September MCU Prep

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

September MCU Prep

September MCU Prep

So I'm going to need:

-Important dates

-CB, Inspirational, and book quotes

-Book of the Month

-Monthly Playlist

-Threads to check

-Ideas for the LMWAY/advice column

submitted by WildWolf, age 13, MCU time!!
(August 2, 2024 - 4:34 pm)

I’m sorry, but I can’t do book quotes. I just don’t have enough time for both, and I’d rather do CB quotes.

submitted by Sempreverde
(August 13, 2024 - 8:41 am)

Okay, no problem! Is someone up for doing book quotes? If not I can do it. :)

submitted by WildWolf, age 13, Somewhere around here
(August 13, 2024 - 10:36 am)

I can do book quotes :)

submitted by Amethyst
(August 13, 2024 - 3:18 pm)

CB quotes:

i've always wondered what cbers' lives are like outside of the chatterbox. what places they've gone, what people they know, what stories they tell. - petrichor


I just started watching Star vs. the Forces of Evil and this ending theme has been stuck in my head I love itt :DD - CelineBurning Bright


There are wild bunnies in my backyard, and sometimes they have babies right in the garden! They find a corner or a hidden area to have the birth, and then for a couple of weeks the babies live there and sometimes you see them emerge and nurse :)) - Poinsettia


Nonagon poof

I like geometry (except I don't especially, but never mind) >:)

*summons geometric throne and crown* - Amethyst


i finally got my ears pierced today! all i have to say is that i did not anticipate that much blood??? like yikes - pangolin


HAHA I GOT IT *evil laughter* *disappears in a cloud of smoke like the Carabosse from Royal Opera House 2020 Sleeping Beauty, and yes this does include all of the Rose Adagio suitors being frozen with their swords in the air and Aurora's parents sobbing in the background and all the chaos* - viperfish/Blackfooted Bobcat


So I start high school soon and I was wondering if there were any high schoolers on here who could tell me what to expect from it? I'm really nervous haha - Periwinkle


the broader your definition of 'dragon', the more interesting life becomes. - Darkvine

submitted by Sempreverde, the heart of the forest
(August 15, 2024 - 2:30 pm)

is anyone doing the monthly playlist? if not could i do that? thanks!

submitted by anastasia, the archives
(August 16, 2024 - 9:29 am)

Sorry, Katanaluna is doing monthly playlist.

submitted by WildWolf
(August 16, 2024 - 10:15 am)

Threads to Check:


~ A thread by Peri for high school advice -

~ A thread by AmberFox for middle school advice -


~ An Alternate CBer name SI by Supernova (under an SI name) - 

~ A thread by CelineBurningBright to write your Admin Appreciations (doesn't have to be August)! -


~ A thread by Olive to interview (and be interviewed by) other fellow CB authors -


~ A place to talk about reptiles, amphibians, and bugs by Darkvine - 

~ A survey for fun by Survey Master -


~ A thread by Ellesmere to talk about Star Wars -


~ An RP about wolves by Moondrop (under a pen name) -


~ A Kyngdom RP about Nobyls by Poinsettia (And there's about to be a Resistance attack so a great time to join!) -    


Hope that's not too many threads! 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(August 16, 2024 - 10:17 pm)

Book quotes, finally!

"Particle's witchcraft book arrived two days before the Bensons were due to go on holiday." ~Particle Goes Green, Helen Cresswell

"Kip is a boy called Christopher, only he never is. Called that, I mean." ~The Well-Wishers, Edward Eager

"They were now in the palace garden which sloped down in terraces to the city wall. The moon shone brightly. One of the drawbacks about adventures is that when you come to the most beautiful places you are often too anxious and hurried to appreciate them; so that Aravis (though she remembered them years later) had only a vague impression of grey lawns, quietly bubbling fountains, and the long black shadows of cypress trees." ~The Horse and His Boy, C.S. Lewis

"They climbed up on the boulder. It was hot and sunny up there, and they disturbed a large community of ants; not the biting kind luckily, though they did turn out to be the kind that get into sandwiches, as they soon discovered." ~Gone-Away Lake, Elizabeth Enright

submitted by Amethyst
(August 23, 2024 - 4:28 pm)
submitted by ImportantDatesLater, it’s Celine
(August 30, 2024 - 9:19 am)

Sep 1: National Forgiveness Day, National No Rhyme Nor Reason Day ¥+ *ahem* One day I woke up totally purple/And decided to eat an orange/But the pink still stayed and soon I was saying sentences like, “Then the beautiful, blue as an ocean on a warm summer’s night bird flew smoothly like the waves of that same ocean off into the astonishingly big and bright sunset not unlike the eyes of a silver as snow, hungry wolf—“/And I read a poem where none of the lines ended with words that could rhyme and that had interesting rhythm/And I was a walrus!+¥, National Pet Rock Day, World Letter Writing Day *** *starts writing a letter to Tumblebug, the dung beetle who is still at the Bog+Burrow back in Kyngdom* *interestingly enough, the letter starts: “Dearest Darlingest Momsie and Popsicle. My Dear Father,” * ***

Sep 2: Labor Day, National Blueberry Popsicle Day, National Hummingbird Day *** *shapeshifts into a hummingbird* *hovers in the middle of the room* look, this day is for me!!! *promptly gets swarmed by offended actual hummingbirds* AHHHHH—***

Sep 3: National Another Look Unlimited Day ¥+It’s a good day to start cleaning through all the stuff you have and figuring out what you need and don’t need, and what you can donate or what you should throw away!+¥ *** *empties pockets* hmm, well, we definitely need this melted chocolate wrapper, and these water bottle caps, and this broken kaleidoscope that I forgot was even here, and this—*** ::/CeCe, you do NOT need of all that\:: *** *affronted gasp* b-but— all these things are priceless!! Who else has a dirty sock in their pocket?? That’s right!! Only I do!!! I can rule the world!!! MWAHAHAHA— AHHH!!!! The hummingbirds have found me!!! They seek revenge!!! Run away!!!! *tries to flee while throwing dirty socks and banana peels out of pockets* *trips on her own banana peel* NOOOO—*** ::/ *shrugs* \::

Sep 4: National Wildlife Day ¿ *running for his life in the Jurassic period as a bunch of dinosaurs chase after him* oh, it’s a wild life alright— AHHHHH¿

Sep 5: National Cheese Pizza Day

Sep 6: National Food Bank Day, National Read A Book Day &or read multiple books!! Or whole mountain-loads of books!!! Or ALL THE BOOKS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD MWAHAHAHAA—& ¿ *pokes head in* hey Para, are you okay? I thought I heard someone screaming about taking over the world or something in here¿ & *is innocently reading quietly* huh?& ¿ *shrugs* ‘kay, guess I’m just hearing stuff, everything seems fine here *leaves*¿ &—MWAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!&

Sep 7: National Play Outside Day, National Neither Rain Nor Snow Day (celebration of the opening of the James A. Farley Building, the former main USPS branch in New York) ¥+ *marches around chanting “THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE! THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE!” *+¥ ***does the USPS deliver to Kyngdom? I still haven’t gotten back a response from Tumblebug, and it’s been a week now!*** ::/…it’s been 10 minutes, Ce\:: ***o_O***

Sep 8: Star Trek Day ¥+y'know, Captain Kirk has three ears. His left ear, his right ear, and his final front ear!+¥, World Ampersand Day &hey! I speak in ampersands! They’re the best!!&, National Hug Your Hound Day *everyone piles onto Miri (CB pet pyrenees)* Miri: O~O, National Grandparents Day *** *starts playing Grandparent’s Day very loudly and very off-tune on CelineBurning Bright’s cello* ***

Sep 9: National Teddy Bear Day *each of Celi’s bear stuffies gives you a giant bear hug* *Celi has a LOT of bear stuffies o_O*

Sep 10: National Ants On A Log Day

Sep 11: National Hot Cross Bun Day *** *plays Hot Cross Buns very loudly and very off-tune on the cello* ***, anniversary of 9/11 *a moment of silence for all who lost their lives and all who were affected by 9/11 <333*                           Libraries Remember Day, National Make Your Bed Day ¿*decisively does not make his bed*¿

Sep 12: National Video Games Day, National Chocolate Milkshake Day, 

Sep 13: Positive Thinking Day <33, National Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day, National Bald Is Beautiful Day, 

Sep 14: National Live Creative Day, National Eat A Hoagie Day, National Cream-Filled Donut Day

Sep 15: National Online Learning Day, National Tackle Kids Cancer Day, Greenpeace Day

Sep 16: National Guacamole Day, National Stepfamily Day, National Play-Doh Day, National Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day

Sep 17: National Apple Dumpling Day ::/I’ve never heard of this before but now I really want to try it! I wonder if it's anything like cinnamon apples? That was so good...\::, Constitution Day and Citizenship Day ¥+no, not constitution like in D&D :)+¥, Mid-Autumn Festival *** *stuffs mouth full of mooncakes* *** okay now I’m really hungry… is it September 17 already?? :)

Sep 18: Air Force Birthday, National HIV/AIDS and Ageing Awareness Day :(, National Cheeseburger Day

Sep 19: Talk Like A Pirate Day ¥+I still can’t tell if a pirate’s favorite letter is ‘r’, as in “arrr”, or ‘c’, as in sailing the sea :/+¥

Sep 20: National Care For Kids Day, National Fried Rice Day *** *mouth starts watering* seriously, most people underestimate the deliciousness of a simple(?) bowl of rice :DDD***, Pepperoni Pizza Day, National String Cheese Day ¿this was literally my childhood banana :D it's so good, and so satisfying to peel though!! Although considerably lower in potassium...¿

Sep 21: National Singles Day, National Cleanup Day, Responsible Dog Ownership Day, Puppy Mill Awareness Day :(, Boys' And Girls' Club Day For Kids ***boys and girls and enbies!!!***  Miri: WOOF!!! (translation: and dogs!!!), National Dance Day

Sep 22: National States and Capitals Day *** *starts obnoxiously singing Animaniacs* ***, National Online Recovery Day, National White Chocolate Day, National Centenarian's Day, National Ice Cream Cone Day, Hobbit Day, National Elephant Appreciation Day, Dear Diary Day, Car Free Day, Autumnal Equinox

Sep 23: National Great American Pot Pie Day, Celebrate Bisexuality Day ¥+ *parades around waving a bi flag* +¥

Sep 24: National Punctuation Day

Sep 25: National Comic Book Day, National Quesadilla Day

Sep 26: National Dumpling Day ***AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!*** ::/…Ce, why are you screaming??\:: ***yin wei jiao zi rang wo jiao! :DD*** sorry lizards, Mandarin joke :) okay, got that out, moving on now!

Sep 27: National Chocolate Milk Day

Sep 28: National Public Lands Day

Sep 29: Urban National Wildlife Refuge Day

Sep 30: Orange Shirt Day (National Day For Truth and Reconciliation)


September is Hispanic Heritage Month, Better Breakfast Month, National Sewing Month, National Library Card Sign-Up Month, and Fall Hat Month!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright
(August 30, 2024 - 10:18 pm)

@KatanaLuna hi! I was wondering if you had book of the month and/or monthly playlist ready? No pressure if you don't :)

also @everyone the MCU is going to be slightly late because I am busy today, but I promise I'll have it posted tomorrow or the day after. 

submitted by @KatanaLuna, It’s WildWolf
(September 1, 2024 - 10:44 am)

hi i know i am not katanaluna but i'm posting a monthly playlist in case that's helpful. 

september~earth, wind, and fire

doin' time~lana del rey

blondie~current joys

dark red~steve lacy

apple cider~beabadoobee

all my love~noah kahan

feel free to disregard this if katanaluna really wants to do it, but i just felt like these songs were very september to me lol


submitted by anastasia, the archives
(September 2, 2024 - 8:56 am)

Thank you, since Katanaluna hasn't posted the monthly playlist and I'm going to post the MCU soon, I think I'lluse these :)

submitted by WildWolf
(September 2, 2024 - 10:59 am)