Shadow RPG
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Shadow RPG
Shadow RPG
Hey peeps! I just got this is idea for a rpg (role playing game) that is called Shadows! It is about these people who can control, transform, or even have a pet shadow! You can also be a villager, a person who fears the shadowns, or a loner, who lives in the woods. Shadow people can live in two packs, or be by themselves. One of the packs is evil, and other is good. Just to help you guys, I put a shadow and villager type list.
1. Don't be over powerful. (and if you are low in class, don't make yourself as powerful as the leader)
2. anyone can join.
3. Don't take a spot that someone already taken.
4.Don't mess with the story. (unless you have a good idea that doesn't change the story much.)
5. Don't copy someone elses idea on this.
6. I may not let your character in if s/he is over powerful or doesn't follow one of these rules.
7. If someone is being rude, or not following these rules, I will injore your comments.
Shadow types:
Choose pack(silver or black) or loner
Choose controller, tranformer, or keeper
And choose stats if in pack( captain(one) captan helper(two) fighter(lots of these) healer(two) new(lots of these) and child(lots of these))
Villager types:**
choose village or loner
Village(either Hallowian or fairen)
Village stats( same as shadows without new, and with blacksmith, knitter, and poor)
My characters:
Name:Thero Backen
gender: Male
age: 19
Looks: long black hair, very dark brown eyes, torn shirt and pants, high boots
Story/Personaltity: He is powerful, and no one ever messes with him. he is dark and evil, but is clever. If someone is not good, he kicks that person out. Makes sure everyone knows who's boss x). He trusts no one.
How good in fighting(0-10):11 (He is SUPER good. Don't mess with him.)
Shadow or villager: Shadow
Pack or village: Black
Type: Transformer
stats: captain
Name: Terra Lee
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Looks: VERY long brown hair, tank top, bare footed, pretty
Story/Personality: Smart, emotion, hardworking, protects her friends, bit bossy, can get tantrums.
How good in fighting(0-10): 6
Shadow or villager: Shadow
Pack or village: Silver
Type: Controller
stats: Fighter
**You can also be a person in a village who doesn't know s/he has powers.. >:D
Mushy says kzth. Can zebras trance hooligans?
(August 5, 2014 - 10:49 pm)
Oh I like that! :D
(October 6, 2014 - 5:18 pm)
Okay, I'm gonna write a summary of what happens in the time between the darken stone was destroyed to two years after. You can change a bit of this if you don't like it!
-Duvessa is turned back alive for her faithful work protecting the stone.
- Terra becomes captain (duh.)
-Thero gets softer (gasp)
-Ethyi joins the silver pack, and becomes a captain helper.
-The princess(curious dragon's character) quits being a princess and joins the silver pack. She also becomes a captain helper.
-Ethyi loses her limp. (horrah!)
-Sister's character some how comes back to life and joins the black pack. And becomes a captain helper.
-Thero starts liking Terra. (oh no...)
Yeah! That's pretty much what I can think of. Any ideas of why the villagers are angry at us?
(October 6, 2014 - 7:01 pm)
Maybe they are coming after Thero because he blew up their town again? Or... They are driven by being afraid of us that they want to get rid of us? Anybody else have ideas?
(October 7, 2014 - 8:17 am)
Maybe they're mad that the princess is on the shadow side and want to get back at her for switching sides or something. Maybe thet thought she was kiddnapped.
(October 7, 2014 - 9:50 am)
*groans* Sounds exactly like something my father would think! I bet he believed me dead, but then some foolhardy boys from Nerien saw me out on patrol. It would be just like him to declare war on the shadows, or fill the woods with guards looking for me.
(October 7, 2014 - 2:44 pm)
Do you think Terra or Thero could train Ethyi to fight better ?
(October 7, 2014 - 9:52 am)
Euphelia wants to become a loner. She is on no side. Remember? She's the only one who knows what really happened!
(October 8, 2014 - 1:58 pm)
Hehum. I am pretty sure that we were all here to see what happened.
(October 18, 2014 - 4:02 pm)
. . . The new and improved Ethyi !
Name: Ethyi Upindale
Gender: Female
Age: 12 now ( YES !!! )
Looks: Short, no limp ( double YES !!! ) , violet eyes, blue-black hair ( she grew it out and now it is about shoulder-length. She ussually keeps it back. )
Story/Personality: She isn't so much of a loner anymore, but bassicly she's the same as before.
How good in fighting(0-10): 4 and a half. She can ( sort of ) fight with daggers, and is pretty good with a bow and arrow.
Shadow or villager: She's not really a villager, but she fondly remembers her time there, and doesn't really think of herself as truely a shadow.
Pack or village: She often goes out alone and hangs out with Thero, but she's Silver ( although she isn't bound into the pack )
Type: She can control animal shadows and create shadow puppets
Stats: Not sure
(October 7, 2014 - 7:23 pm)
Okay. The villagers are angry because the shadows took the princess, and Thero did something you might figure out what.
I groan, slapping my head aganist a tree. Why was I so dumb! Now those villagers are gonna have more reasons to go into war with us. Gee, I just had to burn the captain's house down! I shouldn't have been drinking! Oh, Terra's gonna hate me... Ech! Stop it brain! Stop it! You don't like Terra, no no. You don't....
I sighed. The news had spread that Thero had burned down the captain's house. He's a dumb twit. I thought he knew that burning the captain's house down would cause another war between the villagers and shadows! We already have the evil ghost king thing on the loose.
(October 7, 2014 - 9:10 pm)
~ Ethyi ~
Even though it's been years since I was on the other side of the Twilight Wall (a little more than two, to be exact, ) I've climbed it dozens of times. My feet scramble to the footholds as I pull myself over. Perching on the wall, I survey the area. I watch the curfew guards pace the slums, gaze longingly into the round lights of the houses. One of the guards stopped to nail a notice onto the wall of a bar. After he passed, I dropped onto a roof, slithered down the house, and touched ground I hadn't set foot upon in years. I tiptoed over to the bar's wall, and checked out the poster.
Wanted : Thero Blacken
For 15 Crowns
RGGGHHH ! Charged for being a shadow ! I tore down the notice, ripping it to shreds. " Hey ! Shadow girl ! " A guard called. I dropped the shredds and me and my shadow pets ran. I srambbled up the Twilight Wall, leapt off it, and landed, racing into the darkened forest.
(October 7, 2014 - 10:24 pm)
I guess we are starting then. Hehehe.
Duvessa opened her eyes, the sky a bright blue. There was a hint of smoke, but Duvessa ignored that as she got up. She looked at herself, and realized with shock, that she saw herself no more as hazy, but as if she was a real, living person.
She lives, she lives, a reward for you in protecting the stone, the stone we give.
Duvessa watched as the blue dust of the stone whipping up from the air, and swirled all around her. She felt it enter her, and she felt exhilirated, she felt whole again, she felt like a person. She felt her shadow horse inside of her, and she was happy that she had a second mind in her brain again. She was alive. Now time to get out of here, and see what the whole smoke thing was.
(October 8, 2014 - 9:33 am)
(October 10, 2014 - 5:47 pm)
(October 10, 2014 - 5:48 pm)
Not gonna die, agreed ?
~ Ethyi ~
< Later >
I sat on the wall, staring into the town. What was that ? Another poster. I leaned forward, just making out the words.
Updates :
It is now offically a death-penalty
crime to be a shadow. Shadow-hunting
is once again legal and highly encouraged.
Rewards For Capture Of Various Shadows :
Female Kid : 1 heir
Male Kid : 2 heirs
Female Fighter : 4 heirs
Male Fighter : 5 Heirs
Captain : 5 Kings
Healer : 5 Heirs
Loner : 2 Heirs
Unidentified : 3 Heirs
Rewards For Desposing Of Various Shadows :
Female Kid : 1 heir
Male kid : 1 heir
Female Fighter : 7 heirs
Male Fighter : 8 Heirs
Captain : 7 Kings
Healer : 6 Heirs
Loner : 3 Heirs
Unidentified : 4 Heirs
(October 11, 2014 - 11:03 am)