Magic Wolf RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Magic Wolf RP

Magic Wolf RP

Long ago and far away, magic dominated a golden land; the magic of three groups of proud wolves, who lived together in peace and friendship. There were the Halite Wolves, rulers of the ice. There were the Fern Wolves, rulers of the forest. And there were the Shadow Wolves, who possessed the uncertain powers of the night. They were like three siblings, sharing what they had, sharing their lives.

But thunder was building up in the mountains. Flashes of warning lightning were already flickering over the packs. A storm was coming, possibly more than one, that could split the wolves apart, or possibly keep them together. The Shadow Wolves were darker than the other wolves and undisputedly different, and the packs cast them out. The gray wolves fled, and the other wolves were rid of them, waiting for daybreak.


But the shadows are known to keep away daybreak. There was still a vague threat in the thunder clouding the sky.


The Shadow Wolves would return.


The storm was not yet over.


~RP Guide~


-Animal Characteristics-



None of the wolves hunt animals for meat. All wolves, eagles, and foxes have the same language.


-Fern Wolves

The Fern Wolves have brown fur and live in the forest, which supplies them with everything they need. They eat ferns, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, and nuts which they forage for, and which they trade to the Halite Wolves (see Trading). They also make potions from forest plants, which are generally used to help them gain health or strength. They live in dens, which they hide with ferns; this used to be because of the vulnerability of their cubs, but they continue doing it despite no longer needing to.


-Halite Wolves

The Halite Wolves have white fur and live in the tundra. They construct palaces and dwellings of ice using their magic (see Special Powers). They eat the same food as the Fern Wolves (see Trading).


-Shadow Wolves

The Shadow Wolves have gray fur, and live in the tundra and the forest, as part of Celandine and Moondrop's packs. Except for having different magic and different-colored fur, they aren't noticeably different from the other wolves.




-Fern Eagles

They have brown and white feathers, and live close to the Fern Wolves. They have the same magic as the Fern Wolves, and are friendly with them, helping them in small ways (e.g. transporting materials for them).


-Halite Eagles

They have white feathers, and live among the Halite Wolves, sharing their magic. They also help each other (e.g. the eagles transport materials and help to watch over wolf cubs).


-Shadow Eagles

They have dark and white feathers, and live in the mountains, sharing the Shadow Wolves' magic. Each Shadow Eagle is telepathically linked to a Shadow Wolf (see Telepathy), and are their constant allies.



Red foxes have red fur and live in the forest, while Arctic foxes have white fur and live in the tundra. They aren't enemies of the Fern and Halite Wolves, but don't think of themselves as their helpers or allies either. However, they may be able to give the wolves valuable help later in the RP.


Once, the Shadow Wolves lived as part of the two other packs. However, they plotted against the other wolves, and when their plan was discovered they were exiled to the mountains. For years they stayed there, but at long last the Fern and Halite Wolves forgot what had happened, and the Shadow Wolves gradually returned. At the present time, no one - except the Shadow Wolves - remember that the Shadow Wolves were ever separate from the other two packs. The Shadow Wolves, however, are still bitter about it.

-Some Important Worldbuilding Notes to Read-

-General Geography

From north to south, the world consists of the tundra where Halite Wolves, Halite Eagles, Arctic Foxes, and some Shadow Wolves live, the mountains where the Shadow Eagles live (and later in the RP, the Shadow Wolves) live, and the forest where Fern Wolves, Fern Eagles, Red Foxes, and some Shadow Wolves live.

-Wolf and Animal Organization

The two main packs are the Halite and Fern Wolves/Eagles/Foxes, who are led by Moondrop and Celandine and their eagles, respectively. The Shadow Wolves live scattered among these two packs and don’t have a leader. Eventually, they will (see Rules and Guidelines for more).


-Power Sources

A Power Source is a special object that gives magical powers to any animal who uses it. The Fern Power Source is a rare flower, the Halite Power Source is a special halite crystal, and the Shadow Power Source is a piece of obsidian. There is one Power Source for each pack as well as useless decoys of it. These are all guarded carefully (See Rules, Guidelines, and Role-Playing Info).


All animals can turn invisible for a short time and teleport. Wolves, and sometimes eagles and foxes as well, receive special plant, weather, or shadow powers from their pack’s Power Source. Plant magic includes growth, destruction, or plant-potion powers. An example of this is the ability to cause a tree to bear another kind of fruit besides its own. Weather magic includes manipulating water, weather, and snow. An example of this is the ability to cause a certain type of cloud to appear or disappear. Shadow magic includes manipulating rocks and stone, and camouflaging in shadows. An example of this is the ability to temporarily blind an animal by throwing a shadow over their eyes. No animal has all the plant, weather, or shadow magic possible. If they use their powers too much and run out, they will not be able to use magic until they receive more from their pack’s Power Source. 

-Special Powers

-If any Halite Wolf sets aside their magic for two days, they are able to build buildings made of ice. Three Fern Wolves do not have plant magic. They are seers instead and can see the future.


Each Wolf is able to communicate telepathically with the Eagle of their element who was born on the same day as them. However, only the Shadow Wolves and Shadow Eagles know they can do this. The others have not discovered this trick yet.


-Food is scarce in the tundra, so the Halite Wolves trade salt (halite) to the Fern Wolves in exchange for food.

-Rules, Guidelines, and Role-Playing Info-

1. No OP charries, please. If your charrie has all, for example, shadow-related magic, we will ask you to choose one specialty. 

2. Please don't control other CBer's charries too much!

3. For each Wolf charrie you make, you must make an Eagle charrie who is the same age and the same element.

4. There are only three Fern Wolves who are seers and can see the future. They don't have any other magic.

5. There isn't a Shadow Wolf leader yet. If you have an active Shadow Wolf charrie, we will likely ask you to lead.

6. We are two CBers writing under pen names. Feel free to guess us!

7. If you have any questions, we suggest reading through everything we wrote above. If you still have questions after that, please ask us. 

-Charrie Forms-


Name of charrie: 






Magic (one speciality of their element such as causing rainclouds to gather, or if they are a Seer, fortune telling, in which case their element power cannot be very powerful): 


Assertive, Aggressive, Passive, or Passive-Aggressive: 




-Eagle (REQUIRED for each wolf charrie) or Fox (optional)-


Age (same age as your wolf charrie): 


Kind (Fern, Halite, or Shadow): 

Telepathic link (if eagle): 


-Our Forms-

Name: Moondrop

Age: 24

Pronouns: she/her

Pack: Leader of the Halite Wolves

Personality: Can be slightly brash, can be a bit distant (especially to strangers), but warm to her pack and especially to the wolves she’s very close to; usually reacts well in situations that require quick thinking, but not so good at planning in the long term; ready to do anything for the Halite Wolves.

Appearance: Small, moves quickly, has thick silvery-white fur and brown eyes 

Magic (one speciality of their element such as causing rainclouds to gather, or if they are a Seer, fortune telling, in which case their element power cannot be very powerful): Manipulating water; can also create avalanches

Fears/Insecurities: Worries that something will happen to her pack and that she isn’t doing all she should for it, and is afraid that her ideas aren't as good as they seem to her.

Assertive, Aggressive, Passive, or Passive-Aggressive: Assertive

Background: She's one of the youngest daughters of the previous leader of the Halite Wolves, and has been leading for several years now. She's a good leader, and is getting used to her role; she relies on Crystal to help her out and mentor her in several things.

Shipping: Open, with male wolves

Other: n/a


Eagle (REQUIRED for each wolf charrie) or Fox (optional):

Name: Crystal

Age (same age as your wolf charrie): 24

Pronouns: she/her

Kind (Fern, Halite, or Shadow): Halite

Telepathic link (if eagle): Moondrop

Other: She's Moondrop's mentor in several ways

Name of charrie: Celandine

Age: 36 

Pronouns: she/her

Pack: Leader of the Fern Wolves

Personality: Motherly, protective, a bit of a perfectionist, kind, serious, very tenderhearted, often gets in trouble for trying to see the good in everyone, attentive to the needs of the other Fern Wolves.

Appearance: Brown coat with an orange tint, amber eyes, wears a necklace made of strung together celandine flowers around her neck.

Magic (one speciality of their element such as causing rainclouds to gather, or if they are a Seer, fortune telling, in which case their element power cannot be very powerful): Knows where and when deadly nightshade plants are growing and can reverse the effects of their poison.

Fears/Insecurities: Works hard to care for her pack and make sure it’s doing well, but worries that she’s not fit to be a leader. She tends to see her weaknesses more than her strengths.

Assertive, Aggressive, Passive, or Passive-Aggressive: Assertive.

Background: She’s been ruling for a long time. Her rule has brought peace and equality to the forest, but she’s not entirely aware of this.

Shipping: N/A


Eagle (REQUIRED for each wolf charrie) or Fox (optional):

Name: Perennial 

Age (same age as your wolf charrie): 36 

Pronouns: he/him

Kind (Fern, Halite, or Shadow): Fern

Telepathic link (if eagle): Celandine.

Other: Monitors invasive plant species.  


submitted by Moondrop & Celandine
(July 10, 2024 - 6:09 pm)

:0 this is so cool!! I'll fill out the form later!!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, …wow :0
(July 10, 2024 - 7:58 pm)
submitted by top
(July 10, 2024 - 9:04 pm)

Cool! I'll post later!

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(July 10, 2024 - 9:35 pm)

I’ll do the form later! This is so cool!

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 10, 2024 - 11:56 pm)

Okay I definitely have to join lol

Name of charrie: Lunarmist

Age: 19

Pronouns: she/her

Pack: a Shadow wolf (though part of Moondrop's pack, since there isn't a shadow pack?) 

Personality: kind, a bit shy sometimes, thoughtful, careful, can feel misunderstood easily

Appearance: silvery gray, maybe hints of white as if she had a small percentage of Halite wolf in her?

Magic (one speciality of their element such as causing rainclouds to gather, or if they are a Seer, fortune telling, in which case their element power cannot be very powerful):  shadow, specializes in camouflage

Fears/Insecurities: that being a Shadow wolf could be dangerous, being lonely, making mistakes

Assertive, Aggressive, Passive, or Passive-Aggressive: passive (though passive-aggressive when angry)

Background: her family has been among the Halite wolves, and has taught her about her shadow magic and stuff. Maybe more later. 

Shipping: open to any wolf

Other: n/a


Name: Evening

Age (same age as your wolf charrie): 19

Pronouns: she/they

Kind (Fern, Halite, or Shadow): Shadow

Telepathic link (if eagle): Lunarmist

Other: n/a

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(July 11, 2024 - 11:20 am)

Edit: I'm changing both of their ages to 16. Evening has a calming and encouraging personality, a bit bossy though but also smart 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(July 11, 2024 - 5:38 pm)

Name of charrie: Acorn

Age: 12

Pronouns: she/her

Pack: Fern :)

Personality: playful, rambunctious, spunky, confident, always thinks she's right but doesn't have enough of the big picture to fully understand stuff, self-driven

Appearance: brown fur with hints of red, a bit smaller than medium size

Magic (one speciality of their element such as causing rainclouds to gather, or if they are a Seer, fortune telling, in which case their element power cannot be very powerful): plant growth (is that too OP?)

Fears/Insecurities: no one likes her, people think she's annoying

Assertive, Aggressive, Passive, or Passive-Aggressive: assertive?

Background: she has 7 (mostly loud) siblings, so she can often sneak out and it'll be a while before anyone notices she's gone

Shipping: sure!, with female or male wolves around her age

Other: knows that Oak is always going to follow her no matter what, and is risky with that, always trying to go on more and more wild adventures to test his limits (see fear that no one really actually likes her); she says that she'll leave without him a lot, but in reality, she'd be lost without him :) super excited for this!!


-Eagle (REQUIRED for each wolf charrie) or Fox (optional)-

Name: Oak

Age (same age as your wolf charrie): 12

Pronouns: he/him

Kind (Fern, Halite, or Shadow): Fern

Telepathic link (if eagle): Acorn :)

Other: he's more sensible and grounded than Acorn, but often finds himself following on all her wild adventures because no matter how much he tries to reason with her, her stubbornness and self-drivenness win, and he has to come with because duh he loves (/p) Acorn, and she's reckless. I don't know why he still tries to reason with her every time (well, actually, I do, it's for one: because maybe this time he can convince her, but also two: consistency is part of what makes up friendships <3). He and Acorn find good companionship in each other

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, Acorn & Oak <3
(July 11, 2024 - 12:02 pm)
submitted by top
(July 18, 2024 - 1:32 pm)

I’m about halfway done with the form :} having a bit of name trouble right now

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 18, 2024 - 2:31 pm)



Name of charrie: Cethin

Age: 17

Pronouns: She/her

Pack: A Shadow Wolf, but part of Moondrop's pack

Personality: Snarky, sarcastic, may come off as cold but is kind at heart and cares about others

Appearance: Lean with dark gray fur and dark eyes

Magic (one speciality of their element such as causing rainclouds to gather, or if they are a Seer, fortune telling, in which case their element power cannot be very powerful): Manipulating rocks and stone(shadow magic)

Fears/Insecurities: Death and that other wolves hate her

Assertive, Aggressive, Passive, or Passive-Aggressive: Probably passive-aggressive

Background: She lives alone and hasn't seen her family in years because they're with Celandine

Shipping: Open with any wolf



-Eagle (REQUIRED for each wolf charrie) or Fox (optional)-

Name: Vega

Age (same age as your wolf charrie): 17

Pronouns: She/her

Kind (Fern, Halite, or Shadow): Shadow

Telepathic link (if eagle): Cethin

Other: Her personality is pretty much the opposite of Cethin's, and Cethin is constantly annoyed by her

submitted by Amity, she/her
(July 19, 2024 - 12:18 pm)

It's wonderful to meet you all! I hope those of you who live in the tundra--and did you say the mountains? You live there?--will come visit us in the forest soon. 

@Celine, no, plant growth is not too OP. I'd prefer if it was a specific species, but if not, that's fine as well. 

@Sempreverde, I can help you with the name of your charrie if you'd like. Which pack are they in?


submitted by Celandine, age 36, the forest
(July 19, 2024 - 5:45 pm)

Fern. I named the eagle Breeze, though I was wondering if that fits either. For my wolf’s power, she can speed up plant growth (so only for an existing plant). Is that too OP?

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 20, 2024 - 12:44 am)

Breeze sounds wonderful to me! For your wolf, I would suggest a name linked to Breeze's name (if you do decide to call your eagle Breeze), like Whirlwind, or alternatively a name that reflects her power, like Mosswhisper or Forestborn. I often combine two words to make a name, but it could also be one word - like Breeze or Fire - or the name of a constellation or star, such as Rigel, or a completely made-up word. Hope this is useful :)

And no, plant growth shouldn't be too OP, as long as it isn't too powerful - for example, making a sapling grow into a tree in a few seconds might be slightly OP, but anything a bit more moderate sounds great!

submitted by Moondrop, age 24, the tundra
(July 22, 2024 - 12:17 pm)

Thanks for the suggestions! I’m thinking Hurricane for my wolf. Also, Moondrop, are you Lyric?

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 22, 2024 - 3:52 pm)

You're welcome :) Hurricane's a wonderful name! And nope, not Lyric >:)

submitted by Moondrop, age 24, the tundra
(July 23, 2024 - 6:23 pm)