Cats of LavaClan!
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Cats of LavaClan!...
Cats of LavaClan! Gather under highstone to hear what I have to tell you! (THIS IS NOT AN EVIL CLAN!!!!!) Greetings, clan mates. My name is Beachstar. I am leader of LavaClan. We live on an island. We live in Lava tunnels, hence the name. Our medicine cats den is its own tunnel. We can run very fast in order to catch mongoose (i was in Hawaii lately so this is all kinda based of that), we can swim to get fish, we climb trees, and we can jump very high to catch birds. Our prey is plenty here, and there's never much snow, so we don't freeze in winter! We need a deputy, medicine cat, warriors, apprentices, queens, and elders! PLEASE JOIN!!!
submitted by Beachstar
(January 20, 2010 - 11:22 pm)
(January 20, 2010 - 11:22 pm)
((I think I'll post this in 3rd person instead of the way I typically post here. I just thought I'd let people know))...
Lilypaw, too, had to learn this lesson, but it did not come easily. She had witnessed 4 deaths in the past, and been told of one more. Now, it seemed, again she had to gaze upon the lifeless body of a cat she had cared about. Grief filled her mind, and often she would suddenly burst into loud wails. She couldn't lose the feeling that Windpelt had died because of her own incompetance. If Swanflight or Summerberry was here, see thought, perhaps he would have lived. There must have been something else I could have done, something that could have helped him just a little bit more! She continued to think this sort of thought even though she couldn't recall any other herbs Speckledfur had given her when she herself had had blackcough. And he has family members still alive! And they just lost their mother as well! How horrible it must feel! I vowed long ago to try as hard as I could to heal those in need, and now it seems I have failed straightaway! Injuries, sickness, poison, monsters... How many causes of death can there possibly be in this world, and how often must they occur? Can't 2 moons pass in which everyone is safe? And how could I never have noticed any of this as small kit? Had my family truly found a peaceful place in the world, immune to such toubles as are, here and now, very obvious and very present? Or did did my siblings and I, with all the little games we used to play, simply manage to pass over it without noticing, to remain in our kitlike state of permanent ignorance? ...And if the world is truly such a dangerous place, could I have prevented Windpelt's death no matter what I had done? Could anyone have, really?
Perhaps so, perhaps not. No one can know that now. But regardless, surely situations arise in which even the finest medicine cats are helpless. Herbs can only do so much. When it is a cat's time to depart from the Earth and walk among thet stars, the cat cannot be prevented from doing so. And suddenly, in the space of a moment, Lilykit knew this. Her wailing ceased.
Nevertheless, she would continue to heal until her own time came to leave this world. She knew that she was meant to be a medicine cat, and nothing but a medicine cat, but no one can be expected to get everything right on their first try. She would gain experience over the years until she was able to heal well enough that net to no cats died under her care. But that day was not the present, and it could wait. She was only an apprentice, and had not been one for very long. Suddenly, her body straightened. Hesitantly, she took in a deep breath and announced in a tremulous voice, "I think I am ready tell the Clan my history, if they desire to hear it. Do you?"
(May 3, 2010 - 7:47 pm)
Tanpaw awoke from the fidgeting Lilypaw. "Lilypaw," She walked forward to nuzzle Lilypaw awake. "Lilypaw, are you okay?" It was almost dawn, and the Clan was awakening. "Yeah, yeah Tanpaw. I'm fine." Lilypaw walked out of the clearing and said, "I think I am ready to tell the Clan my history, if they desire to hear it. Do you?" Tanpaw, Sugarkit, and Rainkit joined in the middle of the clearing, wondering what Lilypaw could be talking about. "We would like to know." Rainkit said.
I already know what your history is, because you explained it in CaveClan, right?
(May 4, 2010 - 10:03 pm)
I'm sorry. I haven't posted in ages. If you want me to leave, Beachstar, I will. *turns to go*
(May 5, 2010 - 2:27 pm)
Yes. You did. Anyone who reads the CaveClan thread would already know.
Come to think of it, most cats here would have read it already...
All right, well, *tells history. Anyone who doesn't know it can look on page 7 of CaveClan.
(May 5, 2010 - 5:26 pm)
"Oh, I'm so sorry! That's so terrible!" Tanpaw walked up and led Lilypaw into the medicine cats den to comfort her. "Beachstar, when in StarClan's name are we going to be apprentices!!! Sugarkit and I have been waiting for, like, ever! We are going to destroy the nursery with our size!!
(May 6, 2010 - 7:20 pm)
You know, that is true. They're getting rather old for the nursery...
(May 7, 2010 - 6:09 pm)
"Oh no, Windpelt! I'm so sorry!" Swanflight cried. She had been gathering herbs with Summerberry while the apprentices had sorted the herbs. Summerberry simply shook her head slowly. "It was his time probably; he was a stronge but old cat." She choked with grief for the cat that had become almost her clanmate.
(May 7, 2010 - 11:18 pm)
(Rainkit and Sugarkit are getting really really bored because they have to stay apprentices. Tanpaw is getting tired because she hasn't learned anything lately)
(May 8, 2010 - 6:14 pm)
(disregard the last post) (Rainkit and Sugarkit are getting really really bored because they have to stay kits. Tanpaw is getting tired because she hasn't learned anything lately)
(May 8, 2010 - 6:18 pm)
Hey! Sorry guys, our internet is down, I'm at the library and yeah. So, I can't talk! BYE! (Don't worry, I'll still be here, just not posting for a while!)
(May 10, 2010 - 5:03 pm)
*looks at medicine cats* Can Tanpaw learn something soon? Please?
(May 12, 2010 - 7:34 pm)
Seriously, I'm getting really bored right now. I'm not learning anything, and I'm still kits. I'm almost ready to give up on this thread, and I really don't want to do that!
(May 14, 2010 - 10:34 pm)
Hi I'm back. OK, all are there any mentors who want to mentor these kits? Are there any apprentices ready to be made into warriors?
(May 15, 2010 - 11:56 am)
I did warn you about the 'geese, so I suppose I could be a warrior. Maybe if I had an apprentice, I would post more. What do you think, Beachstar?
(May 17, 2010 - 7:11 pm)
I did warn you about the 'geese, so I suppose I could be a warrior. Maybe if I had an apprentice, I would post more. What do you think, Beachstar?
(May 17, 2010 - 7:11 pm)