Shadow RPG

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Shadow RPG

Shadow RPG

Hey peeps! I just got this is idea for a rpg (role playing game) that is called Shadows! It is about these people who can control, transform, or even have a pet shadow! You can also be a villager, a person who fears the shadowns, or a loner, who lives in the woods. Shadow people can live in two packs, or be by themselves. One of the packs is evil, and other is good. Just to help you guys, I put a shadow and villager type list.


1. Don't be over powerful. (and if you are low in class, don't make yourself as powerful as the leader) 

2. anyone can join.

3. Don't take a spot that someone already taken.

4.Don't mess with the story. (unless you have a good idea that doesn't change the story much.)

5. Don't copy someone elses idea on this. 

6. I may not let your character in if s/he is over powerful or doesn't follow one of these rules.

7. If someone is being rude, or not following these rules, I will injore your comments. 

Shadow types:

Choose pack(silver or black) or loner

Choose controller, tranformer, or keeper

And choose stats if in pack( captain(one) captan helper(two) fighter(lots of these) healer(two) new(lots of these) and child(lots of these))

Villager types:**

choose village or loner 

Village(either Hallowian or fairen)

Village stats( same as shadows without new, and with blacksmith, knitter, and poor)


My characters:

Name:Thero Backen

gender: Male

age: 19 

Looks: long black hair, very dark brown eyes, torn shirt and pants, high boots

Story/Personaltity: He is powerful, and no one ever messes with him. he is dark and evil, but is clever. If someone is not good, he kicks that person out. Makes sure everyone knows who's boss x). He trusts no one.

How good in fighting(0-10):11 (He is SUPER good. Don't mess with him.) 

Shadow or villager: Shadow

Pack or village: Black

Type: Transformer

stats: captain


Name: Terra Lee

Gender: Female 

Age: 15

Looks: VERY long brown hair, tank top, bare footed, pretty

Story/Personality: Smart, emotion, hardworking, protects her friends, bit bossy, can get tantrums.

How good in fighting(0-10): 6

Shadow or villager: Shadow

Pack or village: Silver

Type: Controller

stats: Fighter 




**You can also be a person in a village who doesn't know s/he has powers.. >:D 



Mushy says kzth. Can zebras trance hooligans? 

submitted by Danielle P., age 10, Shadow forest
(August 5, 2014 - 10:49 pm)

Hope you guys understood the riddle. It was suppose to mean that the dead king dude has the darken stone (The villagers made them) and he is now helping them. And yes, the villagers are the people we hate. So, the actual problem is not the fighting between the shadows and the villager. The problem is that the shadows need to understand why they are shadows, what their true beginning was, and that destroying the villagers won't help. And the beginning is much more complicated then you can expect, and it will bring hardship... And some deaths. You'll see >:)


I sighed. My head was swirling, and I couldn't understand the riddle one bit. Well, not really.

"So... What now?" Terra asked, after Ethyi went away to spy on the villagers.

"...I don't know. We.. We should be going." I mumbled. I turned into a wolf and sprinted away. My eyes prickled suddenly as yells and screams filled the air. Oh no. I run faster. And faster. And faster. Arrows fill the air as I look upon the see in front of me.

The villagers fight, but are much stronger. The darken stones are helping them, and are creating shadows with reddish tints. Our fighters get overwelmed with the pretend shadows, the shadows that can't be true. Or real. I see the captain in the distance, who is somehow riding a 'shadow' horse. I grab his shoulder, pulling him down and ripping at his shirt. He screams out of surprise, and falls off his horse. The shadows must be controlled by him, as they started running toward me. I gasped in surpise as yanked me into the hard ground, and I taste blood. A voice whispers in my ear.

"We used your powers aganist you."


I can't believe it. The villages have finally got into war. Our packs fought them, and lost. I can't believe they didn't take me. Most likely they thought there was one pack, and Thero was the only leaders. But they took Thero. God, we are dead. I have finally broken down. They are gonna kill him. And I'm crying about it. Stop it, Terra! Crying doesn't bring anyone back. I feel a hand brush aganist my back, and I look up. Duvessa is sitting next to me, looking at me sadly.

"You upset 'bout Thero?" she asks.

"I'm in love. I'm finally in love," is all I say.

This is a bigger problem than we have ever thought. 

submitted by Danie
(November 8, 2014 - 6:18 pm)

~ Ethyi ~

Slipping into the village was even easier than I thought. I made DarkDove and my other shadow pets hide in my shadow, then scrambled over the Twilight Wall as quietly and inconspicously as I could. It was easy to walk through the streets unnoticed, as dozens of shadow villagers were cheering about . . . something. I didn't know what. 

The villagers started cheering loudly, so loudly I could barely make out the words. " KILL THE SHADOWS !! KILL THE SHADOWS !!! KILL THE SHADOWS !!!!" they chanted.  Bloodthristy murders. They say that we were the bad guys, we're evil, but nice people don't celebrate killing people. I shuddered, and slunk deeper into the darkness. Who was it ? Hopefuly not someone I knew. I pushed my head up and glimsed the face. Thero. 

I sighed. Poor Thero. I'd have to get him out, somehow. Sabcatodg something important maybe, then rescue Thero and flee.

submitted by Indigo
(November 8, 2014 - 11:10 pm)


Snuggles says font.... Wow. first time I use you as a captcha, and you say a word. 

submitted by TOP
(November 12, 2014 - 10:42 am)

I blazed through the forest, my hooves pounding against the forest floor. Having no idea how to help Terra, I followed Ethyi's scent, in hopes of trying to help against the villagers. I suddenly fell to the ground, my body feeling as if it was on fire. I whinnied loudly, thinking that someone might come to help me. I writhed on the ground, trying to get up, when a loud shrill sounded in my head. I whinnied and struggled to get back up, but it seemed as if something was holding me down.

Fake darken stones, fake darken stones, fake shadows!

Might as well bring this upon yourself and the others!

Can't talk in riddles, can't talk in riddles, CAN'T TALK IN RIDDLES! 

The Voices screamed all around me, screaming multiple things.

What's going on?! Are you doing this to me?!

I asked, wondering if they would even hear me above their own screaming.

Not us, not us, NOT US! 

Fake shadows are going to hold you down. Going to overrule the real shadows!

Can't talk in riddles, so we shall repeat. Can't talk in riddles, so we shall repeat. CAN'T TALK IN RIDDLES, SO WE SHALL REPEAT!

I shut my eyes tight, trying to block the Voices out, but I couldn't. All the while, a large shadow of somebody fell upon me. Or perhaps, it was a shadow of a shadow. 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(November 13, 2014 - 9:59 am)


submitted by TOP
(November 12, 2014 - 11:53 pm)


I sat in my jail cell, hearing the villagers celebrating outside. They are going to kill me tomorrow. Lovely. I sigh and stand up, thinking hard. My chains stop me from going any farther, as they tie themselves around my wrist. suddenly, I hear footsteps. My cell door opens, and Duvessa is kicked. I raise my eyesbrows in surprise, and even more so as the captain villager comes in... But he doesn't look like a villager. His eyes are red, and his body looks like the devil. But he is jet black all over, and slightly liquidly... Like a shadow. I go backwards in fear despite myself. The captain chuckles.

"Let me tell you a little secert. As you can see, I'm a shadow. Actually, I have been a shadow for a long time. I have some back story to tell you freaks for a bit." He smirks, his devilish grin showing, and then continues.

"When I was born, I knew I was a freak. I could turn into a shadow, but not by will. My parents were afraid of me, and soon threw me into the streets. I was alone. But free. Also, this was the time of the old king. Yes, the king that lived long ago and now helps us. I was alive back then. Hundreds of years ago. You see, I could live for a long time. As a shadow. But I didn't know that came with a price. I would be shadow forever. So I hid myself behind a hood, and that's how everyone came to know me by. But soon, the king found me and buried me alive, my only weakness.

"Alas, I was in there for a long time. However, a few years ago, a boy found me and saved me... And I was free once more. I found myself trying to grasp the surrondings that used to be different. The only thing I knew that was still here was the valley of the shadows. The place I use to go to when I was a child, to hide from everyone. I went there to get answers from the voices. And I found out, that I was the first shadow. I was created by a wizard, who was suppose to make a servant to the king. But it went wrong, and he created the first shadow person. So I wanted revenge. So I'm being double now. Right now, I'm helping them defeat you shadows, so you shadows can me my... slaves. And then, I'm going to turn all of the villagers into... Shadows. My servants. And i'm going to kill the king... All with these fake darken stones. Now, I'm a controller, a transformer, and a keeper." He finally stopped, smirking his devilish smirk once more. I lay there in horror. Finally, Duvessa interrupted him.

"Can't the old king remember you?" she asked, frowning slightly. The captain smiled and chuckled.

"I control him..." He trails off, smirking again. God, I'd never been so scared in my life.  

submitted by Danie
(November 13, 2014 - 8:04 pm)

I glanced at Thero, and from what I saw, I never thought I would see it.

" Thero scared... Huh. Never thought I'd see the day," I chuckled, knowing this comment probably wouldn't make this situation any happier. Thero just growled, his head hanging his eyes closed.

" How did you even get in here?" Thero asked, muttering.

" Well, I fell down when fire engulfed me, I couldn't get up, I blanked out after a shadow crossed over me, when I woke up, I realized that it was the shadow of a shadow, and bam here I am," I explained then realized something.

" Hey that rhymed."

Thero groaned at this comment, clearly irritated by the fact he was stuck with me.

" Don't worry bro, feelings mutual."

" So then, the shadow controlled you into being able to capture you?" Thero suddenly asked, lifting his head.

" I guess. Now I know what it feels like to be controlled, and I don't really like it," I answered, when another thing popped into my head.

" Hey, remember when you were all scary as a captain of the Black Pack? And everybody feared you? How the prisoners stayed silent and trembled quietly when you walked into their cell?"

Thero stayed quiet, but he was staring at the floor, as if waiting for what I was going to say.

" Guess now you know what it feels like to be that person, silent and trembling in the cell. Scared, powerless. How every one of your victims felt. Now you know what it feels like," I said quietly, looking down at the ground.

" Duvessa?"

" Yeah?"

" You're right. And I don't really like it."

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(November 14, 2014 - 10:01 am)

*My Cell door is opened, and Duvessa is kicked in.

Not *My cell door is opened, and Duvessa is kicked. 

submitted by Danie
(November 14, 2014 - 10:50 am)

~ Ethyi ~

" Where's that prison ? " I asked a fruit vendor.

" Over on that street. Free rotten fruit for the prisoner's disliking, " he replied.

" Thanks. " I would be sure to throw it at him later.

~Five minutes later

I scrambled up into the tree, staring down through the barred prison window. 

" Don't worry bro, feelings mutual. " Duvessa's calm, slightly sassy drawl came loud and clear. 

" So then, the shadow controlled you into being able to capture you?" Thero asked, the curiousity sharp in his voice.

The fake shadows are controller shadows . . . .

" I guess. Now I know what it feels like to be controlled, and I don't really like it," Duvessa answered, but I was barely listening. 

" Hey, remember when you were all scary as a capta. . . " I was already hurrying down. Halfway to the bottom I realized I should probably cunsult them.

Now you know what it feels like," I said quietly, looking down at the ground.

" Duvessa?"

" Yeah?"

" You're right. And I don't really like it."

Duvessa made a noise as though she wanted to say something more, but I interrupted, saying, "I'm going to try to control the fake shadows. Any advice- besides only trying to when they're in animal form ? "


submitted by Indigo
(November 14, 2014 - 6:39 pm)

" Any advice? Well," I trailed off, smirking when I said my next sentence.

" You could try getting us out of here." Thero snorted beside me, rolling his eyes. Ethyi broke into a big smile, her eyes alight with mischief and excitement.

" Okay!" 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(November 15, 2014 - 5:50 pm)


I leapt down and hurried over to the guards. My shadow pets distracted them while I grabbed a branch and knocked them out. I grabbed the keys off an unconcious guard's belt and hurried down the hall, unlocking Thero and Duvessa's cell and letting them out. We hurried down the halls, but two tall guards and a few other fake shadows appeared, blocking the way. 

submitted by Indigo
(November 16, 2014 - 5:42 pm)


I growled at the fake shadows, turning into a wolf.

"You fakers are not gonna get the best of me this time!" I bark, jumping onto the grayish shadows. Duvessa and Ethyi take care of the guards, and soon the guards are unconcious on the ground. Not surprisingly, I hear the captain running toward us, his red eyes glimering. I back away, fear whispering in my ear.

"Wow, the bravest of all shadows fears me," the captain whispers, his shadowy body looking darker in it's surroundings.

"Who said that?" I snarl, walking toward him. To my surprise, he backs away. What? Why would he be afraid? I move even more forward, and he doubles back.

"You seem to be afraid," I bark, and then turn around to see what's Ethyi and Duvessa is doing. I gasp as I see Ethyi groaning, her eyes squinting in concentration. She's controlling the captain! I grab my chance, pouncing on the captain. But there is nothing there. Where did he go?

"He-e-e... He just disappeared," Duvessa whispered, looking at the stop he was just at. 

submitted by Danie
(November 16, 2014 - 8:21 pm)

My eyes were wide with shock. I can't believe he was able to disappear while being controlled. 

He is here, he is here, where the last hurrah happened.

Replacing the Darken Stone, replacing the Darken Stone?!

If you come, you can teach him the lesson we've taught you, but cannot do.

While staring at nothing I spoke to Thero and Ethyi.

" He's in the clearing in the Valley of Shadows. I think he's making the fake darken stones right on the place where the real Darken Stone was. C'mon!" 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(November 17, 2014 - 10:42 am)


Thero and Duvessa sprinted away through the village, with me hurrying to keep up behind them. Every time I moved my head, a searing head ache made me gasp with pain, and I felt like I hadn't slept in a week. I stumbled, trying to get up again, but failing as blackness blotted out my vision.

I woke up on Duvessa's back. We had nearly reached the Darken Stone's clearing, and so I leapt off, thanking her.  

submitted by Indigo
(November 17, 2014 - 6:38 pm)

We cautiously moved through the trees, Thero turning into his wolf to try to catch some sound coming from the clearing that me and Ethyi couldn't catch. We moved a little closer, when we saw a shape in the clearing.

" We've got you now," Thero growled, and leaped in before I could say anything when I realized who it was. It was hard to see, since there were lots of trees in my line of sight, but from what I could tell, Thero slammed into the person, and a second later, he was on the ground, writhing and howling in pain. Me and Ethyi shared a look before rushing in.

" It's you!" I exclaimed, even thought I already knew who it was.

The boy from the forest, with a touch that could kill you. 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(November 18, 2014 - 10:23 am)