Dramatic Entrance Thread

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Dramatic Entrance Thread

Dramatic Entrance Thread

enter the thread as dramatically as possible! :D extra points if you don't actually say the word 'dramatically'

submitted by Darkvine, age idk, Hyrule
(April 12, 2023 - 7:47 pm)

*swings in on a rope hanging from the chandelier, showering confetti everywhere, crashes through the wall, and sails away out of sight, still hanging to the rope which seems infinitely long*

I got in a dramatic exit too! yay!


*swings rapidly back into room and crashes through the other wall*

*continues this for some time*


submitted by Poinsettia
(July 18, 2023 - 9:46 am)

The lights suddenly turn on (just pretend the room was dark before) and a golden spotlight swings onto... a mouse? But, wait! The mouse is growing in size! The air is filled with tense anticipation as everyone watches on, enramored (I'm not entirely certain what this means, but it sounds d-... wait. You're not supposed to say that, right? I MEAN, well, you know what I mean, so...) by this new spectacle. The mouse continues growing, faster and faster, breaking through the roof (oops, sorry roof) and raising its(my) arms in a defiant shout, blocking the moon (or silhouetted against it?) and the sun BOTH! Bc, you know, they're both in the sky right now. And then, with one last shriek of freedom, I lumber off towards a far away city skyline, quiet as... well, a mouse. Everyone goes back to what they were doing as if nothing had happened. Perhaps nothing had... *cue the spooky ghost music*

Meanwhile, the roof knows full well that something, has, indeed happened. And it's secretly planning its revenge on all these folks obsessed with dra-word-you're-not-supposed-to-say entrances and exits, not caring what mayhem and broken-many-times-over roofs they cause along the way.
submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(July 19, 2023 - 2:24 am)

*Suddenly appears in the middle of the room and does an elegant hair toss (i can't do one, my hair is too short)* 

I have entered.... oh.. we're done with that. I wanted to use my glitter. *sobs*

submitted by Lord of the shadows
(July 19, 2023 - 10:33 am)

*A entire wall is exploded as a huge, jet-black locomotive charges into the thread, puffing out white steam*

*doors open*

*steps out elegantly*

*doors close*

*the locomotive whistles and it suddenly takes off into the air like a mind-boggling-ly* heavy, perhaps overweight eastern dragon, charging through and bringing down more of what is still left of the roof*

*There is a short flash of white light as it phases out of the thread*

*clears throat*

Don't mind that, that was just the only functioning locomotive of the Interdimentia Express, one of the stories I'm writing, which is, like oh so many of my stories, rapidly spiraling out of its estimated word count.

Can we take a moment to talk about how this thread has managed to become five pages of drama and chaos and fun- 

*:I know, I know. That isn't an actual word. Whatever :D

submitted by Ultimatium
(July 20, 2023 - 9:43 am)

Ahem. Returning to my competition for the crown. *with owl still on head, tackles Seadragon and takes crown* *doesn't headbut them tho 'cause that would hurt the owl* *settles crown on head around owl and it's nest* This owl is mine now! Their name is Bubbles, by the way. Try to take the crown from me and Bubbles will claw your eyes out!

submitted by Scuttles
(July 20, 2023 - 10:22 am)

Aha! But I don't HAVE eyes!! Because I am the roof, come at least to earn my rightful revenge!! But first I need that crown...


Ik, how did I get from being a giant mouse to being the roof?

I mean, I CAN be the roof, right? Why not? 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(July 22, 2023 - 2:00 am)