Pirate RP!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Pirate RP!!!

Pirate RP!!!
I just had a WONDERFUL idea!  I have seen TONS of different roleplays on the ChatterBox, and not ONE has had anything to do with pirates!
So now, I will make a PIRATE ROLEPLAY!!!
There will be two sides on this conflict betwixt the British colonists and the Pirates, you will be able to choose which side you are on, ultimately; because not all Pirates are friends.

This roleplay will be based in the Virgin Islands, here's a map:

Character Sheet:


Age: (Prefferibly older, like in the twenty's. {If you are a British captian or Admiral, prefferably in the forty's through sixty's})  

Rough Size and Appearance: (Rough Size being height and body poportions.)

Preffered Weapon: (Such as musket, pistol, dagger, knife, sword. {Specify what kind of sword.})<- Hand-and-a-half, rapier, cutlass

Position: Such as: sailor, buccaneer, mate, captain, admiral, soldier.

Faction: What governor you serve, (If you are British.) and what captian you serve, or, if you are a British captain, what Admiral you serve.  Example: Pirate, under the captian Edward Teach.

Deadline for joining: July 16th

Arrgh!  Let's get it started, mateys!!!



submitted by Cron, The island of St. John
(July 6, 2016 - 1:36 pm)

Starbringer, please state if the Queen's Victory is a ship of the fleet of Admiral Boburn, and please state what kind.  (If the ship is from the fleet.)

The ships are:  (From largest to smallest.)  1st rate Man of War, Galleon, and Corvette.

Thank you! 

submitted by Cron
(July 8, 2016 - 11:44 am)

It's in the fleet, and I'm guessing it's a corvette. It's supposed to be a small ship. 

And can we start? 

submitted by Starbringer
(July 8, 2016 - 1:49 pm)

ANNOUNCEMENT:  I will wait a few days to start to give time for more people to join!

Orucio says fnzz!  Yes, Orucio; I think that this will be fun, too.    Smile

submitted by Cron
(July 8, 2016 - 1:57 pm)

Ok I think I'll join the Maurader.

submitted by The Riddler
(July 8, 2016 - 4:38 pm)


submitted by Top
(July 9, 2016 - 12:35 pm)

A little background on the Tasman Terror:

The Tasman Terror is a beauty of a ship, made by one of the finest craftswomen in Australia. This woman was coerced into building it by Tes, and it is very stealthy and easily piloted.

The Tasman Terror is an "outcast ship"; it is run entirely by women. This caused people to underestimate it (hey, this is a few centuries ago, and women only began to be considered capable about 50 years ago) until it was too late. The ship is considered to be a "masterwork of the devil" by bigoted men from Britain (back then there were a LOT of those) because it has all women and multiple people of Asian, Indian, and African American descent who are treated as equals.

Its logo is on its flag: A Tasmanian Devil skull and crossbones. 

submitted by Brookeira
(July 9, 2016 - 1:20 pm)

I'm making a list of all the ships and their people. Tell me if anything is wrong, or I forgot something.

THE ARGO: Captain: Brink Wells Second Mate: Faleen Mreuyn Cat: Jackal

THE MARAUDER: Captain: Ray 'Sharktooth' Gonzalo Powder Monkey: Juniper Sailor: Iris Lynk

THE TASMAN TERROR: Captain: Tes Turnbuckle First Mate: Miley 'Missy' Perce



Admiral Boburn

Lara Stealine 


submitted by Danie
(July 9, 2016 - 2:42 pm)

Hey! This. Looks. Awesome!

Name: Ronan (a name that translates to 'little seal')

Age: 12

Rough Size and Appearance: 4 feet 6 inches, shoulder length chestnut hair, gray eyes.

Preffered Weapon: Dagger

Position: Buccaneer

Faction: Ray "Sharktooth" Gonzalo

When he was young, Ronan's father, Rapheal,  joined the Marauder as First Mate. Then, due to fog one day, Rapheal steered the Marauder nearly straight into the British flagship, King Charles. The following battle took many lives on the Marauder, and nearly sunk it. As a punishment, Rapheal was sentenced to one keelhauling (a practice in which a person is pulled from the front of a ship to the back) every day for five years by Gonzalo. Rapheal, a week after this sentencing, died due to a nasty cut from barnacles on the bottom of the ship. Ronan was then taken from his small village on the Island of St John, and is now forced to finish repaying the debt his father never finished, about some 1,818 more keelhaulings. (Note: In this RP, Ronan's first day on the ship is 17 July, the day after the RP is closed to joining.)   

submitted by Ronan
(July 9, 2016 - 4:54 pm)

Name: Fake Name is Albert Pines--real name is Leah Coast

Age: 15, the age for going to sea as a cabin boy for the british. Or so everyone thinks...?

Rough size and appearance: 5 feet. Auburn hair covered in a bandana, pretty petite for a boy. But 'his' voice is kind of young-sounding, except when she's mad, which is pretty much all the time.

Preffered Weapon: A dagger, with the hilt made from whalebone with a likeness of two big eyes on it. 

Position: British Cabin 'Boy'

Faction: Any Factions open?

I'm just doing this for the money to keep my family going. I never dreamed I'd be taken captive by pirates (maybe in the Roleplay? Just an idea.)

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(July 9, 2016 - 7:28 pm)

You could serve on one of the fleet ships, they're all open for a cabin boy position!

submitted by Cron
(July 9, 2016 - 10:05 pm)

@Ronan  Could you perhaps change your character's age?  Say, for instance your character has been hiding from the former captain of Sharktooth's crew for ten years, since he was 12,  (That was when his father died.) and now he has come to them to 'pay' his father's debt?

I'm sorry but I don't really want any oddballs, and he's not a cabin boy, so...  If it would be too hard for you to do that with your character he could be a cabin boy on one of the British ships.        (There are also other options for a boy of that age.)

Thank you! 

Orucio says octu!  He's an octopus...   0.0

submitted by Cron
(July 9, 2016 - 10:03 pm)

Okay, that's fine. Changing my height to 5 foot 2.

submitted by Ronan
(July 10, 2016 - 2:05 pm)

OK, sounds good!

YAAAS!  Orucio says beag, he's now a beagle! 

submitted by Cron
(July 10, 2016 - 8:31 pm)


submitted by Top
(July 11, 2016 - 12:40 am)
submitted by Top!
(July 11, 2016 - 5:12 pm)