Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

Thank you, Moon wolf! I have seen the Tag Game, but never clicked on it, so thanks for suggesting that.

Also, @Admins, I'm asumming that because it's plural, there are more than one Admin, so how many are there? and also, Are there all girls or all boys or a mixture of both? (2 Girls & 1 Boy/2 Boys & 1 Girl)Thank you for welcoming me! 

Three Admins.


submitted by Bushy @Moon Wolf, age 14 moons, In the Woodland thicket
(October 27, 2023 - 7:29 pm)

Ooh, I love your name so much!! Also, I go crazy with nicknames too, so.. yeah you can call me CelineBurning Bright, Celine, or Celi (I mostly use this one to distinguish from my AE Celine, who I also call CeCe or Ce though)! Welcome to the CB, so glad to have you!! :DD I love your location too! If you need it, here's a helpful guide to the CB: 


also, there's lots of stuff happening on the CB now!

Inkwell: we have some roleplays going on, e.g. The City of One-Thousand Stars and the Jewel Hotel, that you can totally join rn (in fact, it's a good time to do so)! We also have a tag game going on, and a number of (low-stakes, really fun) contests you can enter such as the Stylish Writing contest and the Writing contest (where you can also get writing feedback, though you could also get that on the Regular Writing thread on PP, or just posting a thread of your own), as well as Lord Entropy's text adventure "the terminal" that I promise is hilarious, where you basically just type in a command for a character and Lord Entropy (a CBer btw) writes what happens when the character does the command!

Pudding's Place (PP): there are lots of ski lodges open right now! Some that I really recommend that you can still join include: Luxury and Contentment's ski lodge "The Sunbeam Inn" (sry, it's on the second pg rn, I'll top it for you), and A Lady of the Wood's "A ski lodge..."! Contests here include the Poetry Contest and the Photography Contest!

Down to Earth (DtE): you just missed the Make-A-Friend, but I'd be happy to make a thread with you to talk if you'd like (oc, you don't have to!)! There's a thread where you can debate topics such as "is a hotdog a sandwich" (A: yes, it is, and if you don't think so then a sub isn't a sandwich), "is it woah or whoa" (A: I use "woah", but "whoa" sometimes looks better), or "does the #4 have an open or closed top" (A: I have it open, it's just easier!)! There's also an awesome text adventure (like Lord Entropy's) by s-s-stand by you can participate in!

Blab About Books (BAB): umm, I mean, I started a book club but idk how active it is right now. Books for this month are "The Unwanteds, book 1" and "Orange for the Sunsets"

Chirp at Cricket (CaC): there are lots of SIs (Secret Identities) going around, where a CBer takes on a new name related to the theme, and other ppl have to guess who it is! There's also Last-To-Post (LTP), a thread where the last to post is the winner (currently, that is me! :) it does get a tad competitive at times though, but it's all fun)

This Month (TM): currently, preperations are happening for the November MCU (monthly check-up), this time hosted by Amethyst. It's, basically, well.. sorry, I'll explain it later when I'm not procrastinating (hehe) so I have more time, but basically we still need a book of the month (a book recommendation and written review) and book quotes (basically what it sounds like, 5 is a good number) if you want to do either of those! They're due by the end of the month, preferably sooner rather than later (deadline Oct 31 basically). Or, you could also just answer the questions on the November MCU Questions thread (or you could do both if you'd like!)!

Anyways, sorry if I missed anything, and hope this was helpful! Enjoy! :D 


ps, @Avara, Feiya said AVARX! Almost your name! 

submitted by Celine@Bushy :), age she/her(?), The FireMist Sea
(October 26, 2023 - 8:58 pm)

Thank Celi, ;P that was very helpful! All of it sounds so cool and I'm sure you will see me around on some of those threads. I'll definitly try the Sunbeam Inn. 

submitted by Bushy Tail, age 14 Moons, In the Woodland Thicket
(October 27, 2023 - 7:35 pm)

sometimes i have these almost scary, vivid dreams that are so normal, just me talking to someone random from my past memories and then BOOM THERE'S CROCODILES IN MY GARDEN AND I NEED TO SWIM ACROSS MY OLD SWIM TEAM'S POOL TO GET INTO THE FLOWERS

i remember this one so so well...also there was one where someone gave me a rattlesnake for my birthday and it transported me to a cruise ship lol 

submitted by the-antiquarian-, age again! :), back from being gone
(October 26, 2023 - 8:26 pm)


Literally. I had a dream where I stayed up until 2am/3am last night listening to an audiobook (which is impossible--I don't have an echo dot in my room), and I'm EXHAUSTED from it. 

submitted by Endless_Parodies
(October 27, 2023 - 7:43 am)


Twice this week my dreams have been math. Not me in math class or anything, just. math.

The math isn't even right. It's so annoying. There's no escape from math, even in my sleep. 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(October 27, 2023 - 10:36 am)

last night i think i dreamed that i was exploring a cave with som of my friends from my spanish class and there were two evil.. creatures? i guess? watching us and we're trying to kill us i think. one was a big skeleton and one was elsa from frozen i think.

submitted by fallen leaf, , , , , ,
(October 27, 2023 - 4:07 pm)

Elsa from Frozen in your dream? I can relate, except that Elsa turned into a raccoon at the end (don't ask, bc I don't know why).

Nya says <ennnv>...you're not referencing that ekphrastic poem of mine, are you? Because I revised that thing to death and I don't want to see it for a long while. 

submitted by Lyric, age Excluded, tomorrow is saturday!!!
(October 27, 2023 - 8:23 pm)

Why does Elsa invade so many peoples' dreams? In mine she turned crazy and tried to kill me too, except she actually did, except I was alive, but not in the afterlife, just like how you're alive so you know you're alive so you're alive, I was dead and I was like noo!! I'm dead!! but I knew I was alive but just took it for granted bc duh I'm alive so I was basically dead (yeah, dreams are confusing)

submitted by CelineConfusingDream, age Confusedme, Dreamland
(October 27, 2023 - 10:52 pm)

Yesterday, someone said something I was about to say, and I desperately wanted to scream "MY BRAIN WORDS!" or "WORDS OF MY HEAD!"

submitted by Endless_Parodies
(October 28, 2023 - 9:04 am)

AHH THAT WAS ME!! I LITERALLY TYPED IT ALL OUT AND EVERYTHING!! And then I thought, no, maybe I shouldn't... :DD WOF FOREVER!!!


speaking of, did you know "dragoons" is actually a real word?!? 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, Yay yay yay!!
(October 28, 2023 - 9:55 am)

I know, right?? I do that too! Although I have at least one irl friend that if I did that would be incredibly happy...

submitted by Rainbow, age teen, Lookin' STUNNING
(October 28, 2023 - 12:46 pm)

Hi pangolin!!

November MCU Prep?... 22 39 sec ago
by pangolin
submitted by Amethyst@pangolin
(October 28, 2023 - 3:25 pm)

aah, the feeling of actually being worth something... sometimes I wonder what it's like :D

submitted by Darkvine
(October 28, 2023 - 6:11 pm)

awww, friend—you are worth something. let me know if you want to talk or something, ok? we're all here for you.

submitted by Hex
(October 28, 2023 - 8:10 pm)