Mystery Inn Ski

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Mystery Inn Ski

Mystery Inn Ski Lodge

You are on CB, minding your own business, until you spotted this Ski Lodge. Not unusual in the least. You click on it, of course, and begin to read it, the question lingering in your mind: Should I join?

Suddenly, you receive an email. How odd, you think. An email? So you go into your email and click into it, and spot a typed up message sent to you under the names Secret, Rune, and Enigma. Cautiously, you read it, scrolling down slowly and taking in each word, hopefully. It reads:

You have received an invitation to Mystery Inn, the most prestigious and arguably the most sophisticated place to stay. Everything here is new, just for you! We will take around 15 guests maximum. AEs and CAPTCHAs are allowed. Each set of guests receive a certain code as well, in order for you to be eligible to enter. You must translate the following to enter the inn: - - - - -. Hopefully, you have a - Message Interpreter with you. For those of you unlucky ones who don’t have one, make your own interpretation of the message. And please fill out the form below if you are willing to attend this luxurious stay:



CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA?:


Brief Personality:


Interpret the message - - - - -:

A riddle:

Your aura/theme:

Your color:

Your message:

We hope to see you there! And since we all share a love of secret messages, which I hope you do too, here’s a message for you:

23 5 12 3 15 13 5

Signed, Secret, Rune, & Enigma

(P.S. This Ski Lodge will have a bit of a murder mystery)

submitted by Secret, Rune, Enigma, age future, Mystery Inn
(March 27, 2024 - 11:51 am)

@everyone sorry for writing errors (like saying Alive:1 Dead:2 ._.) thanks for commenting and following along!

@Sempreverde, sorry I didn't see your comment!

@Lyric, go ahead! Though you don't have to sicne I already have it on a Google Doc! 

Day 3, Part 4

Sempreverde decided to go check out the lounge room, and after extensively searching the whole place, she sadly came to the conclusion that there was nothing. She decided instead to go to the library and help Cocoa cat search for clues. She found Cocoa among the Mystery books, and approached her. “Have you found anything so far?” she asked.


Cocoa cat decided to check out the Mystery books, then saw Verde approach her, asking if she found anything. “I’m checking the Mystery books, and maybe if I look through them, there will be a clue!” She gestured to random books she drew out of the shelf. 

She read the cover of the book on top: Find three numbers that are the same multiplied and added.


Silver Crystal decided to check out the equipment, but before doing anything, she decided to turn on the lamp. She turned it on, but nothing happened. Confused, she turned it off again, then on. Still nothing happened. She turned it off one more time, then on again, a total of five times in all. Suddenly, a glowing number 4 shone on the wall, before the entire room was illuminated.

It seemed she had found a clue. She decided to attempt to interpret it, then probably ask Secret for confirmation.


Wildsong thought that the smartest decision would be to check out a random dark closet in the hallway. Most of the doors were locked, but there was this one door that opened. It was a janitor’s closet with a mop and other cleaning materials. She searched through all the items, but couldn’t find any clue. There was a small dust bunny in the corner that actually resembled a bunny shape, but besides that, nothing. Perhaps she should look elsewhere.


Lyric decided to look through the board games, finding classic games such as Monopoly, Sorry, and Game of Life. Surprisingly there wasn’t a Clue board game. A mystery. She also checked through the card games, including classics like Go Fish, but also nothing. Only the extreme urge to play one of the games. The only other place to look was the popcorn machine.


What do you do? (@Sempreverde and Cocoa cat, both of you can attempt to solve the riddle)

Alive: 10

Dead: 2

submitted by Day 3, Part 4, age future, Secret, Rune, Enigma
(May 12, 2024 - 11:01 pm)



as does 1x2x3

it works in any order 

submitted by Sempreverde
(May 13, 2024 - 10:22 am)

That is so cool!I never realized that.

submitted by Cocoa cat
(May 13, 2024 - 10:55 am)

I was actually doing random math riddles and puzzles with my dad yesterday and this was one of them.


submitted by Sempreverde
(May 13, 2024 - 12:52 pm)

I'm loving all the riddles and games in this ski lodge! Keep up the good work!

submitted by Scuttles
(May 16, 2024 - 10:09 am)

Is there an attic or corridor somewhere no one has checked yet? If so, I'll do that.

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(May 16, 2024 - 3:16 pm)

Hmm I honestly have no idea what that could mean. I guess it could be numbers in descending order since I turned the lamp on 5 times and the number 4 shone on the wall but other than that I've got nothing. (really good part btw <33)

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(May 19, 2024 - 9:47 pm)
submitted by top~, waiting for answers...
(May 15, 2024 - 10:14 pm)
submitted by answers here, at least for math riddle
(May 16, 2024 - 1:10 pm)
submitted by TOP
(May 18, 2024 - 12:09 pm)
submitted by TOP
(May 18, 2024 - 7:44 pm)

I'll look at the popcorn machines

submitted by Lyric, age :D, philosophy
(May 19, 2024 - 11:39 am)

Day 3, Part 5

Sempreverde knew immediately that the numbers were 1, 2, and 3. “Cocoa cat, I know the answer!” she exclaimed. 

Cocoa cat watched intently as Verde wrote the three numbers on the cover with her finger, and opened the cover of the book easily. The first page was empty, strangely.

“Hmm, maybe the clue is on the second page?” Cocoa cat suggested.

Sempreverde nodded and turned the page, and there was the poem:

It was always meant to be

One, lonely, forevermore only,

It is a cold number that tells

Truth, yet also explains well

Unity. It is a sign of welcome,

A sign of something new,

And thus, all shall know the

Power of the number 1.

“I wonder what that poem means?” Cocoa wondered. “It's probably a clue.”

Maybe we should attempt to interpret it, then ask Secret, Verde thought.


Wildsong continued looking for more hidden rooms. Unfortunately, all she found were locked doors. There was one corridor she found, which led to the dining room, but that was it. There was no sign of an attic anywhere either.


Silver thought that it could mean something to do with descending order, but she was honestly at a loss. She decided to head to the lounge room, where Secret stood waiting.

“I think I found a clue,” Silver told Secret. “I went to the gym and turned the lamp on and off, but it wouldn't work until the fifth time, where it shone a 4 on the wall before illuminating everything.”

Secret nodded. “Good job, that's a clue!”

“What does it mean?” she asked.

Secret thought for a moment before saying, “It's probably the fourth out of the five numbers, and the number must be 5.”

“How do you know?” Silver asked curiously.

Secret shrugged. “I suppose it's because Rune is always coming up with random mysteries and puzzles to do, and so I've had practice.”

Silver nodded. Where should she go next?


Lyric wisely chose to look at the popcorn machine. She examined it carefully, before gingerly taking off the lid and sneaking a piece of popcorn. It was still as fresh as if it had just popped. 

Lyric ate a few more pieces, which was basically the rest, and noticed something curious at the bottom.

It was an octagon with the number 3 inside engraved on the bottom. And at once, she knew it was a clue, somehow. She decided to attempt to interpret it first before checking with Secret.


What do you do?

Alive: 10

Dead: 2

submitted by Day 3, Part 5, age future, Secret, Rune, Enigma
(May 20, 2024 - 5:45 pm)

I'll go join Lyric to help her interpret the riddle before showing it to Secret.

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(May 21, 2024 - 6:54 am)
submitted by top
(May 22, 2024 - 10:54 am)