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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Hunger Games RP
If this isn't...

If this isn't a good RP then I can change it to another one. Has anyone ever done one of these? If so then how do they usaully start? I was thinking that this could be the 58th Hunger Games. Please join!!!

submitted by Elizabeth D. , age 14 , Texas
(April 18, 2011 - 9:56 pm)

@Elizabeth D.: Yeah, I don't mind if Emma (my charrie) dies either. As long as it's not at the beginning. :)

 So anyways, should we start or wait for some more people to join? And where should we start? In the Districts, in the Capitol, or in the Arena? 

submitted by Olive
(April 24, 2011 - 1:47 pm)

Can we start soon? Pretty please? Karla is excited to start.

submitted by Princess P.
(April 26, 2011 - 12:48 pm)

Maybe we should start on Reaping Day?

submitted by Sarah K, age 12, NJ, USA
(April 26, 2011 - 4:54 pm)

Yeah, I think starting on Reaping Day would be a good idea. :)

submitted by Olive
(April 26, 2011 - 6:27 pm)

That is what I thought. You can go ahead and start. I will post something later.

submitted by Elizabeth D. , age 14 , Texas
(April 26, 2011 - 6:49 pm)

I'm joining! Please tell me if I do something wrong and I may have a few questions. What's reaping day? And what usually happens in the Hunger Games (like what are "the games")? And let me get this straight only one person from each district?

Name: Danielle Neems

Age: 14

District: 11

Appearance: soft brown eyes, naturally dark tan skin, elbow length straight thick dark brown hair that usually curls at the ends, small 5'1, extremely thin but very strong

Other: She's often hungry because it's just her and her ten year old brother Andy. Their parents disappeared. Danielle knows a lot about plants and animals and she works very hard though she cannot work as well as the adults. They live in a small shack in the place that used to be Georgia. 

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 27, 2011 - 2:11 am)

Ummm...I think I'll just wait for someone else to start and jump in when I get the hang of things, is that okay?

Spamboy says "mouw". Is that some form of a car meow, Spammy?

submitted by Princess P.
(April 27, 2011 - 7:59 am)

I think I'll do that too! :)

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 27, 2011 - 3:24 pm)

That's fine. I have a partially completed post explaining everything. I just couldn't finish it because of school. I will as soon as I can.

submitted by Elizabeth D., age 14, Texas
(April 27, 2011 - 7:19 pm)

@Elizabeth M.: Have you read the books? If you haven't, it might be a good idea to try them, unless violent books aren't your type. :) Anyways, if you haven't... (Elizabeth D., I hope it's okay if I explain this.)

Reaping day is when one girl and one boy from each District are chosen to be Tributes in the Hunger Games of that year. So it's technically one girl and one boy per District.

 Oh, and everyone, well, the one's who aren't rich or Peacekeepers or something, works. Even the kids but they still go to school except during harvest when everyone works. :)

 If she/you want(s), Elizabeth D.(,) (you) can explain the Games. :)

 I'd post something right now, but I have homework. 

submitted by Olive
(April 28, 2011 - 3:44 pm)

I'm planning to read the books! They sound well written and interesting!

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 29, 2011 - 1:48 am)

Well I think I will tell you that the small shack is right but I am pretty sure district 11 is Mexico. It makes the most sense if you read the books. Other than that your character's great. The games as Olive said are what the Capitol devised to keep another rebellion from happening. The Hunger Games show the people in the districts that no one is safe from the Capitol, not even their children. So two tributes from each district, a boy and a girl who are picked at random from two balls , one for the girls one for the boys, of the children from ages 12 to 18, are sent to the Capitol with their mentors, former Hunger Games winners, and an escort. At the Capitol the first day they get there their stylists, consisting of one person designing their outfits and three people doing their makeup and hair and such, make them over and put them in costumes that have something to do with their district's industry. They ride out on chariots in their costumes with their district partner. The next day starts their training where all the tributes train with weapons, learn edible plants, tie knots and learn how to set snares, things that will help with survival. That goes on for two days and then the third day the gamemakers judge them individualy on whatever they decide to show them. That night they get there score on how they impressed the gamemakers anywhere from 0 to 12. A high score will help them get sponsors in the Capitol. Sponsors help by giving money to the mentor of the tribute that they want to support and the mentor pays money to I am not sure who and can send food, weapons, and such to the tribute, but it is very expensive and gets more expensive as the games go on. After the training the tributes have a day of tutoring from their sponsors for an interview which they have the following day. They each get an interview with I forgot his name. They are asked various questions until each ones three minutes are up. The day after that they go into the arena and have to fight to the death, the winner having to survive out of 23 other tributes.


Sorry I didn't go into further detail. If you have any other questions please ask. 

submitted by Elizabeth D., age 14, Texas
(April 28, 2011 - 6:10 pm)

So, when I'm trying to impress the gamemaker judges what could I do??

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 29, 2011 - 1:51 am)

Thanks, everyone for your explanations! When do you think we should start?

submitted by Princess P.
(April 29, 2011 - 1:06 pm)

I always thought that District 11 was in Southern U.S. because of the plantations... But that's just my opinion. And the guy who interviews the Tributes is named Caesar Flickerman. :)

 Can't see Princess P.'s commento right now. 

submitted by Olive
(April 29, 2011 - 3:38 pm)