Cats of LavaClan!
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Cats of LavaClan!...
Cats of LavaClan! Gather under highstone to hear what I have to tell you! (THIS IS NOT AN EVIL CLAN!!!!!) Greetings, clan mates. My name is Beachstar. I am leader of LavaClan. We live on an island. We live in Lava tunnels, hence the name. Our medicine cats den is its own tunnel. We can run very fast in order to catch mongoose (i was in Hawaii lately so this is all kinda based of that), we can swim to get fish, we climb trees, and we can jump very high to catch birds. Our prey is plenty here, and there's never much snow, so we don't freeze in winter! We need a deputy, medicine cat, warriors, apprentices, queens, and elders! PLEASE JOIN!!!
submitted by Beachstar
(January 20, 2010 - 11:22 pm)
(January 20, 2010 - 11:22 pm)
Hey, Oceanpaw, I bet I can still pin you down! *jumps on him/her, but he swipes him away*
(April 4, 2010 - 11:04 pm)
Hi Oceanpaw, Stormpaw, Lightningpaw and Snowpaw! Now you can sleep in the apprentice den with me! I'm glad, it was lonely.
*walks over to Beachstar* Hey Beachstar, guess what? I'm 7 moons old! Can we go on a hunting patrol? I kind of want to get back to being an apprentice.
Andy P. C. says tobi. Toby. He's got a brother named Toby!
(April 5, 2010 - 2:49 pm)
Tankit: "Rainkit, you know that you should respect the apprentices! They're older than you! Sugarkit, do you want to play pounce with me?"
Sugarkit: "Sure! What about Rainkit?"
Rainkit: "Yeah, I want to play too!!"
Tankit: "Of course you can play!! I'll start!" The three started to chase and pounce on the feather, but they soon ended up in the Elders den.
Windpelt: "What in StarClan's name are you three doing? I was taking a nap!" He yowled.
Sugarkit: "Oh, sorry Windpelt. But, tell us a story! Please!!
Rainkit: "Yeah, a story!!"
Windpelt: "Of course, but what about?"
Tankit: "Tell about when you and Sugarflight came to LavaClan to shelter when Sugarflight was pregnant with us!"
Rainkit: "Yeah, I want to hear that one!"
Sugarkit: "YEAH!!"
Windpelt: "Okay, I'll tell you that one." he said. "Well," he started, "at the beginning of the journey, Sugarflight and I came across a band of rouges and one of the rouges was a handsome, strong tom. His name was Stonewalker. He and Sugarflight kept on staring at each other with a dreamy look in their eyes. I never really liked Stonewalker, but it was obvious that they were in love." "We had a slight argument, but I decided to give him a try." "The next day they were mated. He joined us on the journey, and in 7 sunrises, she was pregnant with you three."
Tankit: "Cool!!"
Windpelt: "What did I tell you about interrupting elders? Anyways, after that, we saw a fox. The fox attacked us, but we fought back. Your mother stayed in the bushes, but I was an old cat, and didn't have much left in me. So, Stonewalker took care of most of it. But the fox chased him away, and he ran away. Your daughter and I decided to stay there and wait for him to come back. We waited for a moon and he never came. I had some very bad gashes and scratches. They were bleeding badly, and I needed a medicine cat, badly. I finally convinced Sugarflight to leave, and that he would find us some day." "We finally came across the LavaClan camp. I was about to die. But they took care of us, and invited us to live here. And then you three came, and now my life is complete. I have children, and grandchildren. Now, I am complete! And thats the story. Now it's time for you three to go to bed. It's late."
Rainkit: Okay! Thank you, Windpelt!
(April 5, 2010 - 3:33 pm)
*scents a mongoose creeping into the camp* BEACHSTAR! BEACHSTAR! *goes running around the camp looking for someone* Beachstar! Hurry! Mongooses are attacking the camp!
(April 6, 2010 - 9:24 pm)
OH BOY! OK, Darkpaw, you and I will ambush them, the four warriors will be waiting. Oh, wait, scratch that. OK, the four warriors will ambush them. You and I will wait with the other apprentices. Silverwind, you're here too. Swanflight, Lilypaw, get your herbs ready! (I would post more, but I can't!)
(April 7, 2010 - 6:36 pm)
Oh no, Beachstar! *scents air and bristles at the smell of mongoose* We need warriors to guard the nursery! *hisses in alarm when the creature bursts into camp*
(April 7, 2010 - 4:52 pm)
Okay, Lilykit. I'm SO glad for you becoming an apprentice! I'm sure you'll be a fantastic Medicine Cat! I should probably move to CaveClan for my kits to be born, you are right. I am sure they will come any day now. Beachstar, I will be leaving soon, all right?
(April 7, 2010 - 5:34 pm)
FOUR WARRIORS: *Split into two groups of two. Gather on each side of the barrier*
B: Warriors ready? *nods from all cats* *Mongoose enter* LavaClan! On three! (thats our battle call, by the way. And "ON THREE!" means, "ONE ONE!" But I ain't gonna say that! If anyone has a better battle cry, please tell me!) *one one all the cats start attacking. right when the 'geese enter, the four warriors attack, together killing one or two. But there are many more, like, 15 more!*
(April 7, 2010 - 11:32 pm)
( I like this cheer: Power of the volcano, LavaClan charge!)
Swanflight slashed at one's flank as it headed towards the nursery. It squealed in pain and turned on her. She nipped its snout and hurried away to the medicine cat den, guarding it, ready to defend her herbs and her Clan.
(April 8, 2010 - 5:50 pm)
Sugarflight: "Oh no!! Not a mongoose attack? Oh well, I better get out there!" She started to fun out, but ran back to the nursery. "You three, you need to stay here! Do not leave the nursery, whatever you think of! You can't fight of a mongoose, what ever Windpelt says!"
Rainkit: "Awww man!" he complained
Tankit: "You know you can't fight a mongoose! Even some of the apprentices can't!" she told him.
Spam boy says maxe
(April 7, 2010 - 10:47 pm)
*hisses, but only because the Mongoose are making her angry anyway* Sugarflight! Stay in the nursery! You have kits and we also need guards at the nursery! Darkpaw! Fall back with Sugarflight! Guard the nursery from the outside, and if things get bad tell Sugarflight! Meanwhile.....
Beachstar rushed forward towards the mongoose. She could smell mongoose blood from the 'geese the four warriors had killed. She swiped a paw at the mongoose that was ambushing Stormpaw. The mongoose had the apprentice by his throat, and Stormpaw was struggling mightily. Beachstar leapt on top of her, the mongoose, that is, and swiveled her head around to put in a killing bite. The mongoose dropped dead, and crushed Stormpaw with her. "NO!" screeched Beachstar. The she-cat's eyes were blazing now, and she wanted to do some serious mongoose-butt-kicking! She readied herself, then went on a rampage.
(April 8, 2010 - 9:55 pm)
Thanks, Moonspirit! Bye!
Tankit, congratulations! Swanflight
found a medicine cat to mentor you! You can be a medicine cat!
no! Mongoose!
Swanflight, let's get the herbs ready, now!
Before some cat gets badly hurt, and we'll need them! I think I know
what we need, but I'm not sure I 'remember' what everything looks like,
or if I can find the place in which it's stored, and I don't want to
ruin the organization of the herbs in the medicine cat den. I'll just
see if I can find anything I know that we may need, and chew that up
into poultices. ((It's okay if you don't know the answer to a question I ask—believe me, I pay close attention to the herbs in the books, so there very well may not be any known answer. All you have to do is say, "*shows Lilypaw*," or, "*tells Lilypaw*," if you aren't sure. Or, if it's about appearance, you can use Google images. I would, but, being your apprentice, I thought it would make more sense to just ask you...))
I don't know how many herbs we would need per
aspect of an injury (i.e., how many types of herbs we'd need to cure
infections of wounds, how many for pain, etc.), or an approximation of
how many wounds there will probably be (I'm horrible at estimation,
which I suppose isn't a good quality, especially for a medicine cat.
I'll need to work on getting better.), so until you get here, I'll just
make a few poultices of the best herbs for each probable injury. *sees
cobwebs, poppy seeds, juniper berrries, stinging nettle seeds, and
willow bark, but knows they don't need to be made into poultices* *finds
marigold* *Which part can be made into the poultice that works best,
the leaves or the petals—or does it matter? I know that horsetail is
better for curing infection, but marigold can also prevent it on
existing wounds, can't it? Anyway... What does horestail look like? We'll obviously need that. Oh, never mind; I 'remember.' *sees horsetail and makes a
poultice* *notices goldenrod* What part of this is used for a poultice? I
know that it's used for healing wounds, but that's all, and I can
obviously recognize it, but that's all. We may need dock, too, right?
What does it look like? I 'remember' it's similar to sorrel, but (and
this is embarrassing) I don't think I really know what sorrel looks
like, so I can't identify dock... I don't know what ragwort looks like, but I've heard lamb's ears (the plant, not the actual thing) works just as well, if you have any. I don't see any, though, so either you lack it or it's buried. Probably the latter. isn't used much by Clan cats, after all, and is really more of a Tribe remedy. I guess I was just hoping that you might have a friend in a Tribe, or that you just happen to use it. You still could, and I just wouldn't know, but if so,I don't see it, and I think I've really said enough on the subject. So... Is that all? Or am I forgetting something? *thinks* I'm pretty sure that's it. Now can youcome help me with what I couldn't do, please?
(April 8, 2010 - 5:31 pm)
Swanflight's comment hasn't come up yet, so this isn't a reply to that; it's a continuation of my own post.
I forgot to tell all the cats who'll be fighting that if they get a bad wound and for some reason are unable to go immediately to a medicine cat, they can always roll in a patch of wild garlic if there's one nearby. It'll at least prevent infection. Some of you may not like the smell, but it'll be worth it. Trust me.
(April 8, 2010 - 6:48 pm)
Hi I would like to join the Clan please!!!!!!
(April 8, 2010 - 8:43 pm)
*throws himself onto a mongoose and bites it, scratches it* Get away from our territory! *watches as Beachstar attacks another*
(April 8, 2010 - 11:00 pm)