Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

literally yes all the time

submitted by Hex
(October 31, 2023 - 11:14 am)

yess!! And especially since I'm not really socially connected now and so I don't know a lot of stuff and the school is bad at telling us stuff!! Like, they literally told us at school what to wear for spirit day THE DAY WE WERE SUPPOSED TO WEAR IT!! What?!? That doesn't even make sense!! And everyone always seems to know all this social media stuff I'm like whaaa???

submitted by CelineBurning bright, age Happyhlwn!, dancing’neaththemoon
(October 31, 2023 - 6:11 pm)

happy halloween y'all!

submitted by Darkvine, wearing my costume
(October 31, 2023 - 8:42 am)

Happy Halloween, y'all!!

So, I guess I'm goin' with my dad to go trick-or-treatin' 'cause I can't go with my one friend, and my crush and his brother apparently aren't goin', and my BFF (Who I went trick-or-treatin' with DOwntown on Saturday) was gonna cancel on her other friend, but she's goin' with her other friend 'cause she gave her word that she was gonna go with her.

It's snowin' where I live right now... looks AND feels like Christmas right now, and the fact that I'm listenin' to Pentatonix: Carol of The Bells isn't helpin', but MAN IS IT GOOD.

I went trick-or-treatin' Downtown on Saturday, and I witnessed a crime: I DIDN'T SEE ANY STAR-LORDS OR ANY GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY IN GENERAL. I DID see a TON of Marios, Luigis, Princess Peaches, and Bowsers...

I got the Guardians of The Galaxy Junior Novel (that's the kind that only covers half the movie), and one of the eight full-color photos from the movie is now my lock screen for my phone (y'all can guess who it is LOL).

submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 15, Kitten Kingdom
(October 31, 2023 - 11:56 am)

Just dropping by to recommend the French song Love Story by Indila. It's hauntingly gorgeous and just sticks with you. Very pretty, also kinda sad.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost at Sea
(October 31, 2023 - 12:34 pm)

Thank you so much for that! This really is so beautiful and magical and mystical and haunting and aching. I love it so much I never really had an appreciation for the french language before (actually, no appreciation at all, to me it was just a language, sorry) even though everyone always says it's so beautiful and now I can totally see what they mean!! :) :)

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age woahhh, The Icebergs
(October 31, 2023 - 6:17 pm)

Yesterday, there were vultures hanging around the backstop on the field, and they looked just like halloween decorations lol 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(October 31, 2023 - 7:53 pm)

help I want short androgynous/masc hair but am struggling to find a style—everything online I find is so photoshopped and weird. I have wavy brown hair... does anyone have any ideas?? pls help lol

submitted by Hex, age mordor, where the shadows lie
(November 1, 2023 - 1:36 pm)

I'll try! Some questions:

-What is your face shape? Usually you can make a cut that isn't technically supposed to be good for a particular face shape be fine on it if your hairdresser is good, so it's not completely restricting, but it's still an important thing to consider. (If you don't know I suggest looking up a guide. It's okay if you're not quite sure, just the general idea)

-How wavy is your hair? There are specific curl pattern designators if you want to get into that. Is it almost curly, almost straight, etc?

-How thick is your hair? Basically, do you have a lot of hair or not a lot of hair or in the middle? (You can also look up guides for this but it's not as important unless your hair is very thick or very thin.)

-How much maitnence do you want? So, just "wash and go", or would you be okay spending some time styling? Also, if any specific kind of maitnence is bad but others would be good that could be important.

-What sort of style do you want? So, do you want something on the longer side or the shorter side? Do you want something with a lot of texture or something that's pretty smooth? Do you want something that's pretty masc, something that's more gender neutral or feminine-masc, something like womens' short hair, that sort of thing? (The way it reads depend on your face and how you wear the cut though.) If you have a specific fashion style, you might want something that relates to that.

If there is gender involved (like if you're trans or have/want a non-gender-conforming presentation) that might also complicate things; for instance, if you're nonbinary maybe you'd want something that could go either way and be styled differently, or if you have a lot of gender dysphoria maybe anything that can be read as a certain gender won't work. Let me know if any of that applies if you're comfortable.

submitted by @Hex, Blackfooted Bobcat
(November 1, 2023 - 5:20 pm)

lol, thank you for this—I have literally no clue what I'm doing :D I should probably think about this more

- oval maybe?

- wavy/curly

- somewhere in the middle

- wash and go!! I'd rather not spend much time styling, and probably no to random hair products

- shorter (like a stereotypically male haircut), hopefully gender neutral but I'd rather it be masc than fem

I was thinking some kind of messy pixie cut but they all look pretty feminine which I'm not crazy about.

submitted by Hex, tysm again BB
(November 1, 2023 - 7:42 pm)

As a masc, wavy haired brunette, I feel you. Haircuts are hard... so based on your answers and my personal experiences here are some haircuts:

- Short wolfcut. Wolfcuts look good on basically everybody and work really well with wavy hair. It's also super gender neutral and you can fid some good pics of it (although upon looking at some pictures quite a few of the examples are on the longer side). Currently, I have a short wolfcut with curtain bangs and i think it's my favorite hairstyle i've ever had (not hyperbole). It's fairly low commitment can take a bit of styling.

- Fluffy mullet. Personally, I don't like a classic mullet. Fluffy mullets however, are superior. As a ref for that haircut, I used singer/songwriter, Addison Grace's hair as a guide. I enjoyed it and (having a heartish shaped face myself) I do indeed think it looks good on a rounder face shape. This one is super low commitment and only takes a little bit of scruffling to make it look good.

-Short on the sides, long on the top. With wavy/curly hair, this hairstyle is kind of fun. If you look up "androgynous haircuts short on sides long on top" you can find some really good examples. I think its a really good haircut that can be more masc (just depending on how long yu go with the top). Its also super easy to style, you literally dont have to do a thing (exept for wash it obviously)

Hope thats helpful! 

submitted by Lord of the shadows, he/they
(November 1, 2023 - 9:10 pm)

I second Lord of the Shadows' reccomendations. i do think a wolf cut could probably be made to look feminine pretty easily (I've often heard of hairdressers making haircuts more feminine than the person asked for, if the person is seen as female), but it definitely can be masc or gender neutral too. Also from what he mentioned I think I have the same haircut as them at the moment XD *resisting the urge to rant about my hair* haha no i already took it out several times i don't have impulse control

You could often go with a messy pixie cut for the bangs and have the hairdresser do more masculine sides, like a fade/taper or such. (Try to consider how it'd go together though) In general, the sides are the main thing that's different there; you may want to take a look at how it frames the face though, since some of the bangs may require some adjusting to have a more masculine framing. This also heavily depends on your face shape. Also your hairdresser could potentially not want to stray from the picture or make it too fem, but that's often an issue regardless unfortunately.

You could also look up something like "mens haircuts fringes/bangs" (seperate searches), which tend to be the closest to a messy pixie cut. or look at quiffs, especially for your hair type (do be warned that quiffs can take a lot of styling, especially if they're longer). Looking up "undercut haircut" brought up some things you might be interested in. (if it brings up feminine things just add the word "men").

Also, a lot of haircuts will look less/more masc/fem on a person who's less/more masc/fem? idk if that makes sense. It can be good and bad, just be warned.

I'll probably write more later but this works for now. Unfortunately I tend to look more at "feminine guy" haircuts, longer guys haircuts, and less "gender-conforming guy" haircuts so some of my recommendations may be influenced by that/I won't know as much about shorter, more masculine haircuts, so sorry about that. Also I hope you find a haircut that works for you!

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(November 2, 2023 - 1:58 pm)

Thank you so much to both of you, your advice is very helpful :)

submitted by Hex
(November 5, 2023 - 2:04 pm)

Thank you so much to both of you, your advice is very helpful :)

submitted by Hex
(November 5, 2023 - 2:04 pm)

When I went trick-or-treatin' the other day, I DID NOT SEE ONE SINGLE STAR-LORD. That's just... wrong, y'all.

Ripley didn't call me yesterday when she said she would(yes, she FINALLY responded).

Robert Downey Jr. still freaks me out and intimidates me, and if anyone says I have a crush on him, I just wanna say that I don't have a crush on him, I never will, and I don't intend to. He's not really my fave actor.

I slaved away the other day, cleanin' the bathroom, vaccumin' the couch, and washin' the windows... only got twenty minutes of extra video game time, but in all reality, I should've gotten THIRTY minutes.

I tried to work on some fanart last night, and I told mom that I was gonna try to make a video of it so the people who I was drawin' could see it, and she had the NERVE to say "what made you think it would be a good idea?" and after she left, I tried to color in the drawin' with colored pencil, but I used too MUCH of the regular pencil on the one dude's eyebrows, so now his forehead area looks like rottin' zombie flesh. I AM workin' on another one, so that's good.

Mom put me down when she said what she said last night... I fell asleep depressed. And slightly not feelin' good.

My cat got me up at three in the mornin' 'cause she wanted out of my room. And then I had a weird dream involvin' my friends, a high-school Halloween scavenger hunt, and someone who didn't like me all that well. Oh, and I was forced to do somethin' I didn't want to do, and then I screamed in my dream.

*Sigh* Does depression feel like you're fine all day, but you suddently get to a point in the day where you're like "Wow, I'm suddently really tired, and can't wait to go to bed, and nothin' I wanted to do earlier seems interestin'" and then for the rest of the day you just wanna go to bed? If it is, that's how I feel some days FOR NO REASON.

Imma go watch some Friend or Foe now...


submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 15, Kitten Kingdom
(November 2, 2023 - 11:51 am)