Pirate RP!!!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Pirate RP!!!
Pirate RP!!!
I just had a WONDERFUL idea! I have seen TONS of different roleplays on the ChatterBox, and not ONE has had anything to do with pirates!
So now, I will make a PIRATE ROLEPLAY!!!
There will be two sides on this conflict betwixt the British colonists and the Pirates, you will be able to choose which side you are on, ultimately; because not all Pirates are friends.
This roleplay will be based in the Virgin Islands, here's a map:
Character Sheet:
Age: (Prefferibly older, like in the twenty's. {If you are a British captian or Admiral, prefferably in the forty's through sixty's})
Rough Size and Appearance: (Rough Size being height and body poportions.)
Preffered Weapon: (Such as musket, pistol, dagger, knife, sword. {Specify what kind of sword.})<- Hand-and-a-half, rapier, cutlass
Position: Such as: sailor, buccaneer, mate, captain, admiral, soldier.
Faction: What governor you serve, (If you are British.) and what captian you serve, or, if you are a British captain, what Admiral you serve. Example: Pirate, under the captian Edward Teach.
Deadline for joining: July 16th
Arrgh! Let's get it started, mateys!!!
(July 6, 2016 - 1:36 pm)
Hey admins, do you know why the title is not showing up in the Inkwell? Could you fix it?
Thank you!
Orucio says pint! Did you just drink a pint of rum, Orucio? Sheesh, how old ARE you?
I have no idea why it's not showing and I don't know how to fix it, but I'll ask our Webmaster.
(July 6, 2016 - 3:35 pm)
That's so true! Why aren't there any pirate RPs?
Name: Brink Wells
Age: 23
Rough Size and Appearance: About 5'9", so tall, with a sturdy build, but can run very fast and is very flexible.
Preffered Weapon: Rapier sword, though she is equipped with a dagger, a sabre, and a pistol.
Position: Captain
Faction: Owns and runs her own ship, the Argo
(July 6, 2016 - 3:35 pm)
Ooops, I forgot about her appearance:
Short, spiky golden-brown hair, eyes that are an ocean-blue normally, but turn the color of stormy waters if she's angry at you. Tanned skin from a life at sea. She wears a dark blue jacket with a grey shirt underneath, pants that are ripped at the ends, and boots.
Personality: Fierce, loyal, a definite leader.
Other: She mostly conceals the fact that she is female, only the pirates on her ship now, and they are bound by the oath they took to become part of the crew not to tell outsiders. Here is the oath her pirates take:
I, (Their name goes here), swear, that by the penalty of death, I will be loyal to my captain, Brink Wells, and to my shipmates, from here on and for forever. I also agree not to betray secrets of any of the aforementioned shipmates and captain, and to do my best to protect them.
(July 6, 2016 - 3:53 pm)
This is so cool!
Name: Faleen Mreuyn, but as she's pretending to be a man, she goes by Ferrin.
Age: (Prefferibly older, like in the twenty's. {If you are a British captian or Admiral, prefferably in the forty's through sixty's}): 19
Rough Size and Appearance: (Rough Size being height and body poportions.) Oh, I'm terrible at this. Maybe.... I dunno... 5 foot 10? She's rather lean, but strong and fast. Because her parents are native to India, Ferrin has dark tanned skin and black hair cut short like a man's. She usually wears a white shirt under a red vesty thing, with a leather belt, baggy pants, and tall boots.
Preffered Weapon: (Such as musket, pistol, dagger, knife, sword. {Specify what kind of sword.})<- Hand-and-a-half, rapier, cutlass) Two pistols and several daggers. Not bad with a sword either.
Position: Such as: sailor, buccaneer, mate, captain, admiral, soldier) Ferrin is the second mate on a PRIVATEER ship, not a pirate ship.
Faction: What governor you serve, (If you are British.) and what captian you serve, or, if you are a British captain, what Admiral you serve. Example: Pirate, under the captian Edward Teach.) Second mate on the privateer ship Diago captained by Rupert Barklass.
Ferrin ran away from her home in India at the age of 17. After wandering around for a couple months, she dressed as a man and signed onto the Diago. She rose quickly trough the ranks, becoming second mate at the age of just 18. Only Captain Barklass and the first mate, Edward Harmen, know that she is a girl. Currently, the Diago is employed by the Spanish, to cause as much trouble for the British as possible.
(July 6, 2016 - 9:22 pm)
Would Faleen/Ferrin like to be second mate on my privateer ship rather than someone else's? I currently only have a cat for a mate.
P. S. Maybe pirates and privateers could have alliances with other pirates/privateers?
P. P. S. If so, then would Tes Turnbuckle be my ally? Say we met when she tried to board my ship, and we fended her off, giving her a wound to the left leg, and we became friends.
(July 7, 2016 - 3:47 pm)
Nice to see you and Orucio (love that name), Cron! So my charrie may seem a little obscure, but please live with it.
Name: Jackal
Age: Four-and-a-half years
Rough Size and Appearance: See image ↓
Preferred Weapon: Claws and teeth
Position: Ship's cat
Faction: Cat under the captain Brink Wells
(July 6, 2016 - 9:58 pm)
Name: Juniper
Age: 19
Rough size and appearance: Dark green eyes and short cropped light brown hair with jagged edges. She's slightly short, at 5'3", and usually wears ripped white pants smeared with dust and a black blouse with a white bandanna. She also has a belt tied around her waist for the sole purpose of holding weapons.
Preferred Weapon: She has a pistol, but it's only for emergencies, and also a dagger, which she is rather good at using.
Position: Powder Monkey-- she supplies gunpowder for the cannons, and has been doing it for as long as she can remember.
Faction: Pirate, under captain Ray "Sharktooth" Gonzalo
If you don't mind, I'd also like to use:
Name: Ray "Sharktooth" Gonzalo
Age: 37
Rough Size and Appearance: He's really rather handsome, and not what you would expect from a pirate. He has light brown hair, parted on his right (an onlooker's left) and swept over to his left (your right). Olive black eyes, twinkling with something that's impossible to identify. He's rather average, at exactly six feet. His almost perfectly handsome frame is tarnished by his left (our right) hand, which is a hook. He'll tell anyone who will listen about the shark that he killed single-handedly, and has a necklace around his neck with the teeth to prove it, hence his nickname. He often wears a pirate's cap tilted so it covers his right (our left) eye and a pirate's coat.
Preferred Weapon: A rapier-- he's more "stabby stabby."
Position: Captain
Faction: Pirate, and Captain of his ship, the Marauder.
By the way, if you search it, there were a few pirate RPs before this one! Apparently there was one about Pirates of the Carribean a few years ago, and another in 2014. . . and I joined a steampunk one in April 2015. http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/inkwell/node/166026
(July 6, 2016 - 10:12 pm)
In the "short" time I have been on here (Since Nov. 2015) I have not seen a thread about pirates, so I was saying that judging by my experience, there has been "no" pirate roleplays.
But thank you for the brief history on pirate threads!
Orucio says aaka! Did you not like the rum, Orucio? Serves you right!
(July 7, 2016 - 11:13 am)
Name: Tes Turnbuckle, Terror of Tasmania
Age: 25
Rough Size and Appearance: (Rough Size being height and body poportions.) Short and thin, but makes up for it in agility and dirty fighting tricks; about 5' 5", 114 pounds. Bright red, wavy hair, sea green eyes, freckles.
Preffered Weapon: Cutlass with a Tasmanian Devil's skull inlaid into the hilt.
Position: Captain of the Tasman Terror (anyone can be my first mate/crew members)
Faction: Pirate, Captain of the Tasman Terror
OTHER: Owns a pet Tasmanian Devil names Sykes
(July 7, 2016 - 10:29 am)
TASMANIAN DEVILS! They are so cute! I once did a report on their island, Tasmania.
Name: Miley 'Missy' Perce
Age: 15
Appearance: Small, very fast and flexable. Messy dirty blond hair, stormy grey eyes, a smirk.
Do other stuff later, is Tes' first mate!
(July 7, 2016 - 11:44 am)
Appearance: Small, very fast and flexable. Messy dirty blond hair tied in a fast bun. Wears a smirk always. Pants are pulled up to her knees, long brown boots, A pirate hat leaned down over her eyes. Pirate patch over her left eye. white vesty thingymagji. Curvy build.
Preferred weapon: Two pistols! She also can use a musket very well, and rather enjoys doing dramatic fights with rapiers.
Position: First Mate.
Faction: Pirate, Under the captain Tes Turnbuckle.
Missy used to be a British princess, however she ran away, irritated by the fancy and easy lifestyle. She found Tes' ship--but didn't realize it-- and hid herself in it. Tes later found her and, once realizing she was a princess, held her hostage. However, Missy was determined to become a pirate, and when one day another ship invaded Tes', she proved her pistol skill. Missy continued rising from the ranks until she became first mate.
She is known as Missy throughout the crew. She's extremely stubborn, and incredibly impolite. Jokes a lot, loyal, and very clever. Loves her pistols.
@Brookeira is this alright?
(July 7, 2016 - 1:28 pm)
@Danie: Yeah, that is fine!
(July 8, 2016 - 11:25 am)
Here's one character! Though I am shure to have more.
Name: Admiral
Age: 52
Rough Size and Appearance:
5’6 height and somewhat overweight. (In short,
a stout and plump person.)
Weapon: A cutlass and pistol. (Though the Admiral hopes not to have to
fight, himself.)
Admiral, under His Majesty King Charles the 2nd
Boburn has been
sent commanding a fleet of 1 1st Rate Man of War ship (100 or more
guns) two Galleons, and five Corvettes to patrol the coasts of the Virgin
Islands to ensure safety of the citizens of the isles from pirates and other European
Positions on those ships are open to anyone!
Orucio says toab! Maybe he wants a character named Toby...
(July 7, 2016 - 12:35 pm)
Real Name: Lara Steallne
Fake Name (the one she uses on the ship): Laurence Searling
Real Age: 15
Fake Age: 13
Position: Cabin "Boy"
Faction: Cabin Boy of the British ship Queen's Victory under Captian Samuel "Smirkface" Falyer
(July 7, 2016 - 6:41 pm)
Name: Iris Lynk
Age: 17
Rough Size and Appearance: 5'1'' tall, very small. She has wild dirty blonde hair and dark tanned skin, with bright green eyes and freckles. She never wears shoes and wears... uh... something similar to what Rey wears in Star Wars.
Preffered Weapon: Rapier
Position: Sailor? I guess?
Faction: Whoever needs an extra person (on the pirate side)
(July 7, 2016 - 8:43 pm)