Mystery Inn Ski

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Mystery Inn Ski

Mystery Inn Ski Lodge

You are on CB, minding your own business, until you spotted this Ski Lodge. Not unusual in the least. You click on it, of course, and begin to read it, the question lingering in your mind: Should I join?

Suddenly, you receive an email. How odd, you think. An email? So you go into your email and click into it, and spot a typed up message sent to you under the names Secret, Rune, and Enigma. Cautiously, you read it, scrolling down slowly and taking in each word, hopefully. It reads:

You have received an invitation to Mystery Inn, the most prestigious and arguably the most sophisticated place to stay. Everything here is new, just for you! We will take around 15 guests maximum. AEs and CAPTCHAs are allowed. Each set of guests receive a certain code as well, in order for you to be eligible to enter. You must translate the following to enter the inn: - - - - -. Hopefully, you have a - Message Interpreter with you. For those of you unlucky ones who don’t have one, make your own interpretation of the message. And please fill out the form below if you are willing to attend this luxurious stay:



CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA?:


Brief Personality:


Interpret the message - - - - -:

A riddle:

Your aura/theme:

Your color:

Your message:

We hope to see you there! And since we all share a love of secret messages, which I hope you do too, here’s a message for you:

23 5 12 3 15 13 5

Signed, Secret, Rune, & Enigma

(P.S. This Ski Lodge will have a bit of a murder mystery)

submitted by Secret, Rune, Enigma, age future, Mystery Inn
(March 27, 2024 - 11:51 am)

Maybe, but the poem was in the second page.

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 10, 2024 - 11:59 pm)

Oh,I hadn't considered that.

yeah,that makes more sense now  

submitted by Cocoa cat, age Eternal, On top of the world
(July 11, 2024 - 4:31 pm)
submitted by New part out!
(July 9, 2024 - 5:23 pm)

Day 4, Part 1

The hosts suggested the guests, who were all much into this scavenger hunt, to take a rest, and although reluctantly, the guests agreed, for they were rather tired. But after a quick breakfast, the guests continued.


Right after breakfast, Verde and Cocoa cat headed over to Secret, telling them that they had found a new number.

“So I think that either 2 is the first number, or 1 is the second,” Sempreverde concluded.

“Wait, doesn’t it have something to do with 6 since the riddle’s answer was that?” Cocoa cat asked.

“Maybe, but the poem was on the second page,” Verde reasoned.

“Oh right,” Cocoa cat nodded.

Secret smiled and said, “Indeed, 1 is the second number.” They wrote the number down on the paper. 

Verde and Cocoa peered at the paper, and the numbers were written: _185_


What do you do? (Hint: You can explore the dining room or garden)

Alive: 10

Dead: 2

submitted by Day 4, Part 1, age future, Secret, Rune, Enigma
(July 18, 2024 - 1:47 pm)

I’ll explore the garden.

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 19, 2024 - 1:55 am)

I'll explore the garden as well.

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(July 24, 2024 - 11:08 pm)

I'll go to the dining room.(totally not to sneak snacks;)

submitted by Cocoa cat, age Eternal, Back from camp!!!
(July 24, 2024 - 10:32 am)

Day 4, Part 2

After that success, Sempreverde decided to head to the garden and explore for more clues. She entered through the door, glancing around at the trees, bushes, and flowers, as well as the potted lilies in the corner. 

Behind her, Wildsong arrived. “Mind if I look for clues with you?”

“Not at all!” Verde smiled.


Cocoa cat walked over to the dining room, smiling as she opened the door. There was a plate of chocolate chip cookies on the table. A note on it read: Take as many of Ladybug’s famous cookies as you like! 

Cocoa wondered how the hosts had gotten those cookies. A mystery, like any other thing in this inn. She happily helped herself to one of the cookies, and indeed, the rumors were true—the cookies were truly the best she’d ever eaten. And upon taking one, another cookie immediately took its place.

After taking two more cookies, Cocoa decided that she should look around for clues. There could be clues hiding on the table or chairs, or the paintings on the walls.


Where do you look? (For the garden, you can look at the trees, bushes, flowers, or potted lilies, and for the dining room, you can look at the table or chairs or paintings.)

Alive: 10

Dead: 2

submitted by Day 4, Part 2, age cookie, thief, Secret Rune Enigma
(August 1, 2024 - 6:45 pm)

How about the lilies? 

submitted by Sempreverde
(August 1, 2024 - 7:56 pm)