
Chatterbox: Inkwell

My identity is

My identity is a secret.

You all have exactly one hour to guess who I am.

If you guess correctly, you win.

If the hour is up and no one has guessed correctly, I win.

Here are three clues.

1. I'm fairly new to the CB.

2. I LOVE RPs.

3. I enjoy lemmings.

Your time starts now.


submitted by Secret, age hmm, somewhere
(November 16, 2013 - 8:45 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I wrote this

I wrote this poem...

And I'd like some feedback on it.

Please tell me anything I could change or add.

Here it is:


A spiral staircase winds down below me, but

There is no reaching the steps

There is only holding on

Onto life,




Off of life,




submitted by Nora the Singer, age 13, New Jersey
(November 16, 2013 - 4:24 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Dear T.O.N.,

Dear T.O.N.,

I am so sorry! I posted the "murder mystery" thing because, well, to be honest, I'm new to the CB and I don't know how it works. I thought that anyone could post one of these mysteries under the name "T.O.N." and keep their identity a secret...I didn't know that you were only one person.

I take full responsibility and blame to the incident, and I want to apologize again. It was an honest mistake, so please forgive me!

I am truly sorry!


submitted by Nora the Singer, age 13, New Jersey
(November 16, 2013 - 3:06 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell



Mwahaha, 'tis I, T.O.N.! Okay. So, we are going to start another Murder Mystery! It's sort of obvious who I am, but don't guess!

There has been a murder in the Jefferson house last night. The owner of the house, Mr. Jefferson, is the one who was murdered (obviously). There are many different suspects, which YOU, the CBers, make up! So, to sign up, create your character using ONLY this information:



-Why they stay in the Jefferson house


submitted by T.O.N., age ?, Mystery
(November 16, 2013 - 11:59 am)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Wizard RP!

Wizard RP!

Here's a roleplay for wizard characters! Describe your wizard character here, using this format:



Physical description: 

Where he/she lives:



Special powers:  

submitted by Nina, age 11, Florida
(November 15, 2013 - 8:46 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

NEW RP!!!New


New RP! Yayyyy! So, I'm starting a role-play where you have to make up a character from the future. NO real names...make up "futuristic" ones! Like Roboto Bob or something. I don't know. What am I saying? Sorry *looks sheepish*.

Sooooooo, just write their:

-Name (they don't have last names)


-Physical Features





For example, this is mine:


-Name: Vivi

submitted by Nora the Singer, age 13, New Jersey
(November 15, 2013 - 7:46 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Howdy, everyone (and

Howdy, everyone (and everybuggy)! I'm Tessa Princessa, and I just started the Chatterbox. What kinds of stuff do you guys do here? I love to read, especially Cricket. I am an advanced reader and I read 5th grade level, even though I'm in 3rd grade. I am also an expert pianist (just kidding, I just started), and I love to write. Happy Thanksgiving, y'all! I hope to hear from you peeps soon!


Your fellow chatter-er,

Tessa P.

(call me Tess)

submitted by Tessa P., age 8, Neverland
(November 15, 2013 - 5:41 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell


So this will be about people who live on the clouds. That's...pretty much all ya have to know. Merfffffff.

Okay, so just fill out this little form below and start your role play!


Name: Lila Fitzgerald

Age: 14

Features: BRIGHT red hair, freckles, pale skin, HUGE brown eyes

Personality: Know-it-all, not a bully, but sarcastic and still not afraid to inform the truth even if it hurts. Strong, open-minded, always completely honest. Admits when is wrong.

submitted by Nora the Singer, age 13, New Jersey
(November 13, 2013 - 8:14 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Krikkit shud bee

Krikkit shud bee about mee only! Inn fakt, it shud bee calld diffrintly too! Lets call it U Burd Rools an Not Krikkit! All of tha childrin wud get it an evrywon wud ferget about Krikkit an his yummee frends. Speeking of wich, I needs a buggie snak. Sumthing crunchee and buggalicious! Ooh, I no!

Krikkit, bewar! Im COMING!!!


- U Burd

P.S. Remembr too chek out my awsum Crossburd puzls! Yoo wil luv them!!!


submitted by Ugly Bird
(November 13, 2013 - 1:18 pm)

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Fairytale RP!

Fairytale RP!

So Tovah had once made something like this, and I miss it, so I'm going to recreate it. I was thinking that you could either do a twist on a classic fairytale hero or heroine, or make your own. They go to a private high school to learn to fight aliens. 

I'm going to go with the same character I had before.

Name: Gretel Rose

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age classified, Knight's Training
(November 11, 2013 - 4:07 pm)
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