Superhero RP.
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Superhero RP.
Superhero RP.
So. Superheroes. Pretty awesome people, especially when they can do stuff like fly and control things with their minds. And beat the bad guys. The plot could be a bunch of kids who go to this everyday school and learn about each others powers. Then they beat up some bad guy. Anyone interested?
Name: Pepper Collins
Super power: Invisibility and sometimes forcefields
Age: 14
Appearence: Shoulder length black hair, extremely green eyes, about 5'7, tan.
Personality: Nice, cares about others, and is generally friendly, but if need be, will rip you to shreads.
Other: Lives with her father, stepmother and two stepsisters. Her mother died when she was 10, and she misses her alot. Her stepmother is like the one from Cinderella, especially when she brags about her daughters and tells Pepper every five minutes what a worthless thing she is. she is secretly scared of her powers, and claims Pepper is a freak. Her dad travels, so she never see's him.
If anyone has suggestions on the plot, feel free to change it.
(July 10, 2012 - 4:49 pm)
Name: Adam Jakobs
Super Power: controls water
Age: 12-13
Appearance: short, has short curly brown hair, blue eyes, very short.
Personality: Smart, reads a lot, likes to swim, hangs out with fellow super heroes and mortal nerds.
(July 10, 2012 - 5:21 pm)
(July 11, 2012 - 7:31 am)
Sounds cool!
Name: Aidan Grimstone
Superpower: Shapeshifting
Age: 13
Appearance: Um . . .
*Favorite* Appearance: A human 13-year-old boy with longish, choppy black hair, pale skin, and violet eyes. About 5"5 in this form.
Personality: Helpful and caring. Has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. Superstitous.
Other: Lives with his father. Aidan's mother died giving birth, which he thinks as something to do with how he got his powers. He still hasn't figured that out, and he is constantly searching for that information or information about his mom.
(July 11, 2012 - 10:58 am)
Name: Rin Smiles
Super Power: Animated Hair (don't laugh), this means she can make her hair, grow, shrink, knot, wrap around somethig, suspend itself in the air and more.
Age: 14
Looks: Short, soft, stronge, chocolate brown hair, big, bright hazel eyes, 4'9 (don't call her short, she gets really angry if you do!), pale, freckled skin.
Personality: Gets angry really quickly, is very loyal to friends, likes to use sarcasm, is very sweet when you get to know her though.
other: Her parents run a day camp/preschool, and use their "kid" voices with her (which annoys her) and when they are home want to do all sorts of sappy family things (which she hates) and she likes to sneak out with her black, pet rat Jinx to see the other superheroes.
(July 11, 2012 - 1:35 pm)
Name: Leota Thomas (Disney connection)
Superpower: Can turn transparent and... What's that thing called when you can walk through stuff and stuff can walk through you? That.
Appearance: Black hair with purple and green streaks, dark eyes, pale, tall
Personality: Sarcastic, kind of scary
Other: Her parents found her when she was a baby in a local cemetery. Has no idea about her powers as of yet.
(July 11, 2012 - 7:59 pm)
Oh, and Leota sort of floats off the ground when she's using her powers. She can't float that high, though.
(July 11, 2012 - 8:02 pm)
Public name: Legion
Secret Identity: It's a secret.
Age: Somewhere between 16-23. Unconfirmed by the media. Actual age: 18.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Wears a metal suit that he invented himself. Think Ironmanish but silver and can't fly and acts more as armor along with some useful tools.
Power: Making instant replicas of himself that can then function on their own. They all share a low-level psychic link that can be used to coordinate themselves and the link fades over distance. The replicas can also be destroyed instantly, if he wills it. Because some of the replicas are several years old, and develop independent personalities because of different memories. But whatever he says, the replicas do. When replicas are made, they are immediately aware of what they are, and they share his memories, but not as much the emotions he associates with those memories. For instance, he doesn't like cats, but about half of his replicas do. Whatever he has on him when he replicates is replicated as well. For instance, if he replicates while wearing his armor, the armor replicates as well. He also has above average strength that is definitely abovea a normal possible level but not so strong as to be classified as "superstrength".
Actual appearance, without armor: Brown hair, black eyes. Tall, lanky, awkward, doesn't eat enough.
Personality: He prefers not to interact with other people, hence the suit covers his eyes. He just doesn't really know what to say to other people. A bit of an antihero. He doesn't really want to deliver justice and whatnot, he does it because it's kind of expected of him, to use his powers to be a supervillian or a superhero. He doesn't really want to be a supervillian, so he went with hero.
Other: Bloody hates mindreaders. Really, really hates them, or any other people with powers like that. If they can sense emotions or manipulate anything to do with his head and thoughts and feelings, he hates them. He wants them far, far away from him.
Other.2: Has an underground lab where he does whatever he wants, mostly robotics. Currently working on animal robots. He has no interest in humanoid robots, as he has replicas to do that for him.
Other.3: Real name is Cassan Bray.
(July 11, 2012 - 9:27 pm)
How do the replicas feel about being destroyed?
(July 12, 2012 - 12:07 am)
@Melody- I think it's called phasing
Name: Danielle (Danni) Campbell
Superpower: can absorb any meterial (therefore turning into that material), can also absorb memories, personalities, apperances, and pain, but not powers
Age: 15
Apperance: 5' 3", long brown hair with a blue streak on the right, tan, aqua eyes, very skinny, but strong
Personality: rebellious, uncooperative, helpful but thoughtless sometimes, impolite, mysterious, brave, sneaky, stealthy, smart mouth, cocky
Other: Everyone in her family is dead besides her and her 22 year old brother who she lives with. Hates it when people try to mess with her head.
(July 11, 2012 - 11:21 pm)
I tend to do way too many RP's but too bad. I'm joining. As long as I can skip the cape and the body suit -makes face- Just so you know, I don't know much about superheroes, so...
Name: Dale Thornwind
Age: 13 or 14, around there
Appearance: soft light brown hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, freckles.
Personality: timid, afraid of little things like spiders and cockroaches, doesn't like fighting much. Honest, terrible at lying. He's the hide-in-a-corner-at-the-party type.
Power: controls plants.
Other: He never sets out to save the world or whatever, but ends up joining things anyway because 'he's got no choice'. Never done anything major though. But he just wants to spend time without meeting any superheroes.
(July 12, 2012 - 9:11 am)
@Tiffany W.
"No capes!
Oh gosh, I have way too many Disney quotes memorized.
(July 12, 2012 - 8:44 pm)
Name: Noliam
Superpower:Creating illusions. In other words, making someone see something that's not there. Also super navigation skills.
Age: ( Once again, this is a teenage RP) 19
Appearence: Long hair( for a boy) almost touching his shoulders. Dark brown, thick. Very handsome. Brown puppy eyes, and tan skin. Tall.
Personality: Wise,serious.
(July 12, 2012 - 9:37 am)
That is a very good question which has sparked all sorts of neurons in my head, making me think. Yay!
On the replicas: Because the replicas understand who they are and what they are and why they were created, and because at some level they are all the same, they don't really care about being destroyed. Legion doesn't create replicas needlessly, like "I'm lying on the couch, so I create a replica to go get a bag of chips from the kitchen and then I destroy him," so it doesn't happen as much. If a replica were to be seriously injured, something that would take months and months to heal from, then Legion might destroy them because it would just be easier. Some of the replicas who have been around for a long time, like the chief bioengineer, who have developed their own personalities and ideas and are actually able to argue with him, they might be a bit resentful about being destroyed.
On the psychic link: Words have to be used to communicate complex ideas. Everything has to be conciously sent to everyone as a whole or to specific people, like thinking that you're talking. Replicas have a bit of trouble communicating with each other, but Legion can do it easily with all of them. Words can't be communicated over more than three or four miles, and long ideas function best under one and a half miles. Easy things that are emotions with a single word attached, like "come" or "help" can be pretty easily expressed. Nonextreme emotions, like happiness, maybe five miles. Extreme emotions, namely intense fear, can be unconciously sent and can cover maybe forty miles.
On the replicas.2: As far as the public and the rest of the Protectorate (more later) know, there is only one Legion, and when in need of replicas while fighting a supervillian or pulling burning cars off people or whatnot, he creates replicas, and then once he no longer needs them, they disappear. The media doesn't like to use the word destroyed. They don't know that he has two that have been around for three years, and he has a few around that have been alive for months.
Oh, and Legion doesn't have superstrength, he has enhanced strength that the suit helps with.
On the replicas.3: If Legion were to die, they would die too. They wouldn't be destroyed, there would be a bunch of Legion's lying around, the original dying from whatever cause and the others from some brain activity surge or stroke heart attack thingy.
On the replicas.4: Each one of the replicas tend to have their quirks and they can all tell each other apart. One always dyes his hair green. If they know that they were created to exist for a while, they choose a random name.
That's it about Legion. Now, I figure that people with superpowers have been around for quite a long time, at least fifty years. They'd be pretty rare, probably. So, reasonably, a least a few of them would have banded together to fight evil and all that. Some wouldn't have joined, maybe formed their own good guy groups or bad guy groups, some would be loners doing either, etc.
So. The Protectorate. Gigi, if you had a different idea, or anybody else has one, we can use that. It's just that it's 9:26 and I'm bored, so I'll create this. According, a protectorate is a noun, and the relation of a stronger state toward a weaker state or territoy that it protects and partly controls.
I guess the Protectorate would be based in America (that's where this is, right?) and they would work together to combat really dangerous supervillians, but they would also work alone sometimes. There would be some really major members, probably adults with really strong powers (think:Superman). I guess the major members would really be dedicated to good and justice and liberty and all that. Legion would be a minor member, not really working with them as often, but if they called because they needed him, he would come.
Guys: Legion [replicas], Adam [water], Aidan [shapeshifting], Dale [plants], Noliam [illusions]
Girls: Pepper [Invisibility+forcefields], Rin [hair], Leota [transperancy+phasing], Danni [absorbing]
If any of your characters are a member of the Protectorate, please say so.
On second thought, not quite sure if anybody would really be elgible except for Noliam and possibly Danni.
Who wants to start?
(July 12, 2012 - 9:37 pm)
I think Gigi should start.
(July 12, 2012 - 10:09 pm)
I agree.
(July 12, 2012 - 10:23 pm)