Historical RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Historical RP!

Historical RP!

Pretend for a minute that George Washington, "The Father of Our Country" was corrupt. That a mysterious person from the 3000s built a time machine and used it to carry complex weapons from the 31st century back to the 1700s for George Washington to use for his army so they could take over the world. That the same person then kidnapped you from you home in whichever time period you're from and dumped you, too, in the 1700's--and now you have to stop a world war or the past and future will never be the same again.


This is not historically accurate whatsoever, I guess, but then it wouldn't be fun!


Sooo...whatever time period you pick for your character, make sure you read your history so you don't make mistakes!


...And I guess that's it for description of this roleplay, feel free to ask questions or whatever. Only one character per time period of each country, but otherwise no limit on the number of people that can join. And no more than two charries per person.



Character Sheet!






Historical period and country:






Name: Romeo de Medici

Age: 16

Appearance: Romeo has slightly longish, shaggy golden-brown hair, with green eyes. He's kind of awkwardly tall, always rather clumsy. The only time you can count on him not to knock something over is when he's painting. His hands and clothes are constantly stained with paint. Personality: Romeo is kind of shy, but a thinker. He usually will think about something thoroughly and come up with worthwhile ideas. Romeo is a very good artist, and wants to go to an advanced school to study art. Romeo's very reliable and honest, but gets embarrassed easily...

Historical period and country: Romeo is from the Renaissance. Italy.

Backstory: Romeo was born in 1420, in Florence, Italy. He's one of the Medicis, a family of bankers that were patrons of the Renaissance.

Other: Up for shipping.


Name: Alexa Parker

Age: 14

Appearance: Alexa has curly blond hair that's almost waist-length. She usually wears it loose, sometimes in a high ponytail. She has slightly slanted blue eyes and wears a lot of makeup--but not enough to make it look awful. She likes medium shades of lipstick. Alexa usually wear skinny jeans with fashionable t-shirts.

Personality: Alexa's super bubbly and chatty and outgoing, and loves her electronics. She never parts with her phone and also has a tablet and laptop. She's fearless except when it comes to spiders or enclosed spaces. And she's a total feminist.  

Historical period and country: Alexa's from 2017, America, California.

Backstory: Oh, I don't know. She doesn't have a very remarkable history.

Other: Anyone want to ship with her?



submitted by Leafpool
(June 23, 2017 - 2:18 pm)


Clara was climbing a tree- something her mother abhorred. "Clara! Young ladies should not engage in such improper activities." Clara did it anyway, and by now she could climb almost any tree without putting a rip in her skirt or petticoats. How she hated the 7 layers of clothing her mother expected her to wear.

At this point, the nation had been divided in two for about a year. With her father and two older brothers off to war, everything seemed so... quiet.

The the silence was shattered by her mother's scream. Clara sighed, jumped down, and tore across the meadow. In her mother's hands was a letter. Clara picked up the letter, read it, and gulped. Her brother Peter was dead. Gone. It seemed like a lie- Peter! Gone! How many times had he teased her, had he made her laugh?

Clara picked up the letter opene on the floor and studied it. How could this simple thing have opened an envelope that had contained a simple piece of paper that bore such ill tidings?

Something grabbed her, and she fell away through darkness.


When Clara opened her eyes, she was not in her house. Instead she was in a room with a bunch of other strange people, still holding the letter opener.

"2999" A girl with red and orange hair said.

"You're the farthest one in the future yet!" A boy with dark creamy skin said, in a tone of awe.

"Right. So what are we all doing here?" Asked the girl from 2999.

Clara found her voice, which had for a couple moments decided to take a vacation. "Maybe we've been... kidnapped? I'm from 1862, and we're from all different times, so..."

submitted by Pepper Star
(July 8, 2017 - 10:46 am)


Seridela held her breath as she passed by the cook fires. She held an armload of clothing that needed to be washed for the wagon train, and she was heading for the river that they had stopped by. They never rested anywhere for long, and everyone was advised to make the most of fresh water while they were there. Although they would have a hot meal that night, she would have preffered cold rations to the oxen dung fires that filled the camp with awful fumes. She hurriecountryd to the stream, and her eyes filled with tears as she saw a willow, it's leaves fluttering in the cold breeze. She began washing the clothes, a slow, tedious task that would take the good part of an hour. The routine was broken once by the sound of splashing downriver- the boys playing, not having any washing to do- and the second time by soft footsteps behind her.

"Dela?" Seridela turned around to see her sister Kate, also with an armful of laundry. She stiffened at the sight of it. Kate should be learning to read, not washing! Her teacher... a sob built in her throat, but she stifled it. 

"Yes, Kate?" she replied gently.

"I'm hungry." They hadn't eaten the night before, needing to save their food. Seridela pulled her into a tight hug.

"Just think," She whispered. "Tonight, we'll have a big, hot meal. Bread, meat, and-" Her sentance was cut short. She felt something grip her wrist and pull. She cried out in pain. Kate screamed. Then all was black.

Seridela woke up in a room surrounded by other people. They were shouting out years. Everyone looked so different... they stared at her expectantly.

"18- 1843." She managed. A girl with blond hair and impossibly bright clothing began to speak, but a door swung open, letting in a bright light that made them all flinch. A man walked in, standing tall and proud, with a cruel smile on his face.

"Welcome." He said in an unfamiliar accent. "To my country."

submitted by Quill
(July 9, 2017 - 10:33 am)


Alexa's fingers flew over the keyboard, tip-tapping out a message to her best friend while Taylor Swift music boomed through her headphones. Music to her ears. Literally.

She was sitting cross-legged on the floor of her bedroom, her skinny jeans pinching her legs slightly. Who said fashion was comfortable?

Alexa was just finishing up the last paragraph of her email when her laptop screen flashed once, then blacked out. Alexa slammed the sleek silver laptop closed, ripped off her headphones, and jumped to her feet with a curse. Where did I put my charger?

"Ugh." She said aloud. "Of all the times...." Right at that moment, her phone buzzed and she pulled it out of her pocket. Once she swiped away the lock screen, a text popped up.

Hey. Do U want 2 go shopping w/ me&Jessica? We're going 2 mall in 10 mins. Can pick U up. <3 from Ashley

Alexa typed out a quick reply: Sure. B ready soon. --and stuffed the phone back into her pocket. 

Gathering up her makeup bag, she slipped out the door and into the bathroom across the hallway. She set the makeup down on the counter and stared into the mirror. Her hair was fine, but she pulled it into a ponytail anyway and unzipped the bag of makeup...my eyeliner needs touching up, at least.

Approximately eight and a half minutes later, Alexa scooped up her pink purse and hurried down the stairs. "Mom, I'm going to the mall with Jessie and Ashley!" She called.

Stepping out onto the front porch, Alexa sat down on the steps and pulled out her phone. She had about a minute until her friends showed up.

And then, she was grabbed from behind, something shoved over her head, and everything went black.

At 666 Lane Street, a pink purse and a cracked phone rested on the steps. Alone.


Apologies, I think I could have written something better if I had more time. Maybe when I roleplay for Romeo I'll have more inspiration. By the way! I'm going to ship Alexa and Romeo. 


submitted by Leafpool
(July 9, 2017 - 12:27 pm)
submitted by Top! , Stay alive, thread!
(July 11, 2017 - 8:08 am)
submitted by Top! Please post!
(July 12, 2017 - 8:14 am)


When everyone had finished saying what year they were from, the door opened and a cruel-looking man walked in. "Welcome to my country," he said.

"Wh-why are we here?" asked Rose.

"To help George Washington and me take control of the world," he said.

The kids started whispering amongst themselves. "George Washington?" "It can't be." "He must be lying." "But what if he's not?" 

"I see you have questions. Well, your questions can be answered by your very idol himself. Introducing... George Washington," said the man. A gasp spread through the room. Then the door opened again and an official-looking man with powdered hair walked in.

"It seems I am just in time to answer your questions. What do you want to ask me?" said George Washington.

"Where are we, and when are we?" asked someone.

"You are in the secure lair of my friend here, and it is the year 1775," he said.


I don't want to answer the rest of their questions without discussing it first, but I figured we needed another post. So, here are the questions I imagine they would ask (we can add more):

How did we get here?

When will we be able to get back?

What are you going to do to us?

Who are you?

Why do you want to take control of the world?

Why did you take us? 

submitted by Kitten
(July 15, 2017 - 4:58 pm)
submitted by Top! @Everyone
(July 17, 2017 - 1:26 pm)
submitted by TOP
(July 23, 2017 - 5:35 pm)