I'm starting a

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I'm starting a

I'm starting a stoRy. I'm not sure what "RP's" and "RR's" stand for, so you'll have to figure out what kind this story this is on your own. Here's mY character: 

NaMe:  Amitty Lastion (LAST-yun)

Age: 10 1/2 (Turns 11 in sTorY) 

Appearance: Wears very colorful clothing (sometimes her mom says "that clothing is the only speck of color out here on the KansaS prairie.");hAs reddIsh-brownish hair; and blue-gray eyes.

Pet: A dog namEd GoldIe.

 (o000o0o0o0o0 means 'one day earlier...')

//Amitty Lastion\\

How come forecasters alway predict- no, not predict. How come forecasters always warn you about flash floods and tornados, but never warn you that after a tornado all your belongings might fall out of the sky. That's exactly what happened on the day my life turned upside-down. Literally upside-down. 


"Amitty! A tornado is coming! Fetch Goldie and get in the cellar. Daddy and I will be there in a minute..." But they didn't come. Goldie and I waited an hour, all the time wishing that nothing had happened. Well, Mom and Dad finally came, and Dad said that the tornado had come unexpectedly, so they'd had to hide in their closet. 

If you're still reading this, and not getting scared off, I'll give you a warning. This was not the worst part of my tale. That came three days later. 


Ok I aM noW donE. If you Liked this, recommend it to your friends. If you Hated it, recommend it to your enEmies. 

submitted by Mabel E., age 10, Sea of green
(March 6, 2012 - 7:21 pm)

HAHAHAH! Hoo! I LOVE THAT! We should totally do something like that! Then we could do something like the parent trap, (without the divorce) and discover we're like, twin sisters or something! That would be hysterical! Now, for Lydia!

Lydia ~

I stood, unsure of just what to say. I could tell we were looking at the ruble of her old home. A broken harp, a fencing mask, and... Was that a Harry Potter poster?  I asked the question I already knew the answer to. "Why are you here? Aren't you happy at Amitty's?" Zada didn't answer, but I understood. "Your parents," I say, looking solomnly at her. Then I quickly cover my mouth. I never have any tact in this stuff. I say the first thing that comes to my head: "The police will do an investigation." "BUT THEY HAVEN'T! IF THE POLICE WANT TO DO AN INVESTIGATION, THEY
AND--" She stops. I know she isn't mad at me. I understand. She felt alone. That no one understood. That she needed to be a good girl. Sit by, let the adults handle it, there's nothing you can do, sit patiently, we'll decide whats good for you. We'll give you no say in the matter. I had felt the same way. And it also reminded her of her own parents, in a way nothing had since the day of the... incident. "Sorry," Zada said softly. "I understand how you feel. Really," I say, meaning in my voice. I motion for her to sit. We sat on what was left of her bed. "Other than Mrs. Andrew and Gabriel, no one just how my parents and brother died," I say, staring up at the stars. "We were driving the highway in the rain. I had gotten really bad. I was scared. Then Dad lost control, and we veered off. I remember starting to slip unconcious, but I called to the rest of my family. No one answered. Then I passed out. I woke up in the hospital three weeks later. For the longest time, no one would tell me what had happened. Then, finally, a nurse came in and told me they were gone. Shortly after, Mrs. Andrew came, I was discharged from the hospital, and came to live at the orphanage." I became silent. I felt, somehow, I should tell Zada everything. We'd become close. "The only reason I  survived," I added, thinking aloud, not really paying attention to what I was saying, "is because Jack protected me." I became quiet again, realizing what all I had just said. A flood of tears come pouring down my cheeks. "I've lived at the orphanage almost four years. I've never talked about this to anyone this, not ever. It's always been too painful. I've never known how to handle talking about it, so I've kept it bottled up." We sat in silence awhile longer. "Come on," I say, wiping away tears, and offering my hand. "Let's get back before they notice we're gone." Zada stands up and walks with me, but looks back one last time. We walk in silence, but she didn't let go of my hand. I was glad. This was the closest I'd ever been to having a sister. I liked it a lot. We finally walked into the the Lastion living room. The old grandfather clock struck midnight just after we'd walked in, causing us both to jump. We both said good night, then slipped off to bed. I lay there, thinking about everything that had happened, and wondered what the next day would hold.


Okay, I wanted to bring in a bit of Lydia's backround, since we know everyone else's well enough. Thought it would add more depth to her character. Cappie says gpcw. I do believe he is insulting me yet again. Why Cappie? Why?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age 9 lives, Fredericksburg 1777
(February 14, 2013 - 9:31 pm)

Okay, I fear this thread is dying. DON'T DIE!!!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Upside down house
(February 18, 2013 - 4:48 pm)

This thread is dead. So sad.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(February 20, 2013 - 9:32 pm)

I'd write a post, but I'm a bit busy right now.

submitted by Lexi, age 12, Diabolical Plans!
(February 21, 2013 - 5:40 pm)

I can't because I wrote the last one soo.. Violet?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(February 21, 2013 - 9:05 pm)

Or Melody?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(February 22, 2013 - 4:12 pm)

Ahh! NO NO NO! This thread is STILL dead! Write people write!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(February 26, 2013 - 6:23 pm)

The next morning, they had pancakes for breakfast. 

Zada knew she should be glad for the pancakes, they were the best  that she had ever had, but instead she felt homesick, bitter, and scared. Her dad's pancakes had been burnt and her mother would always tease him about them. Ammity's parents made perfect pancakes, crisp but soft.

Of course, her feelings of loathbtowards the pancakes didn't stop her from having seconds. 

submitted by Lexi
(March 25, 2013 - 3:24 pm)

Yeah, this has really died. Revival!

Lydia ~

I sat at the table, feeling slightly groggy after last night's late escapade. Zada and I looked at each other often. I wasn't sure what to feel. I supposed I couldn't really feel homesick, having just lived at an orphanage. But still, this place didn't feel like home. Amitty's parents were very kind, but that's just me. I'd always been a loner, and didn't really like being among what I called "normal people." I'd grown used to, and really liked, having Kitty and Zada around, but this was totally different. After breakfast, we went up to the attic, which was to be Zada's, Kitty's, and my room. Dust coated thickly on the floor, and cobwebs hung from the rafters. The upside was a large window at the back of the room, overlooking woods. This, I knew, is where I'd spend most of my time. We got started moving unnecessary thing out of the attic and down to the basement. The we started dusting, sweeping, and wiping. After the room was cleared of the general dust and dirt, we started shifting things. We didn't have beds currently, so we moved the inflatable mattress from the basement, and I borrowed Amitty's sleeping bag. Then we brought up our suitcases and put them over in the corner. We used an old dresser that had been left up here for us, and neatly placed our clothes inside. Then we laid our few possesions on top and were soon finished. "We'll paint it tomorrow, after we get some paint. What color do you prefer?" Mrs. Lastion said, hands on hips, looking about the room. I frankly, didn't have a preference. We finally settled on a light shade of purple, and Mr. Lastion said he would pick it up on his way home. Mr. and Mrs. Lastion headed downstairs. Amitty stood a moment, then followed. 


So, not much happens, but it's something! So, revive! Top with ya!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(April 2, 2013 - 7:20 pm)

Top! Top! Top!

submitted by Top
(April 12, 2013 - 12:54 pm)


submitted by top
(April 12, 2013 - 2:40 pm)


submitted by Goop, age Gooped age, Goopworld
(April 12, 2013 - 2:40 pm)

TOP! TopOmania! Top! TOP! Ah! This thread has died. Again! Lexi? Violet?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, missing this thread
(May 3, 2013 - 6:50 pm)

OK, I am about to do the bravest thing in story history!!! I shall fight to revive my post!!!


//Ammity Lastion\\


I wake up just as the grandfather clock strikes Midnight. I hear the door opening... I's Lydia! She crawls back into bed. I sit up, "Where were you? What happened?", I ask, but she's already asleep. Just a minute after, Zada comes in. I try again. "Where were you? What happened?" But she's rolled over and is pretending to be asleep.


The next morning, my dad made... PANCAKES! Yum :) But throughout breakfast, I noticed Lydia and Zada exchanging glances, and Zada is looking sort of sad, and lost in thought... I decide to confront them after eating some more of those blueberry pancakes :) Tongue out yum!


After breakfast, I find the two of them sitting in the now UPSIDE-DOWN Living room. I sit down on the couch next to them.

"What happened last night? Where were you?" The two of them have a face conversation, which I will translate since you can't see them. Zada: 'Should we tell her?'  Lydia: 'Of course not! I don't trust her, PERIOD.'  

Since I can read their faces, I say, "It's ok, you can trust me... I won't even tell anyone! PROMISE!"


Ok, girls! Take it away! *BOWS* What do your characters do now?!

Thanks, Violet (wishing myself across the world) 

P.S. SpamBox says 'oyxo' Well, 'OY!' is a version of 'OOF!' But 'oxxo' Can mean 'Hugs and kisses'. Really SpamBox? Oh, was my writing that good?! Thank you SpamBox! In return, Here's some Virtual Sushi! *Gives Virtual Roll*

submitted by V- I'm back! GASP!, age 11, MY STORY!!! NO!
(June 17, 2013 - 3:11 pm)

Thread, PLEASE go to the front page? Please?


SpamBox says 'mkig' Making! Oh, nice card, SpamBox! 

submitted by Violet!, age 11, Where ever
(June 19, 2013 - 3:46 pm)