Shadow RPG

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Shadow RPG

Shadow RPG

Hey peeps! I just got this is idea for a rpg (role playing game) that is called Shadows! It is about these people who can control, transform, or even have a pet shadow! You can also be a villager, a person who fears the shadowns, or a loner, who lives in the woods. Shadow people can live in two packs, or be by themselves. One of the packs is evil, and other is good. Just to help you guys, I put a shadow and villager type list.


1. Don't be over powerful. (and if you are low in class, don't make yourself as powerful as the leader) 

2. anyone can join.

3. Don't take a spot that someone already taken.

4.Don't mess with the story. (unless you have a good idea that doesn't change the story much.)

5. Don't copy someone elses idea on this. 

6. I may not let your character in if s/he is over powerful or doesn't follow one of these rules.

7. If someone is being rude, or not following these rules, I will injore your comments. 

Shadow types:

Choose pack(silver or black) or loner

Choose controller, tranformer, or keeper

And choose stats if in pack( captain(one) captan helper(two) fighter(lots of these) healer(two) new(lots of these) and child(lots of these))

Villager types:**

choose village or loner 

Village(either Hallowian or fairen)

Village stats( same as shadows without new, and with blacksmith, knitter, and poor)


My characters:

Name:Thero Backen

gender: Male

age: 19 

Looks: long black hair, very dark brown eyes, torn shirt and pants, high boots

Story/Personaltity: He is powerful, and no one ever messes with him. he is dark and evil, but is clever. If someone is not good, he kicks that person out. Makes sure everyone knows who's boss x). He trusts no one.

How good in fighting(0-10):11 (He is SUPER good. Don't mess with him.) 

Shadow or villager: Shadow

Pack or village: Black

Type: Transformer

stats: captain


Name: Terra Lee

Gender: Female 

Age: 15

Looks: VERY long brown hair, tank top, bare footed, pretty

Story/Personality: Smart, emotion, hardworking, protects her friends, bit bossy, can get tantrums.

How good in fighting(0-10): 6

Shadow or villager: Shadow

Pack or village: Silver

Type: Controller

stats: Fighter 




**You can also be a person in a village who doesn't know s/he has powers.. >:D 



Mushy says kzth. Can zebras trance hooligans? 

submitted by Danielle P., age 10, Shadow forest
(August 5, 2014 - 10:49 pm)

Okay, let's see if I can revive this rp. - rubs hands together -


I crouched down at the captain, and inspected him.

" He's not dead, that's for sure. Just knocked out. Do you think we should put him on a stake? Impale him maybe? Maybe then everyone will know that we're fighting back..." I trailed off, poking his face.

" Uh.. I really don't think that's a good idea," Ethyi said slowly. I shrugged.

" Eh, at least I tried." I jumped up and faced Thero.

" Thero! Why don't you try to wake him up, see what this whole thing about becoming an evil black shadow is all about, yeah?" I pushed on Thero's back, trying to get him to move. He wouldn't budge, the fat thing. Or I should say muscled thing, BUT HE WOULDN'T MOVE! I pushed harder, and mumbled," Aww, is the big bad shadowy wolfy scared to talk to an almost dead man?" I suddenly fell down as Thero moved forward. I got up and brushed myself off, glaring at Thero as he crouched down. He poked him repeatedly, leaning back every few pokes just in case the captain exploded into awakening.

" Slap him maybe?" I suggested, not regretting a word when Thero started to slap him. I snickered and so the others, and laughed even more when Ethyi suggested smacking him. Thero slapped him harder, but it still did nothing. Thero sighed and stood up.

" I don't think we're getting any answers out of him." A hand flashed out suddenly and Thero fell to the ground, the hand clamped around his leg.

" Well... I think now we are..." I trailed off, staring right into the black captain's icy blue eyes. 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(December 10, 2014 - 10:32 am)


I groaned slightly, pulling myself out of the captain's grip. He glared at me, his eyes seemingly endless blue. I stared into them for a couple of seconds, and shook myself out. He shivered in and out, but he couldn't escape. Probably very weak.

"And just to tell you, Noelle, I'm pretty sure we got answers already," I said said, still watching the captain.

"Yeah, but I want to know what they are up to now!" Noelle excitily said, looking at the captain.

"You are not getting anything," the captain said. Gosh, this is harder than I thought. 

submitted by Danie
(December 10, 2014 - 7:16 pm)


submitted by Ew
(January 20, 2015 - 5:19 pm)

Ummm, since so much has happened since I posted last (3 pages ago!!) can somebody please summarize for me???

submitted by Little Sister, Smacking my own face
(December 13, 2014 - 7:46 pm)

Heh... Um... Er... A lot.

This is gonna be tricky... Uh...

So, first, Duvessa met this boy called Hirt, who hurts anyone he touches. Soon, Duvessa goes away from Hirt, and finds Terra, Thero, and Ethyi, who are trying to find answers from the voices. The voices gives them a riddle, and duvessa explains what the voices are really doing. They have no idea what the riddle means, so Ethyi goes to the village to find out what's happening. But, while that's happening, Terra and Thero go back to their camps and see that the villagers and their fighters are fighting. The villagers are using fake darken stones, creating Fake Voices and Fake Shadows. The captain, who is much more than you think, sends his shadows to Thero and captures Thero. Terra breaks down, and Duvessa tries to confort her. Thero is meanwhile in prison, and Duvessa is captured as well with this fake Shadows. The captain explain to Thero and Duvessa who is really is.

The captain was the first shadow, was created by a wizard To be the Old King's slave. But it went wrong, so the old king gives the shadow kid to some step parents, who hate him and send him into the streets. And that was all hundreds of years ago. Yes, the captain lived that long. Because he had some strange powers, if he turned into a shadow, he could live forever. But that came with a weakness. He couldn't transform back into human, so he stayed evil and a shadow. The Old king soon found the captain again, and buried him into the ground, his other weakness.

He lay there for hundreds of years, until a few years before the first adventures of the shadows, as a boy found him. The captain soon went to the valley of the Shadows, the place he used to go as a boy to stay away from everything else. He found out that he was the first shadow, and that the old king created him. He wanted revenge. The captain is playing double, helping the Old King(He's a ghost) and the villagers defeat the shadows so that the shadows can be his slaves. Then, he is gonna defeat the villagers.

This is all explained to Thero and duvessa by the captain.


This explantion is to be continued! 

submitted by Danie
(December 13, 2014 - 11:28 pm)

(Continuing the summary)

Then, the captain leaves. Ethyi comes along and helps them escape. Then they go to the Darken Stone's clearing because they think that's where the captain is. Hirt's there, and so is the captain. They all start to fight him. Terra suprise attacks him, Thero and Terra kiss, and then we're here : interrogating the captain.  

submitted by Indigo
(December 25, 2014 - 12:02 pm)
submitted by TOP!
(December 27, 2014 - 10:32 pm)

Thanks, Indigo. Sorry I didn't post again. I was on vacation this entire week :P

submitted by Danie
(December 28, 2014 - 12:05 pm)

You're welcome !

~ Ethyi ~


"And just to tell you, Duvvessa, I'm pretty sure we got answers already," Thero said, staring at the captain. 

"Yeah, but I want to know what they are up to now!" Duvvessa exclaimed, looking down at him too. 

"You are not getting anything," the captain retorted, wriggling around a bit, as though getting more comfortable. I saw him pull something out of his back pocket. He was trying too bury it in the leaves and partially decayed plant life, but I snatched it out of his hand. It was a black bag, made of some sort of rich satin. I pulled the drawstrings open. Inside was a bottle of a thick, scarlet liquid, a rolled-up parchment, and a jar of blue-black stone shards

   "What does the paper say ?" Thero asked, excited.

   " 'How To Create A Darken Stone,' " I read. " 'Ingredients : Shadow's Blood : One bottle. Crumbled dust of the original Darken Stone : One pinch.' " I tapped the two containers. " That must be these. "

   Something caught my eye. " 'When the Darken Stone is complete, is powerful enough to enable someone to overthrow the shadows.' "


Yeah . . . I dunno. Not so great, but I just wanted to get it up and running again. 








submitted by Indigo
(January 1, 2015 - 3:19 pm)
submitted by TOP!
(January 2, 2015 - 1:38 pm)

Danie . . . Noelle ? I just posted . . . . do you think one of you could move this along ?

submitted by Indigo
(January 8, 2015 - 8:09 pm)

I dunno. I have ruin out of ideas with this rp. I am thinking of starting it over, because it was so much fun!

submitted by Danie
(January 10, 2015 - 12:28 pm)

That sounds good. Maybe let others join, have it be maybe 30 years after it so there can be new charries and people ?

submitted by Indigo
(January 10, 2015 - 6:25 pm)

That sounds like a good idea, Indigo. I'm sorry I haven't really posted on this rp, I don't really have anymore ideas. :/

submitted by Noelle C., age 13
(January 11, 2015 - 5:18 pm)

@Danie so . . . maybe you could post a ShadowRP2 Thread ?

submitted by Indigo
(January 12, 2015 - 9:06 pm)