stuff, the walls, the ceiling, every bloody thing.

Instantly, my suit goes into total overdrive. There's Pepper, Adam, Aidan, Rin, Leota, Danni, Dale, and Noliam. Meridan is still in the room, and my suit sees her. There are a few random people around, nobody who can get us off this collapsing building in time, except Pilot.

Fifteen replicas. Now. One for all the kids. Nine. We're 480 feet up, and my suit has an emergency parachute/hanglider that should work well enough. If not, the replicas will cushion the fall with their own bodies.

Pilot grabs three people and flies down the building, deposits them on the ground, and comes back up for three more. As far as I can tell, all the damage is just on this floor. Which is really weird.

Well, it's not so weird anymore when Luminescence walks through all the damage along with Malice and Havoc and Serpent. "Tell the Protectorate," Luminescence says, "that they have 72 hours to give me all the Z files, or my spies will publicly release every single one of your secret identities. I'm quite sure that other villians would be quite willing to take advantage of that."

That is a scary threat. A lot of the 355 people, now 362 people, they have families, people that they love and care about. There are some people out there who want revenge on superheroes. There's a reason that we have secret identities.

Pilot is still there. I know who he is, and he doesn't have a family, but he does have a girlfriend. He doesn't know who I am.

A helicopter arrives, and the four of them step foot on it. Two of the most feared supervillians in the Richalian area, Luminescence and Havoc, are working together. Malice is a relatively new supervillian and Serpent hasn't always been evil.

The helicopter flies away from the building. Something scaly snakes out of it and smashes into one of me. Presumably one of Serpent's arms.

I can't fly. Pilot can't catch them.

I'm sorry. he thinks. We're too high up. I have the sudden sensation of falling... and then nothing.

* * * * *

Noliam was dead as soon as he hit the ground.

"What are the Z files?" Rin asks, her eyes filled with tears. 

Leota shrugs. "Do you know, Legion?"

I shrug too. "I've heard it mentioned, but I have no idea."

submitted by SC , age ALLONSY, FOR NARNIA
(July 21, 2012 - 1:36 pm)

SC, I'm not totally sure what happened in your post. I get that the villans broke in and they want the Z files, but what happened besides that?

submitted by ~Sam~
(July 21, 2012 - 6:39 pm)

Looking back, I did not get enough sleep to write.

Basically, Noliam died. Because Serpent knocked him out of the sky. Maple said to kill Noliam off, so I killed Noliam off.

submitted by SC, age ALLONSY, FOR NARNIA
(July 22, 2012 - 12:19 pm)

So I made her decide not to be a superhero, and you killed her? I'm happy I'm not Noliam.

submitted by Listening Daisy/Rin, a garden somewhere
(July 22, 2012 - 6:56 pm)

I think Noliam is a guy.

submitted by Tiffany W.
(July 22, 2012 - 7:09 pm)

Yeah, Noliam was Maple's character, and Maple said that she fell behind, and to kill Noliam off. So I, SC, made up a random supervillian (serpent) who knocked Noliam and a replica of Legion's out of the sky so they fell to the ground and died. Legion didn't kill Noliam, Serpent did.

submitted by SC, age ALLONSY, FOR NARNIA
(July 22, 2012 - 9:33 pm)

I am told I have no common sense, but I mistook a guy for a girl, terrible. My senses are worse then usual; it must be from doing nothing for days.

submitted by Listening Daisy/Rin, A garden somewhere
(July 23, 2012 - 9:50 pm)

I'm going to write another story that's probably never going to be finished, just like all the rest, and could I use your guys characters?

submitted by SC, age ALLONSY, FOR NARNIA
(July 23, 2012 - 9:27 pm)


I myself am writing a book about Adam, so if you do end up using him, put him under a different name and change some stuff.

submitted by Gollum, Mossflower
(July 24, 2012 - 7:03 am)

Yeah... I'm doing the same with Pepper, so can you change it to like Ginger or something?

submitted by Gigi
(July 24, 2012 - 2:12 pm)

Sure, but I'd appreciate it if you changed Dale's name, since I'm technically reusing his name from a book I'm writing. Other than that, go ahead. 

submitted by Tiffan W.
(July 24, 2012 - 9:50 am)

Yes, you have my permission

submitted by Listening Daisy/Rin, A garden somewhere
(July 24, 2012 - 12:05 pm)

I'm currently writing a story about Danni's character with a different name. So, you can use the name, but I'm using the actual character.

submitted by ~Sam~
(July 27, 2012 - 5:40 pm)


Z files. I should get more info on that.

I wipe away the tears from watching my first friend die. Everyone else is hysterical. People are running around and freaking out. Meridan rushes out. "Everyone! Follow me!" She cries. We rush over and follow her into a small room. 

"I was going to delay this, but since we were just attacked, I can't. We are going to go right into training. You will all live here from now on. It's too dangerous to live at home. Your parents or guardians will be contacted immediatly." She looks around. "Go up to the dormitories and come down right after your settled." She takes out a list. "These are your roomates. Pepper and Leota, your in room 2B." Leota and I groan at the same time. I was hoping I would get Danni or Rin, but no, I got the bossy big headed one. I sluggishly go up the stairs, with Leota following me.

"Look miss disappearing act, just cause were roomates does not make us bff's," Leota snaps as soon as we get to our room. "Good. Cause to be honest, I really don't need a bossy jerk like you to be on my case every five minutes." Leota glowers at me, then turns towards her bed. "Put on your suit. Its in the drawer," she growls. I open the drawer and find a tight red body suit with a large black P on the front. I turn around and slip it on, and find that it is programmed to disappear when I do. It's also very comfortable and stretchy, perfect for jumping and running. Next to the drawer is a pair of tall black boots that go almost all the way up my calves. When I look in the mirror, I'm reminded of that girl in the Incredibles, Violet, with my straight black hair and body suit. 

"Meeting downstairs. Hurry up," Leota snaps, and I quickly get up and follow her out the door. 

"All right everyone, the most important part of having powers is controlling your powers," Meridan says. "You will all be assigned to a hero as your mentor." She starts reading off a long list, until its only me left. "Pepper, I'll be working with you," she says. Why is she so interested in me?

"Why are you assigned to me?" I snap. "We don't have anything in common." She smiles. "We do, actually. We both have powers that are very useful for attack, but not physically. While you learn to work with your invisibility and forcefield, you'll also learn some jujitsu for attacking while invisible." I automatically think of Scarlette Johannson in Avengers with all her pinning and spinning. That didn't look too bad. Meridan shows me a few moves and then I try. "Not bad," she says after I pin her to the ground. "Your moves are just like..." She stops suddenly. "Like who?" I ask. "No one," she says, shaking her head. "Come on. We have a lot of work to do. 

submitted by Gigi
(July 28, 2012 - 11:26 am)