Character RP. 

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Character RP. 

Character RP. 

We need some new RPs. True, Future RP and Minecraft RP are slowly lifting off the ground. That's great. The thing is, I'm not patient enough. I need to write. Now. 

So here's my idea--A character RP. In other words, you take a character you have written/read (Written might be better, just because). You can tweak them so they're easier for you to write as a narrative here. (coughcough Yes, Zero, you fail of a protagonist, I'm talking to YOU coughcouugh)

I was thinking they could all get trapped in the same world, a world that's not there own. We can all shape the world as we're writing, but let's call it Vicinity.

Of course, there must aslo be conflict. That can arise almost instantly--they've been sucked out of their worlds, right?

Here's my character:

Name: Cazi 

Read/Written: Written

{If Read, from what? (Same for Written, really)}: Outcast of Space. This will help me with Cazi, hopefully. 

Age: 13

Appearance: Average height, Orange hair, cat ears, green eyes, cat tail, jacket with blue and black buttons, jeans. Small brown sack she wears around her neck. I don't know what it's filled with, though.

Personality: Kind, kind of quiet. She has a tendency to speak up when nervous, strangely enough. A good survivor who is often questioning authorities. She has grown used to being an outcast, though. It's who she is, really. A loyal friend. Not any good at any time of combat though. 




"We're almost landing," Sapphire informed me, sitting at the controls of the ship.

"Good," I told him. "The sooner we can land and I can get a good, warm shower, the better."

He laughed.

I walked into the below deck. No one was there. I wondered where Olive was. The awful snoring from across the hall was quick to inform me. 

I sat down at the small table in the below deck, all hooked up with gadgetry. Logging into a small, sleek white computer, I sighed. "Welcome," it said, with it's whimsicle automated voice. 

"Hi," I said, bored. "I need to know about Creen."

Creen was the planet we would be staying at next. Perhaps even more than a day, since Creen was extremely isolated. I was thinking about my warm shower, and really wishing the computer would hurry up and load the results.

"Vicinity," it beeped intead. "Vincinity. Vincinity."

I sat up. "What? There's nothing nearbye here except for asteroids and plain space! There are no vicinites within lightyears of here!"

"Vicinity," I heard it say one last time, before the world fell into a sudden darkness. 


I was on the ground, my eyes closed and my body sprawled out.

The ground. Of my spaceship? I opened my eyes, and closed them again quickly.


I wasn't on the space ship... I was on real, firm ground.

"Vicinity" popped into my head, and then "Warm shower."

I shook my head. I was on some unknown planet and all I could think of was a shower?!

I sat up and looked around. This place did NOT look like the kind of place where you would find warm showers.... 

submitted by Theo W., age 12, Dark,dreadful places
(June 26, 2013 - 6:03 pm)

Cool! Hmm.

This is a character I thought up in my head, though had not put pen to paper for her.

Natalie (called Nat for short)

Read/Written: Thought up in my head, so I guess written.

She lives in a world of mixture of time periods, the people being time travelers.

Age: Unknown really. Looks about 13/14 range.

Appearance: Blonde hair that's layered, and has strips hanging on either side of her face, tucking under her chin. She's got streaks in her hair, the color often changing. She's short, violet eyes, very pale, freckles under her eyes, dark blue nails. Dark purplish blue shirt, with a short body length long sleeved black denim jacket, jeans, dark brown lace up boots. (sort of a Claudia Donovan look, for those who know her)

Personality: Tough, quiet, sarcastic in good way. Rather jolly, until you tick her off. Which can be easy, if you say the right things. Is loyal, good at fighting. She's an over all likeable person, and good natured.

I'll write the first installment later!



submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Who Knows?
(June 26, 2013 - 8:44 pm)


submitted by Top
(June 27, 2013 - 8:51 am)

This sounds amusing.

Name: Siq

Age: 15, at this point, I guess

Apparance: He wears blue robes that cover him from head to foot. I think he has semi-dark skin.

Personality: Stuck up and imperious. Very knowledgeable.

Background Story: Siq (pronounced seek, as in searchign for something) lives in this imaginary land called Wendicott which is an enormous desert and plain. There is a large city that Siq where he lived as a scholar. Judging from how annyoing he ended up being, I think he majored in philosophy. Anyway, he was sent to live among people from some unnamed land which everyone assumes is the ladn of the gods (I know, I know, cliche) and I think it's high time he came back... just not in his own country.

What he was written from: A story that ended turning up into a 96 page English project. It's so bad, I can't read it without making strange strangled noises. The cliches! The bad writing! Arrgh! 

And... I don't know how to start this because I'm not sure what the planet should look like. 

submitted by Ruby M., age 13, Somewhere
(June 27, 2013 - 11:39 am)

Whatever you want the planet to look like! It can be covered in metal or covered in dirt! Perhaps there are trees! I don't know! 

submitted by Theo W., age 12, Dark, distant places
(June 27, 2013 - 12:56 pm)

Those of you who know Sonny and Leota, which ones do I use?  Or should I use a new character, the one from my Figment serial, Lost Girl, Ell?

submitted by Melody, age 14, Muppet Studios
(June 27, 2013 - 4:02 pm)

You should use Sonny. Perhaps she can finally call Zach L.

submitted by Ruby M., age 13, Somewhere
(June 28, 2013 - 3:31 pm)


Name: Harmony

Age: 11

Appearance: Dark skin, black hair, inquisitive brown eyes, wears mostly jeans and bright colored t-shirts

Personality: Loud, always gives opinion though careful of other people's feelings, motivated, not easily defeated

~I'll write my first segment later. 

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(June 27, 2013 - 8:05 pm)

Yay!  Time to develop a sorely undeveloped character that I have to write 50,000 words from the point of view of in... two days.  I'm scared.

Name: Ira

Read/Written: Written.  From my soon to be Camp NaNovel.

Age: 15

Appearance: Average height.  Short gray-blonde hair.  Pale skin.  Slightly shark like (you'll see why)

Personality: Quiet.  Likes origami and science fiction.  Lives in New York City.  Slightly shark like.  You'll see why.

What's with the sharks?: He has this thing where if he's exposed to salt water, he turns into a shark.  Also, if he doesn't take this medicine stuff, he turns into a shark, too.



I'm walking down the street on a cloudy day, when the pouring rain came on me like some sort of weird assault.  Glad it wasn't briny, I stayed out in it for a while, letting it fall on my face.  Then I realize I'll get soaked, so I hurry inside a subway station.  When the next train for the Bronx comes, I hop aboard it and am standing in a rocky plain with one giant oak (oak?  It might be oak.  You don't see many trees in New York) in the center.  There are a couple of people that look slightly stranded, scattered towards the edges of the plain, which is surrounded by craggy cliffs.  On looks at me oddly and says,

"Why am I thinking of a shower?"

"Why am I not in a subway?"

submitted by Gollum
(June 28, 2013 - 6:24 pm)

Theo, you have officially gotten me hooked on the whole Steampunk idea!

Nat (Natalie) ~

I strode through town, my back hands thrust in my back pockets. It was getting late, not that I really cared. It was always dark here. Tall black buildings stood around me, like something out of a futuristic movie. I could hear the whine of power tools and other pieces of machinery. People would be winding down the day soon, ready to go home. 

"Nat!" Someone called my name from across the street. I glanced over. Alexander, an old friend, waved at me wildly to come over. Another ridiculous invention, I thought as I walked over. The guy was a genius, I'll give him that. He just used his genius for ridiculous things. 

"What is it?" I asked, staring at the thing. It was a large metal frame, with lots of tubes and other things I couldn't name going in, out, and around it. 

"A teleportation device!" He announced proudly. "We may be able to time travel, but we can't just teleport anywhere we want. Well, this'll fix that! All you have to do is redirect your time travel power into this, and it'll take you where you want to go!"

"Uha," I said. "Sssooo, then it wouldn't work for me." I, unfortunately, wasn't able to time travel. At least not yet. "No, I suppose not," Alexander replied, but then he perked right back up again.

"Well, at least let me show you how it works!" He began turning dials, punching in password on key pad, and quite scientifically, kicking a few random parts. The machine puffed out smoke, then the engine started to roar. "It's working!" Alexander cried delightedly. I, for one, was worried it would blow us and the whole place sky high.

"Maybe you should turn it off!" I shouted. It had started to glow. A bright, brilliant light. I wasn't sure where it was coming from, but it started to scare me. "Alexander, TURN IT OFF!"

Suddenly, the light died. I was laying on the ground, staring up at a bright blue sky. I knew this wasn't right. I certainly wasn't in Alexander's workshop. I wasn't anywhere I knew. I doubted I was even on my planet. Who knew where I was? 

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(June 29, 2013 - 11:48 am)



"Why am I thinking of a shower?" I asked aloud.

"Why am I not on a subway?" asked the person next to me.

I glanced at him, but decided against asking what a subway was.

i looked around the place. There were quite a few strange other character there, of course I guess I would look strange to all of them, my cat ears and tail. But to me, no one on this planet seemed familiar. Nothing here was something I could compute.

There was a tree. I could understand that. Trees meant life. Perhaps there were other people on this planet...

There are, I reminded myself. You're looking straight at them. 

These people probably didn't know what they were doing here, either. I quickly turned to the guy next to me, the one who had wondered why he wasn't on a subway.

"Where were you last?" I demanded.

"New York City," he replied. "Going onto a subway."

"And you?" I asked a girl sprawled out on the fground with long, brown lace up shoes the for some reason struck my curiosity.

"Alexander's workshop. And now I'm.... here? Where is this place?"

"I... I think it's called Vicinity," I said slowly.


Okay, that was just terrible. Ugh. I'm going to go work on comics in a corner.  

submitted by Theo W.
(June 30, 2013 - 9:39 am)


"The vicinity of where?  Or is it just in the vicinity of somewhere, or is vicinity relative?"

submitted by Gollum
(July 1, 2013 - 8:01 am)


"Exactly. I was about to go to Creen... that's no where near here! I think the place itself is call Vicinity. Maybe it's reletive. Oh, what do I know." I stared off for a few seconds. "Olive would know. She's all into literature and wordy meanings and stuff like that."

"Oh," the boy says next to me, clearly not grasping onto what I was saying.

It didn't matter, anyways. Olive was on the spaceship. I wasn't. So while I really wanted to, there was no asking Olive for conceptual lietrary help and all that.

I sighed. 


Zaga says "hhep." Almost help! 

submitted by Theo W., Dark, dreary places
(July 2, 2013 - 9:28 am)

Sorry, I haven't been around lately. I was on a trip.



I hopped onto my lime green bike and tightened my helmet. My friend, Janelle, was parallel from me by about five feet. She was also getting ready. My other friend, Helen, stood 300 feet away with a bull horn. (Remind me never to give Helen a bull horn again.)

"Whose ready for the race of the century? Janelle Hilska and Harmony Paradi, the top bikers in the world!" Helen shouted into the bull horn. I hoped she didn't wake up the whole neighborhod. "On your marks, get set...Just a minute! Ok! On your marks, get set...GO!"

I pushed against the pedal with all my might. A rush of adrenaline passed through me. Suddenly, I was going fast, too fast, at that. Trees whizzed by, houses blurred and people started shouting. 

Oooof! My bike hit a pothole. I flew into the air with my bike following. Janelle and Helen screamed. I landed with a thud. "Are you ok?" Janelle asked. I nodded, but I wasn't. I think I hit my head. "Just take me home, I'm tired", I said. So that is what they did.

I flopped onto my bed and immediately fell asleep.

I woke up hours later in a strange place. People of all sorts were there, just wandering. Weird. "Am I still dreaming?"  I thought. 


submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(July 1, 2013 - 11:17 am)

Nat ~

"Vincinity?" I said. I shook my head. "Alexander, you'll pay for your ridiculous inventions!"

"Works only for time travelers," he says. "It won't work for me," he says." I grumble. 

"I was just asleep," a girl next to me mumbles. She was wearing the brightest t-shirt I think I've ever seen in my entire life. "I must have hit my head harder than I thought..."

I stood up, and stared around. We were surrounded by trees, like a jungle. It reminded me of the Jurassic period. "Well," I said stretching. "If we're stuck here..." I started walking toward the jungle. First thing was first. Water, food. And the only way to find it, was to go looking for it.


Short, but I have to go!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Another planet
(July 1, 2013 - 7:57 pm)

Still dazed, I stood up to see a girl in a dark purple shirt and rainbow colored streaks in her blonde hair talking about getting food as she dashed towards a group of trees. "Why doesn't she just go to a grocery store?" I thought.

Looking around I saw many people of all shapes and sizes. There was a person that strangely resembled a cat and kept muttering something along the lines of 'Vicinity' and 'Warm Showers'. Then, there was this girl that had gray-blonde hair, but the only thought that popped into my head was 'shark'. There was a guy who wore a dark robe. I couldn't even see his face. 

"Where am I?" I thought. I couldn't wait any longer. I grabbed the nearest person which seemed to be the cat-like one and said, "Ok, kid. Who are you? What am I doing here?" 

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(July 2, 2013 - 9:13 pm)