Shadow RPG

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Shadow RPG

Shadow RPG

Hey peeps! I just got this is idea for a rpg (role playing game) that is called Shadows! It is about these people who can control, transform, or even have a pet shadow! You can also be a villager, a person who fears the shadowns, or a loner, who lives in the woods. Shadow people can live in two packs, or be by themselves. One of the packs is evil, and other is good. Just to help you guys, I put a shadow and villager type list.


1. Don't be over powerful. (and if you are low in class, don't make yourself as powerful as the leader) 

2. anyone can join.

3. Don't take a spot that someone already taken.

4.Don't mess with the story. (unless you have a good idea that doesn't change the story much.)

5. Don't copy someone elses idea on this. 

6. I may not let your character in if s/he is over powerful or doesn't follow one of these rules.

7. If someone is being rude, or not following these rules, I will injore your comments. 

Shadow types:

Choose pack(silver or black) or loner

Choose controller, tranformer, or keeper

And choose stats if in pack( captain(one) captan helper(two) fighter(lots of these) healer(two) new(lots of these) and child(lots of these))

Villager types:**

choose village or loner 

Village(either Hallowian or fairen)

Village stats( same as shadows without new, and with blacksmith, knitter, and poor)


My characters:

Name:Thero Backen

gender: Male

age: 19 

Looks: long black hair, very dark brown eyes, torn shirt and pants, high boots

Story/Personaltity: He is powerful, and no one ever messes with him. he is dark and evil, but is clever. If someone is not good, he kicks that person out. Makes sure everyone knows who's boss x). He trusts no one.

How good in fighting(0-10):11 (He is SUPER good. Don't mess with him.) 

Shadow or villager: Shadow

Pack or village: Black

Type: Transformer

stats: captain


Name: Terra Lee

Gender: Female 

Age: 15

Looks: VERY long brown hair, tank top, bare footed, pretty

Story/Personality: Smart, emotion, hardworking, protects her friends, bit bossy, can get tantrums.

How good in fighting(0-10): 6

Shadow or villager: Shadow

Pack or village: Silver

Type: Controller

stats: Fighter 




**You can also be a person in a village who doesn't know s/he has powers.. >:D 



Mushy says kzth. Can zebras trance hooligans? 

submitted by Danielle P., age 10, Shadow forest
(August 5, 2014 - 10:49 pm)

I must post. It's the only way.


I looked around. Who was that... Something very weird. I crawl out of my den and peek out. Nobody. The voice speaks again.

You won't find me, Therrooo.

Suddenly I feel something bang into my head, and i fall down. 

submitted by Danielle
(September 3, 2014 - 9:24 am)

Idea !!! On the night of No Moon , the shadows are most powerful . The voice is one of them ?

submitted by Indigo K.
(September 5, 2014 - 6:26 pm)

Hmm... What do you mean by "No"?

submitted by Danielle
(September 5, 2014 - 7:49 pm)

New Moon, but I called it No Moon because I thought that would be something the shadows might say , not ' New ' Moon ( The Moon is very old, you know ) .

submitted by Indigo K.
(September 5, 2014 - 10:03 pm)

Okay, but I can't post. We need someone else.

submitted by Danielle
(September 6, 2014 - 11:07 am)

Do you guys want me to post?

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(September 6, 2014 - 2:30 pm)

YES !!! ( If Danielle agrees )

submitted by Indigo K.
(September 6, 2014 - 8:00 pm)


submitted by Danielle
(September 6, 2014 - 8:38 pm)

Duvessa stared at the boy.

" Well you have to have a name, don't you?" she asked. The boy shook his head, but suddenly froze.

" I have to go," he said, while turning around.

" Wait, where to?" Duvessa asked, wanting to not be alone.

" Something has knocked out Thero. And-" he suddenly stopped, his eyes changed to a glowy white color, and other Voices joined in.

This is bigger than the dark shadow. It is coming for the meadow. Silver and shadow must come together. Or the creature will become so powerful the world will be as small and light and vulnerable, as a feather. 


submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(September 7, 2014 - 12:50 pm)


I wake up, groaning. Wait, where am I? I look around. This doesn't make any sense. Suddenly I hear a voice in the distance. "'ello, Thero." I gasp. He was the ghost... Of the King of Samarya. When the shadows had came to this land, We kicked him off the throne. He soon went to get revenge and took thousands of shadow monsters with him. But we killed him. (of course, soon we were kicked off the throne, as villagers took it.) How is he a... Ghost? the king chuckled. "I fellow villager found me, and I came back to life. Now I want revenge."

This couldn't be happening.

This couldn't. 

submitted by Danielle
(September 7, 2014 - 1:41 pm)

Yay ! The Thread is revived !

submitted by Indigo K.
(September 7, 2014 - 3:31 pm)

What should Ethyi do ? 

submitted by Indigo Keli
(September 7, 2014 - 3:40 pm)

Find the Darken Stone! :D

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(September 8, 2014 - 8:06 am)

OK . 

~ Ethyi ~

I left Old Camp in search of the Silver Pack's Camp. They had to know about this ! I hurried away with DarkDove, the squirrel shadows, and the wildcat shadow in tow. 

But even though I was sure I knew the way, I got lost soon. I was certain that around the corner was the camp, but I turned and there was the small clearing instead, with the brambles . . . and the Stone, too, but this time not just as a dream .


Sorry, but I gotta go. I'll finish this later. 

submitted by Indigo K.
(September 8, 2014 - 10:38 pm)

~ Etta ~

It was strange, but I was sure I heard someone say,

       One to tell,

       Not goin' down the well,

I spun around. There was no one there.

Silver, shadow black

bring it back

I turned quickly. No one, again. I checked behind a tree, in the brambles. Still no one. Telling myself it was my imagination, I was settling down when :

Two rulers, two lands,

septer clasped by two hands

Whoever it was was rather crazy, if you asked me.

Not the twin

old king goin' for the win

I shook my head. I was crazy. Whatever, because : there it was ! The Darken Stone ! I ran over and grasped it. I had it ! The Darken Stone !


submitted by Indigo K., age 10, California
(September 9, 2014 - 6:59 pm)