Regular poetry thread

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Regular poetry thread

Regular poetry thread (because I'm tired of not editing my poems)

This is exactly what it sounds like! A thread to post poetry. I'm excited to read all of your work!

submitted by Bluebird
(April 30, 2017 - 8:51 pm)

I have a poem to post, but also, I wanted to say that everyone's poetry is amazing. I don't get around to replying to individual poems nearly enough, and I always feel bad about it, but you all have a way with words. I really admire all the poets on this thread. Thank you for doing what you do, it always inspires me. <3

Anyways, I was thinking too hard about the sun today so I wrote a poem!



I pity the sun, 

for she cannot see what lurks in the shadows.


Everything must look blindingly bright for her.

Does she ever get tired of it? Does she want to rest her eyes? 


Does she enjoy lighting our planet? She has done it forever,

it is not her choice. But does she like it? 


Does she think it is fun to watch through the window as ideas are

born? She will never experience a night. I love the night.


She hears our music and our laughter and sees our weeping, but

we hide from her sometimes. When we do not want to be seen.

Would she like to watch us tenderly without removing our blanket of dark?


Was she jealous when we developed the candle, then the lightbulb, 

to replace her?

Was she lonely when we built ceilings to keep her away?


She is always awake, always alert. Does she wish to fall asleep like we do?


She leaves each one of us every day but she never leaves humanity, 

circling around to see everyone in turn. 


submitted by WordSong, age Forever, Under a rock
(February 20, 2022 - 4:22 pm)

I love this style of "wondering" poetry, where you just question stuff, and think tok hard about everything and personify objects so you can cry over how tragic they are, in a way!

It's fun to write and interesting to read, since you get to get a glimpse into somebody else's head, regardless of how similarly or differently their thought process works, compared to yours.

submitted by Jaybells, Lost in a Sea of Stars
(February 27, 2022 - 6:11 am)

Their thoughts, 

They wander, aimlessly;

But like wasps, they torment me. 


Those wondered words,

Whispered aloud

Strum through the air, push me to the clouds.


And so I soar, with molasses movements,

Creeping, gliding through empty space;

A small broken fragment of a long-forgotten goddess

Who over the centuries lost her mesmerisingly elegant face.


Yes, I slide over the moon, floating side-by-side with darkness,

Treading soundlessly over stars which dissolve into the cosmos;

I take a rest and see the Universe crumbling before my eyes--

Celestial icebergs melt into nothingness with nothing more than fate-accepting sighs.

submitted by Jaybells, age Nebulous, Lost in the Universe
(February 21, 2022 - 12:46 am)

Sometimes there are moments where things just click. It feels awesome, some many-lettered hormone springs into action in your brain, and you feel like you might be on top of the world. It's amazing.

But sometimes those clicks get undone, somehow. It's the worst when it happens slow and drawn out -- not one huge eruption of passion and pain and firey energy -- but instead a lengthy unwinding, drifting apart at the speed of Celestial orbits erring from their paths, and reeking the faint twanging scent of entropy seeping into every last interaction, each final firing of neurons, before the click is completely lost in all but memory.

That is when true tragedy spindles its way into a relationship and eats it alive, one miniscule bite at a time until all is lost. Then, only the relics of the past can stand as final connecting threads; soon to be chipped away -- devoured wholly -- by the moths of time.


More prose'y than usual. :/

submitted by Jaybells, age at Sea???, Lost in the Universe
(February 21, 2022 - 1:43 pm)

it's one of those days.

the sky is a light grey right above me, 

but if you look to the north, 

darker clouds are gathering, 

reminding you a storm is coming.

my home is blanketed in a light fog,

so if you walk down the mountain, 

you can barely see it.

I can't stand being inside on these days. 

I pull on a coat, 

lace up my converse, 

and go for a walk. 

I run down the hill behind my house, 

walk along an old, overgrown road, 

and jump across a creek.

the grass is soft and green this time of year. 

I pull off my shoes, 

feeling the earth beneath my feet, 

letting myself sink into the mossy ground. 

I lie down in the meadow, 

close my eyes, 

and listen. 

it's always on one of these days that I feel the most alive.  

submitted by peppermint, age 14, staring at the stars
(February 21, 2022 - 1:55 pm)

WORD! Seriously, mate, I can never fully convey just how magical and yet relatable your poems are! They always have such a raw and honest grassy, breezy feel to them~

submitted by Jaybells@pepper, Lost in the Universe
(February 21, 2022 - 3:30 pm)

thank you!! 

submitted by pepper@Jay, lost in a book
(February 21, 2022 - 10:43 pm)

Do you know how hard I try?

To claw myself out of this bottomless pit,

To get through each day

As if my lungs aren't filling with sand by the second,

As if I'm not drowning on the inky tides,

And aren't being boiled away by the sun's sharp sting?

I live on a tightrope, yet you expect me to dance!

Good lord, will I never enough for you?

But yet another disappointment with each new chance? 

I tire and bore myself wallowing in self-pity and anger--

Instead, I'm resigned to the Realm of the Small-things.

There, I watch the glint fade, that fleeting beacon of hope in the dark;

I hear the waves crashing, knowing slumber is ever-so-close; 

I feel the grit of sand sloshing past my frozen body:

I know.

Yes, my time has come--

It's time to finally go;


submitted by Jaybells, age Nebulous, Lost in the Dark and Cold
(February 22, 2022 - 4:29 am)

if there's anything I regret, 

it's looking up to you.

because there isn't much that's more painful, 

than seeing the one you look up to, 

turn into someone you never want to be.  

I know everyone makes mistakes, 

but I guess I believed you could do no wrong.

I trusted you,

praised you,

admired you,

and it feels like a splash of cold water to the face, 

to realize just how naive I was. 


submitted by peppermint, staring at the stars
(February 25, 2022 - 10:50 pm)


That personal-edge and air of betrayal really gives it the sting that lingers in my mind, and reminds me of other stuff to sadly ponder about...

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, a Sea of Stars
(February 27, 2022 - 6:13 am)

The Moon reaches out

To her beloved Sea;

They dance and sing 

A display full of longing

And and love and tragedy.


For the jealous Winds,

Temperamental as they may be

Are determined to wedge themselves

Between star-crossed Moon and Sea.


And the Sun, whose name may well be Narcissus

Perseveres each day, knocking Moon away

Trying to steal off with Sea, despite her tears and thrashing

Taking the reigns of Night's Palace, and ignoring what all others'll say. 

submitted by Jaybells, age Nebulous, Lost to Sea and Universe
(February 26, 2022 - 6:41 pm)

ooh, this is really cool! I love the idea of the moon and sea falling in love <3

submitted by peppermint, staring at the stars
(February 27, 2022 - 11:53 am)

Thanks! :) 

And yeah, I love writing nature as if its elements have feeling and motives. It makes for interesting storytelling, even if I usually keep most of it locked up in my head.

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost and Drifting the Sea
(March 2, 2022 - 4:33 pm)

Alas, indeed

'Twas that greed

That moved their hands

To do the deed;


If only the three'd 

Remembered that ancient seed,

Perhaps from this cursed fate

They, themselves, could have freed.


Of folly unlearned,

Plotting twixt each-others -- treachery,

From their minds slipped the tree,

And so too did their chance to be set free.


Thoughts on a tradegy I witnessed... :/

submitted by Jaybells, age o' Ponder, Lost in a Vast Universe
(February 27, 2022 - 9:37 pm)

you looked rather beautiful in the light of the fire. 

your clear brown eyes turning golden in the flames, 

your dark curls sprinkled with ash,

your freckles spilling out across your face,  

your cheeks pink from the heat. 

you kept glancing up at the sky, 

as if you couldn't keep your eyes off of the stars. 

you were captivated by those stars,

and I was captivated by you. 

submitted by peppermint, staring at the stars
(February 28, 2022 - 1:06 am)