Tomboy Club RP!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Tomboy Club RP!
Tomboy Club RP!
So, my idea is that we are all girls who want to prove that girls are just as good as boys (we're already tomboys) so we create a club called The Tomboy Club, to do this.(Such an original name) We do this by:
~ Playing sports like baseball and football with boys
~ Hanging out with and becoming friends with boys (but not in a lovey mushy way)
~ Not always being the perfect little girls that boys expect us to be
~ Not being overlygirlish (not wearing dresses every day, not being scared of dirt, not "fainting"at the sight of blood.)
~And whatever else we can think of.
We do these things in the first place because we like doing them. We just want to prove our point while doing them.
Then, there will be a group of evil people called: The TABA, or The Terrible And Bad Association, who want to overthrow and take over the government. The government will be looking for boys and men to defeat the TABA, but we apply for the job. They doubt that we'll be able to do anything, but we prove them wrong.
I know it's kind of a random idea, but I hate when people expect boys to be better than girls. Especially with softball and baseball. I feel like they'r saying "here, you're a girl, instead of playing baseball like the boys, you can play softball with a huge ball so that it's easy enough for you." Grrrrrrrrrr....................I'm going to play baseball next year.
So here's the charrie form. All charries are ages 8-15. You can have up to 3 charries if you can handle them. You can make a boy if you want, but it probably won't get to have as big of a part in the story.
Age: 8-15
Group(boy or girl):
I'll post mine later
(July 7, 2015 - 5:20 pm)
(September 11, 2015 - 10:15 pm)
(September 11, 2015 - 10:15 pm)
(September 12, 2015 - 8:00 pm)
Name: Jillian Jones
Age: 8
Group: Girl
Appearance: Spiky black 'boy-length' hair, icy blue eyes, always wears leather jackets and shimmery dark purple pants with black moccasins
Personality: Will do anything to prove herself as brave, cunning, and great as baseball. Will fight anyone at anytime. Hates wearing dresses. Is very outgoing (she even once slid down the laundry chute).
Other: Whenever she puts on her fingerless black gloves, she's either thinking or about to start a fight. She has a 3-story treehouse in her backyard and lives in it full time.
(September 13, 2015 - 10:50 am)
Uuuuuuuuuuuuum, guys?
(September 14, 2015 - 4:20 pm)
After CJ and I have explained the rules, Nicole knocks an arrow and shoots it at the target. It whistles through the air and lands almost in the center. Lucky first shot. I think to myself. Then her next three arrows hit the bull's eye and just outside of it. Man she is good. I guess that wasn't just plain old luck. All her arrows land close to the bull's eye, and we immediately give her a spot in the tomboy club.
The next day at school, we officially make Nicole a part of our team, and everyone is perfectly happy......... At least until the kidnappings start.
So, I was thinking that we should start with the whole TABA thing, because otherwise this will be super boring and no one will post. I think the TABA should have just started kidnapping people to get the government's attention, and the girls hear about this. When they hear that the government wants volunteers, they step up, and we choose what happens from there.
@Catgirl- Awesome charrie! You can post whenever you want. We really need people to keep this thread alive, and I hope you'll be one.
(September 14, 2015 - 7:57 pm)
TOP!!! @Dragonrider:
I just was thinking... when is my charrie going to join the TBC? I had an idea that Lindsey's Charrie could keep my charrie updated on what was going on, and then she tells my charrie about the kidnapping and that they are having trouble finding some help. That's when I thought my charrie, Joan could jump in and help the TBC, and amidst all the kidnappings, Jackie or CJ could ask my charrie to join the TBC. Does that work? If you have any other ideas, let me know.
(September 18, 2015 - 8:23 pm)
I'm excited and scared. The Tomboy club has their first big mission. Horrible things are taking place, and we are going to stop them. I'm heading to a meeting right now. On the way, I do the only sensible thing to do under fire. I buy a strawberry ice cream.
Hope that wasn't confusing. It's Cordelia's response to the TABA and the TC's plan to help stop them.
(September 22, 2015 - 6:41 pm)
@Aubrey L. Yes, that would work. You can have your charrie join however you want because to be honest, I completely forgot that she wasn't in the TC yet!
(September 22, 2015 - 6:58 pm)
Sorry can't post now, don't have time and also need more stuff to happen. But let's work to keep this RP alive, I love it.
(October 5, 2015 - 5:58 pm)
OH MY GOSH I'M SO SORRY! I forgot about this RP!
I sit under the tree with the club as they talk about the latest disappearances. I'm sketching out a title for us. Possibly a stick figure female without the dress, but with long hair to tell it's a girl. I'm enraptured in my sketch, when I feel Jackie tap my shoulder. "We're voting on jobs in the club."
I thought that each member could have a special job to the club. This way, each member has a perpose.
(October 6, 2015 - 9:38 am)
@Lindsey R. Thanks so much for posting, your idea sounds great. I'll try to remember to post soon, but I might forget. I'm going to New York City this weekend!
(October 8, 2015 - 8:39 pm)