Doves and Hawks

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Doves and Hawks

Doves and Hawks single write


So the plot of this is that there are two political parties. The Doves and the Hawks. There are other third parties, like the Owls and Ravens, but they have no importance to the story. The Doves and Hawks are the two magor third parties. And each has a represenitive to run the country of  Hummbya. But recently the two have not been getting along, saying that their party would be better at running Hummbya.  

"Tisk tisk. Hawks are more important and able to run the contry then Doves." The Hawk ruler said.

"Now now, Hawks are eragont and have no sympathy. If they were to rule then only the first class would survive." The Dove queen whispered.

"Yes but if the Doves were to rule then the goverment would be in dept more then we already are. The bussness would go without people to run them, and all togeather die off. The economy would die off. And without jobs, we would die off." The hawk ruler growled.

"You would end up dieing off too, if the contry was only ruled by hawks. Without sympathy or basic needs, the poor would all die, the middle class would be taxed so much they would be poor, and die off. And you need to tax someone, so, eventually your richest person would go into dept and die without basic needs." The Dove queen responded. 

They stared at eachother for a long moment. "Without the Hawks you would die." 

"Without the Doves you would die."

There was a long moment of silents. "I have an idea. What if we split the contry in half. Each of us gets a half. One part Doves and one part Hawks." 

The hawk ruler smiled. "Well see which one gives in first. Make it a deal."

They shook on it.


Now there is two parts of Hummbya. The Hawk side and the Dove side. All Doves are on one side, and all Hawks moved to the other. The theird parties made their own part on the top cornner of the contry, called the Otherpart. 


As you can tell this is a single write. I will take everyone in 48 hours that joined but once I start you cant make a charrie sheet. 

The Hawks as told in the obove passage are hard hearted and strickt. Most Hawks are bussnes men or woman, they belive in millatary forces, and belive that the poor are poor because of their actions and should becom rich on their own terms with no help from the goveremnt. 

The Doves are sweet and sympathetic to all. Most are teachers or doctors, they belive in neotagation over war and help the poor no madder how it effects the economy and how indept the goverment becoms. 

There can be as many people as possible if you join in the next 48 hours. You can have two charries.

You can either be a Hawk or Dove. They are people and usually look no different from eachother. If there are too much of one type then I may change someone's charrie to a different party. 

You must be between 10-16 unkess you want to be the rulers. There is a Dove ruler and a Hawk ruler. There are rulers of the other parties and you can make a charrie sheet of the other parties but they surve no importance to the single write and may not be used.

charrie sheet:



Party (dove or hawk):



what you want to do when you grow up:

what your parents job is: 



my charrie sheet:

Name: Barbary Whitewing

Age: 14

Party: Dove

Apperance: blond, curly hair, teal green eyes, tan skin, always wears a silver necklace of a dove.

Personallity: a little over sensitave and carring. Disslikes the Hawks because their rude and inconsiderate and dont care that peole other then them live in the world. She often cares about her friends problums more then hers and when shes not fealing good or hurt she still feals for everyone else and pretends shes fine. 

What you want to do when you grow up: she wants to becom an artist or a writer, and often draws and writes. 

What your parents jobs are: Her mom works for the local theater, and she doesnt know what her dad is up too since the Hawks were seporated from the Doves.  

backstroy: goes to the local high school moved from across the contry to be on the dove side with her grandmother and mother. Her father went to the hawks side.

submitted by Claaws
(October 15, 2016 - 1:02 pm)

Claaws?! Hello? Is it just me in here? Wahhhh..........

submitted by Pepper Star
(October 29, 2016 - 4:22 pm)

Sorry all Ive been really busy with a huge project due on hollws eve.....); Like seriously teachers...ITS HOLLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYway....

Oh wait, one more thing. Don't get mad if I changed some of your backstories a bit.  


"JOIN THE WAR! ARE YOU INSAINE!" I screamed, shocked.

"Its the only way. I can't stand to loose you, you're like a sister to me. Plus, since you're so younge they'll never put you in....."

I sighed, leaning against the wall. She had caught me just in time. I was just about to slip through the door. And I wish I had. I pushed my glasses up, illuminating my green eyes. "My father would be pleased....." I started. "He always wanted me to be more of a hawk." I smiled. "Hey, why do we even have a war in the first place? Doves are supost to be of peace. Hawks are of war."

Barbary shook her head sadley. Maybe I was missing something that she knew? After all she is 3 years older then I am. "Not all doves are of peace. It's just a maskot, a reputation to hide behind. Not all doves are clear of the want to kill. The promis of higher political standers. Ever human has a theirst. A thisrt for more money, things, toys and games. War brings the promis of more money and land, if we win. Make sure to remember this, Aby. It will win you alot more then a war."

All humans theirst for money. For things. The promiss of this is enough to make whole contries go to war. 

I swallowed. "I'll see you then." My voice cracked as I turned the handle.

"Wait, Aby. Will you do it? Will you join the war?"

I walked through the door, my painting supplise slung under one arm. My shoes clicked and echoed threw the narrow hallway between both sides. I turned to close the door, and met Barbary's eyes. "Yes."


I sit in my bed, staring up teary-eyed at the ceiling. "I liked him, Piggy. And-and how could I be so dim-minded to think he liked me back? And that he was a Hawk!" I spoke to my cat, its soft fur the dark browns and fluffy white of a pigon. The reason why we named him that. But I just call him Piggy. It sounds cuter. "That other boy two! He grabbed my shoulder while I was in the middle of one of my coughing fits! And then the boy, he asked Lee how he and I could still be togeather, a dove and hawk. And he asked about their friendship too. And of course I was shocked he was a Hawk! So of course I asked him how our relationship would go on too.....And then he just left. Just like that. With no expretion, he didn't even try to explain, or talk to me or the other boy. Who did Lee think he was!?" I paused, stroking my cat's head. He purred, arching his back. "Who did I think he was?" My voice cracked, softer then a whisper. 

I let a tear slide down my cheek. How could he do that? I remebered his kind smile when we first met. His conciern about my heatth; not even my parents felt that way. Speeking of which, the door creecked open and my cat jumped off my bed to curl and pur around my parent's shoes. I quickly whiped away the tear and look up bravely at my dad. Pretending like nothing had happedned that night. "Catheryn......" My dad started. "I don't know how to lay this on you easily, so I'll just say it streight out."

"No, Caytheryn," my mom interupted, "your father and I thought it be best if you were to get out of the house more, and not just in the night to walk to your friend's house." She cast a steirn, serious look at me. "So we came to think that it was best if....." She trailed off, as if she had a curtain word limit and she passed it.

"We signed you up for the war." My father finished with no symathy. "Th-the war?" I asked, allarmed. "Oh, I get it. It's a joke? You wouldn't do that to me." I paused, they weren't looking amused or hinding a smile. "Right?"

"Catheryn...." My dad whispered. The truth of the situation hit me like a thousand bricks falling from the sky.

"Mom?!" I cryed.

She looked sadley at me. "Its for the best........." 

"What about my cough?" I demanded, desperate.

"Your mother and I think that its because of staying cooped up in  here all day then going out at nights. The docters even said that it could be caused by mager temature drops."

"You went to the docter?" I asked, my voice nearly a whisper.

"Yes." My mother answered. "We told him your sympoms over the phone and asked if it was seriouse enough to take you in for. He siad it could be a really bad case of allergies or a cold or caused because of mager tempature drops. In-in the army......." she paused, swallowed, and continued. "In the army you'll be outside a lot, but they'll train you and you'll atleast get some excersize now. Plus you'll be outside all day to the tempature drops at night won't be exreame."

"Catheryn, if we didn't think it would help you we wouldn't have signed you up. Training starts tommaro at noon. They're expecting you."


I sat with a thump on my rickety old bed. It groaned in responce. My dog, Luther, jumped away from it with a growl and bared its teeth. I laughed, he had followed me up stairs, after I slammed the door to a fairly new house with no one in it. "Luther, its just a bed. A rickaty old bed." And I'm just a boy who lost his best friend. "I don't get it, Luther. How could Lee ditch me like that? I've been his one and only friend since 6 years ago. I just don't get it." I layed down on my bed with another loud thunk and Luther barked at the graoning bed. "Luther stop that!" I snapped. "I'm not in the mood." Luther looked up at me with his big eyes and his one floppy ear floped onto his muzzle as he sat down. He shook his head and it fell back to the side of his head. He looled his tounge from his mouth and stared up at me. Yes he was a mut. A mix of two breeds. 

Just like me. A mix of a dove and a hawk. I'm more of a hawk then a dove, I just somehow ended up with my mum. And Luther. If he could be anything he would be a dove. He's way too happy and doesn't have a care in the world. I ground my teeth angerly. "Its not fair!" I hit the bed with both my fists angerly. "Stupid, no good doves!" Suddenly the door opened down stairs. Luther purked his ears and darted from the room. "You're no help." I mummbled after him.

"Frank! Come down here and get some breckfest!" I sighed, rolling off my bed and dragging my feet out the door, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple from the counter and sat myself down on the table. Papers were everywhere, my mother found it hard finding work and her new job didn't pay well. Another reason I hate doves. Go ahaid and tax the rich and give to the poor. If you tax the rich enough they become poor. Simple dept logic. I swept aside a few flires, thats my mums job. People come to her to ask her to hang up posters for a sepcial event or a theater event or an art contset. Its always something new. And in my opinyon they don't pay well. And the job in general is just stupid. Why can't the stupid people put the posters up themselves?! I bit into my apple, and a poster caught my eye. It read;


11 and up? Isn't that a younge age to be in a war? Well, they're doves. Doves are of peace not war. It's going to be hard finding kids for the milatary to fight in the war over bounderies. Or is it?

"Mum," I started, flipping the paper over. There was a number on the back. "I think I want to join the military." Something clattered and I looked up to see my mom, her glasses nearly hanging off her nose. 

"Sweetly....." She started.

She didn't have anyone but me and my brother, Hank, since my dad left her to do bussness work with the hawks. My dad took my older sister, and sometimes I wish it had been me. "Mom, don't worry! I'm a skilled fighter already! Plus the doves need more people to join them. I assume they don'r have that great of a millatary....."

The door swong open and my brother came staggering in. He was only a year younger then me, 13, and he already has knee problums. We knew he never should've started football. "Who will help me look after Hank?" My mom whispered.

"Mum I can take care of myself." Hank argued, not even knowing what the fight was about. Mum and I ignored him.

"Mum, trust me on this. You told me to pick up a sport, and now I have one. Once the war ends I prommiss to come home. It probablly won't even last that long." Because the war hawks are known far war and the doves are ment for peace. The doves aren't ment to win. I just want to do this the escape my crummbling life.  

I kept the last part to myslef as I stared at her hopefully. "Well...." She picked up another flier lying on the counter. "The first call's tommarow. You sure you want to do this?"

"Yes." I reasponded with no hesitation.

"Alright..." She said slowly. "I'll look into it."


I stalk the cool streets of my home. They were dirty and unkept, unlike the streets on the dove's side. Unlike her.......

No. It was your own choise. You gave her up. No, I saved her. Saved her from the Hawks. From me. 

I turned the corrner. The late morning light illuminated a sheet of paper on the lampost. Curious, I read it. It was for the millatary. Now could be the time to take notice to my childhood dream of designing millatary tanks and machiens. And my parents thought I was kidding and wanted to be landromatters like them. HA! They wish. 

I snatched the poster off the lampost and started home.

"Hey! Its Lee Raptor. What's that you have in your hand?!" It was Raine Lynnsburg. Oh, and her boyfriend. Matt. 

"Pick on someone your own age." I growled, not stopping. Their almost identically shaded hair and snarls glinted in the light.

"You wish, aisian boy." Ah, that's it. Matt's nickname for me since I was three. Since I was adopted and moved here.

"Now give that to me to see, or else things get rouge." Raine's blue eyes peirced threw my skin and grabbed my sole in its life-threatening glare. "You don't want my daggers to get dirty?" She challenged.

I turned, snarling. "Like you even know how to use a dagger." These were the type of people I would've been friends with. If I wasn't a different color then them. That's also why I like going over to the doves. They're less....racist*. 

And before I knew it she had advanced on me and ripped the paper from my hand. Matt stood thraeteningly behind her, challenging me to do anything. "The millatary!" Raine said exitedly. "And we're old enough! It says 11 and up. Oh, first call is tommarow. Matt, what'da say?"

Matt cracked his knuckles. "Why do you think I would pass that offer?"

Raine smiled, pushing the paper back into my hands. "Expect us to be there." Matt growled, teeth bared with the sun glinting off of them mencianly. "Unless you chicken out."

"Oh, I'll be there." I snarled back. "Its the question whether you'll past it past the training."

And I walked away, the 15 year olds staring after me with hatered, but I could tell that I had disscouraged Raine. I smiled in accomplashment. Catheryn and Frank had compleatly left my mind. What replaced it was the promiss of war.


Noon says ayoy. Ahoy maties! 



*Admins I know its long please don't deleat any of it it took me three days to write it. Also if racist isn't okay, please just delet that and not the whole thing. But I don't see why it wouldn't be okay, its a real thing that should be stopped.

submitted by Claaws
(October 30, 2016 - 5:53 pm)

This is so good Claaws! My friend has a dog named Luther!

Can't wait till I come in! 

submitted by The Riddler
(October 30, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

Really good! Can't wait to see when I come in, too! 

submitted by Daisy
(November 1, 2016 - 3:12 pm)


(October 31, 2016 - 5:11 pm)

Ooh! I have an idea. Okay, if you go back to my character thing, Raine lives with her mother- most of the time (though she will probably fight as hawk) and may have some small part in her that is going, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! So, maybe she will stop fighting/fight for the doves. Just something to consider. (That same part may also resent Matt, so at some point she may scream at him.) Wait, sorry, I shouldn't tell you what to do. Anyway, just going inside Raine.

submitted by Pepper Star
(November 1, 2016 - 7:42 pm)

Sorry guys took me a really long time to rewrite this. I acendently hit ctrl W and exited out of all my tabs. I was so close to being done! And it had everyone's charactures in it! And then it deleated my second adtempt. Oh well, to it again!


I watch the aisain boy walk away. He had suceeded in draining my confidance, but just a little. "So, who you gonna fight for, Raine? The hawks, your rightful blood, or those weak, pesky doves?"

I snorted and punch him softly in the chest. "The winning team, stupid."

I turn towards the large looming wall in the distance and set off. "Why are you going back then? The milatary training starts tommarow. Are you lieing to me?" Why is he demanding this? Oh ya. We're dating. And how did that happen again?

"So what if I was?" I snorted. "Whatever I'm doing is none of your bussness." It really wasn't, I was going to my mom's house, across the boarder, to tell her my plans, and probably her disapproval before I take off and sneek back over the boarder for training at noon tomorrow. I wouldn't have to visit my dad once if my plan worked.

"Sure it is." He snarled, taking a few steps after me.

"You take one more step and we'll find out if I really can use that dagger." I threatened, whirling around to face him.

Our eyes met in a challanging glar of domonance. He looked away and I smiled, more like a snarle, and turned back towards my destination.

Pitifull Matt, I thought with a smug as I walked. So easily beaten. SO easily convinced.

I aproached the large wall, and with the hesitaion, turned the handle. To my surprise sirens emediatly went off, echoing through my head. The handle locked with a click under my hand, and with the re dlight sflashing above me, I panickally dove under the nerest bush. 

I peeked out just as two large police officers came running onto the stop I was nearly seconds ago. They looked around, a beating stick in hand, before talking into their radios. "All clear. Whoever it was is gone now. Dout they'll try anything like this again."

I watched them touch a finger coder that I had happened to miss on the side of the door. Then they both walked calmly away in seportae directions, beating sticks in hand.

After they left my veiw I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. Then a few moments after, I snuck from the bush and darted down into the nearest alliway. 

Now I had no choise, I had to go and pay my dad a visit.  


I stare after her. "WHY did I choose to date her? Stuborn pidgion!" I kick the ground.

I better go beat up some kids, so I don't end up chasing after her and beating her up. I shook out my fists and headed to the school feild.

I was expelled from that school a long time ago. Anyway its summer, and there will atleast be a few kids kicking a ball to waist the summer heat away.

I jumped onto the fence with a rattling noise, climed over the top, and landed on the ground smoothly. On the feild were only two kids, Raven and the kid staying with her, Prudence. The Owl kid.

"Look what we have here! Goph girl and owl kid."


sorry thats all the time i have to rewrite, add more on tommarow! 

submitted by Claaws
(November 7, 2016 - 11:07 pm)

Aaaaaaaahhhh I'm so excited!!!!!!! This is amazing Claaws!

submitted by The Riddler
(November 8, 2016 - 6:29 pm)

Awesome! TOP! Arise! TOP, I say! TOP!

submitted by Pepper Star
(November 8, 2016 - 3:47 pm)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAnnnnnnndddddd............ continueing.


The goth had the soccerball now. As I steadily walked closer, she readied her aim and kicked, all withen a few seconds. The ball nearly hit me smack in the face, but I doged it easily. I chuckled, glancing back to see the ball ram into the fence and bounce to a stop a few feet behind me. "Well, well, railed up now, aren't we, Goth girl?" 

She stood her ground as I drew closer, her fists clentching at her sides. If you asked me she looked cute, in a funny way. Like an enraged mouse, that tried to seem threatening but altogeather just looked adorible. "Don't. Call. Me. That." She growled through clentched teeth.

Prudence, the owl girl I mentioned earlier, was stading behind and off to the right of Raven, the goth girl. She looked at us stoically, and showed no emotion through her body or expretion. Thats what I hated so much about her. She was like a manikin. A staue. Stoic. She didn't feal fear, like I needed her to. "How's stopping me?" I was now almost face-to-face with the younger 14-year-old.

She looked up at my face and clenched her teeth and her jaw muscles flared ontop her forehead. "This."

Before I knew what was happeneing, she had punched me, as fast as a striking snake, right in the gut. Hard. I doubled over, wrappinng my arms around my midsection. I glanced up a few seconds later to see the two girls hop the fence on the other end, and vanish into the shadows on the other side.


"That was close! I was so scared. Of Matt. That big, no-good..."

"Why were you scared? I wasn't scared. I knew you were going to do that. I saw the rage in your eyes." The 15 year-old looked streight foward, almost like she was a ghost, non-existant, just there. Like she didn't need to look at me to see me.

Sometimes I wonder why my family chose to let her live with us. She was from the Owl party, but when we all divided, her body couldn't deal with the low tempature and high altitude of where the Owl party is reciding. So she had to move in with a Hawk. If that happened to me I would be very dissapointed. AND, if I was the princess I would've put up a bigger fuss then her simple exeptance. "Everyone gets scared, Prudence."

I responded. She said nothing, but I could tell she was deep in thought. 

I looked away from her and into the darkness around us. We passed one of the posters on the walls around us. I scanned it, then asked Prudence, "Would you ever join the war?"


Sorry again! I should reserve more time to write this! But the election is happening right now, can't miss! 

submitted by Claaws
(November 8, 2016 - 11:45 pm)

Claaws you put my charrie in!!!!!!!! Thank you sososo much!!!!!!!!!

submitted by The Riddler
(November 9, 2016 - 7:45 pm)

Its really good writing! Will I be in soon? 

submitted by Daisy
(November 9, 2016 - 11:18 pm)

OMG Claaws this is awsome!!!!!!  I love how you wrote Prudence, Its perfect!!!!!!

oh how many times I wish I could write like that... 

submitted by Kaleidoscope Gryphon, age 13!!!!!!!!, The Prism Sky
(November 10, 2016 - 9:53 am)

AHHH so bussy! This sin't right! ANyway, thx so much, guys but I am pretty sure you're a way better writer then mwha, KG. (BTW, I WILL NOT STOP WRITING UNTL FISHINED I HAVE A TOO AWSOME OF A PLOT TO GIVE UP NOW) Anyway...


"War?" I asked, shocked on the inside, but not daring to show it, that my friend Raven would ask such a question.

"Yes, war. We are Hawks, er, I off the hawk partie, and war is sorrta our thing. The doves will be an easy win! They'll plead on the battle feild for us Hawks to not kill them and to figure out some sort of peace treaty, politics, blah blah blah. It'll be fun! Like camping in the city. We're younger, so we won't be put in front or anything, cause we're so younge."

I couldn't hide my amusement and cracked a thin smile, letting the fact that she reffured to me as 'baised off the hawk party' slide off. "Oh look! See, you like the idea! Plus it'll give you an escuse to get out of the house, and away from my parents. Well have fun!"

Tempting. The part about getting away from her mom, who absolutly treated me like an only child. No, worse then that, she treated me like a princess. "Alright, Raven. I'll think about it. When was the starting date again? "


"Hum. Less time to think then I thought. I'll let you know at dinner, alright? We can tell your mom after, IF I agree to do it."

"You mean ask. Ask my mom after dinner." Raven responded.

"No. I mean tell. If I decide I want to go, we're going and nothing will stop us."


I sat pouting in my room, grumbling mildy under my breath. I had watched the meeting with both sides and was now watching more political stuff. Well, for example plans for the war, how long they think it will last, ect. My closest friend, Ashira Fel, was sitting on my bed next to me, eyes glued to the telivison. 

We were only 11, but we were both so involved in this, well, we may as well be a politican! "It's stupid." Ashira started for the tenth millionth time.

"I know. Doves going to war against the hawks. What's their plan even? They know all their citezens are peace doves, and all ours are hawks. They know that we have most of the millatary, yet they still agree to go to war." I responded for her, asking the same question she had repeated millions of times. 

"What are they planning to do, coo us to death? It would be a better fight if we went to war against the OWLS then with them. We ALL know that we are going to win that land. So why risk lives to defend something already lost?" Ashira huffed, falling back onto my bed with a soft thump. 

"Maybe they're stronger then we think they are, and that's their secret wepon." The thought crossed my mind the first time, and I realized how true that that might be.

"ANOUNCEMENT!" The Telivison boombed. "There was just a report that we have lost all our trakers when the doves and hawks split! THERE WILL BE NO INFORMATION ON HOW THE WAR IS GOING for more then a few months, until our goverment can safley intervine and interveiw troops. IF YOU WISH TO JOIN THE WAR, CALL YOUR LOCAL GOVERMENT BY NOON TOMMAROW, MUST BE 11 AND UP."

"NO INFORMATION ON HOW IT'S GOING FOR A FEW MONTHS!" Ashira barked in dissbeilif. "I can't possibly go that long without knowing! SAMMY!"

She punched me with such force that I turned to her and mummbled, "ow."

Then she continued, ignoring me, with a strange twinkle in her eye. "How do you feal, about joining the war?" 


Must go, add on later! 

submitted by Claaws
(November 16, 2016 - 11:17 pm)

Oh, and top.

submitted by Claaws
(November 16, 2016 - 11:17 pm)